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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials ]

Course No. MGT515 Course Title: ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS L: 4 T: 1 P: 0 Cr: 5

Course Planner :- 11790 :: Gagandeep Bhatara


1. Belvered E Needles, Accounting for Decision Making, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2010

Other Specific Books

2. Pandey I.M., Management Accounting, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

3. Shah Paresh, Management Accounting, Oxford University Press, 2009.
4. Horngren, Sundem & Stratton, Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall India, 2007.
5. Tulsian PC, Financial Accounting, Pearsons Publication, New Delhi, 2008.
Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 2 Accounting concepts and conventions ->Reference :5,Chapter- 2 Pg
->Reference :21,
Lecture 3 Accounting Equation ->Reference :1,Chapter-1 Practical Problems
->Reference :5,Chapter-5
Lecture 4 Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management accounting & ->Reference :5,Chapter-1 Pg-
their interrelationships 1.13
->Reference :1,Chapter-1 Pg-
->Reference :22,

Week 2 Lecture 5 Understanding Corporate Financial statements- ->Reference :1,Chapter-1 Pg Use of Annual Report of
types, nature, 20 & Chapter 11 Pg 490 a company
->Reference :20,
Lecture 6 Financial Statements: Attributes, uses and limitations. ->Reference :1,Chapter-1 Pg
20 & Chapter 11 Pg 490
->Reference :5,Chapter-9 Pg
Lecture 7 Capital and Revenue expenditures and receipts. ->Reference :5,Chapter-9 Pg HomeWork 1 Allocation Examples
->Reference :20,
Lecture 8 Financial Statement Analysis - Concepts and objectives, Tools ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Term Paper 1 Allocation
for analysis and interpretation of financial statement analysis. 1110
->Reference :20,

Week 3 Lecture 9 Common-size financial statements- Common size ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Case analysis
profit & Loss Account 1114
->Reference :3,Part
->Reference :1,Case
McDonald's- Chapter- 23 Pg
Lecture 10 Common -size financial statements- Common Balance Sheet. ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Case analysis
->Reference :3,Part
->Reference :1,Case
McDonald's- Chapter- 23 Pg
Page 3 of 12
Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 1
Week 3 Lecture 11 Comparative statements- Profit & Loss Account ->Reference :2,Chapter-25 Pg
->Reference :3,Part
->Reference :1,Case
McDonald's Chapter- 23 Pg
Lecture 12 Comparative statements- Balance Sheet ->Reference :2,Chapter-25 Pg
->Reference :3,Part
->Reference :1,Case
McDonald's- Chapter- 23 Pg

Week 4 Lecture 13 Trend analysis. ->Reference :2,Chapter-25 Pg

->Reference :3,Part
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 Ratio analysis- Meaning, uses and types. ->Reference :2,Chapter 25 Pg Case Study- Reliance
518 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :20, 2/Pg556
Lecture 15 Liquidity Ratios - Current ratio , Quick ratio & Cash ratio ->Reference :2,Chapter-25 Pg HomeWork 1 Case Study- Reliance
520 Submission Industries Ltd. Ref
Lecture 16 Profitability Ratios- in relation to sales & in relation to investments ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Case Study- Reliance
1117 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :2,Chapter- 25 Pg 2/Pg556

Week 5 Lecture 17 Profitability Ratios- in relation to investments, Efficiency/ Activity ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Case Study- Reliance
ratios 1117 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :2,Chapter- 25 Pg 2/Pg556
Lecture 18 Efficiency/ Activity ratios ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg HomeWork 2 Allocation Case Study- Reliance
1117 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :2,Chapter- 25 Pg 2/Pg556
Page 4 of 12
Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 2
Week 5 Lecture 19 Leverage ratios & Trading on Equity, Coverage ratios ->Reference :1,Chapter- 23 Pg Case Study- Reliance
1121 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :2,Chapter- 25 Pg 2/Pg556
Lecture 20 Other Common ratios & Du Pont Framework ->Reference :1,Chapter 23 Pg Case Study- Reliance
1116 & 1123 Industries Ltd. Ref
->Reference :2,Chapter 25 Pg 2/Pg556
->Reference :9,Du Pont

Week 6 Lecture 21 Fund Flow Statement- Meaning, Uses, Statement ->Reference :2,Chapter- 24 Pg
of changes in working capital and fund flow 492
statement (Overview) ->Reference :22,
Lecture 22 Preparation and Analysis of Statement of changes in working capital. ->Reference :2,Chapter- 24 Pg
Lecture 23 Preparation of Fund Flow Statement- Finding out ->Reference :2,Chapter- 24 Pg
hidden information & ascertaining funds from operations 496
Lecture 24 Preparation & analysis of Fund Flow Statement. ->Reference :2,Chapter- 24 Pg Quiz 1 Case- Bharat Chemicals
496 Ltd pg 514
->Reference :2,Case- Bharat
Chemicals Ltd pg 514

