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A.) Background of the study:

The report, a study of water samples taken from industrial estates in the Philippines,

Thailand, China, and Mexico, shows how a wide range of hazardous chemicals used during

electronics production have seeped into rivers and underground water sources. One of the major

findings is that among the countries in the survey, levels of toxicity in Philippine water sources

are among the highest.Analysis of groundwater samples taken within and around Gateway

Business Park in General Trias, ON Semiconductor in Carmona and Cavite Export Processing

Zone (CEPZA) in Rosario (all in Cavite Province), showed varying degrees of contamination

from different hazardous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy

metals. VOCs are known to affect the kidneys, the central nervous system and the liver, and are

potentially carcinogenic. (


Copper has substantial disadvantages over fiber optic cable and, while copper remains very

important, if not dominant, fiber optic systems are taking over, leaving copper in a poor position

due to its many disadvantages. One of the most serious disadvantages of copper wire is its

susceptibility to corrosion, that is, oxidation. Fibre optic cable has a lower shock hazard than

copper wire cable. (

One of the methods that can be use to remove heavy metal such as copper in the environment

is phytoremediation. Phytoremediation refers to the use of plants and associated soil microbes to
remove or reduce the concentrations of contaminants in the environment. Phytoremediation is

widely accepted as a cost-effective environmental restoration technology and are available for

various environment and types of contaminants.

B.)Statement of the problem:

This study aims to analyze the phytoremediation of Lemongrass in copper contaminated


Specifically, it aims to answer the following question:

1.) What is the amount of absorbed heavy metals present in Lemongrass plant after


2.) What is the amount of copper content before and after phytoremediation of lemongrass

pant on water?


 There is no significant difference in the amount of copper content in the water before and

after the phytoremediation of lemongrass

 There is no significant difference in the amount of copper content present in the

lemongrass plant before and after phytoremediation

D.)Significance of the study:

The study will be conducted to determine the potential of Lemongrass ( cymbopogon)

plant in phytoremediation of copper contaminated water. This study will also determine if the
copper absorbed by the lemongrass will remain in the plant or dissipates completely after

phytoremediation. If proven that the copper absorbed remains in the plant, this research will not

only side in the preservation of the environment but it also serve as a caution when picking wild

lemongrass in contaminated water.

E.)Scope and Limitation:

The study limits only on the effectiveness of lemon grass in the phytoremediation on the

different concentrations of copper contaminants in water. The study on focuses on the

concentration in parts per million in water and the amount of heavy metals present in the lemon

grass plant before and after phytoremediation.

F.)Conceptual Framework:

Lemongrass Phytoremedi Clean water


Input Process output

G.)Definition of terms:

 Phytoremediation –a generic term for the group of technologies that uses plants for

remediating soils, sludges, sediments, and water contaminated with organic and in

inorganic contaminants.

 Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) - is a genus of Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island

plants in the grass family.

 Copper- is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical


 Toxin- a chemical substance which damages an organism.

 Contaminants- any potentially undesirable substance (physical, chemical, or biological)

and is at high enough levels to have a negative effect on the health of living things.

 Water Pollution- is any chemical, physical, or biological change in the quality of water

that has a harmful effect on any living thing who can contact with it.

 Macrophyte- aquatic plants that absorbs elements through shoots and/or roots.

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