Activity 2.1 and 2.2

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Activity 2.

Stages of Business Planning

Instruction: Discuss your point of view on the following scenario. Write your
answer inside the balloon. (5 points for each answer.)

1. What are the possible effects if there is lack of business planning?


Lack of Business

2. Differentiate top-down planning from bottom-up planning as to their

advantages and disadvantages. Answer the questions below after you have
accomplished the table.

Top-down Planning Bottom-up Planning

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

Activity 2.2

Organizing and Staffing

Instruction: A. Choose from the following a business ventures you might want
engage in the future.

a. Bakery
b. Boutique
c. Computer shop
d. Others (specify)

B. Make a simple organigram for your chosen business and state

their functions, inside the scroll.

My Business: ________________________________________
Answer the following questions:

a. What type of organizational chart did you choose in your business?

b. What are the benefits would you get from choosing that type of
organizational chart?

c. What is the importance of having an organizational chart?

The answers should reflect the following:

1. job role’s functions are described. (5points)

2. flow of position/job role are illustrated. (5points)

work/job role functions has no duplication. (5points)

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