Week 7 Lecture 25 Cash Flow Statement- introduction, three categories of cash flows/ ->Reference :1,Chapter-21 Pg Case analysis Ref 10
business activities 991
->Reference :10,Managing
Cash Flows
Lecture 26 Preparation of Cash Flow Statements- Reporting Cash Flow from ->Reference :1,Chapter-21 Pg HomeWork 2 Case analysis Ref 10
operations- Direct & Indirect Method 1001 Submission

Lecture 27 Preparation of Cash Flow Statement and Analysis. ->Reference :1,Chapter-21 Pg Case analysis Ref 10
Lecture 28 Revision of Syllabus covered till MTE ->Reference :1,
->Reference :2,
->Reference :3,
->Reference :4,
->Reference :5,

Part 3
Page 5 of 12
Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 29 Basic Cost terms and concepts ->Reference :1,Chapter-13 Pg
->Reference :3,Part 1/ Chapter
Lecture 30 Preparation of Cost Sheet ->Reference :3,Part 1/ Chapter Pratical Problems
Lecture 31 Use of cost data in managerial decision-making. ->Reference :1,Chapter-13 Pg HomeWork 3 Allocation
->Reference :3,Part 1/ Chapter
Lecture 32 Cost Control Techniques- Budgeting and Budgetary ->Reference :1,Chapter-17 Pg Case of Frame craft
Control, Budgetary Process 779 Comapny/ Ref1
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
->Reference :11,Budgeting
->Reference :20,

Week 9 Lecture 33 Preparation of Budgets: Master Budget, Operating Budgets-Sales ->Reference :1,Chapter-17 Pg Case of Frame craft
Budget, Production Budget. 787 Comapny/ Ref1
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
Lecture 34 Financial Budgets: Cash Budget ->Reference :1,Chapter-17 Pg Case of Frame craft
799 Comapny/ Ref1
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
Lecture 35 Preparation of Budgets: Fixed & Flexible Budget. ->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
->Reference :3,Case- Gurudev
Ltd pg 484
Lecture 36 Zero Based Budgeting & Activity Based budgeting, Advantages & ->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
limitations of Budgeting & Budgetory Control 12
->Reference :13,Zero Based

Week 10 Lecture 37 Marginal costing- Meaning, determination of marginal cost, its value ->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter HomeWork 3
& limitations 16 Submission
->Reference :20,
Lecture 38 Cost Volume Profit Analysis- Contribution, P/V Ratio, Break even ->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter Conceptual Cases Ref 3/
Point, Margin of safety 16 Pg 621
->Reference :16,
->Reference :20,
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Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 3
Week 10 Lecture 39 Break Even Analysis- Graphical presentation of CVP analysis, Uses & ->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter Case Cadila Corporation
limitations of CVP analysis 16 Ref 3/Pg 625
Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 40 Decision involving alternative choices: Incremental Analysis- ->Reference :1,Chapter-20 Pg HomeWork 4 Allocation Case Ref1- Box Company
Outsourcing & make or buy decisions 937
->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter

Week 11 Lecture 41 Incremental analysis for Special order Decisions & Segment ->Reference :1,Chapter-20 Pg Case Ref1- Home State
Profitability Decisions 947 Bank
->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter
Lecture 42 Incremental analysis for Sales Mix Decisions & Sell or Process further ->Reference :1,Chapter-20 Pg Case Ref1- Home State
decisions 951 Bank
->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter
Lecture 43 Pricing Decisions- Inroduction, factors affecting pricing decisions & ->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter
overveiw of different pricing methods. 18
Lecture 44 Pricing Decisions- Different pricing methods, Transfer Pricing ->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter Term Paper 1
18 Submission
->Reference :17,Transfer

Week 12 Lecture 45 Activity based Systems ->Reference :1,Chapter 15 Pg Ref 15

->Reference :3,Part 5/ Chapter
->Reference :15,
->Reference :20,
Lecture 46 Standard costing- Meaning, Computing Standard Costs, advantages ->Reference :1,Chapter 19 Pg Ref 14
& limitations 885
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
->Reference :14,
->Reference :20,
Lecture 47 Variance analysis- Meaning, Computing & analysing Direct Material ->Reference :1,Chapter 19 Pg Quiz 2 Case- Priety Comapny,
Variances. 894 Ref 3/ Pg 531
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
->Reference :20,
Page 7 of 12
Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 4
Week 12 Lecture 48 Computing & analysing Direct Labour Variances ->Reference :1,Chapter 19 Pg Case- Trupti Comapny,
902 Ref 3/ Pg 532
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter

Week 13 Lecture 49 Computing & analysing Overhead Variances ->Reference :1,Chapter 19 Pg HomeWork 4 Case- Indumati Comapny,
905 Submission Ref 3/ Pg 530
->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
Lecture 50 Responsibility Accounting & Management Control systems ->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
->Reference :18,
Lecture 51 Management Information Systems ->Reference :3,Part 4/ Chapter
Lecture 52 Revision of whole syllabus ->Reference :1,
->Reference :2,
->Reference :3,
->Reference :4,
->Reference :5,

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 53 Capacity Management ->Reference :3,Part 5 Chapter
Lecture 54 Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting ->Reference :3,Part 5 Chapter

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