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Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

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Advanced rechargeable zinc-based batteries: Recent progress and future T

Hongfei Lia,b,1, Longtao Mab,1, Cuiping Hanc, Zifeng Wangb, Zhuoxin Liub, Zijie Tangb,
Chunyi Zhib,d,∗
Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 999077, China
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, 518000, China
Shenzhen Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong, High-Tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, China


Keywords: Featuring with low cost, exceptional inherent safety and decent electrochemical performance, rechargeable Zn-
Zinc-based batteries based batteries (RZBs) have attracted increased attention and revived research efforts recently as a compelling
Zinc ion intercalation alternative battery chemistry to Li-ion. However, some challenges still stand in the way of the development of
Zinc ion batteries these energy storage systems, such as low operation voltage, instability of cathode materials as well as dis-
Post Li-Ion batteries
solution of Zn electrode, etc. In this review, we present a comprehensive overview of recent progress in different
Aqueous batteries
RZBs systems including mild electrolyte RZBs, alkaline RZBs, hybrid RZBs, Zn-ion capacitors and Zn air batteries.
Flexible energy storage
The fundamental chemistry of various RZB systems, different cathode materials, optimization of Zn anode as
well as various types of electrolytes and their influence on the battery performance are summarized. The major
issues of different components along with respective strategies to alleviate them are discussed, aiming at pro-
viding a general guide for design and construction of high-performance RZBs. Additionally, the development of
RZBs with different features in the last few years are summarized. Finally, we discuss the limitations and
challenges that need to be overcome, providing potential future research directions in the field of next-gen-
eration RZBs.

1. Introduction energetic batteries generally provide limited power, whereas super-

capacitors provide low energy. Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) may deliver
The growing demand for green and sustainable energy storage for both high power and energy density, but the safety and environmental
various applications, such as portable and flexible electronics and grid- issues cannot be neglected. RZBs have drawn particular attention due to
scale energy storage systems, has stimulated the development of ad- the following advantages of metallic zinc: (1) high theoretical capacity
vanced energy storage technologies. Currently, Li-ion batteries have (820 mA h g−1 or 5854 mA h cm−3), as well as balanced kinetics, sta-
dominated the secondary battery applications ranging from portable bility and reversibility in aqueous solutions (Fig. 1 and Table 1); (2) low
electronic gadgets (mobile phones and smart watches, etc.) to auto- electrochemical potential (−0.763 V versus the standard hydrogen
motive vehicles due to their high energy density and mature manu- electrode (SHE)) and two-electron transfer during redox reaction
facturing technology [1]. However, the long-term concerns of high cost, leading to a high energy density; (3) high natural abundance and mass
limited reserves of lithium, and safety issues of Li-ion batteries have production; (4) low toxicity and intrinsic safety from their aqueous
driven the researchers to search for alternative energy storage solutions nature [3,4].
for some specific application scenarios [2]. Low-cost aqueous batteries The investigation of Zn as anode material can date back to the
employing multivalent charge carrier Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Al3+ are Voltaic pile, the very first electrochemical battery which was invented
highly desirable, as the intercalation chemistry of divalent cations in- by Alessandro Volta in the late nineteenth century [6]. Since then, zinc
volves in redox reactions. has found applications in several other types of batteries including
Among various electrochemical systems, it is well known that Zn–air, alkaline Zn–MnO2, Zn–NiOOH and Zn–Ag2O, which have been

Corresponding author. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 999077, China.
E-mail address: (C. Zhi).
These authors contribute equally to this work.
Received 6 April 2019; Received in revised form 19 May 2019; Accepted 20 May 2019
Available online 23 May 2019
2211-2855/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

rechargeable batteries using mild aqueous electrolytes [18]. Lu et al.

published a research news that briefly summarized the recent advances
in flexible ZIBs from the perspective of flexibility design [19]. However,
these reviews mainly focused on the RZBs that operated in neutral pH
(or slightly acidic) electrolytes and didn't involve the alkaline RZBs
(such as Zn–Ni, Zn–Co alkaline batteries), Zn ion hybrid capacitors, and
Zn air batteries which also play an important role in the research area of
In this manuscript, we present a comprehensive review on the re-
cent development of various rechargeable Zn batteries including mild
electrolyte RZBs, alkaline RZBs, hybrid RZBs, Zn ion capacitors, and Zn
air batteries with an emphasis on: (1) reaction mechanisms of different
Zn-based battery systems that operated in different electrolytes (mild,
alkaline, hydrogel and ionic liquid electrolytes); (2) a wide range of
cathode materials for RZBs based on different mechanisms; (3) funda-
mental electrochemistry of Zn electrode as well as strategies for im-
proving the Zn anode performance; (4) various electrolytes including
neutral, alkaline, hydrogel and ionic liquid electrolytes and their in-
Fig. 1. Zinc property regimes. Note that Mg, Si, Ti and Fe cannot be reversibly fluence on the RZB performance. In addition, the development of
stripped/plated from aqueous media, Cd and Pb have low specific energy flexible RZBs with different features and multiple functionalities in the
density and high toxicity, while Li, Na, K and Ca are neither stable nor re- last few years are also summarized. Finally, the challenges and poten-
versible in aqueous solutions [5]. Although Al has larger capacities, it cannot be
tial future research directions in the field of next-generation RZBs are
electrochemically deposited in a conventional aqueous solution due to its lower
discussed. We hope this review can serve as a comprehensive reference
standard electrode potential of Al3+/Al (−1.68 V). Compare with other metals,
that attract more researchers to carrying out impactful research on
Zn shows balanced kinetics, high stability in aqueous solutions. More im-
portantly, Zn can be easily stripped/plated from aqueous media, which is fa- RZBs and facilitate their further development.
vorable for aqueous energy storage systems.
2. Mechanisms of rechargeable Zn-based batteries
Table 1
The reaction mechanisms of RZBs are different from the well-es-
A comparison of monovalent/multivalent metals in the standard potential,
theoretical capacity, and ionic radius [3]. tablished lithium/sodium-ion-based energy storage chemistries (such as
insertion, conversion, and alloying reaction mechanism), which remain
Metal Potential Ionic Hydrated Specific Specific controversial and are under debate. So far, seven different reaction
electrode vs SHE (V) radius ion radius gravimetric volumetric
(Å) (Å) capacity (mAh capacity
mechanisms have been proposed for RZBs, which includes: (1) Zn2+
g−1) (mAh cm−3) intercalation/deintercalation mechanism, (2) co-insertion mechanism,
(3) conversion reaction mechanism, (4) hybrid chemistry mechanism,
Li −3.04 0.76 3.40–3.82 3860 2061 (5) charge-state change of electroactive groups, (6) protonation/de-
Na −2.713 1.02 2.76–3.60 1166 1129
K −2.924 1.38 2.01–3.31 685 610
protonation mechanism, and (7) Zn-air mechanism.
Mg −2.356 0.72 3.00–4.70 2206 3834
Ca −2.84 1.00 4.12–4.20 1337 2072 2.1. Zn2+ intercalation−deintercalation mechanism
Al −1.676 0.53 4.80 2980 8046
Zn −0.763 0.75 4.12–4.30 820 5855
Zn2+ has a relatively small ionic radius (0.75 Å) and the size of
hydrated Zn2+ is also comparable with hydrated Li+ (Table 1), which is
beneficial for the intercalation/deintercalation of divalent Zn2+ ions
successfully commercialized and most of them are still in use today, as into/from the crystal structures of cathode materials. Generally, RZBs
illustrated in Fig. 2. Nowadays, one-third of the world battery market is that consist of a neutral Zn2+-containing electrolyte, a cathode for
composed by zinc-based battery systems, which highlights its im- hosting Zn2+ and a zinc electrode are called zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs),
portance as power sources for a wide range of applications. In 1986, which have attracted particular interests in the recent years [20]. So
Yamamoto and co-workers investigated the Zn–MnO2 battery systems far, different kinds of transition metal oxides and compounds with a
that operated in a mild ZnSO4 electrolyte for the first time [7]. How- two-dimensional (2D) layered structure or tunnel-type structure that
ever, the operation mechanism of this novel aqueous battery was not enable the reversible insertion/extraction of Zn2+ into/from the lattice
clearly revealed. In 2011, Kang and co-workers firstly proposed the have been investigated. For example, by using in situ X-ray absorption
concept of “Zn-ion battery” (ZIB), in which a reversible Zn2+ insertion/ near edge structure (XANES) and in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction
extraction into/from MnO2 was reported [8]. Since then, extensive ef- (XRD) techniques, Kim and co-workers elucidated that inter-
forts have been devoted to developing various ZIB systems that operate calation−deintercalation mechanism of Zn2+ into/from the orthor-
in an aqueous neutral or mildly acidic electrolytes, including Zn-Prus- hombic tunnel-type γ-MnO2 (Fig. 3) [21]. During the discharge process
sian blue analogues (PBA), Zn-vanadium (V)-based, Zn- molybdenum (corresponding to Zn2+ intercalation), the initial tunnel-type γ-MnO2
(Mo)-based, and Zn-Quinone batteries. These advances contribute a lot phase is successively transformed to spinel-type ZnMn2O4, tunnel-type
to the revival of RZBs for building highly reversible, and sustaining γ-ZnxMnO2, and layered-type L-ZnyMnO2, which is accompanied by the
long-life power sources, which offer compelling alternatives to Li-ion reduction of MnO2 from Mn4+ to the Mn3+ and Mn2+, respectively.
and open new opportunities for next-generation energy-storage tech- Upon charging (Zn2+ deintercalation), these Zn-inserted manganese
nologies. phases gradually revert back to the original state of γ-MnO2, revealing a
The promising development of RZBs has attracted increasing in- reversible Zn2+ insertion/extraction mechanism for γ-MnO2.
terest and a few review papers have been reported in the last two years. In addition to manganese-based oxides, other materials such as
For example, Fan et al. [3], Liang et al. [15], Alshareef et al. [16], and vanadium-based compounds have been investigated to be the electro-
Myung et al. [17] summarized recent advances of aqueous Zn batteries active hosts for reversible Zn2+ intercalation−deintercalation. Mai and
with mild electrolytes. Wang and co-workers reviewed various co-workers demonstrated a reversible Zn2+ ion (de)intercalation

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 2. Timeline of the development history for different kinds of zinc-based batteries [8–14].

storage process in layered Na0.33V2O5 nanowire by using XRD, X-ray insertion of hydrated Zn2+ and H2O molecule. The subsequent charging
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), field emission scanning electron process showed the reverse structural evolution of discharging, which is
microcopy (FESEM), and transmission electron microcopy (TEM) [22]. associated with the extraction of hydrated Zn2+ from the host lattice.
As shown in Fig. 4, during the discharge process, a new ZnxNa0.33V2O5 The reaction mechanism of the Zn/V2O5 battery is schematically illu-
phase appeared which is probably related to the crystal distortion be- strated in Fig. 5e and the equation can be expressed as follows:
cause of Zn2+ intercalation. In contrast, this new phase gradually dis-
V2O5 + xZn2+ + 2xe− + nH2O ↔ ZnxV2O5·nH2O (1)
appears due to Zn2+ deintercalation when the battery is charging to
1.6 V, indicating that such phase transformation and structural varia- 2+
where x denotes the number of reversibly inserted Zn . The co-in-
tion of Na0.33V2O5 is highly reversible. tercalated water can effectively shield the electrostatic interactions
between Zn2+ ions and the crystal structure of host material. This
2.2. Co-insertion mechanism charge-shielding function can be evidenced by the fact that only very
limited capacity can be delivered in organic electrolyte (Zn(CF3SO3)2 in
Recently, the reversible co-insertion of ions (H+ and Zn2+) and/or acetonitrile) due to the absence of H2O.
molecules (H2O) into host materials of RZBs have been demonstrated
through electrochemical and structural analysis. Wang et al. first pro-
posed a H+ and Zn2+ co-insertion reaction mechanism for RZBs based 2.3. Conversion reaction
on Akhtenskite-type MnO2 [23].
Discharge galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT), Different from the traditional Zn2+ insertion/extraction chemistry,
discharge curves and XRD tests verified that the first discharge platform Liu and co-workers presented a reversible conversion reaction me-
(Region I) and the second discharge platform (Region II) are attributed chanism in aqueous Zn/MnO2 systems, which operates based on the
to the intercalation of H+ and Zn2+, respectively (Fig. 5a). This me- conversion reaction between protons and MnO2 (Fig. 6a–g) [24]. When
chanism was further confirmed by the electrochemical behavior com- discharging, α-MnO2 reacts with proton (H+) to form a new MnOOH
parison of Akhtenskite MnO2 in electrolytes without H+ or Zn2+ phase at the fully discharged state (MnO2 + H+ + e− ↔ MnOOH).
(Fig. 5b and c). Region I or II was significantly influenced by elim- Then, the sequent OH− ion will further react with ZnSO4 and H2O in
inating H+ or Zn2+, respectively, which was reasonable to postulate the electrolyte to form a kind of zinc hydroxide sulfate hydrates
that both H+ and Zn2+ had participated in the charge/discharge pro- (ZnSO4[Zn(OH)2]3·xH2O) to reach a charge balance in the electrolyte
cess. Furthermore, both MnOOH and ZnMn2O4 (from Zn2+ intercala- system. This reaction mechanism was evidenced by combined studies of
tion) phases were observed in succession during the discharge process TEM, XRD and STEM-EDS mapping. After discharging, the initial well-
(Fig. 5d), which strongly support the consequent H+ and Zn2+ co-in- defined α-MnO2 evolved to short nanorods and nanoparticle aggregates
sertion mechanism for Akhtenskite MnO2. with lattice distances of 0.33 and 0.26 nm, respectively, which were
Zn2+ and water co-intercalation reaction mechanism has been stu- further identified to MOOH phase by ex situ XRD, rather than ZnxMnO2
died recently by Wang and co-workers for aqueous Zn/V2O5 battery or ZnMn2O4. STEM-EDS mapping of the α-MnO2 electrode in the dis-
[10]. Combined studies of electrochemical tests, XRD, TEM, and XPS charged state during the first cycle showed that the short nanorods and
revealed that the initial layered V2O5 gradually evolved into a layered nanoparticles consist of O and Mn elements, while Zn is mainly dis-
ZnxV2O5·nH2O phase during the discharge process and its interlayer tributed on the flakelike substance (ZnSO4[Zn(OH)2]3·xH2O), further
spacing expanded from 4.4 to 13.4 Å, which can be attributed to the co- confirming the conversion reaction mentioned above.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of Zn2+-intercalation mechanism in γ-MnO2. Reproduced with permission [21]. Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society.

