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SPE 68491

Underbalanced Operations Continue Offshore Movement

Don M. Hannegan, P.E., SPE
Weatherford International, Drilling & Intervention Services, Enabling Technology Group

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

may not be to achieve true underbalance, but to drill nearer
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Roundtable held in balanced than one would wish to do if drilling conventionally.
Houston, Texas, 7–8 March 2001.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
For dealing with the barrier described in Item 2., above: Dual
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to density (aka dual gradient) deepwater drilling methods provide
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at an additional attractive option. In the application of this
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of technology, a state of underbalanced is not achieved or
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is desired, but the tools and technology one normally associated
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous with underbalanced drilling are required to practice this
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.

For dealing with the barrier described in Item 3., above: Use
Abstract of a subsea rotating control head is an option. In this case, one
About 20% of the world’s known offshore reserves of considers shallow water flow hazards as a well control issue
natural gas and oil are economically undrillable with today’s and tools up to deal with it accordingly.
conventional tools and technology. Major barriers to
conventional methods and equipment must be overcome to For dealing with conventional drilling barrier described in
economically drill for these vast reserves. The barriers to Item 4., above: Underbalanced operations require specialized
conventional deepwater drilling methods are: surface equipment. In the case of dual density drilling,
1. Narrow margin between the formation fracture specialized subsea equipment. E.g., Rotating diverter control
and pore pressures requiring excessive casing head, choke manifold, fluids separation and a means of
programs and larger, more expensive rigs to dealing with produced hydrocarbons. The addition of this
drill. equipment usually provides at least one and sometimes several
2. Depleted reservoirs relative to water depth additional methods of adjusting equivalent circulating density
where hydrostatic head of conventional mud while drilling ahead.
and cuttings cause gross overbalanced and
resulting damage to well productivity. WHO BELIEVES THERE IS A FUTURE FOR OFFSHORE
4. Limited ability to adjust equivalent circulating
density while drilling ahead. To name a few: Shell NAM, Shell U.K., Shell SEIP,
ExxonMobil, BPAmoco, Amerada Hess, Chevron, Petrobras,
The tools and technology associated with underbalanced (UB) Pemex, Chinese National Petroleum Corporation, PDVSA,
drilling are seen as key to economically and safely drilling Texaco, EEX, Weatherford, Baker Hughes, TransOcean, etc.
into these reserves. Further, it is expected that by the end of
this first decade of this millennium, offshore applications of WHAT IS UNDERBALANCED DRILLING?
underbalanced drilling tools and technology will play a
profound role in the industry, particularly in deeper waters. True underbalanced drilling is defined as “Drilling Ahead with
a fluid whose equivalent circulating density (ECD) is LESS
For example, to deal with the conventional drilling barrier than the pressure of the reservoir being drilled.” Hydrocarbons
described in Item 1., above: The ability to drill offshore with therefore flow into the wellbore at a rate controlled by the
lightweight fluids, perhaps while incurring annulus pressure at ECD and specialized equipment. It is interesting to note that
the surface in the marine riser (if drilling from a floating rig) the use of UB tools and technology to drill nearer balanced
or surface BOP stack (if drilling from a jack up), is seen as a than normally one would attempt…is seen as the nearer term
viable and attractive method for overcoming this conventional objective by many offshore operators.
overbalanced drilling barrier. The objective in many cases

IS IT A PROVEN TECHNOLOGY? To date, 10’s of thousands of wells have benefited from the
use of the tools and technology of underbalanced drilling since
Underbalanced drilling has been defined by Harts E&P the late 80’s.
publication as one of the Top 10 Technologies of the 20th
Reflection Seismology
Electric Logging The well control track record of UB is 24% to 30% better than
Horizontal Drilling conventional overbalanced drilling (ref. IADC UBO
Roller Cone Bits Committee, December 2000). Given you are drilling ahead
Jet Perforating under conditions of what is sometimes called a “controlled
Top Drives blowout”, how can UB provide a better well control track
Coiled Tubing record?
Offshore Drilling a. Surface equipment is sized and pre-tested to
Underbalanced Drilling assure fit-for-purpose before drilling
UB IS PRIMARILY A WELL CONTROL TECHNOLOGY b. BOP stacks are usually more thoroughly tested
and maintained because they are expected to be
Primary point of well control when drilling conventionally is used more frequently when drilling UB.
down hole with heavy fluids. Primary point of control when c. The element of surprise is eliminated – Flow
drilling UB is at the surface with specialized equipment: from the well is expected when drilling UB.
a. Rotating Diverter Rotating Control Head d. UB wells are generally more thoroughly planned
b. Choke Manifold and contingency plans are usually in place.
c. Mud/Gas/Oil/Cuttings Separator e. The primary point of well control is not just a
d. Equipment and provisions to handle produced single column of fluid.
hydrocarbons (except when practicing Mud Cap f. Redundant barrier protection can be incorporated
variation of UB). in surface equipment selection.

