Oral Communication in Context 2 Quarter Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Department of Education
Division of Davao City
Diamond Village Angliongto, Davao City


2nd Quarter Exam

1. Please read first the instructions CAREFULLY.
2. If there are questions, please ask assistance to your teacher.
3. Talking to your seatmate is considered CHEATING.
4. Do not write anything on the questionnaire.
5. Strictly NO ERASURE.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. This speech is designed to captivate the attention of the audience and to amuse.
a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

2. This speech provides knowledge especially interesting information.

a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

3. This speech is to convince the audience to change their views or beliefs.

a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

4. This speech is to speak on the spot and you don’t know ahead of time that you will be speaking beforehand.
a. extemporaneous
b. memorized
c. impromptu
d. manuscript

5. This speech is to give you an opportunity to prepare.

a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

6. This speech is to use of exact wording but reading from a manuscript is inappropriate.
a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

7. This speech is the use of the exact words, such as in presenting policies, contracts, and scientific reports.
a. informative
b. persuasive
c. entertaining
d. consultative

8. This style is for declamation and for print.

a. formal
b. consultative
c. casual
d. frozen
9. This is a normal style for speaking to strangers.
a. formal
b. consultative
c. casual
d. frozen

10. This style is used in conversations between friends and insiders.

a. formal
b. consultative
c. casual
d. frozen

11. This style is used in conversations between people who are very close.
a. formal
b. consultative
c. intimate
d. frozen

II. Evaluate and identify the category of each speech acts examples.

A. Greetings
B. Compliment
C. Request
D. Complaint
AB. Refusal
CD. Invitation

12. What’s up?

13. I appreciate your help but I can handle this.
14. Would you please stop talking?
15. You’re stunning
16. I hope it won’t happen again
17. Peace and Prosperity!
18. Are you coming?
19. Awesome!
20. May I?
21. As much I’d love to see you, but I can't

III. Identify the types of speech used in the scenario

A. Informative speech
B. Persuasive speech
C. Entertaining speech

21. Ambush interview

22. Fundraising campaigns.
23. News reports
24. Oral declamation
25. Pageants Q&A portion
26. Class lectures
27. Hosting a magazine TV program
28. Speaking contest
29. Business proposal
30. Meeting agenda
IV. Evaluate and identify the statements according to the following choices.

A. Nonverbal Communication
B. Verbal Communication

31. raising your eyebrows

32. video-chat services
33. yawning
34. writing a letter
35. giving a lecture
36. rolling your eyes
37. gaping
38. leaving a voice mail
39. nodding
40. paralanguage
41. haptics or touch
42. body movements
43. personal appearance
44. eye contact
45. waving your hand

V. Identify the underlined word if it sounds.

A. /θ/
B. /f/
C. /b/
D. /p/
E. /d/

46. I found a sharp knife.

47. It is a fantastic picture.
48. He that fears death lives not.
49. No one claimed the prize
50. She laughed so hard.

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