Recently, the conversion reaction mechanism for flower-like Mn3O4 (Fig. 6j).
has been investigated by Liang and co-workers [25]. The ex situ XRD,
SEM and XPS results of the Mn3O4 electrode at full discharge/charge 2.4. Hybrid chemistry mechanism
states showed that the MnO phase and ZnSO4[Zn(OH)2]3·5H2O phase
appear at the first full discharge state (Fig. 6h), which is due to the fact More recently, hybrid design via coupling a lithium or sodium
that Mn3+ in Mn3O4 electrode was reduced to Mn2+ and exists in the based-intercalation cathode with a metallic Zn anode was introduced in
form of MnO. Meanwhile, ZnSO4[Zn(OH)2]3·5H2O phase was clearly RZBs, representing a new class of aqueous energy storage systems, such
observed in the XRD and SEM image of the Mn3O4 electrode at the first as LiMn2O4//Zn, LiFePO4//Zn, and Na3V2(PO4)3@C//Zn [26]. Dif-
discharge state, due to the reaction of ZnSO4 and H2O and OH− ions. ferent from the traditional “intercalation−deintercalation” type bat-
(Fig. 6i). Elemental mapping images shows that Mn, O and Zn elements teries, these hybrid batteries operate based on two different electro-
are homogeneously distributed along the conductive substrate at the chemical processes: Zn deposition-dissolution in anode and Li+ or Na+
first discharge of 1.0 V, which is in accordance with the XRD results -induced oxidization/reduction in cathode, as shown in Fig. 7a. The

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 4. (a) Ex situ XRD patterns of Na0.33V2O5 at various charge/discharge steps, and (b) corresponding charge and discharge curves at 200 mA g−1. (c) Schematic
diagram of the Zn2+-intercalation mechanism in Na0.33V2O5. (d) TEM and (e) TEM-Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) element mapping images of
Na0.33V2O5 shows the elemental distributions of Zn, Na, V and O in Na0.33V2O5 after 3 cycles (f) The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern and g) HRTEM
image of Na0.33V2O5 after 100 cycles. Reproduced with permission [22]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

electrolyte here acts as conducting ions and cooperates with the elec- electroactive groups. To analyze the exact sites of Zn ion uptake, Zhao
trodes to store energy, rather than used as the simple supporting media et al. utilized the electrostatic potential (ESP) approach, which is often
in “rocking chair” type batteries. These hybrid energy storage systems applied to deduce the electrophilic or nucleophilic reaction in organic
significantly enrich the existing rechargeable battery chemistry and chemistry, to deduce the active sites of organic electrodes. The sites
open new research era for high-performance RZB design. with more negative ESP are attractive for discharge reaction as it in-
Taking LiMn2O4//Zn battery as an example, a mixed aqueous so- volves Zn2+ uptake [29]. As shown in Fig. 8E, for the C4Q molecular
lution of LiCl and ZnCl2 was employed as electrolyte [27]. The hybrid structure, the carbonyls on and under a molecule show lower ESP than
reaction mechanism can be exemplified by XRD results of spinal the bilateral carbonyls. In other words, these carbonyl groups are more
LiMn2O4 and Zn anode at different charge/discharge depths, as shown favorable for Zn2+ adsorption.
in Fig. 7b and c. Upon charging, characteristic peaks of (111), (311) and Different with inorganic materials, organic materials usually have
(400) planes of LiMn2O4 shifted toward higher angles, indicating the intrinsically low crystallinity, which is difficult to be accurately char-
extraction of Li+ ions and the formation of Mn2O4 [28]; During the acterized with traditional approaches such as XRD and TEM. Zhao et al.
discharging process, these characteristic peaks of the spinal LiMn2O4 employed in situ technologies of attenuated total reflection–Fourier
shifted negatively to their original positions, reflecting a reversible Li+ transform IR (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and ul-
intercalation/deintercalation for LiMn2O4 cathode. The reversible de- traviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy to monitor the reaction me-
position/dissolution mechanism of Zn anode on a stainless-steel current chanism of C4Q electrodes in RZBs. During the discharging process, two
collector upon cycling was also confirmed by XRD data (Fig. 7c). Before carbonyl group at the top of the C4Q molecule will accept two electrons
charging, only characteristic peaks of the stainless-steel current col- together with one Zn2+ ion and two extra Zn2+ ions will be co-
lector can be observed. After charging, characteristic peaks of (002), ordinated with four carbonyls at the bottom of C4Q. Upon charging,
(010) and (011) planes of zinc were clearly detected, suggesting that C4Q will be oxidized and hence the captured electrons and Zn2+ ions
Zn2+ ions in the hybrid electrolyte were deposited on the stainless-steel will be released during the reverse charging process (Fig. 4F). The
current collector. electrochemical reaction Zn2+ uptake in C4Q can be expressed as fol-
The electrochemical reaction between the LiMn2O4 cathode and Zn lows:
anode can be expressed as follows:
C4Q + Zn2+ Zn3 C4Q (4)
Cathode: LiMn2O4 ↔ Li1-xMn2O4 + xLi+ + xe- (2)

Anode: Zn2+ + x2e- ↔ xZn (3) 2.6. Protonation/deprotonation mechanism

In which the reversible Li ion intercalation/deintercalation pro-
cess occurs at the cathode part, while the reversible Zn deposition/ In addition to mild RZBs, alkaline RZBs batteries based on the
dissolution takes place in anode part. protonation/deprotonation mechanism such as Ni–Zn, Co–Zn batteries
have been considered as promising energy storage sources due to their
higher operation voltage (around 1.7–1.8 V) and higher energy density
2.5. Charge-state change of electroactive groups
compared with other aqueous rechargeable batteries.
In alkaline electrolyte, Ni or Co based oxide/hydroxide, sulfide, and
Recently, a series of organic compounds have been explored as
phosphide materials can react with OH− [31]. These transition metal
cathodes for high-performance and rechargeable zinc-ion batteries,
compounds store charges by a deprotonation/protonation mechanism
including calix quinone, tetrachloro-1, p-chloranil and so on [29,30].
with the reaction of OH− in the electrolyte, which can be described as:
The redox mechanism of electrochemically reactive electron carbonyl
compounds can be explained by the charge-state change of A(OH)2 + OH− ↔ AOOH + H2O + e− (5)

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 5. (a) GITT profiles of akhtenskite-MnO2 electrode. (b) Charge and discharge curves of Akhtenskite MnO2with or without water. (c) Charge and discharge curves
of Akhtenskite MnO2with or without ZnSO4. (d) XRD patterns of Akhtenskite MnO2 when discharged to 1.3 and 1.0 V, respectively. Reproduced with permission
[23]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. (e) Scheme illustration showing the reversible H2O and Zn2+ intercalation/deintercalation process into/from
ZnxV2O5·nH2O upon discharge. Reproduced with permission [10]. Copyright 2016, Springer Nature.

Where A represents for the transition metal cations such as Ni or Co. However, the low electrical conductivity and metastable crystal struc-
For Co(OH)2, the reaction mechanism is slightly different from that of ture of β-Ni(OH)2 usually result in low mass capacity and poor cycle
Ni(OH)2. The product CoOOH could further transform to CoO2 during lifetime. In contrast, α-Ni(OH)2 generally verities predominant elec-
the charging process [32]. Upon discharging, CoO2 was reduced to trochemical performance than β-Ni(OH)2 due to their hydrotalcite-like
Co3O4 reversibly. The two-steps reaction mechanism of Co3O4 can be and interesting interlayer structure with hydroxyl-deficient Ni(OH)2-x
described as follows: layers intercalated by anions. The intercalation of anions gives rise to
larger interlayer spacing (> 7.0 Å) than that of β-Ni(OH)2 (4.6 Å),
Co3O4 + OH- + H2O ↔ 3CoOOH + e− (6)
which contribute to much higher electrochemical active site. Notably,
3CoOOH +3OH- ↔ 3CoO2 + 3H2O + 3e- (7) the α-Ni(OH)2 is usually structurally vulnerable and can easily con-
verted to β-Ni(OH)2 in alkaline electrolyte.
As for Ni(OH)2 cathode, there are two main crystal structures: α-Ni Apart from transition metal oxide/hydroxide, Ni or Co based sul-
(OH)2 and β-Ni(OH)2. The β-Ni(OH)2 with well-ordered brucite-like fides are also applied in alkaline RZBs due to their higher electrical
structure usually represents more stable phase with a theoretical ca- conductivity, enhanced electrochemical activity compared to their
pacity of 289 mAh g−1 and can be fabricated easily, therefore has been metal oxides [34]. The transition metal sulfides show similar electro-
the firstly used as cathode material for alkaline Ni–Zn battery [33]. chemical behaviors through reversible surface redox reactions with

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 6. (a–c) TEM/HRTEM images of α-MnO2 electrode discharged to 1 V (a–c) at the discharged state; (e–g) TEM/HRTEM images of α-MnO2 electrode charged back
to 1.8 V; (d) STEM-HAADF image and STEM–EDS mapping images for the MnO2 electrode at the discharged state in the first cycle. Reproduced with permission [24].
Copyright 2016, Springer Nature. (h) Ex situ XRD patterns of Mn3O4 electrode. (i) SEM images of Mn3O4 electrode when discharged to 1.0 V. (j) Elemental mapping
for Mn3O4 electrode when discharged to 1.0 V. Reproduced with permission [25]. Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Fig. 7. (a) Schematic illustration of hybrid chemistry mechanism. (b) in-situ XRD measurement of LiMn2O4 cathode in LiMn2O4//Zn battery during the first cycle.
Characteristic peaks of (111), (311) and (400) planes shift reversibly, reflecting a reversible Li+ intercalation/deintercalation process for LiMn2O4 cathode. (c) ex-situ
XRD patterns of Zn on the stainless-steel current collector before (the down line) and after (the up line) charging, asterisk denotes the positions for the XRD patterns
of the stainless steel. After charging, characteristic peaks of (002), (010) and (011) planes of zinc were clearly detected. Reproduced with permission [27]. Copyright
2012, Elsevier.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 8. (a–e) The electrostatic potential (ESP)- mapped molecular van der Waals surface of typical quinone molecules. Surface local minima of ESP are represented as
blue spheres, and the corresponding ESP values are marked out by numbers. (f) Optimized configurations of calix [4] quinone (C4Q) before and after Zn2+ uptake.
Bottom: Corresponding configurations at different viewpoints. The distance between O–O and Zn–O has been labeled in angstroms [29]. Copyright 2018, American

OH−. The reaction of transition metal sulfides in alkaline RZBs can be

described as following:

AS + OH− ↔ ASOH + e− (8)

Where A stands for the transition metal cations.

Based on the aforementioned reaction mechanism, Lu and co-
workers reported an ultrathin nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) nanosheets
with enriched oxygen vacancies and surface phosphate ions
(P–NiCo2O4-x) for RZBs [35]. During the charging process, NiCo2O4 is
transformed into NiOOH and CoO2 after reacting with OH−. Mean-
while, [Zn(OH)4]2- is reduced into Zn by releasing OH− into the elec-
trolyte. Upon discharging, NiOOH and CoO2 was reduced to their
oxides with lower valence and Zn reacts with OH− anions from the
electrolyte to form the [Zn(OH)4]2- complex at the meantime. The re-
versible reaction mechanism of Zn–NiCo2O4 batteries can be expressed
as follows:

Cathode: NiCo2O4 + OH− + H2O ↔ NiOOH + 2CoOOH + e− (9)

Fig. 9. Basic structure and operation principle for a zinc–air battery.
CoOOH + OH− ↔ CoO2 + H2O + e− (10)

Anode: Zn(OH)42- + 2e- ↔ Zn + 4OH- (11) (e.g., concentrated KOH). Upon discharging, zinc reacts with OH− and
forms soluble zincate ions (Zn(OH)42−). As this process proceeds, these
3Zn(OH)42- + 2NiCo2O4↔2 NiOOH+ 4CoO2+ 6OH- + 2H2O +3Zn.
zincate ions become supersaturated in the electrolyte and subsequently
decompose to insoluble zinc oxide [37].
At the positive air cathode, O2 from the surrounding atmosphere
diffuses into the porous gas diffusion electrode (GDE) and the oxygen
2.7. Zn-air chemistry reduction reaction (ORR) then takes place at the air electrode of zin-
c–air batteries. The generated OH− ions migrate from the air cathode to
Zinc–air is an old and mature battery technology but has gained the Zn anode and complete the battery reaction. The general electro-
revived attention recently. With excellent reliability, high achievable chemical reaction process of zinc–air batteries can be summarized as
energy density and great safety, zinc–air batteries represent a powerful follows:
alternative to lithium-ion batteries for next generation of vehicle elec-
Anode: Zn + 4OH- ↔ Zn(OH)42- + 2e- (13)
trification and portable/wearable electronic devices [36]. Fig. 9 illus-
trates the basic structure and operation principle for a typical zinc–air Zn(OH)42- ↔ ZnO + H2O + 2OH -
battery. It usually consists of a negative zinc anode, a membrane se-
- -
parator and a positive air cathode as well as an alkaline electrolyte Cathode: O2 + 2H2O + 4e → 4OH (15)

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 10. Operating voltage versus specific capacity of various cathode materials for RZBs.

However, Chen and co-workers demonstrated that tunneled β-MnO2

Overall reaction: 2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO (16)
undergoes a phase transition to layered zinc-buserite (i.e., B-
ZnxMnO2·nH2O) during the first discharging process, enabling a sub-
sequent intercalation/extraction of Zn2+ ions. By using a Zn(CF3SO3)2
3. Cathode materials for rechargeable Zn based batteries
electrolyte with Mn(CF3SO3)2 additive, this tunnel structured β-MnO2
shows a high specific capacity of 225 mA h g−1 and superior cycling
Various kinds of cathode materials for RZBs have been developed
stability with 94% capacity retention over 2000 cycles.
based on different reaction mechanisms, which mainly includes: (1)
It was found that no matter what the original architecture is, MnO2
manganese (Mn) based compounds; (2) vanadium (V) based com-
hosts usually suffer from serious phase transformation, structural col-
pounds; (3) Prussian blue analogs; (4) Li+ or Na+ ion-intercalated
lapse and large volumetric change during the repeated charge and
materials; (5) Nickel (Ni) or cobalt (Co)-based materials; (6) organic
discharge processes and its original structure will collapse due to the
materials; (7) bifunctional air electrode materials for RZBs. The features
repeated insertion of a great deal of hydrated Zn2+ ions, resulting in a
of these species, such as energy storage mechanism, testing voltage,
rapid capacity fading when cycling. Chen and co-workers proposed a
operating voltage, specific discharge capacity, and electrolyte used in
design of polyaniline (PANI)-intercalated α-MnO2 nanolayers, in which
aqueous RZB systems, are summarized in Fig. 10 and Table 2. Besides,
the guest polymer effectively eliminates the structural collapse and
the advantages and issues as well as the related improvement strategies
enhances the stability of layered structure [90]. The as-fabricated PANI-
of these materials will be also discussed in this part.
intercalated MnO2 nanolayers offer a high capacity of 280 mA h g−1
and long-term of over 5000 cycles, representing an effective strategy for
3.1. Mn based cathode materials designing stable cathode materials for RZBs.
The second problem of manganese oxides is the continuous dis-
As a typical transition metal element, manganese exists several solution of Mn2+ from MnO2 cathode into electrolyte. By the in-
stable oxides (MnO, Mn3O4, Mn2O3, MnO2) and crystallizes in a re- ductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique, Liu and co-workers found
markable diversity of crystal structures and multivalent phases due to that the concentration of dissolved Mn2+ ions in the electrolyte sig-
different valence states of Mn: Mn2+, Mn3+, Mn4+, and Mn7+ [87]. nificantly increases in the initial 10 cycles, due to the dissolution of
With a wide variety of atomic architectures, phases, morphology and Mn2+ from electrode materials into the electrolyte upon cycling [24].
porosity, manganese oxides exhibit different electrochemical behaviors Hence, they adopted a “pre-addition” strategy by adding 0.1 M MnSO4
and various impressive electrochemical properties. In the past several into the pristine ZnSO4 electrolyte to change the dissolution equili-
years, Mn-based materials have attracted incremental attention and brium of Mn2+. It is found that the cycling stability of the Zn/MnO2
diverse manganese compounds have been explored for cathode mate- battery could be greatly enhanced after the pre-addition of Mn2+ ions,
rials of RZBs (Fig. 11), including α-MnO2 [8,88,89], β-MnO2 [39,40], γ- reaching a 5000 cycles lifespan with a high capacity retention of 93% at
MnO2 [39], δ-MnO2 [41], Akhtenskite-type MnO2 [23], Mn2O3 [43], 5C. This excellent cycling performance can be attributed to the fact that
Mn3O4 [25,44] and ZnMn2O4 [22]. Among various manganese oxides, the pre-added Mn2+ suppress the dissolution of Mn2+ and thus stabilize
α-MnO2 with (2 × 2) + (1 × 1) tunnels and γ-MnO2 with the MnO2 electrode. Another effect of pre-added Mn2+ in electrolyte is
(1 × 2) + (1 × 1) tunnel structure are the most widely investigated that they can be deposited on the electrode surface to increase the mass
phases and deliver high specific capacity (around 200–300 mA h g−1), of the active material, which contributes to extra capacity and en-
while the stable (1 × 1) tunnel structured β-MnO2 is generally regarded hanced cycling performance. As revealed by Wang and co-workers,
unfavourable for Zn2+ intercalation due to its narrow tunnels [39]. nearly 18.9% of the capacity of the active material is ascribed to the

H. Li, et al.

Table 2
The comparison for electrochemical performances of representative cathode materials in RZBs.
Electrode Electrolyte Specific capacity Capacity retention/cycles/current density Potential window(V) Reference

