Peace Trivia

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1. "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

" What religious

leader is this quote from?

Your Answer: Pope John Paul II

The correct answer was Dalai Lama XIV

This is a quote from the Dalai Lama XIV whose religious name is Tenzin Gyatso. He won the Nobel Peace
Prize in the year of 1989. The Dalai Lama is the head monk of the lineage drawn from the Gelugpa
monasteries in Tibetan Buddhism.

2. On what day is the International Day of Peace celebrated?

Your Answer: September 21

When the International Day of Peace was established the date for it was the date in September that was
the regular opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which
was on the third Tuesday of each year. The date of September 21, which was the day of the first Peace
Day in 1982, was later established in the year of 2001 as the fixed day to observe peace for all nations.

3. A Nobel Peace prize is given out each year. What individual or organization received the Nobel Peace
Prize in the year of 2012?

Your Answer: European Union (EU)

Alfred Bernard Nobel had his will written up (in the year of 1895) so that five prizes would be awarded.
The five prizes were "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit
on mankind."

The Nobel peace prize was awarded to the European Union in the year of 2012.

The Norwegian Nobel Prize committee chose the EU due to the European bloc's postwar integration
even though financial and political factors were unstable.

4. There is an all-voluntary, United States group called the Peace Corps, which promotes world peace and
friendship. Which United States president announced the Peace Corps Act on public television?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was John F. Kennedy

The all-volunteer, college-educated Peace Corps is made up of American citizens who, with three months
of training, each serve 24 months in foreign countries.

Former President, John F. Kennedy announced the passing of the Peace Corps Act (Public Law 87-293) on
March 1, 1961. The act itself was passed by Congress on September 22, 1961.

5. For what occasion was the country singer Vince Gill's 1993 music album "Let There be Peace on Earth"

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was For Christmas

Vince Gill recorded the song and album "Let There be Peace on Earth" in the year of 1993 for his
daughter. The album contains all Christmas tunes. The tune "Let There be Peace on Earth" was originally
written by Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller in the year of 1955.

6. "They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it."

What New Testament book of the bible does this idea come from?

Your Answer: Hebrews

The correct answer was I Peter

The verses are taken from I Peter 3:11 (NIV). They reference those of a righteous nature and those who
suffer in their pursuit of peace.

7. What holiday in the USA commemorated the 1918 ceasefire on the Western Front that resulted in the
end of the fighting in World War I?

Your Answer: [No Answer]

The correct answer was Armistice Day

The word armistice means an agreed stop to hostilities during a war. Armistice Day was declared by U.S.
President Woodrow Wilson to take place on November 11, 1919, to celebrate the end of the war on
November 11, 1918. In the year of 1954, USA Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day.
8. What bird is often used as a symbol of peace?

Your Answer: dove

There are many symbols used to denote peace. The white dove was a popular post-war symbol, with the
artist Picasso's "The Dove" being used as the symbol for the World Peace Congress in the year of 1949.
Christianity uses the dove with the olive branch to denote peace as it relates to the story of Noah and
the ark. Political cartoons often use the dove to denote peace between nations, political parties or even

9. There are many books which involve the topic of peace. What famous novel containing political and
philosophical discussions on the subject was written by the Russian author, Leo Tolstoy?

Your Answer: War and Peace

An important book in the history of world literature, "War and Peace" was indeed written by Leo Tolstoy
in the year of 1869. The book is about Napoleon's European war in the year of 1812. Leo Tolstoy also
wrote a novel titled "Anna Karenina".

10. In sports, the World Olympic games are meant to support and promote world peace amongst
warring nations.

Your Answer: True

A French baron originally promoted the idea of promoting peace through the Olympic games. This idea
of support and peace for the peoples of the world has remained an issue at modern-day Olympic
gatherings. The athletes really do represent their countries and their peoples in sport and competition.

Fun Trivia Fact: What is International Day of Peace and Where Did It Come From?

Welcome, readers, to another Fun Trivia Fact post on Jaquelle's Rose Garden. The article below was
found at Wikipedia Encyclopedia.

The International Day of Peace occurs annually on September 21. It is dedicated to peace, or specifically
the absence of war, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone. It is
observed by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples. The first year this holiday was
celebrated was 1981. To inaugurate the day, the "Peace Bell" is rung at UN Headquarters. The bell is cast
from coins donated by children from all continents. It was given as a gift by the Diet of Japan, and is
referred to as "a reminder of the human cost of war." The inscription on its side reads: "Long live
absolute world peace."

The International Day of Peace is a great event that is often overlooked. I didn't even know about it until
I saw it on my calendar. There is a point to this post, if you're wondering. One of the fruits of the spirit is
peace. Peace is a great thing. I wasn't alive during WWI or WWII, but I've studied them, and I know that
they were not happy times. We need to:

Be thankful to live in a time of no world wars.

Try to keep peace with friends and neighbors.

Love God and try to be peaceful in all of our actions.

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