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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials ]

Course No. MGT511 Course Title: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT L: 3 T: 1 P: 0 Cr: 4

Course Planner :- 13646 :: Manish Rajput


1. Saleem Sheikh, Business Environment, Pearson Education,New Delhi 2009, 2nd Edition

Other Specific Books

2. Paul Justin, Business Environment: Text and Cases 2e, TMH New Delhi 2008, 1st Edition
3. Cherunilam Francis, Business Environment: Text and Cases, Himalayan Publishing House, New Delhi 2008, 18th Edition.
Detailed Plan For Lectures
Pedagogical tool
Chapters/Sections of
Homework to be Demonstration/case
Week No. Lecture No. Topic Textbook/other
Assigned to students study/images/anmation
ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Business Environment: Overview Internal and External Environment Book :1,Ch1/Page no.2-13/1 Case
and threats for Mahindra
and Mahindra .pg.19/1
Lecture 2 Recent developments in political, economic and financial environment. Book :1,Ch1/ Page no.14-19/1 SWOT analysis of Indian
Economy Page no.
49-50/2 Other reading 4
Lecture 3 Techniques of Environmental analysis, scanning and monitoring Book :3,Ch3/Page No.61-73/3

Week 2 Lecture 4 Planning in India with special focus on 11th 5 yr plan Book :1,Ch2/Page no.23-28
Lecture 5 Industrial Policies Book :1,Ch3/Page no.79-106/1 HomeWork 1 Allocation Case study 2: Pg.106/1
Other Reading 5

Lecture 6 Industrial Licensing Book :1,Ch4/ Page Other Reading 6


Week 3 Lecture 7 Stock exchanges in India Book :1,Ch7/ Page HomeWork 4 Allocation
Lecture 8 Liberalization Book :1,Ch22/ Page Case study 3(pg.564/1)
no.537-565/1 Ch23/ Page
Lecture 9 Privatization & Globalization Book :1,Ch24/ Page Term Paper 1 Allocation Case Study-4(582/1)
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Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Part 1
Week 4 Lecture 10 Economic Trends Book :1,Ch6/ Page no. Other Reading 7
Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 National Income Book :1,Ch8/ Page no. Case Study 5 (Handout)
Lecture 12 Industrialization Book :1,Ch9/ Page HomeWork 1
no.233-255/1 Submission

Week 5 Lecture 13 Economic Development Book :1,Ch9/ Page

Lecture 14 Inflation Book :1,Ch13/Page HomeWork 2 Allocation Case Study 6(calculating
no.303-331/1 inflation in Indian,
pg330/1) Web
Lecture 15 Problems of Growth Book :1,Ch16/ Page

Week 6 Lecture 16 India's Monetary policy Book :1,Ch5/Page no.133- Other Reading 8
Lecture 17 India's Fiscal Policy Book :1,Ch5/Page no.133- HomeWork 2
159/1 Submission

Lecture 18 Foreign Trade Policy Book :1,Ch10/ Page Quiz 1


Week 7 Lecture 19 Balance of Payment Book :1,Ch10/ Page

Lecture 20 Direct & Indirect Taxes Book :1,Ch17/ Page Other Reading 9
Lecture 21 Revision Book :1,

Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 22 Poverty in India Book :1,Ch11/ Page no.
Lecture 23 Unemployment in India Book :1,Ch12/ Page no. Other Reading 10
Lecture 24 Human Development Book :1,Ch14/ Page Case Study7: Iceland and
no.333-356/1 India(pg. no.354/1)
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Part 3
Week 9 Lecture 25 Rural Development Book :1,Ch15/ Page HomeWork 3 Allocation
Lecture 26 Business Ethics Book :1,Ch19 /Page Case Study 8(Pg.492/1)
no.479-493 /1
Lecture 27 Corporate Governance Book :1,Ch 20/ Page no. Case Study 9(Reliance
495-516/1 Industries pg.516/1)

Week 10 Lecture 28 Corporate Social Responsibility Book :1,Ch 21/ Page Video 3: Web reference 21
no.520-533/1 Case Study 10(pg.533/1)

Lecture 29 MRTP Act, FERA, FEMA Book :1,Ch 18/Page

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 30 IPR Book :2,Ch 5/Page No.

Week 11 Lecture 31 RTI Book :23,About RTI Act HomeWork 3 Other Reading 11
and other related information Submission

Lecture 32 Foreign investment Book :1,Ch 25 /Page Case Study 11 Pg.409/1)

Lecture 33 MNCs Book :1,Ch 26 /Page Other Reading 12 (case
no.651-665/1 study 12, Pg.425/1)

Week 12 Lecture 34 EXIM Policy Book :1,Ch 27/ Page Term Paper 1 Web reference 17
no.668-693/1 Submission

Lecture 35 SEZ Policy Book :1,Ch28/ Page no. Quiz 2

Lecture 36 International Organizations Book :1,Ch29/ Page no. HomeWork 4
715-728/1 Submission

Week 13 Lecture 37 WTO Book :1,Ch 30/ Page no.

Lecture 38 Latest Changes in BE Book :1,Web ->Reference 18

Lecture 39 Revision Book :1,

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 40 Impacts of Recession in India
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Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11
Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 41 Global warming Reference 13

Lecture 42 Corporate Social Responsibility as a determinant of market success Reference 21

Week 15 Lecture 43 WTO and Indian Agriculture Reference 22

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Approved for Autumn Session 2010-11

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