α-MnO2 nanofibers 2 M ZnSO4+0.1 M MnSO4 285 mA h g−1 at C/3 92%/5000/5C 1.0–1.9 [24]
α-MnO2 1 M ZnSO4 210 mA h g−1at 0.5C 100%/100/6C 1.0–1.9 [8]
α-MnO2 2 M ZnSO4+0.1 M MnSO4 306 mA h g−1 at 61.6 mAg−1 97%/1000/2772 mA g−1 0.85–1.9 [38]
β-MnO2 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 + 0.1 M Mn(CF3SO3)2 258 mA h g−1 at 0.65C 94%/2000/6.5C 0.8–1.9 [39]
β-MnO2 1 M ZnSO4+0.1 M MnSO4 270 mA h g−1 at 100 mAg−1 75%/200/200 mA g−1 1.0–1.8 [40]
γ-MnO2 1 M ZnSO4 285 mA h g-1 at 0.05 mA cm−2 63%/40/0.05 mA cm−2 0.8–1.8 [21]
δ-MnO2 1 M ZnSO4 252 mA h g−1at 83 mAg−1 63%/100/83 mAg−1 1.0–1.8 [41]
Akhtenskite-type MnO2 2 M ZnSO4+0.2 M MnSO4 290 mA h g−1 at 90 mA g−1 99.3%/10 000/6.5C 1.0–1.8 [23]
Todorokite-type MnO2 1 M ZnSO4 108 mA h g−1 at 0.5C 83%/50/50 mAg−1 0.7–2.0 [42]
α-Mn2O3 2 M ZnSO4+0.1 M MnSO4 148 mA h g−1 at 100 mAg−1 68%/2000/2000 mA g−1 1.0–1.9 [43]
Mn3O4 2 M ZnSO4 239.2 mA h g−1 at 100 mAg−1 73%/300/500 mA g−1 0.8–1.9 [44]
ZnMn2O4 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 150 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 94%/500/500 mA g−1 0.8–1.9 [45]
Na0.44MnO2 0.5 M ZnSO4+0.5 M NaSO4 186.2 mA h g−1 at 0.2C / 0.5–2.0 [46]
Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O 1 M ZnSO4 282 mA h g−1 at 300 mA g−1 80%/1000/2400 mA g−1 0.5–1.4 [10]
V2O5·H2O/Graphene 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 + 0.1 M Vanadium sol 381 mA h g−1 at 60 mA g−1 71%/900 cycles/6000 mA g−1 0.2–1.6 [47]
V2O5 21 M LiTFSI + 238 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 80%/2000/2000 mA g−1 0.2–1.6 [48]
1 M Zn(CF3SO3)2
V2O5 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 470 mA h g−1 at 0.2 A g−1 91.1%/4000/5 A g−1 0.2–1.6 [49]
VO2 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 357 mA h g−1 at 0.25C 100%/50/0.25C 0.3–1.5 [50]
VS2 1 M ZnSO4 190.3 mA h g−1 at 0.05 A g−1 98%/200/0.5 A g−1 0.4–1.0 [51]

V3O7·H2O 1 M ZnSO4 or 0.25 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 in acetonitrile 400 mA h g−1 at 375 mA g−1 80%/200/3 A g−1 (8C) 0.4–1.1 [52]
H2V3O8 @Graphene 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 394 mA h g−1 at 1/3C 87%/2000/20C 0.2–1.6 [53]
H2V3O8 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 423.8 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 94.3%/1000/5 A g−1 0.2–1.6 [54]
LiV3O8 1 M ZnSO4 256 mA h g−1 at 16 mA g−1 75%/65/133 mA g−1 0.6–1.2 [55]
Zn3V2O7(OH)2·2H2O 1 M ZnSO4 213 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 68%/300/200 mA g−1 0.6–1.8 [56]
Zn2V2O7 1 M ZnSO4 248 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 85%/1000/4 A g−1 0.4–1.4 [57]
Na2V6O16·1.63H2O 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 352 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 90%/6000/5 A g−1 0.2–1.6 [58]
Na2V6O16·3H2O 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 361 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 80%/1000/14.44 mA g−1(40C) 0.4–1.4 [59]
Na0.33V2O5 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 93%/1000/1000 mA g−1 0.2–1.6 [59]

367.1 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1

Na1.1V3O7.9@rGO 1 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 238 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 92.9%/100/300 mA g−1 0.4–1.4 [60]
Ca0.25V2O5 1 M ZnSO4 340 mA h g−1 at 0.2C 96%/3000/80C 0.6–1.6 [61]
K2V6O16·2.7H2O 1 M ZnSO4 329.6 mA h g−1 at 200 mA g−1 82%/500/6 A g−1 0.4–1.4 [62]
Na3V2(PO4)3 0.5 M Zn(CH3COO)2 97 mA h g−1 at 0.5C 74%/100/50 mA g−1 0.8–1.7 [63]
Na3V2(PO4)3/C 0.5 M CH3COONa+ 0.5 M Zn(CH3COO)2 97 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 77%/200/50 mA g−1 0.8–1.7 [64]
Na3V2(PO4)2F3 2 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 75 mA h g−1 at 80 mA g−1 95%/4000/1000 mA g−1 0.8–1.9 [65]
LiMn2O4 0.5 M CH3COOLi + 0.5 M Zn(CH3COO)2 129 mA h g−1 at 0.2C 80%/380/2C 1.5–2.1 [66]
LiMn2O4 3 M LiCl +4 M ZnCl2 + 0.1 M KOH 0.32 mA h at 4C 90%/1000/4C 1.5–2.2 [27]
LiMn2O4 Pluronic F77 + 0.25 M Li2SO4 + 0.25 M ZnSO4+ 106 mA h g−1 at 0.5C 83%/300/0.5C 1.4–2.0 [67]
LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4 21 M LiTFSI + 0.5 M ZnSO4 140 mA h/g at 0.1C 99.3%/150/0.3C 1.0–2.35 [68]
(continued on next page)
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H. Li, et al.

Table 2 (continued)

Electrode Electrolyte Specific capacity Capacity retention/cycles/current density Potential window(V) Reference

LiFePO4 3 M LiCl +4 M ZnCl2 141 mA h g at 0.6C 65%/450/6C 1–1.4 [69]
LiFePO4/graphene 3 M LiCl +4 M ZnCl2 145.8 mA h g−1 at 0.2C 80%/450/5C 0.5–1.75 [70]
LiFePO4 Pluronic F77 + 0.25 M Li2SO4 + 0.25 M ZnSO4 169 mA h g at 0.1C 90%/300/0.5C 0.9–1.7 [67]
0.25 M CH3COOLi + 0.125 M Zn(CH3COO)2 115 mA h g−1 at 0.5C 99%/40/0.5C 1.0–1.9 [71]

P-Chloranil confinement in CMK-3 1 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 170 mA h g−1 at 43.4 mA g−1 70.3%/200/217 mA g−1 0.8–1.4 [30]
NiHCF 1 M Na2SO4 73.5 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 80%/1000/300 mA g−1 0.9–1.6 [72]
ZnHCF 1 M ZnSO4 65.4 mA h g−1 at 60 mA g−1 81%/100/300 mA g−1 0.8–1.9 [73]
ZnHCF@MnO2 0.5 M ZnSO4 118 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 77%/1000/500 mA g−1 1.4–1.9 [74]
CuHCF 0.02 M ZnSO4 53 mA h g−1 at 60 mA g−1 96.3%/100/60 mA g−1 1.3–2.1 [75]
FeHCF 1 M Zn(CH3COO)2 +in choline acetate with 30 wt% of water 54 mA h g−1 at 0.1 mA cm−2 99%/50/0.1 mA cm−2 0.5–1.8 [76]
NiHCF 0.5 M Zn(ClO4)2 in acetonitrile 55.6 mA h g−1 at 11.2 mA g−1 / 0.7–1.8 [77]
NiHCF 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.05 M ZnSO4 76.2 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 81%/1000/500 mA g−1 0.9–1.9 [9]

NiCo2O4 1 M KOH+0.02 M Zn(CH3COO)2 183.1 mA h g−1 at 1.6 A g−1 82.7%/3500/5C 1.4–1.9 [78]
Ni @ Ni3S2 1 M KOH+0.02 M Zn(CH3COO)2 150 mA h g−1 at 0.2 A g−1 83.3%/100/0.2 A g−1 1.4–1.9 [34]
Ni @ NiO 1 M KOH+0.02 M Zn(CH3COO)2 0.422 mA h cm−2 at 8 mA cm−2 92.5%/1800/8 mA cm−2 1.4–2.0 [79]
PPy 0.5 M KCl + 0.1 M Zn(CH3COO)2 123 mA h g−1 at 1900 mA g−1 38%/200/4400 mA g−1 0–1.2 [80]
PPy 0.1 M NH4Cl + 0.1 M sodium citrate 0.085 mA h cm−2 at 0.1 mA cm−2 / −0.5–0.8 [81]
PANi/graphite 1.0 M ZnCl2 and 0.5 M NH4Cl 142.4 mA h g−1 at 0.6 mA cm−2 70%/200/0.6 mA cm−2 0.7–1.7 [82]
Ni foam supported PANi 1 M ZnSO4 + 0.3 M (NH4)2SO4 183.28 mA h g−1 at 2.5 mA cm−2 91%/50/5 mA cm−2 0.7–1.6 [83]
Calix [4]quinone 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 335 mA h g−1 at 20 mA g−1 87%/1000/500 mA g−1 0.8–1.3 [84]
Poly(benzoquinonyl sulfide) 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 203 mA h g−1 at 20 mA g−1 86%/50/40 mA g−1 0.2–1.8 [85]
P-Chloranil confinement in CMK-3 1 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 170 mA h g−1 at 43.4 mA g−1 70.3%/200/217 mA g−1 0.8–1.4 [30]
MoS2@ 1 M ZnSO4 202.6 mA h g−1 at 0.1 A g−1 98.6%/600/1000 mA g−1 0.3–1.5 [86]
Carbon cloth
Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587
H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 11. SEM and TEM images of manganese-based oxides. (a) α-MnO2. Reproduced with permission [24]. Copyright 2016, Springer Nature; (b) β-MnO2. Reproduced
with permission [40]. Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry; (c) δ-MnO2. Reproduced with permission [41]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier; (d) Mn2O3. Reproduced
with permission [43]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier; (e) Mn3O4. Reproduced with permission [25]. Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry; (f) ZnMn2O4. Reproduced
with permission [45].Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.

contribution of pre-added Mn2+, and this kind of “extra contribution” reported by Kang and co-workers. It showed a reversible capacity of
should not be neglected [91]. 148 mA h g−1 at 100 mAg−1, which is much lower than MnO2 cathode
Another strategy to alleviate dissolution of Mn2+ is surface coating materials [43]. The energy storage mechanism investigation revealed
and modification. Mai and co-workers developed graphene scroll- that the pristine α-Mn2O3 with Mn(III) undergoes a reversible phase
coated α-MnO2 as cathode material for RZBs [92]. The graphene scroll transformation from a bixbyite structure to a layered-type zinc birnes-
was uniformly coated on the MnO2 nanowires with an average thick- site with Mn(II) during the Zn2+ intercalation processes. Cation-de-
ness of 5 nm, which effectively mitigate the dissolution of the dissolu- fective spinel ZnMn2O4 was also investigated as a Zn-insertion cathode
tion of Mn2+ from Mn3+ disproportionation during cycling. This can be material in aqueous Zn(CF3SO3)2 electrolyte. GITT test suggested that
evidenced by an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis of the Mn the introduction of Mn vacancies was peculiarly beneficial for Zn2+
and Zn element concentration in ZnSO4 electrolyte. The concentration diffusion in the spinel framework and contributed to faster reaction
of the dissolved Mn element of MnO2 decreased after coating with kinetics. As a result, the cation-defected ZnMn2O4 spinel achieved a
graphene scroll, suggesting that graphene scroll-coated MnO2 is more reversible specific capacity of 150 mA h g−1 at 0.05 A g and a high ca-
stable than pristine MnO2 as the cathode for aqueous ZIB. As a result, pacity retention of 94% up to 500 cycles [45]. These results show that
the long-term cycling stability of Zn–MnO2 battery was greatly en- the exploration of cation-defective spinel compounds may be a pro-
hanced, achieving a high capacity retention of 94% after 3000 cycles at mising direction for RZBs and cation defects play a critical role in en-
3 A g−1. The third strategy to mitigate the Mn dissolution is in- hancing the electrochemical performance of electrode materials for
corporation of metal ions and defects. Recently, Liang and co-workers multivalent ions energy storage.
reported a potassium ion (K+)-stabilized and oxygen-defect manganese To briefly summarize, manganese oxides generally suffer from two
oxide as a durable cathode material for RZBs [93]. The ICP analysis major issues when used as cathode materials for aqueous RZBs: 1).
result of the Mn concentration in a 2 M ZnSO4 electrolyte confirmed Serious phase transformation, structural collapse and large volumetric
that the introduction of K+ ions could significantly suppress the Mn change during the repeated charge and discharge processes; 2). Mn
dissolution during cycling. In addition, the oxygen defects could greatly dissolution. To tackle these problems, many strategies have been de-
enhance electrochemical reactivity and reaction kinetics of manganese veloped, including polymer-reinforced layered structure, pre-addition
oxide, leading to an impressive durability over 1000 cycles with no of Mn2+ ions, surface coating or modification, and incorporation of
obvious capacity fading. metal ions and defects. Furthermore, the reaction mechanism of MnO2
Another issue is the controversial energy storage mechanism of cathode is controversial and under debate, and more electrochemical
MnO2 cathode which has been a subject of debate. As mentioned be- approaches and advanced characterization techniques as well as precise
fore, various mechanisms have been proposed for MnO2 cathodes: Zn2+ theoretical calculations are needed to disclose the charge-storage me-
intercalation/deintercalation mechanism (α/γ-MnO2); co-insertion of chanism of manganese oxides for RZBs.
Zn2+ and H+ mechanism (akhtenskite-MnO2, polyaniline-intercalated
MnO2); conversion reaction mechanism (α-MnO2). More comprehen- 3.2. V-based cathode materials
sive investigation is needed to reach a consensus on the energy storage
mechanism of MnO2 for RZBs. V-based compounds exhibits various oxidation states including V5+,
Recently, manganese sesquioxide (Mn2O3) with Mn3+ state was V , V3+ and V2+ and these valences can be interconverted. Due to the

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 12. (a) SEM image of Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O; (b) Cycling performance of Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O cathode at 2.4 A g−1, the inset is its crystal structure. (c) Rate performance
of Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O cathode. Reproduced with permission [10]. Copyright 2016, Springer Nature. (d) SEM image of V2O5·nH2O. (e) The crystal structures of pristine
V2O5·nH2O and V2O5·nH2O at charged and discharged states. Reproduced with permission [47]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH. (f) SEM image of Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O, the
inset is its crystal structure; (g) The electrical conductivity of Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O and Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O; (h) Cycle performance of Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O at a rate of 80C; (i)
SEM image of Na2V6O16·3H2O. Reproduced with permission [61]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

distortion of V–O coordination polyhedral and the conversion of diverse shortens the Zn2+ diffusion pathways, thus favoring the excellent rate
oxidation states, V-based compounds exhibit broader variation range performance.
and higher specific capacity when they are used as electrode materials Lately, the critical role of structural water in enhancing the per-
for energy storage applications [94]. The past two years have witnessed formance of V-based materials is also demonstrated by Yang and co-
tremendous progress in the development of V-based compounds as workers [47]. Benefiting from charge shield and “lubricating” effect of
cathode materials for aqueous RZBs, which includes VO2 [50], V2O5 the structural water, the as-prepared V2O5·nH2O delivers significantly
[47–49], V3O7·H2O [52], V6O13 [95], V10O24·12H2O [96], VS2 [51,97], improved rate and cycling performance (71% capacity retention over
H2V3O8 [53], LiV3O8 [55], Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O [10], Zn2V2O7 [57], 900 cycles). To capitalize the “pillar” effect of the intercalated metal
Zn3V2O7(OH)2·2H2O [56], Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O [61], and Na2V6O16·3H2O ions, Alshareef and co-workers designed a double-layered
[58]. Traditionally, V-based materials possess low stability (especially Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O as a novel cathode material for RZBs [61]. The in-
in aqueous electrolyte), poor conductivity and low ions diffusion tercalated Ca2+ further enlarge the cavity size between V2O5 inter-
coefficient, which gives rise to a poor long-term cycling performance. layers and significantly improve the electrical conductivity of vanadium
However, the Zn0.25V2O5·nH2O cathode (Fig. 12 a and b) reported by oxide (as high as 185 S m−1), which boost the Zn2+ (de)intercalation
Nazar's group offers a high capacity of 282 mA h g−1 at 0.3 A g−1 and during the cycling process. The as-prepared Ca0.25V2O5·nH2O cathode
good rate capability as well as a superior long-term cyclability (81% exhibits excellent long-term cycling performance with an expressive
capacity retention over 1000 cycles) [10]. This remarkable electro- capacity retention of more than 96% over 3000 cycles even at a high
chemical performance can be ascribed to the following factors: (1) The rate of 80C, suggesting good structural stability. After that, “pillar”-
structural water molecules intercalated in the interlayers of vanadium induced stability was also demonstrated in other V-based materials such
oxide bronze plays a vital role in buffering the high charge density of as NaV3O8·1.5H2O [98], Na1.1V3O7.9 [60], Na2V6O16·3H2O [59],
divalent Zn2+ ions, lowering electrostatic interactions, and expanding Na2V6O16·1.63H2O [58], K2V6O16·2.7H2O [62], MgxV2O5·nH2O [99],
the interlayer spacing of layered vanadium oxide, contributing to fast and Ag0.4V2O5 [100].
Zn2+ diffusion and high rate performance; (2) The interlayer Zn2+ ions Besides, various V-based compounds without structural water and
in the layered oxide and structural water can act as “pillars” to stabilize “pillar” effects, such as V2O3 [101] and ZnxMo2.5+yVO9+z [102] have
vanadium oxide framework, thereby preventing structural collapse been explored as cathode materials for aqueous RZBs. From the afore-
during cycling and enhancing the cycling stability of V-based materials; mentioned studies, it can be concluded that most of V-based compounds
(3) The unique 1D nanobelt morphology with high aspect ratio facil- demonstrate attractive electrochemical performance in terms of high
itates the charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface and specific capacity (around 200–400 mA h g−1, higher than Mn-based