Hydraulic flow modeling to estimate dynamic variables is HOW WIDESPREAD IS THE PRACTICE OF UB?
important to UB drilling safety and efficiency except when
UB is used for exploratory wells and/or where highest- About 1/3rd of all wells drilled onshore today in the U.S.
pressure capable equipment is used. (It is interesting to note are drilled using UBD tools (namely, a rotating diverter
that the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation has safely control head) and technology. In Canada, about 43% in 2000.
drilled over 80 exploratory wells underbalanced onshore. The China expects, from a recent announcement, 25% of all wells
CNPC sees the greatest near-term benefit of the technology to by the year 2005.
discover heretofore masked-by-overbalance productive zones, a. Most are drilled true underbalanced at some point in
and have made the largest discoveries in decades doing so.) the drilling program.
b. Many are drilled nearer balanced than conventional
HISTORY OF UBD practices would safely permit.
c. Benefits of UB counter most of the faults of
Underbalanced drilling is the oldest method of drilling. Cable conventional overbalanced drilling.
tools were used. A blowout meant a discovery. No blowout, d. UB Drilling programs are sometimes more
no discovery. Well Control requirements prompted expensive, but net present value considering earlier
development of overbalanced drilling, now considered and greater extraction of reserves indicate in many
conventional method. However, conventional overbalanced cases one cannot afford not to drill underbalanced.
drilling brings with it a list of faults: e. The Production Drilling variation of UB for natural
a. Allows all but the most productive zones to be gas is poised to grow significantly in the next 5
masked from discovery. years. (Rather than wasting produced gas to flare, it
b. Slow rate of penetration of the drill bit. is instead produced into a collection pipeline or re-
c. Excessive bit wear. injected in a nearby well while drilling continues.)
d. Damaged production formations from invasive
mud and cuttings damage. WHEN IS UB NOT APPLICABLE?
e. Differential sticking of the drill string.
f. Allows blowouts when encountering more Formations that display wellbore instability (unconsolidated
pressure than the fluid column can contain. shales and sands) are not candidates for a state of true
g. Allows drilling and well control problems when underbalance. However, in those cases UB tools and
drilling horizontally into vertically fractured technology often permit nearer balanced conditions of benefit
reservoirs. to the drilling program and reservoir.

THE MOVEMENT OFFSHORE In the practice of Dual Density deepwater drilling from a
floating rig, an Internal Riser Rotating Control Head serves as
Royal Dutch Shell (NAM) drilled the first offshore UB well an annulus barrier within the lower sections of a marine riser.
from a jack up rig in the Southern North Sea in 1998. To date, The tool separates seawater in the marine riser from the
84 overwater wells have been drilled safely and efficiently drilling mud and cuttings in the subsea BOP and well bore.
using the tools and technology of UB. The objective in about Subsea mud pumps complete the annulus returns circulation
one-third of these was to achieve a true state of underbalance. loop from off the subsea BOP stack to the rig, greatly reducing
The rest was to drill with a lighter-than-conventional fluid to the hydrostatic head conventionally caused by the presence of
achieve drilling benefits such as ROP, avoidance of heavy mud and cuttings in the column of the marine riser.
differential sticking, mud loss, enhanced bit life, drill with a Shallow water flow hazards that may be encountered when
more environmentally friendly fluid,and/or avoid production jetting in (riserless with seawater, single pass) and cementing
zone damage. To date: initial casing are being approached 3 ways:
22 in southern North Sea (Dutch and U.K. Sectors) 1. Have plenty of mud readily available should one
from jack up rigs. drill into an abnormally pressured aquifer and
19 in Lake Maracarbo from barge mounted rigs. hope to get past the shallow water flow zone
42 in intercoastal waterways and bays from jack up before the well location is lost to erosion.
rigs. 2. Use state-of-the-art seismology to hopefully spot
1 from a floating rig (Petrobras XVII in 1000’ water and avoid shallow water flow risk areas.
in Campos Basin offshore Macae Brazil). 3. Recognize SWF hazards as a well control issue
and tool up with a subsea rotating control head,
Current efforts are to expand the tools and technology of UB which permits mud pumps to match the pressure
to deeper waters: of the SWF and drill through the zone.
1. Petrobras, ExxonMobil, Shell, Amerada Hess,
and Weatherford Joint Industry Project to drill in Relative to option 3., above: A subsea rotating control
deepwater (from a floating rig) with lightweight head (Virtual Riser™) secured to a jetted-in mudline casing
fluids (underbalanced). The first well of a 3-well via inflatable packer permits the use of mud pumps to cause a
field trial successfully completed Dec. 2000 and wellbore pressure equal to or greater than the abnormally
mentioned above. pressured aquifer that may be encountered. This approach may
2. Dual density deepwater drilling field trials are permit setting deeper initial casing and having a better chance
planned for 2002 in the GOM. of a good cementing job.
3. The first application of the Flow Drilling
variation of UB is planned in the GOM 2002
from a jack up rig. CONCLUSION
4. Numerous UB applications from jack up and
platform-mounted rigs are being planned for With one-fifth of the world’s known offshore reserves of
2001 and beyond. hydrocarbons economically undrillable with conventional
tools and methods, offshore applications of the tools and
All applications of UB have one tool in common, whether technology associated with underbalanced operations is
onshore or offshore – a rotating control head. A rotating expected to revolutionalize deepwater drilling methods during
control head permits drilling ahead with annulus pressure the first decade of this millennium.
below its drill string sealing elements (stripper rubbers).
Offshore, from a jack up rig with a surface BOP stack,
conventional design dual stripper rubber type rotating control
heads are most often used. From a floating rig, a proprietary
design (RiserCap™) rotating control head contains annular
pressure while also handling the heave movement of the vessel
while drilling ahead.

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