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 13. Schematic illustration of Zn2+ intercalation/deintercalation into PBAs. Reproduced with permission [3]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

materials), good rate capability (better than Mn-based cathodes), and mechanism was revealed by Wang et al. for CuHCF nanocubes [105].
long cycling life. Despite these promising properties, they usually suffer By means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and XPS measurements, they
from lower operation voltages (around 0.6–1.0 V, lower than Mn-based demonstrated that the Zn2+ insertion/extraction into/from CuHCF is
materials), and the toxicity of vanadium-based materials is also an dominated by the solid phase diffusion process, accompanied by the
issue, which limit their wide application in aqueous RZBs. Another Fe3+/Fe2+ redox reaction. Opposite to the preliminary studies that
problem is that many V-based materials suffer from strong electrostatic capacity fading is related to the active material dissolution, Mantia
interactions between the host lattice and Zn2+ ions, leading to sluggish et al. observed the analysis of the differential specific charge profiles
Zn2+ diffusion kinetics. More feasible strategies for vanadium-based and ascribe the capacity fading to the phase transition of CuHCF [106].
materials that lower their electrostatic interactions with multivalent Recently, by operando synchrotron XRD, Renman and co-workers
ions should be developed. confirmed that structural changes of CuHCF are associated with the
possibility of Zn2+ swapping positions between the tunnels and the
vacant Fe(CN)6 sites in the CuHCF framework [107].
3.3. Prussian blue analogs-based cathode materials Apart from ZnHCF and CuHCF, Hong et al. also demonstrated that
Zn2+ can be reversible inserted into nickel hexacyanoferrate (NiHCF) in
Prussian blue analogues (PBAs), as a series of compounds derive an organic-electrolyte-based system, with lower voltage plateau
from Prussian blue (PB) after substitutional and interstitial modifica- (∼1.2 V) and lower specific capacity (∼56 mA h g−1) compared with
tion, which can be roughly denoted as AxMAy[MB (CN)6]z·nH2O (A is ZnHCF and CuHCF [77]. To improve the performance of NiHCF cath-
alkali metal; MA and MB are transition metals such as Mn, Fe Co, Ni, Cu, odes, Ma et al. developed a hybrid rechargeable Na–Zn hybrid battery
and Zn, as illustrated in Fig. 13) [103]. Due to their three-dimensional using NiHCF as cathode, in which Na+ ions rather than Zn2+ ions were
(3D) porous framework structures, sufficient reaction sites, diverse intercalated/deintercalated into/from the NiHCF cathode and a Zn
valence states and unique structural stability as well as easy prepara- deposition-dissolution process take places in the zinc anode at the same
tion, PBAs have received growing attention in energy storage devices time. Benefitting from this hybrid chemistry, this battery delivered a
[104]. specific capacity of 76.2 mA h g−1 and a good cycling stability with
In 2014, Liu and co-workers investigated zinc hexacyanoferrates 81% capacity retention over 1000 cycles [9].
(ZnHCFs) with the rhombohedral structure as cathode materials for Despite some attractive advantages such as high voltage, low cost,
RZBs, in which the ZnN4 tetrahedra are connected to the FeC6 octa- and ease of fabrication, PBAs based materials are still afflicted with
hedra via CN ligands (C≡N) to form a porous three-dimensional fra- relatively lower specific capacity (typically less than 80 mA h g−1) and
mework [73]. This structure enables the reversible insertion/extraction lower energy density than other energy storage systems. Besides, PBAs
of Zn2+ ions. The ICP and XRD tests further revealed that 0.85 mol run the risk of decomposing to form highly toxic cyanide CN− under
Zn2+ was intercalated into 1 mol Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2 during the discharging strongly acidic condition, which may hinder their large-scale applica-
process. Then, a reversible deintercalation process of Zn2+ was ob- tion.
served when charging. The Zn/ZnHCFs battery offers a high average
operation voltage of around 1.7 V and 65.4 mA h g−1 at 60 mA g−1 as
well as good rate capability (Fig. 14). 3.4. Lithium/sodium intercalated cathode materials
Mantia and co-workers proposed a zinc-ion battery based on a
copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) cathode in a low concentration of As mentioned before, lithium or sodium intercalated compounds
ZnSO4 electrolyte, showing a specific energy density of 45.7 Wh kg−1 at can act as cathodes in aqueous hybrid Zn batteries via coupling with
60 mA g−1 and a high capacity retention of 96.3% over 100 cycles at 1C dual ion based-electrolytes and a metallic Zn anode. In 2012, Chen and
with an average discharge potential of 1.73 V [75]. The electrochemical co-workers proposed a LiMn2O4//Zn battery hybrid battery, which
reaction can be expressed as follows: composes of a LiMn2O4 as cathode, a metallic Zn anode and an aqueous
binary electrolyte containing Li+ and Zn2+ (Fig. 15 a-b) [27]. The as-
KCuFe(CN)6 + x Zn2+ + 2x e− ↔ ZnxKCu[Fe(CN)6]1–2x[Fe(CN)6]2 prepared hybrid Zn battery realizes a high operation voltage of 2 V and
(17) good long-term cycling stability (95% capacity retention over 4000
cycles). Lately, they fabricated a binder-free flexible electrode con-
x Zn ↔ x Zn2+ + 2x e− (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) (18)
sisting of high-aspect-ratio carbon nanotubes and LiMn2O4 nano-
When Zn is intercalated into the crystal structure of CuHCF, two particles as cathode materials for rechargeable hybrid aqueous battery
low-spin Fe3+ are reduced simultaneously into low-spin Fe2+. Similar [108]. Benefiting from this robust network architecture and good

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 14. (a) Schematic diagram of the ZnHCF–Zn battery; (b) CV curves of Zn and ZnHCF (2 mV s−1); (c) GCD profiles at 60 mA g−1 for Zn anode (blue), ZnHCF (red)
and the full cell (black) in 1 M ZnSO4; (d) Rate performance; (e) Cycle life tests at 60 mA g−1 (square) and 300 mA g−1 (circle). Reproduced with permission [73].
Copyright 2014, Wiley-VCH.

electrical conductivity, the hybrid Zn battery delivers a discharge ca- battery and delivers a specific energy density of 183 Wh kg−1.
pacity of 72 mA h g−1 at 20C and an excellent rate performance. Apart from that, polyanion compounds, such as NASICON-struc-
Inspired by this hybrid design, Bakenov and co-workers engineered tured M3V2(PO4)3 (M = Li, Na), have gained increasing interest as
an aqueous battery with an olivine LiFePO4, a Zn anode and an opti- promising cathode alternatives for aqueous RZBs due to their stable
mized Li+/Zn2+ binary electrolyte (Fig. 15 c-d). The as-prepared Zn/ structure, plenty of vacancies, and relatively higher redox voltage.
LiFePO4 battery demonstrates a prolonged cycle span (over 400 cycles) Huang's group proposed a novel hybrid aqueous battery constructed
as well as a superior rate capability (up to 60C) [69]. The reaction with a Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode, a Zn anode and a 0.5 M Zn(CH3COO)2
equation can be expressed as follows: electrolyte, in which zinc ion intercalation mechanism is mainly con-
trolled by a diffusion process [63]. The Na3V2(PO4)3/Zn battery rea-
LiFePO4 ↔ Li+ + FePO4 + e− (19)
lized a specific capacity of 97 mA h g−1 with a 1.1 V operating voltage
Zn 2+ -
+ 2e ↔ Zn (20) but suffered from a relatively low cycling stability (74% capacity re-
tention ratio after 100 cycles at 0.5C). More recently, Jiang and co-
After that, Cui's group developed a high-voltage Zn/LiMn0.8Fe0.2PO4 workers reported a high-performance fluorine-doped Na3V2(PO4)2F3
battery based on a highly concentrated “water-in-salt” electrolyte, in cathode, which offered improved electrochemical performances in
which two reversible reactions of Li+ extraction/insertion can be terms of high voltage (1.62 V), good energy density (97.5 W h kg−1),
achieved in this aqueous system [68]. This battery possesses a high and long-term stability (95% capacity retention over 4000 cycles) [65].
operating voltage exceeding 1.8 V which is higher than Zn/LiFePO4 Other lithium and sodium-based materials such as LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 15. (a) CV profiles of LiMn2O4/Zn battery; (b) charge-discharge curves of the full LiMn2O4//Zn battery tested at 1.1 mA cm−2; Reproduced with permission
[27]. Copyright 2012, Elsevier. (c) Schematic diagram of the Zn/LiFePO4 hybrid battery (d) Rate performance of the Zn/LiFePO4 hybrid battery. Reproduced with
permission [69]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier.

3 O2were introduced in aqueous hybrid Zn batteries [71]. Overall, the Ni–NiO//Zn fiber battery, opening new opportunities for flexible and
LiMn2O4//Zn battery can offer much higher voltage than other lithium wearable energy storage devices. Wu and co-workers demonstrated a
or sodium based materials, while fluorine-doped Na3V2(PO4)2F3 has long-life Zn//Co3O4 battery using ultrathin porous Co3O4 nanosheets
better long-term stability. This hybrid design is helpful to broaden the on Ni foam as cathode and an electrodeposited zinc on carbon fibers as
scope of high-performance cathode material research for RZBs. anode (Fig. 16h), which exhibited a high energy density of
241 W h kg−1 and good cycling performance (80% capacity retention
3.5. Nickel-based and cobalt-based cathode materials after 2000 cycles) [32]. During the charging process, soluble zincate
ions [Zn(OH)4]2− are reduced into Zn and Co3O4 is simultaneously
Due to diverse oxidation states, high electrochemical activity and reverted to CoO2 by two-step reactions with OH−. Upon discharging,
highly reversible redox reactions, nickel (Ni)-based (Ni oxides, hydro- Zn reacts with OH− anions to form zincate ions [Zn(OH)4]2−, and the
xides, sulfide) and cobalt (Co)-based compounds have been regarded as CoO2 was reduced to Co3O4 at the meantime. These electrochemical
promising materials for aqueous energy storage systems. Integration of reactions in these two electrodes can be described by the following
Ni-based and Co-based compounds into energy storage devices, espe- equations:
cially rechargeable alkaline batteries, provides opportunities to meet Negative electrode:
the ever-growing demands for green power sources with superior rate
2[Zn(OH)4]2- + 4e- ↔ 2Zn + 8OH- (21)
capability, long cycle life, high safety, and high energy density. Among
them, rechargeable Ni–Zn and Co–Zn batteries are particularly ad- Positive electrode:
vantageous due to their relatively higher operation voltage (around
1.8 V) and higher energy density compared with other aqueous re- Co3O4 + OH- + H2O ↔ 3CoOOH + e− (22)
chargeable batteries. So far, many Ni-based and Co-based materials -
3CoOOH +3OH ↔ 3CoO2 + 3H2O + 3e -
including NiO [109], Ni3S2 [34], Ni(OH)2 [110], NiCo2O4 [78],
Co3O4@NiO [111], NiAlCo-layered double hydroxide [112] and Co3O4 Total reaction:
[32] have been employed as cathode materials targeting on achieving
Co3O4 + 2[Zn(OH)4]2- ↔ 2Zn + 3CoO2 + 2H2O + 4OH- (24)
high-performance Ni–Zn batteries.
For example, Lu and co-workers developed a highly reversible and Nanostructured electrode materials (e.g. nanoparticles, nanowires,
flexible Ni–NiO//Zn yarn battery with a hetero-structured Ni–NiO nanorods and nanobelts) offer unique chemical, mechanical and elec-
cathode, offering excellent cycling stability both in aqueous and trical properties including high surface area and shorter pathways for
polymer electrolytes (Fig. 16a–f) [109]. Furthermore, a high energy ions and electrons transportation, and hold the key for addressing the
density of 6.6 μWh cm−2 is obtained by the flexible quasi-solid-state intrinsic issues of bulk materials, such as poor electrical conductivity

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 16. (a) SEM image of the Ni–NiO cathode; (b and c) TEM images of the Ni–NiO cathode; (d and e) schematic representation and SEM image of the Ni–NiO//Zn
yarn battery, respectively; (f) cycling test of the Ni–NiO//Zn yarn battery. Reproduced with permission [109]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. (g) CV curves of Zn anode
and Co3O4 electrodes. (h) Cycling performance of Zn//Co3O4 battery at 1 A g−1. Reproduced with permission [32]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

and large volume expansion of electrodes [113]. Besides, rationally ultrathin nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) nanosheets with enriched oxygen
structural and componential design of electrode materials will sig- vacancies and surface phosphate ions (P–NiCo2O4-x) by annealing
nificantly increase the electrochemical performance and cyclic stability NiCo2O4 nanosheets under phosphating atmosphere and used it as
of batteries. For Ni–Zn batteries, both α-Ni(OH)2 and β-Ni(OH)2 show cathode for zinc-ion batteries [35]. Oxygen vacancies not only act as
hexagonal structures. α-Ni(OH)2 compose of Ni(OH)2-x layers with po- shallow donors to improve the electrical conductivity of NiCo2O4, but
sitive charge and intercalated anions to obtain neutrality is a hydro- also provide more active sites. More importantly, the introduced
talcite-like compounds, whereas β-Ni(OH)2 exhibits a well-ordered phosphate ion decreases the electron transport energy, thus sig-
brucite-like structure without any intercalated molecules. The cyclic nificantly enhancing the surface reactivity and kinetics. As a result, the
stability of zinc-ion batteries using β-Ni(OH)2 cathode is much better optimized P–NiCo2O4-x cathode delivers remarkable capacity of
than that of α-Ni(OH)2 cathode [33]. Interestingly, nanosized β-Ni 309.2 mA h⋅g−1 at 6.0 A g−1 and excellent rate performance at large
(OH)2 brings about the higher capacity than micro-sized β-Ni(OH)2 current density.
[114]. In addition, surface modification also can enhance zinc-ion However, further developments of Ni–Zn or Co–Zn batteries are
batteries’ performance. For example, Lu and co-workers synthesized greatly plagued by their relatively lower specific capacity and

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 17. (a) Discharge/charge curves of the as-prepared Zn–C4Q battery at the current density of 0.02 A g−1. (b) CV curves of Zn–C4Q battery at various scan rate. (c)
Cycling performance of Zn–C4Q battery with a Nafion separator at 0.5 A g−1. Reproduced with permission [29]. Copyright 2018, American Association for the
Advancement of Science. (d) Schematic diagram of the structure and reaction mechanism of the aqueous PTO//Zn battery. (e) Ex-situ FTIR spectra of PTO cathode at
discharged and charged states. Reproduced with permission [115]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

Coulombic efficiency due to the severe deterioration of the Ni-based specific capacity (336 mA h g−1), high energy density (186.7 Wh kg−1)
materials and zinc dendrite formation during repeated cycles, which as well as long-term cycling stability (over 1000 cycles). Besides, poly
should be tackled in the future. (benzoquinonyl sulfide) (PBQS) has also been investigated as a cathode
material for RZBs, showing a high specific capacity of 203 mA h g−1 at
0.1C [85]. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggests that a
3.6. Organic cathode materials
reversible bonding of Zn2+ ions with O atoms in C]O groups is taking
during the redox reactions of PBQS cathode.
Very recently, organic materials have been investigated as low-toxic
Apart from these materials, conductive polymers such as polyaniline
and sustainable cathode alternatives to conventional inorganic cathode
(PANI) [83,116], polypyrrole (PPy) [81,117] and other materials in-
materials for RZBs applications. Chen and co-workers reported an
cluding Co(III) rich-Co3O4 [118], MoS2 [86,119], CoS6 [120], and Ti-
aqueous zinc battery using a Calix [4]quinone (C4Q)-cathode
substituted tungsten molybdenum oxide (MTWO) [121] have also been
(Fig. 17a–c), which provides a high specific capacity of 335 mA h g−1 at
explored as cathode materials for RZBs.
20 mA g−1 and a long-life span up to 1000 cycles with a capacity re-
According to the previous discussion, we can draw the following
tention of 87% [84]. They utilized the ESP method to calculate the
active sites of C4Q when used as cathode material for RZBs. It is known
that electrophilic reactions prefer to take place in the active sites with
(1) In terms of specific capacity, V-based materials generally have
more negative ESP. In other words, the sites with more negative ESP are
larger specific capacities among different cathode materials
more favorable for discharge reaction as it involves Zn2+ uptake [29].
(around 200–400 mA h g−1), while Mn-based materials possesses
For organic C4Q material, the carbonyl groups are the active sites due
relatively lower specific capacities (around 150–300 mA h g−1).
to the fact that they have lower ESP than that of bilateral carbonyls,
Prussian blue analogues and Li+/Na+ intercalated cathode mate-
suggesting that they may have strong interactions with Zn2+ ions
rials usually have the lowest specific capacities.
(Fig. 16c–g).
(2) As for operation voltage, Li+/Na+ intercalated cathode materials
In situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and UV–vis
and some Prussian blue analogues (e.g. CuHCF, ZnHCF) have high
spectroscopy were employed to investigate the structural evolution,
operation voltage in neutral or mildly acidic electrolyte, while V-
dissolution behavior, and charge-storage mechanism of C4Q cathode. It
based materials suffer from lower working potentials (about
is revealed that carbonyl groups at the bottom and up of C4Q will ac-
0.2–1.6 V). It is worth noting that Ni, Co, or Ag-based materials that
cept electrons accompanied by storing Zn2+ ions during the discharge
operated in alkaline electrolyte usually have high voltage, mainly
process. Upon charging, C4Q will be oxidized and hence the captured
due to the fact that zinc has more negative potential in alkaline
electrons and Zn2+ ions will be released. However, due to the inherent
soluble characteristic of discharged products of C4Q in aqueous elec-
(3) For reaction mechanisms, V-based materials and Prussian blue
trolyte, an expensive cation-exchange membrane (Nafion) must be
analogues are mainly based on reversible Zn2+ insertion/extrac-
employed as a separator to inhibit the cross of C4Q2x− and prevent the
tion. For hybrid batteries that coupling a lithium or sodium based-
zinc anode from poisoning by discharge products, which limits its large-
intercalation cathode with a metallic Zn anode, they operate based
scale applications.
on a hybrid chemistry and two different electrochemical processes
More recently, Xia et al. developed an environment-friendly and
have been involved: Zn deposition-dissolution in anode and Li+ or
flexible Zn battery based on a pyrene-4,5,9,10-tetraone (PTO) cathode,
Na+ -induced oxidization/reduction in cathode. While the reaction
in which conventional porous glass fiber membrane can be used as
mechanism of Mn-based materials remains controversial and has
separator (Fig. 17d and e) [115]. The Zn/PTO battery showed a high

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 18. (a) Schematic diagram of the AC based Zn-ion capacitor [122]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier. (b) TEM image of the prepared bio-derived AC (the inset in b is the
corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) of the AC) [123]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier. (c) Schematic of the fabrication process for the Zn-ion micro-
supercapacitor. The SEM images of the (d) pristine CNT paper, (e) microelectrode and (f) Zn anode after plating [124]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of

been a subject of debate. Since then various mechanisms for MnO2 larger capacity and higher energy density than conventional super-
cathode have been reported: Zn2+ intercalation/deintercalation capacitors. Similarly, Tang et al. develop an organic Zn-ion capacitor
mechanism; co-insertion of Zn2+ and H+ mechanism; conversion based on a highly porous bio-derived AC. Fig. 18b shows the TEM
reaction mechanism. More detailed work and more advanced image of the as-prepared AC that has a homogeneous porous structure.
characterization techniques are required to reach a consensus on By optimizing the weight ratio of activating agent, the specific surface
the energy storage mechanism of MnO2. area of bio-derived AC can be as high as 3554 m2 g−1, which con-
tributed to a high specific capacitance [123]. Recently, Qu and co-
3.7. Capacitor-type materials for Zn-ion capacitors workers designed a zinc-ion micro-supercapacitor with a capacitor-type
carbon nanotube (CNT) micro-cathode (Fig. 18c–f). The oxygen func-
Recently, a novel energy storage system of zinc-ion hybrid super- tional groups on the surface of the CNT micro-cathode can not only
capacitors has been proposed, in which capacitor-type materials such as enhance the wettability but also offer a large additional pseudo-capa-
activated carbon (AC) and metallic Zn are employed as cathode and citance, since these functional groups can electrochemically interact
anode, respectively. The operation mechanism is based on the si- with divalent Zn2+ ions [124].
multaneous adsorption/de-adsorption at the capacitor-type cathode
Anode: Zn ↔ Zn2+ + 2e− (25)
and deposition/dissolution of Zn in the anode. Based on this design, Xu
and co-workers constructed a aqueous Zn-ion capacitor, which em- Cathode: CNT···O + Zn 2+
+ 2e −
↔ CNT···O···Zn (26)
ployed commercial AC, metallic zinc, and ZnSO4 as cathode, anode and 2+
electrolyte, respectively (Fig. 18a) [122]. This zinc-ion hybrid super- At the CNT micro-cathode, divalent Zn ions are adsorbed/des-
capacitor integrated advantages of supercapacitors and batteries: orbed with those oxygen functional groups of CNT during the cycling
Firstly, it provides better rate capability and cycling stability than most process. While at the Zn anode part, a reversible Zn deposition-dis-
of rechargeable batteries (over 10000 cycles). Secondly, it offers much solution process takes place at the same time. As a result, the prepared

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 19. Schematic illustration of (a) the structure of zinc-air battery. Gas diffusion layer integrated with electrocatalysts: (b) carbon-based (cross-sectional view), and
(c) metal-based (top view). Reproduced with permission [37]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. Hair-like array of Co3O4-carbon nanotube/stainless steel air electrode: (d)
Schematic diagram and (e) SEM images. Reproduced with permission [131]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

zinc-ion micro-supercapacitor achieved a high energy density of 3.8.1. Gas-diffusion layer for zinc-air batteries
29.6 W h cm−2 and a high power density of 8 mW cm−2. The design of In zinc-air batteries, the gas-diffusion layer plays important roles
high-rate, high capacity, and long-life Zn-ion capacitors is believed to including supporter for electrocatalysts, transportation of air/oxygen,
open up a new avenue for next-generation energy storage devices. barriers to prevent the leakage of liquid electrolyte and current col-
lector as an electrically conductive pathway. Therefore, an interfacial
structure with optimal hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity in each side
3.8. Bifunctional air electrode for rechargeable zinc-air battery is critical to gas-diffusion layer. The basic requirement of gas-diffusion
layer contains high porosity for gas diffusion, excellent electrical con-
Zinc-air batteries exhibit significantly high-energy density, owing to ductivity for charge collection, high mechanical strength and reliable
that the reactants (oxygen) of air electrode are from outside of battery electrochemical oxidation stability and chemical durability in strong
[125–128]. For that, air electrode provides reaction places for oxygen alkaline electrolytes.
evolution reaction (OER) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), which Normally, gas-diffusion layer is composed of several polytetra-
was regarded as the most important component and inevitably de- fluoroethylene (PTFE)-bonded carbon layers on one side of current
termines the performance of a Zn–air battery [129,130]. The OER takes collecting materials (usually metal or carbon-based materials) to realize
place at two-phase boundaries (liquid electrolyte-solid catalyst). The hydrophobicity. The widely used gas-diffusion layer in zinc-air batteries
ORR occurs at three-phase boundaries (air-liquid electrolyte-solid are woven carbon fiber cloth (CFC) (Fig. 19b) and metal-based mate-
electrocatalyst) of air electrode, which is in intimate contact with gas rials (Fig. 19c). The CFCs typically have a dual layer design, composed
phase and liquid phase (Fig. 19a). The hydrophobic side provides mi- of a macroporous gas-diffusion backbone and a thin microporous layer.
crochannel to facilitate air diffusion to catalytic sites and barriers to The macroporous backbone consists of a highly hydrophobic array of
prevent electrolyte leakage. The hydrophilic side offers access to ion- graphitized carbon fibers or carbon particles to provide large gas-dif-
conductivity electrolyte. Although the conventional electrodes can be fusion channels. Whereas, the thin microporous layer is made up by
employed for OER, it cannot supply sufficient three-phase boundaries to relatively hydrophilic carbon layer with fine porosity to support the
sustain continuous and high-current-density ORR, leading to rather electrocatalysts. The thicker CFC gas-diffusion layer not only tends to
ineffective as air electrodes. In addition, OER and ORR of air electrode have better battery performance but also exhibits enhanced mechanical
mainly determine the electrochemical performance of rechargeable flexibility. Thereby, it can be utilized as a supporter of robust electro-
zinc-air battery. During discharging process, the air electrode consumes catalysts for small-scale, flexible zinc-air battery applications. However,
oxygen molecular of air (ORR process). Reversely, the air electrode poor stability in strong alkaline electrolyte is a major problem for
evolves oxygen (OER process) during charging process. Usually, the woven CFC-based gas-diffusion layer. CFC gas-diffusion layers are
ORR and OER is slow during discharge-charge process. The integration highly susceptible to carbon corrosion, leading to losses of active sur-
of electrocatalysts to air electrode is required to accelerate ORR and face area for electrochemical oxygen reactions, irregular distribution of
OER reaction. Thus, a typical air electrode is composed of a gas diffu- current throughout the air electrodes, and even the leakage of liquid
sion layer and a catalyst layer. The gas diffusion layer normally pro- electrolyte. Furthermore, alkaline electrolytes also can be negatively
vides both pathway for air diffusion, and physical and conductive affected by dissolved carbonate species, owing to carbon corrosion of
support for electrocatalysts. Meanwhile, the electrocatalysts accelerate gas-diffusion layers.
the ORR and OER. In the following sections, the design of the gas-dif- For long-term stability, it is needed to prevent the corrosion of the
fusion layers and the exploitation of bifunctional catalysts are dis- gas-diffusion layer by the utilization of metallic substrates as the al-
cussed. ternatives, including nickel/copper foam, nickel mesh, stainless-steel

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

(SS) mesh, and titanium mesh. The metallic substrate-based gas-diffu- small voltage gap and shows excellent cycling stability. Dai's group
sion layer could provide high electrical conductivities and electro- developed a metal-free bifunctional electrocatalyst, nitrogen and
chemical oxidation resistance over a wider potential range compared to phosphorus co-doped mesoporous carbon foams by template-free ap-
CFC-based gas-diffusion layers, which could offer comparable battery proach (Fig. 20e–h) [135]. They found a scalable approach to fabricate
performance to CFC-based gas-diffusion. For example, Chen's group 3D heteroatoms doped carbon foams by simple pyrolysis of the poly-
developed an air electrode with hair-like catalysts vertically and di- aniline with the existence of phytic acid. The resultant electrocatalyst
rectly grown on a flexible stainless steel mesh (Fig. 19d and e) [131]. possesses large surface area (∼1663 m2 g−1) and shows good electro-
The SS mesh and the direct growth of carbon nanotube significantly catalytic properties for both ORR and OER. When it is used in air
improve electrical conductivity and mechanical flexibility of gas dif- electrode of a zinc air battery, the batteries showed open circuit of
fusion layer, which extend the limits of nanostructured catalysts based 1.48 V and could be cycled stably for 180 cycles at 2 mA cm−2.
on conventional planar air electrodes. Zhang's group reported a flexibly freestanding cobalt-based air
electrode of in-situ coupling of strung Co4N and intertwined N–C fibers
3.8.2. Bifunctional electrocatalysts for zinc-air battery by pyrolysis of the novel pearl-like ZIF-67/polypyrrole nanofibers net-
For rechargeable zinc-air battery, the ORR takes place at triple work immobilized on CFC (Fig. 20i-m) [136]. The air electrode can be
phase boundary among air electrode, oxygen gas and liquid electrolyte. directly used for flexible zinc air batteries, which show excellent elec-
The generated OH− will migrate to metallic Zn anode and reacts with trochemical performance and mechanical flexibility, due to the high
Zn. These reactions are reversed with zincate ions back to metallic Zn ORR and OER performance of air electrode and flexibility of air elec-
and the evolution of oxygen [132]. The reactions are summarized as trode. For flexible/wearable application, the volume expansion and
follows: contraction of electronic devices may occur. So, a compressible battery
Cathode: O2 + 2H2O +4e- 4OH-, E = 0.4V vs. SHE. is required to accommodate stress. Zhi's group developed a compres-
Anode: Zn + 2OH- ZnO + H2O + 2e-; E = −1.26V vs. SHE. sible zinc air battery based on single-site iron based bifunctional oxygen
Total reaction: 2ZnO 2Zn + O2, E = 1.66V catalysts (Fig. 20n-p) [137]. The single-site electrocatalysts could pro-
Parasitic reaction: Zn + 2H2O Zn(OH)2 + H2. vide abundant active sites and highly electrocatalytic activities of each
According to the reaction mechanism, the theoretically operational active sites, resulting in high ORR/OER performance. The compressible
voltage is ∼1.66 V. However, its practical operating voltage always is zinc air battery is constructed based on the developed oxygen catalysts
lower than 1.2 V to sustain a rational discharge current. The recharge and polyacrylamide (PAM) hydrogel, which shows excellent charge/
voltage is about 2 V or higher to reverse above mentioned reaction. The discharge process with 0.78 V voltage gap.
large voltage gap between charge and discharge is mainly caused by the
large overpotential of oxygen reaction at the air cathode [133]. Such
4. Zn anode
large overpotential mainly originates from the activation loss in air
cathode, which can be minimized by developing high-efficiency ORR
The advantages of Zn as anode for batteries include its large
and OER electrocatalysts. So, air electrodes should be able to catalyze
abundance, low cost, environmental friendliness, low oxidation-reduc-
both the ORR and OER kinetics efficiently, which can be realized uti-
tion potential as well as good reversibility in aqueous electrolyte. As an
lizing mixture of two components or a bifunctional oxygen electro-
essential component, Zn anode greatly affects the performance of RZBs.
catalysts. Moreover, the major issues that occur in Zn anode which
In this part, we will introduce the fundamental electrochemistry as well
include dendrite growth, shape change, passivation, and hydrogen
as the issues and challenges facing Zn electrode, followed by the stra-
evolution are also key factors for the high voltage gap of Zn-air battery.
tegies and corresponding effects for improving the Zn anode perfor-
These issues and corresponding remedy strategies will be discussed in
detail in Section 4.
Commercial Pt/C electrocatalyts exhibit excellent ORR perfor-
mance, but the OER performance is poor, which owes to the formation 4.1. Electrochemical fundamentals and issue of zinc anode
of oxide layer, resulting in low electrical conductivity. The state-of-art
IrO2 and RuO2 electrocatalysts possess high OER activity; however, To understand the fundamental electrochemistry and performance-
their ORR activity is significantly low. The mixture of Pt/C/IrO2 or Pt/ limiting phenomena occurring on the Zn electrode, it is necessary to
C/RuO2 can be used to fabricate rechargeable zinc air batteries. study the Pourbaix diagram of Zn in aqueous environment (Fig. 21a),
However, it is not possible for practical applications due to the ex- which presents the possible stable (equilibrium) phases in different pH
pensive noble metal electrocatalysts. In addition, the durability of the range and equilibrium conditions [17]. The diagram shows that Zn is
electrocatalysts remains a major challenge. thermodynamically unstable in aqueous solutions and it is liable to
An elctrocatalyst with dual functions (ORR and OER) from a single dissolve accompanied by the H2 evolution among the whole pH range.
component, named bifunctional electrocatalyst, have become the main Under acidic conditions (pH < 4.0, zinc has high solubility and can
targets for practical application of the zinc air batteries. In recent years, easily dissolve into Zn2+ ions. At 5.0 < pH < 8.0, the dissolution of
the bifunctional electrocatalysts have been widely studied including Zn becomes relatively slower due to the high overpotential and the
metal-free materials (nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and boron-doped lower corrosion activity compared with strong acid solution. Under
carbon materials), transition metal-based material (metal oxide, metal neutral or slightly alkaline solutions (8.0 < pH < 10.5), the dissolu-
nitride, metal sulfide and metal selenides) and some composite mate- tion of Zn decreases and more stable Zn corrosion products are gener-
rials. Among them, heteroatoms doped carbon materials and the M-N-C ated (e.g., Zn(OH)2). The main reaction of Zn anode in acid and neutral
(M = Co, Fe) are representatives with high electrocatalytic activities for solutions can be written as:
zinc air batteries. For example, Zhi's group reported a hierarchically
Zn ↔ Zn2+ + 2e- (27)
micro-, meso- and macroporous nitrogen, sulfur doped carbon material
via a one-pot pyrolysis reaction (Fig. 20a–d) [134]. The hierarchically In alkaline environment (pH > 11), zinc solubility increases again
porous carbon materials were simply synthesized by in-situ pyrolysis of and the formation of zincate ions (e.g., Zn(OH)42−) is favored and
a mixture precursor of silica spheres, Teflon powder and trithiocyanuric oxygen reduction reaction dominates the cathodic corrosion process.
acid (TA). It shows both excellent ORR and OER performance (with a Different from the electrochemical behaviors in neutral or mildly acidic
metric potential difference of 0.72 V in 1 M KOH aqueous solution solutions, the zinc electrodes undergo a solid-solute-solid transforma-
medium). When the bifunctional electrocatalysts were utilized for a Zn tion in alkaline electrolytes (ZnO–Zn(OH)42--Zn), which inherently
air battery, the battery could execute the discharge/charge process with faces a series of challenges: (i) the discharge product ZnO passivates the

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 20. Nitrogen, sulfur codoped porous carbon electrocatalysts: (a) Schematic illustration of synthetic procedure, (b) OER and ORR performance, (c) charge/
discharge profile of zinc air battery and (d) cycling stability of zinc air battery. Reproduced with permission [134]. Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Nitrogen, phosphorus doped carbon materials: (e) schematic illustration of synthetic procedure, (f) OER and ORR performance, (g) schematic illustration of the
structure of zinc air battery and (h) long-time durability of Zn air battery. Reproduced with permission [135]. Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. Strung Co4N and
intertwined N–C fibers electrocatalysts: (i–k) SEM images, (l) photograph of the cable-type Zinc-air battery at various bended and twisted conditions, and (m) charge/
discharge profile of zinc-air battery at different bending angles. Reproduced with permission [136]. Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. Single-site active
iron-based bifunctional oxygen catalyst: (n) Schematic illustration of synthetic procedure, (o) ORR and OER performance and (p) charge/discharge cycling profile at
different compress strains. Reproduced with permission [137]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.

surface of Zn, which lowers the utilization of zinc active materials; (ii) Zn + 4OH- ↔ Zn(OH)42- + 2e- (28)
non-uniform dissolution and deposition of zinc occurs in random lo-
Zn(OH)42- ↔ ZnO + H2O + 2OH -
cations of electrode surface, leading to severe electrode morphology
change and dendrite growth after continuous cycling [138]. The anodic Accompanied by the dissolution process of Zn electrode, four major
reaction in alkaline media is expressed by the following equations: performance-limiting phenomena occur during the battery operation
(Fig. 21b), which includes: 1) dendrite growth, 2) shape change, 3)

Fig. 21. (A) Pourbaix diagram of Zn–H2O system at 25 °C. Reproduced with permission [17]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. (B) Schematic illustration
of four major issues that may occur on the zinc electrode: (a) dendrite growth, (b) shape change, (c) passivation, and (d) hydrogen evolution. Reproduced with
permission [37]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

passivation and increased internal resistance, and 4) hydrogen evolu- anode. This approach could improve the utilization ratio of additives
tion [37]. It should be noted that hydrogen evolution is much severe in and enhance the surface and bulk properties, rendering electrode ma-
alkaline zinc batteries than in neutral ones. The Zn/ZnO standard re- terials more stable. Recently, various nanocomposites, including or-
duction process in alkaline electrolytes and the hydrogen-evolution ganic materials, metals and metallic compounds, have been studied as a
reaction (HER) can be described by the following equations: protective layer to modify Zn-based electrodes, achieving long life and
high efficiency RZBs [144].
Zn + 2OH- → ZnO + H2O + 2e- (−1.26 V vs. SHE) (30)
Kang et al. designed a porous nano-CaCO3 coating as a protective
2H2O + 2e- → 2OH- + H2 (−0.83 V vs. SHE) (31) layer to achieve a uniform and bottom-up Zn stripping/plating (Fig. 23)
[145]. This strategy effectively suppresses the development of zinc
It can be seen that the standard reduction potential of Zn/ZnO dendrites that may cause large polarization and internal short circuit,
(−1.26 V) is much lower than that of HER (−0.83 V). Therefore, the thus improving the Coulombic efficiency and cycling stability of Zn
HER process is thermodynamically favored and hydrogen evolution will batteries. The as-fabricated rechargeable Zn–MnO2 battery with a
inevitably take place during the operation of RZBs, which can result in CaCO3-coated Zn anode offers a 177 mA h g−1 at 1 A g−1 after 1000
consumption of the zinc and electrolyte during cycling. This undesired cycles, which is much higher than the one with bare Zn anode
side reaction also results in a low Coulombic efficiency of zinc elec- (124 mA h g−1).
trode, since the HER will consume some electrons that transferred to Mai and co-workers proposed an atomic layer deposition (ALD)
the zinc anode and generate hydrogen. Suppression of hydrogen evo- coating strategy to design an ultrathin protective TiO2 coating for zinc
lution is essential for zinc-based batteries, especially for alkaline RZBs metal anode [146]. The highly conductive and amorphous TiO2 layer
and Zn-air batteries. It is found that the actual rate of hydrogen evo- could act as a stable buffer layer between the Zn anode and electrolyte
lution is determined by its exchange current density and overpotential and effectively suppress the hydrogen evolution and the formation of
[139]. Therefore, strategies to increase the overpotential and decrease inactive reaction by-products, leading to an enhanced electrochemical
exchange current density for hydrogen evolution should be developed performance of Zn based batteries. By virtue of this protective TiO2
to improve the charging efficiency and reduce the self-discharge rate of layer, the as-prepared Zn–MnO2 battery exhibited a greatly enhanced
the zinc electrode. Apart from hydrogen evolution, other issues such as cycling performance (85% capacity retained after 1000 cycles at
dendritic growth, shape change, and passivation could also result in 3 mA cm−2).
severe capacity fading and poor Coulombic efficiency of RZBs, which
drives the implement of various remedy strategies to enhance the Zn 4.4. Structural design of Zn anode
anode performance.
The geometry and structure design of the zinc anode play an im-
4.2. Additives for Zn anode & Zn alloy anode portant role in mitigating the issue of shape change and zinc dendrite
formation and lowering the internal electrical resistance. In principle,
One facile and efficient way to improve the property of Zn anode increasing the surface area of the Zn anode can decrease the zinc-de-
that is to incorporate certain additives with the Zn anode. These ad- position overpotential, thus minimizing the potential for zinc dendrite
ditives generally have an important effect on the crystal growth, mor- formation and passivation. Besides, the porous structure and large
phology and structure of Zn deposition. Metallic Hg is an effective surface area is beneficial for enhancing the interfacial contact between
additive for suppressing self-corrosion and hydrogen evolution of Zn Zn and the electrolyte and shortens the ion diffusion pathways, there-
anode, but it has been prohibited in many products including batteries fore improving the utilization ratio of Zn based materials. To date,
due to its high toxicity and environmental concerns. As an alternative various types of high-surface-area Zn electrodes have been investigated,
solution, alloying zinc with other metals (e.g., Bi, Sn, In, or Ni) was including fine powders, spheres, flakes, ribbons, fibers, and foams
found to be an effective way to suppress H2 generation and alter the [147].
electrochemical properties of Zn anode [140]. Besides, some metal Zhang and co-workers developed a spin cast approach to fabricate
compounds (such as BaO, Bi2O3, In(OH)3, Ca(OH)2, Zn4Al various forms of Zn electrodes, such as Zn fibers, rods, bars and sheets
(OH)10]2(CO3)·nH2O) have also been considered as the promising ad- with different thickness and lengths [148]. These fibrous and porous Zn
ditives to stabilize the Zn anode [141]. These additives usually have anodes are especially advantageous for large-sized alkaline based Zn
higher hydrogen overpotential than Zn, which could improve the batteries due to their high mechanical stability and flexibility and high
electrochemical performance of Zn anode and suppress H2 generation effective surface area. Long and Rolison and their co-workers prepared
to different degrees. For example, by in situ XRD technique, Brousse a highly porous, 3D zinc sponge electrode to enhance the zinc utiliza-
et al. demonstrated that Bi2O3 could be reduced to metallic bismuth and tion and rechargeability (Fig. 24) [149]. This 3D porous architecture
form a nanometer scale conductive network prior to the Zn deposition, increased the electrified active area and minimized the local current
thus optimizing the current distribution and promoting the uniform density, thus suppressing the formation of zinc dendrites. In addition,
deposition of zinc (Fig. 22a–c) [142]. the zinc deposition can be well controlled and restricted within the void
Carbon-based materials (such as carbon black, activated carbon) are space of 3D Zn sponge architecture, which diminished the potential for
sometimes introduced to Zn anode to avoid passivation and improve the shape change upon cycling. Benefiting from this unique 3D architecture
electrochemical performance of Zn anode. Li et al. demonstrated that design, this Zn sponge electrode maintained a dendrite-free mor-
introducing activated carbon (AC) into the Zn anode can significantly phology after high-rate cycling up to 188 mA h g−1 (based on Zn
improve the reversibility and suppress the formation of zinc hydroxide electrode) and exhibited a high Zn utilization (about 90%) in a primary
sulfate hydrates (Zn4SO4(OH)6·nH2O) (Fig. 22d–f) [143]. In addition, it Zn-air battery. Based on this advanced 3D Zn sponge electrode, Rolison
is found that the rich and well-developed pores of the AC could ac- and co-workers further designed a high-energy-density, economically
commodate the deposition of Zn dendrites and insoluble anodic pro- feasible nickel–3D Zn rechargeable battery [150]. At deeper depth of
ducts, contributing to an enhancement of the cycling stability of the discharge (≥40% DODZn), this advanced Ni–3D Zn battery can deliver
rechargeable Zn/MnO2 battery. a high a specific energy which is competitive with common Li-ion
batteries. For “start-stop” operation applications, this Ni–3D Zn battery
4.3. Surface modification could achieve more than 50,000 cycles, demonstrating excellent relia-
bility and great application potential.
Surface modification of Zn particles or Zn plate provides another Recently, Fan and co-workers electrodeposited Zn nanoflakes array
effective strategy for improving the comprehensive properties of the Zn (≈20 nm in thickness and ≈400 nm in width) on a 3D porous graphene

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 22. (a) SEM image of Zn/Bi2O3 mixed electrode before test. (b) SEM image of Zn/Bi2O3 mixed electrode after 10 cycles. (c) Comparison of cycling performance
for Bi2O3-free Zn electrode (empty squares) and Zn/Bi2O3 mixed electrode (plain squares). Reproduced with permission [142]. Copyright 2013, Elsevier. (d)
Schematic illustration for the deposition of anodic products in activated carbon. (e) SEM image of bare anode after cycling, showing lots of zinc dendrites. (f) SEM
image of AC-modified Zn anode after cycling. Reproduced with permission [143]. Copyright 2015, The Electrochemical Society.

foam. This structure has two advantages over traditional Zn foil: First, liquid (IL) based electrolytes have been proposed and evaluated. In this
3D porous graphene foam serves as both a light-weight backbone for part, we will discuss composition and additives of conventional aqu-
zinc array deposition and a continuous current flow channel as well as eous electrolytes as well as their influence on battery performance. The
macroporous agent to diminished the formation of Zn dendrites and selection of hydrogels and ionic liquids, rational design for multi-
inactive surface by-products, leading to an enhanced Coulombic effi- functions, as well as the performance in RZBs will also be discussed.
ciency and cycling stability. Second, the high surface area, and more
reactive sites features of this 3D zinc structure contribute to the fast Zn/ 5.1. Neutral or mildly acidic electrolytes
Zn2+ redox kinetics, thus enhancing high rate performance of Zn anode
[151]. Since the electrolyte governs the battery electrochemistry, the
However, as the exposed surface area increase, the hydrogen evo- search of proper electrolyte system plays a pivotal importance in de-
lution rate and the corrosion rate of the zinc electrode will increase veloping high performance RZBs. The use of aqueous electrolyte offers
accordingly. This side reaction will consume zinc active materials and many advantages, such as high security, low cost, ease of battery as-
electrolyte, aggravate self-discharge and eventually shorten battery life- sembly, and most importantly, high ionic conductivities, which is cru-
span. Recently, Liu and co-workers developed several deeply re- cial for the high rate performance of RZBs. Traditionally, RZBs have
chargeable Zn anodes with unique core/shell structures for alkaline Zn been developed employing KOH or NaOH aqueous alkaline electrolyte,
batteries which solving the dilemma of Zn passivation and dissolution such as rechargeable alkaline Zn–MnO2 or Ni–Zn batteries [156].
simultaneously [152]. For example, a sealed ZnO@TiNxOy nanorod However, the principal problems with aqueous alkaline electrolyte are
anode was prepared by a hydrothermal and atomic layer deposition the high dissolution and corrosion of the zinc electrode. Strong acidic
(ALD) technique. This structure possesses a few merits: (i) The small electrolytes are also ruled out considering the high corrosion reactivity
size (< 500 nm) of ZnO prevents passivation and allows full utilization of Zn. Therefore, the implement of aqueous neutral or mildly acidic
of active materials; (ii) the carbon paper framework and TiNxOy electrolyte has the following advantages: (1) reduces zinc dendrite
coating, which encapsulates ZnO nanorod, function as an electrical formation, leading to high Coulombic efficiency; (2) decreases the
pathway so that all ZnO nanorods are electrochemically active; (iii) the corrosion to Zn anode, which is beneficial for long-term cycling stabi-
thin TiNxOy coating enables fast hydroxide/water diffusion and coating lity; (3) possesses high safety, low cost and high ionic conductivity
mitigates Zn dissolution in alkaline electrolyte, thus preventing anode compared with organic electrolytes.
structure fracture. Besides, ion-sieving carbon nanoshell coated ZnO Zinc salt and its concentration in the electrolyte solution exert
nanoparticle anode [153], pomegranate-structured ZnO@C [154], and profound effect on the electrochemical performance of aqueous zinc
lasagna-structured ZnO anode [155] were also reported, aiming at batteries. To date, zinc salts including ZnSO4, Zn(NO3)2, Zn(CH3COO)2,
solving the dilemma of Zn passivation and dissolution simultaneously ZnF2, Zn(ClO4)2, ZnCl2 and Zn(CF3SO3)2 have been explored [157], as
and achieving deeply rechargeable Zn based batteries. listed in Table 1. It is reported that nitrate ions are strong oxidants,
which will oxidize the Zn foil anode and degrade the performance of
5. Electrolytes for rechargeable Zn based batteries copper hexacyanoferrate cathode while Zn(ClO4)2 has higher over-
potential of zinc dissolution/deposition [106]. Zinc acetate is a com-
Generally, RZBs operate in neutral or mildly acidic electrolyte (such monly used additive for food supplements, thus exhibits good en-
as ZnSO4 or Zn(NO3)2) and alkaline electrolytes (such as KOH or vironmental compatibility. However, its featureless performance can't
NaOH). To enhance the reversibility of Zn batteries and suppress cor- support its wide application [157]. As for ZnF2 and ZnCl2, their appli-
rosion and dendritic growth, many additives are adopted. With the cation is limited by low solubility in water and instability of Cl-, re-
increasing demands for long-term cycling stability of RZBs as well as spectively. The most commonly used zinc salt is ZnSO4 due to its low
flexible and wearable electronics, hydrogel or gel electrolytes and ionic cost, high solubility in water and their remarkable battery performance.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 23. SEM images of (a–c) bare and (d–f) nano-CaCO3-coated Zn electrode (a,d) before and (b,c and e,f) after 100 cycles. The white arrow in (c) points a Zn
dendrite detaching from the Zn foil. (g) Schematic diagram of morphology evolution for bare and CaCO3-coated Zn electrodes upon repeated stripping/plating
cycling. Reproduced with permission [145]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

However, its usage in Zn batteries is always accompanied by the for- f) [158]. This neutral electrolyte not only promotes dendrite-free Zn
mation of basic zinc sulfates, Zn4(OH)6SO4·nH2O, which is considered plating/stripping at nearly 100% Coulombic efficiency, but also capable
to be responsible for the capacity loss in the initial several cycles [57]. of retaining water in an open atmosphere. When paired with LiMn2O4
Recently, Zn(CF3SO3)2 emerged as a favorable electrolyte for RZBs. or O2 cathodes, the former demonstrates a high energy density of
Chen and co-workers compared the CV profiles of Zn electrode in 1 M 180 Wh kg−1 and capacity retention of 80% for > 4000 cycles, whereas
Zn(CF3SO3)2 electrolyte and 1 M ZnSO4 electrolyte (Fig. 25a–d) [45]. the latter achieves an energy density of 300 Wh kg−1 for > 200 cycles.
Compared to ZnSO4, Zn(CF3SO3)2 electrolyte shows smaller peak se- The structural and spectroscopic studies combined with molecular-scale
paration between Zn deposition/dissolution and higher peak current modelling revealed that the high population of anions forces them into
density, indicating enhanced reaction kinetic for Zn deposition/dis- the vicinity of Zn2+ to form close ion pairs (Zn–TFSI)+ that sig-
solution and better reversibility. This is mainly due to the fact that nificantly suppress the presence of (Zn–(H2O)6)2+, thus H2 evolution is
bulky CF3SO3−anions can reduce the number of water molecules sur- effectively prevented, which leads to excellent Zn reversibility.
rounding Zn2+ cations and decrease the solvation effect, thus facil- The addition of additives into the electrolyte is another approach to
itating the Zn2+ transportation and charge transfer. Moreover, in- mitigate the Zn dendrite growth and the dissolution of cathode mate-
creasing salt concentration could reduce the water activity and water- rials. For example, MnSO4 is usually added into the ZnSO4 electrolyte to
induced side reaction, thus leading to improved cycle stability. How- suppress the dissolution of Mn based cathodes in Zn–Mn battery sys-
ever, it is worth mentioning that high concentration electrolyte lead to tems [24]. Hu reported the suppression of zinc dendrites in an aqueous
high viscosity, which will decrease the ionic conductivity of the elec- solution with imidazolium ionic liquids as additive [159]. The added
trolyte and is unfavourable for the rate performance of batteries. imidazolium ionic liquids can be adsorbed on the electrode surface or
Moreover, Zn(CF3SO3)2 is much more expensive than ZnSO4 and other freshly formed deposit surface, thus altering the chemical double layer
conventional zinc salts, which may hinder its large scale application. and blocking zinc nucleation. It is revealed that after adding imidazo-
Recently, Xu reported a highly concentrated Zn ion electrolyte lium ionic liquids, both nucleation overpotential and polarization ex-
consisting of 1 mol L−1 Zn(TFSI)2 and 20 mol L−1 LiTFSI (Fig. 25e and tent increase in the order of additive-free < 1-ethyl-3-

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 24. (a) Photograph (left one) and SEM images (middle and right) of a 3D Zn-sponge electrode. (b) Schematic diagram for conventional and 3D Zn electrodes
upon charge and discharge processes. Reproduced with permission [149]. Copyright 2014, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Schematic diagram of morphological
changes of the ZnO@TiNxOy nanorod anode during cycling. The structure of Zn anode retains very much during cycling with the protection of thin TiNxOy coating
[152]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier.

methylimidazoliumchloride (EMI-Cl) < 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium most widely studied one, due to the high solubility of zinc salts as well
hexafluorophosphate (EMI-PF6) < 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis as higher ionic conductivity of K+ (73.50 Ω−1 cm2 equiv−1) than Na+
(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (EMI-TFSA) < 1-ethyl-3-methylimi- (50.11 Ω−1 cm2 equiv−1) and Li+ (38.70 Ω−1 cm2 equiv−1)
dazolium dicyanamide (EMI-DCA). Niu and co-workers revealed that [139,160,161]. Furthermore, the by-products of KOH electrolyte with
the addition of Na2SO4 into the ZnSO4 electrolyte can inhibit the dis- CO2 demonstrates a higher solubility than that of NaOH counterpart,
solution of NaV3O8·1.5H2O in the cathode and suppress the dendrite which could thereby alleviate the carbonate precipitation issues for Zn
deposition in the Zn anode [98]. This is because Na+ with a lower batteries. The way to enhance the conductivity of the alkaline elec-
reduction potential than Zn2+ could form a positively charged elec- trolyte is to increase the concentration of KOH aqueous solution.
trostatic shield around the initial growth tip of the protuberances of Zn, However, the high solution concentration can lead to increased visc-
which forces further deposition of Zn to adjacent regions, thus elim- osity of the electrolyte and the formation of ZnO, which reversibly re-
inating the Zn dendrite formation. duces ion conductivity of electrolyte and form zinc dendrites. There-
fore, 6 M KOH aqueous solution is widely employed as electrolyte for
5.2. Alkaline electrolytes Zn based alkaline batteries.
Despite the aforementioned benefits, zinc solubility, which is asso-
Alkaline electrolytes are highly attractive for RZBs due to their ciated with zinc dendritic formation, shape changes and zinc passiva-
various merits such as high operation voltage, fast reaction kinetics, tion, has been a critical obstacle for achieving long-life and high-effi-
and higher ionic conductivity in comparison with neutral and acidic ciency alkaline RZBs [162]. Owing to the gravitational force, the
electrolytes. The commonly used alkaline electrolytes in RZBs include migration of Zn from top and side of Zn electrode to bottom, leading to
KOH, NaOH, and LiOH.38 Among them, the KOH solution has been the the irreversible capacity loss and triggering the formation of Zn

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 25. (a and b) CV curves of Zn anode in 1 M Zn

(CF3SO3)2 and 1 M ZnSO4 at 0.5 mV s−1, respec-
tively; (c) comparison of the cycling performance of
Zn/Zn symmetrical cells at 0.1 mA cm−2 in 3 M Zn
(CF3SO3)2 and 3 M ZnSO4 electrolytes; (d) compar-
ison of the rate performance in 3 M Zn(CF3SO3)2 and
3 M ZnSO4 electrolytes. Reproduced with permission
[45]. Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.
(e) SEM image of Zn electrode in 1 mol L−1 Zn
(TFSI)2 and 20 mol L−1 LiTFSI after 500 cycles. (f)
The cycling stability and Coulombic efficiency of the
Zn/LiMn2O4 full cell in 1 mol L−1 Zn(TFSI)2 and
20 mol L−1 LiTFSI at 4C. Reproduced with permis-
sion [158]. Copyright 2018, Springer Nature.

Fig. 26. Morphologies of deposited-Zn in 7 M KOH solution with 0.6 M ZnO addition at different current density for different times: (a) at 100 mA cm−2 for 10 min;
(b) at 50 mA cm−2 for 20 min; (c) at 20 mA cm−2 for 50 min and (d) at 10 mA cm−2 for 100 min. Morphological control of zinc redistribution at 100 mA cm−2 for
10 min: (e) tree/leaf-like dendritic morphology in static electrolyte; (f) morphology of deposited Zn in flow electrolyte; (g) boulder-like morphology in static
electrolyte and morphology of deposited Zn at 60 °C. Reproduced with permission [163]. Copyright 2015, The Royal Society of Chemistry.

dendrites. The uniform Zn electrode surface, especially Zn dendrites Zn dendrites will be. For example, as Wang and their co-workers re-
easily penetrate the separator, leading to electrical short circuit. The Zn ported, dendrite propagation is significantly controlled by ion-diffusion,
electrode shape changes and Zn dendrites are important issues in al- which depends on overpotential of electrolyte and surface energy ani-
kaline RZBs. The dendritic morphology often varies with the ion spe- sotropy. Furthermore, the morphology of dendrites can also contribute
cies. Their morphology often perpendicularly directs to the separator or to nonuniform distribution of the electric field and ion concentration of
cathode surface with boulder-like, tree-like or leaf-like shapes. This electrolyte [163]. As shown in Fig. 26, different morphologies of Zn
because that the binding energy of Zn atoms in a certain orientation is surface can be achieved at different charge current densities and dif-
stronger than that of other direction. The growth of Zn dendrites relies ferent states of the electrolyte. From Fig. 26a–d, it is observed that leaf-
on local overpotential, which is related to electric potential between the like morphology easily forms at high current density. The effect of
anode and cathode as well as interface interaction between Zn electrode electric field force on depositing atoms becomes stronger with the in-
and electrolyte. The higher voltage is applied, the faster growth rate of crease of electrochemical reaction rate, resulting in more dendrites on

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 27. SEM image comparison of Zn anode electrodeposited at electrolytes containing 9 M KOH +5 wt% ZnO (a) without and (b) with 0.5 wt % EMI-DCA.
Reproduced with permission [171]. Copyright 2015, Elsevier.

both sides of main stems. In addition, electrolyte management and ions and anions is in the order TFSI− < TfO− < OMs−, which leads to
charging mode can affect the growth of dendrites. As show in different morphologies of Zn deposits.
Fig. 26e–h, the flowing electrolyte, higher-temperature electrolyte and The cations of ILs have also been shown to have a great effect on the
pulsating current charge mode can change the direction and rate of electrodeposition of zinc and the electrode/electrolyte interfacial
dendrite growth and the morphology of Zn electrode. properties. For example, the deposition of Zn in 1-ethyl-3-methylimi-
Extensive efforts have been devoted to mitigating these issues by dazolium trifluoromethylsulfonate ([EMIm]TfO) leads to dense hex-
adding some special additives to alkaline electrolytes. For example, agonal micro crystalline deposits, while Zn deposits in 1-butyl-1-me-
additives including borate (K3BO3), fluoride (KF), phosphate (K3PO4), thylpyrrolidiniumtrifluoromethylsulfonate ([Py1,4]TfO) shows flower-
and carbonate (K2CO3) have been proven to be effective to reduce the like nanocrystalline morphology. This may be attributed to the fact that
zinc solubility and enhance the cycling life of alkaline RZBs interaction of [Py1,4]+ cations with the deposition substrate is stronger
[156,164–166]. Another strategy is to fabricate organic-inorganic hy- than the one of [EMIm]+ cations with the substrate, which can lead to
brid electrolyte like CH3OH–KOH, surfactants-KOH electrolytes, al- the difference in the morphology of the obtained deposits. The stronger
tering the growth of zinc moss and dendrites [167–170]. In addition, adsorption of [Py1,4]+ to the surface of the growing nuclei might lead
the introduction of surfactants or ionic liquids (such as 1-ethyl-3-me- to a nanocrystalline deposition [173]. Endres also investigated the de-
thylimidazolium dicyanamide (EMI-DCA)) into alkaline electrolytes position of Zn in Zn(CF3SO3)2/([Py1,4]TfO) solution using gold or ITO
have been regarded as another effective way for alleviating the solu- glass as substrate and a deposition temperature of 125 °C [174]. How-
bility of Zn anode by controlling interfacial structure of Zn and elec- ever, zinc nanowires were obtained this time, which is different from
trode passivation (Fig. 27) [171]. the above flower-like nanocrystalline morphology.
The electrodeposition of zinc from ILs in the presence of an additive
5.3. Ionic liquid and organic electrolytes was proved to be an effective way in improving the deposition process
and the morphology of the deposits. On one hand, the additives can
Room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) are molten salts in liquid state ligate with the metal species, forming a complex, which is more difficult
at near-ambient temperature. They typically consist of bulky, asym- to be reduced. On the other hand, they are adsorbed on the electrode
metric organic cations and organic/inorganic anions and offer many surface, which will change the electrochemical double layer structure
attractive features like low vapor pressure, nonflammability, high and alter the metal nucleation process. Endres reported the addition of
thermal stability, wide electrochemical stability window, and relatively Ni(CF3SO3)2 to Zn(CF3SO3)2 in [EMIm]TfO to obtain dendrite-free Zn
high ionic conductivity with respect to other non-aqueous electrolytes. deposits with a nanocrystalline structure (Fig. 28) [175].
A significant research has been carried out on using ILs as potential Abbott investigated the effect of additive addition on the Zn elec-
electrolytes for lithium ion batteries. The reversible deposition/strip- trodeposition process in choline chloride: ethylene glycol and choline
ping of Zn from ILs have also been demonstrated, thus, ILs have been chloride: urea [176]. The ammonia and ethylene diamine were de-
considered as promising electrolyte alternatives to conventional aqu- monstrated to be effective brighteners for Zn deposition and produces
eous or organic electrolytes for RZBs. micro-crystalline deposits due to their ability to inhibit the adsorption
The morphology of Zn deposits is strongly dependent on the cations and of chloride at the electrode surface. Al-Salman successfully prepared Zn
anions. Liu investigated the effect of anion on the morphology of zinc de- nanowires by electrodeposition from 0.05 M ZnCl2/EMIM-TFSI solution
posits [172]. Twisted nanowire-like structures were obtained in 0.2 M Zn with SiCl4 additive. In brief contrast, the Zn deposits are agglomerates
(TFSI)2/1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide of 100–200 nm hexagonal platelets in the absence of SiCl4. In future
([EMIm]TFSI). Hexagonal plate-like zinc structures with the plates per- works, more effective additives and increased understandings on how
pendicular to the substrate are obtained in 0.2 M Zn(CF3SO3)2/1-ethyl-3- additives affect the metal deposition processes are waiting to be high-
methylimidazolium trifluoromethylsulfonate([EMIm]TfO). While cauli- lighted.
flower-like compact zinc films were gained in 0.2 M Zn(OMs)2/1-ethyl-3- Due to the large size of ionic species, the viscosity of ILs is typically
methylimidazolium methylsulfonate ([EMIm]OMs). It can be seen that the 1–3 orders of magnitude higher than conventional solvents, which will
morphologies of Zn deposits were quite different and tended to be more lower their ionic conductivity [177]. One way to alleviate this problem
compact by varying anions from TFSI− via TfO− to OMs−. As investigated is to include oxygen in the alkyl chain of an IL or to incorporate low
by far-infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and AFM, the speciation viscosity solvents as diluents to lower the viscosity, such as water [173].
of Zn2+ ions in ILs largely depends on the solvation power of the anion and However, the addition of water to the solution decreases the electro-
the strength of the interaction between Zn2+ ions and anions. In the in- chemical window of both ionic liquids and shifts the reduction of Zn2+
vestigated zinc salts and ILs, the strength of the interaction between Zn2+ to less negative values. Therefore, the compatible dilute solvents with

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 28. SEM images (a,b,d,e) and XRD patterns (c,f) of Zn films on gold obtained from 0.1 M Zn(TfO)2 in [EMIm]TfO (a–c) and with 0.015 M Ni(TfO)2 (d–f) at
−1.7 V for 2 h. Reproduced with permission [175]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

low viscosity and wide electrochemical stability window remain to be matrix have been reported, such as poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO)–ZnX2
explored, such as organic carbonates that are widely used in lithium ion complexes (X = Cl, Br, I, ClO4, and CF3SO3) [156], poly (vinylidene
batteries. fluoride) (PVDF)/PEO-Zn(CF3SO3)2 [180], etc. Unfortunately, the
The Zn anode in the organic solvents shows a good thermally dy- principle problem with above reported solid polymer electrolytes is
namic stability. Therefore, the application of organic solvents is also a their low ionic conductivity of only 10−5-10−6 S cm−1, which are in-
promising solution to minimize side-reactions, resulting in high cou- sufficient for RZBs applications. Furthermore, the solubility of zinc salts
lombic efficiency and dendrite-free Zn plating/stripping. Burrell and co- is small and the adhesion between the polymer electrolyte and the
workers examined the electrochemical, structural and transport prop- electrode is poor, which lead to high interfacial resistance.
erties of Zn anode using organic solvents for non-aqueous electrolyte Polymer gel or hydrogel electrolyte swollen with nonaqueous or
[178]. They found that the acetonitrile (AN)-Zn(TFSI)2, AN- Zn aqueous liquid electrolyte offers much higher ionic conductivity of
(CF3SO3)2, propylene carbonate (PC)–Zn(TFSI)2 electrolytes can both 10−4-10−3 S cm−1, which is acceptable for RZBs. By using gel or hy-
achieve highly reversible Zn plating/stripping behavior with high drogel electrolyte, problems associated with conventional liquid elec-
Coulombic efficiency > 99%, and provide wide electrochemical trolytes such as electrolyte leakage, dendrite formation induced safety
window to ∼3.8 V vs. Zn/Zn2+. Wang's group demonstrated that the concerns can also be avoided. Diverse polymers, such as PEO, PVDF,
Zn plating/stripping can stably works over 3000 h with a high Cou- poly-(ethylene glycol) (PEG) have been studied as polymer matrix
lombic efficiency of 99.68% in Zn(CF3SO3)2 electrolyte using triethyl [181]. The uptake solvents for gel electrolyte includes organic solvents
phosphate (TEP) as a solvent and co-solvent with aqueous electrolytes (e.g., propylene carbonate (PC), ethylene carbonate (EC), ethylene
[179]. The enhanced stability and Coulombic efficiency of Zn elec- carbonate (DEC), etc), oligomeric polyethers, ionic liquids while water
trodes is attributed to the highly porous deposits resulting from simple is used as solvents for hydrogel electrolyte.
Zn-deposition/stripping chemistry in both non-aqueous and hybrid Compared with organic carbonates that are easily volatile, oligo-
electrolytes. Nazar and co-workers compared the electrochemical be- meric polyethers such as poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ethers
havior of Zn/V3O7⋅H2O battery using 1 M ZnSO4 aqueous solution and (PEGDMEs) has a lower vapor pressure and high boiling point
0.25 M Zn(CF3SO3)2-AN electrolyte [52]. The battery delivers high ca- of > 300 °C, making them more favorable for open systems such as
pacity of 375 mA h⋅g−1 at 1C and 275 mA h⋅g−1 even at 8C in aqueous secondary zinc air systems. Moreover, PEGDMEs possess unusually
electrolyte. Whereas, it shows low specific capacity and poor rate per- strong capabilities for dissolving large amounts of zinc salts that are an
formance in organic electrolyte. They conclude that solid solution be- order of magnitude higher than PC. Xu revealed that zinc salts with a
havior related to Zn2+ ion diffusion within a water monolayer in the very large anion, such as Zn(TFSI)2, lead to not only high solubility in
interlayer gap in both systems, but very sluggish interfacial charge PEGDME, but also high ionic conductivity [182]. Incorporation of a
transfer in the organic electrolyte. small amount of EC into PEGDME gives rise to surprisingly large ben-
eficial effects in terms of zinc salt solubility, ionic conductivity and
5.4. Hydrogel or gel electrolytes other electrochemical properties without affecting the volatility of the
electrolyte system. Zinc electrolyte solutions based on these solvents
The replacement of liquid electrolyte with solid electrolyte to pre- blend well with poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)
pare solid state RZBs can boost their applications in flexible energy (PVDF-HFP), leading to gel electrolyte membranes with a high ionic
storage for powering various flexible and wearable electronic devices. conductivity of 10−4 S cm−1.
The key towards high-performance solid-state RZBs lies on highly Gel electrolytes based on ionic liquids are also reported due their
conductive solid-state electrolyte. Conventionally, solid polymer elec- wide electrochemical window, high ionic conductivity, high thermal
trolyte formed by suitable complexation of a zinc salt within a polymer stability, non-volatility and non-flammability properties. Romero

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

reported a PVDF-HFP and TFSI-ionic liquids-based gel polymer elec- exhibits a high ionic conductivity of 2.65 × 10−2 S cm−1, which is
trolyte, with and without Zn(CF3SO3)2 salt [183]. Three different ionic impressively high in comparison with other Zn ion conducting polymer
liquids, 1-ethylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (EPy electrolytes.
TFSI), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Furthermore, Zhi's group found a new electrolyte comprising so-
(EMIM TFSI), and trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis(tri- dium polyacrylate (PANa) hydrogel, which enables an order of mag-
fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (P6,6,6,14 TFSI), with the same anion, nitude higher cycling stability than state-of-the-art counterparts and
TFSI−, were added to the host polymer PVdF-HFP. From the impedance high capacities for the quasi-solid-state alkaline Zn batteries [189]. The
results, a P6,6,6,14 TFSI electrolyte proved to be more resistive than PANa was synthesized by polymerization of acrylic acid (AA) mono-
EMIM TFSI and EPy TFSI based electrolytes, which can be attributed to mers neutralized by NaOH in the presence of ammonium persulfate
the major volume of P6,6,6,14+ cation. Also, the incorporation of Zn (APS) initiator. Then the PANa was soaked with 0.2 M Zn(CH3COO)2
(CF3SO3)2 salt inside the film increased the ionic conductivity for all gel and 6 M KOH to obtain the hydrogel electrolyte. The PANa is a well-
electrolytes, which can be related to the existence of free triflate anions. known superabsorbent polymer, which can absorb water as much as
Among the prepared gel electrolytes, the PVDF-HFP + EMIM 200–300 times of its own weight. It is worth noting that the water
TFSI + Zn(CF3SO3)2 membrane exhibits a maximum ionic conductivity adsorption and retention capability of PANa is much better than other
value of 1.73 × 10−1 S m−1, together with low activation energy value, hydrogels such as PVA, PAM and PAA. In addition, PANa hydrogel can
and a highly reversible and high current density voltammetric behavior. keep decent mechanical properties even when it is saturated with
Since most of the current reported RZBs are using aqueous solution highly concentrated solutions, which is important as an electrolyte for
as electrolyte, the development of hydrogel electrolyte is of pivotal flexible energy storage devices.
importance for flexible and solid state RZBs. The use of polyvinyl al- By adding Fe3+ as cross-linkers during the polymerization process
cohol (PVA) based gel electrolyte, such as PVA/LiCl–ZnCl2–MnSO4 of PANa, Huang et al. successfully prepared Fe3+ cross-linking PANa
[184], PVA-KCl-Zn(CH3COO)2 [80], PVA-KOH-ZnO [185,186], and hydrogel, which has self-healing ability. This is because the Fe3+ cross-
PVA-KOH-ZnSO4 [187] were widely reported for flexible RZBs. For linkers form ionic bonds in and between the PANa chains, thus re-
example, Liu constructed a flexible quasi-solid-state Ni–Zn battery with connecting the broken network. As a result, this Zn–NiCo battery with
PVA-KOH-ZnO alkaline electrolyte [185]. In the cell, ZnO nanoparticles this hydrogel electrolyte can be autonomically self-healed with over
and NiO nanoflakes are conformably deposited on a 3D hierarchical 87% of capacity retained after 4 cycles of breaking/healing. Cui re-
carbon cloth-carbon nanofiber (CC-CF) substrate and are used as the ported a smart flexible RZBs with cooling recovery ability by utilizing a
anode (CC-CF@ZnO) and cathode (CC-CF@NiO), respectively. The temperature-sensitive sol–gel transition behavior of the thermo-re-
polymer electrolyte was prepared by dissolving 2.125 g PVA into versible poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene
15 mL H2O at 85 °C and then mixed with 10 mL ZnO saturated 6 m KOH oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO, Pluronic) polymer hydrogel electrolyte (Fig. 30)
solution. The as-assembled quasi-solid-state Ni–Zn battery achieves an [67]. When this battery system was exposed to extreme deformations, a
energy density of 323.3 Wh kg−1 (7.76 mWh cm−3), together with a simple cooling process can repair the fractured electrode-electrolyte
peak power density of 8.66 kW kg−1 (0.21 W cm−3) at 172.8 Wh kg−1 interface, thus enabling in situ restoration of the electrochemical per-
(4.15 mWh cm−3). Furthermore, flexible yarn-shaped Ni–Zn battery formance (healing efficiency up to 98% with a fast recovering time of
with a high output voltage of ∼1.8 V was assembled using PVA-KOH- 5 min).
ZnSO4 hydrogel electrolyte, which is prepared by dissolving 2 M KOH, In summary, electrochemical behaviors of the Zn2+ ions in different
0.08 M ZnSO4∙7H2O and 6 g PVA powder into distilled water with types of electrolytes including neutral or mildly acidic, alkaline, aqu-
continuous stirring and heating [187]. The anode of the battery is a 3D eous-based hydrogel or gel-type, ionic liquid and organic electrolytes.
lithium doped TiO2 nanotube-array fiber-shaped electrode (Li-RTiO2), The comparison of these electrolytes can be summarized in Table 3.
which, compared to TiO2, exhibits enhanced electrochemical perfor-
mance towards Zn deposition and dissolution during charge/discharge 6. Rechargeable zinc batteries with advanced features
process due to the introduction of Li dopants. When coupled with Mn-
NiOx cathode that are in-situ electrodeposited on Cu fiber, the full cell Although several efforts have been spent for fundamental innova-
shows the maximum volumetric energy density of 0.034 Wh cm−3 and tions of RZBs, it is still hard to satisfy the requirements of various
power density of 17.5 W cm−3 together with about 95% capacity re- practical applications, like wearable/flexible demand, safety require-
tention after 20,000 cycles. ments, self-healing function, weavability and smart switch, etc.
Apart from PVA based hydrogel electrolyte, Zhi's group successfully Recently, intensive research efforts focus on new features of RZBs.
developed a gelatin and polyacrylamide (PAM) based hydrogel elec- These RZBs exhibit extreme safety properties, weaveable, printable,
trolytes for flexible rechargeable Zn–MnO2 batteries, which offers su- self-healing, smart switch properties and response to external light,
perior flexibility, high water-retention capacity and most importantly which integrates techniques from multiple disciplines, such textile,
high ionic conductivity of 1.76 × 10−2 S cm−1 at room temperature optics, 3D print and polymer, etc. In the following sections, RZBs with
[38]. The hierarchical polymer electrolyte (HPE) is synthesized by these advanced features are discussed.
grafting PAM onto gelatin chains that are filled in the network of a
polyacrylonitrile (PAN) electrospun fiber membrane (Fig. 29). The 6.1. Wearable/flexible zinc-based batteries
grafting of PAM onto a gelatin hydrogel (gelatin-g-PAM) significantly
enhances the mechanical strength and ionic conductivity of the gel The increasing demand of power supply for portable and wearable
electrolyte film, and the PAN fiber membrane efficiently reduces the electronics (such as Apple watch, smart wristband, virtual reality hel-
possibility of a battery short circuit in addition to further improving the mets, etc.) propels the development of flexible/wearable batteries.
strength of gel electrolyte. Notably, replacing aprotic energy storage devices such as LIBs with
Besides, they also developed a cross-linked PAM based hydrogel aqueous RZBs represents a great leap for wearable and implantable
electrolyte, showing good tensile strength (273 kPa), high stretchability electronics applications. It is due to the fact that LIBs suffer from in-
up to 3000% strain as well as a high ionic conductivity of trinsic cost and safety issues, especially when they are used in wear-
1.73 × 10−2 S cm−1 at room temperature [188]. Most recently, Li able/implantable devices in close contact with human body. In fact,
et al., reported a flexible solid-state Zn/MoS2 battery based on starch/ safety issues are much more severe for flexible and wearable batteries
PAM-hydrogel electrolyte, which is fabricated by grafting super- than well-packaged rigid ones, since they are liable to experience more
absorbent PAM onto starch chains by a solution polymerization tech- mechanical impacts and damages during daily use, including being
nique [86]. The as-prepared starch/PAM based polymer electrolyte bent, folded, stretched, hit, or even soaked in water. Aqueous batteries

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 29. (a) Schematic illustration for the synthesis of HPE. (b) Photograph of HPE showing high flexibility. (c) SEM image of the HPE film (top view). (d) SEM image
of the HPE film (cross-section). (e) FTIR spectra of gelatin-based electrolyte and HPE. (g) AC impedance spectra of gelatin-based electrolyte and HPE. Scale bars,
1 cm (b), 10 μm (c), 20 μm (d). Reproduced with permission [38]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry.

can stably operate under these complicated environments, which can electrodeposition of nickel cobalt hydroxide and Zn on conductive yarn-
solve the intrinsic safety and fabrication issues of flexible aprotic bat- based fabrics. Due to the highly conductive yarn-based fabrics and high-
teries. Besides, aqueous batteries offer other unique features such as performance nickel cobalt hydroxide, the yarn-based batteries ex-
eco-friendliness, low cost, and ease of fabrication, which enable them as hibited high specific capacity of 5 mA h cm−3, energy densities of
competitive candidates for flexible and wearable applications [190]. 8 mWh cm−3, and power densities of 2.2 W cm−3. Furthermore, the
The next-generation of wearable batteries could be worn like clothes battery showed ultrahigh rate capability of 116C. Lee's group developed
and meanwhile shows sufficient adaption of dynamically curved body. a stretchable Zn–Ag battery based in nanowire elastic conductors [192].
Furthermore, ideally, the batteries could be integrated in textile like The Ag electrode was fabricated by lithographic filtration method,
fabrics of clothes. For example, Zhi's group developed yarn-based which simultaneously offer active materials and current collector
weavable NiCo/Zn battery, which could be knitted as wristband to (Fig. 31b). The battery can be stretched up to 80% and meanwhile
power various electronic devices (Fig. 31a) [191]. The yarn consists of maintains their functionalities even in this highly stretched state. In
stainless steel 316L and the yarns can be further weaved or knitted to addition, Ana Claudia Arias's group presented a mechanically robust,
clothes. Thus, yarn batteries are promising in weaveable and knittable intrinsically Zn–Ag batteries based on helical band springs (Fig. 31c).
batteries. The wearable NiCo/Zn battery was fabricated by uniform The serpentine-like Zn–Ag batteries could be stretched with tunable

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 30. (a) The cooling-recovery function by incorporation of a thermo-reversible pluronic hydrogel electrolyte (PHE). (b) Photographs of PHE and its polymer chain
configurations (insets) at −5 °C and 25 °C. (d, e) The wetting behavior of Zn electrode surface with PHE during evolution of cooling time (−5 °C). (c, f) Cross-
sectional SEM images of c) the blank Zn electrode and f) the Zn electrode fully wetted by PHE. Reproduced with permission [62]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

degree and directionality without specific capacity loss. Furthermore, capacity decay, large resistance, inferior capacity and rate capacity due
the fiber-shaped battery is integrated with a photovoltaic module, re- to utilization of Zn foil/paste and binder. Lu's group construct a flexible
sulting in the rechargeability of the battery by solar energy [193]. quasi-solid-state rechargeable Zn–MnO2@PEDOT battery (Fig. 31d),
The aqueous Zn–MnO2 battery characterized by low cost, good where the MnO2@PEDOT and metal Zn are directly grown on flexible
safety, eco-friendliness and high output voltage is significantly pro- substrate of carbon fiber cloth without any binder [194]. The PEDOT
mising for wearable/flexible electrochemical energy storage devices. acts as a buffer layer to suppress the structural pulverization. The de-
However, conventional aqueous Zn–MnO2 battery suffers from sharp veloped electrodes are assembled with polymer electrode to construct

Table 3
Comparison of various electrolytes that used in RZBs.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 31. (a) weaveable yarn-based Zn–NiCo battery. Reproduced with permission [191]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. (b–c) stretchable Zn–Ag
battery. Reproduced with permission [192,193]. Copyright 2014, Wiley-VCH. (d) Photos of 45 light-emitting diodes and an electric watch lighted by quasi-solid-state
Zn–MnO2@PEDOT batteries. Reproduced with permission [194]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) Zn–MnO2 batteries with extremely safe
properties: bending, hammering combustion, soaking, washing, weight loading, drilling and sewing test. Reproduced with permission [38]. Copyright 2018, The
Royal Society of Chemistry.

quasi-solid-state devices. It exhibits an excellent capacity of 282.4 mA h Although only a few works reported about Zn-ion batteries with new
g−1, great charge/discharge cycling stability and a remarkable energy function or features by modifying polyelectrolyte or special fabrication
density of 504.9 Wh kg−1. Furthermore, three batteries connected in of electrodes, it is the direction of wearable batteries for integration and
series can power 45 light-emitting diodes and it can be pasted onto miniaturization.
clothes as a wearable supply power to illuminate a wristwatch. The batteries are inevitable to be damaged in actual use. Inspired by
As for wearable battery, it is likely to experience various mechanical human bones, the damaged parts can be repaired by themselves, self-
impact. Thus, it should satisfy the requirement of various working healing properties. The endowment of self-healing properties to energy
conditions. The wearable battery should possess impressive safe per- storage and conversion devices is attractive for functional restoration.
formance including bending, hammering, combusting, washing, The self-healing in batteries contains both mechanical and electrical
weight-loading, drilling and sewing without damage or harm to users. restoration. Batteries are typically comprised of two electrodes and
Zhi's group developed an extremely safe and wearable Zn-ion battery polyelectrolyte. The mechanical performance can be restored by poly-
based on hierarchical structured polymer electrolyte [38]. The hier- electrolyte, while the electrical performance is restored by electrodes
archical polymer electrolyte (HPE) was fabricated by grafting poly- alignment. Thus, the development of self-healing polyelectrolyte is
acrylamide (PAM) onto gelatin chains filled in polyacrylonitrile (PAN) critical for self-healing battery. A self-healing polyelectrolyte of sodium
electrospun fiber membrane. The HPE not only efficiently reduces the polyacrylate hydrogel chains crosslinked by ferric ions is exploited to
possibility of battery short circuit but also shows highly mechanical promote dynamic reconstruction of an integral network [189]. PANa is
strength. Employing the HPE as polyelectrolyte, deposited Zn as anode the hydrogel electrolyte matrix, owing to its high compatibility with
and a-MnO2 nanorod/carbon nanotubes composite as cathode, the sufficient electrolyte ions for ion transportation and the Fe3+ cross-
solid-state Zn-ion batteries were constructed. It shows excellent safety linkers provide ionic bonding among PANa chains. Employing the as-
and wearability, demonstrating the ability to work under a number of synthesized PANa-Fe3+ as polyelectrolyte, the NiCo/Zn battery main-
severe conditions including being cut, bent, hammered, punctured, put tains typical charge-discharge plateaus and 87% capacity after for
on fire, sewed using a commercial sewing machine and even washed cutting-healing cycles (Fig. 32a). The self-healable Zn-based batteries
with water for almost 30 min without any packaging (Fig. 31e). Fur- are particularly promising for the low-cost and highly efficient wear-
thermore, a waterproof, tailorable yarn Zn-ion battery was developed able electronics.
based on double-helix yarn electrodes and a cross-linked PAM electro- Apart from that, Wang et al. assembled flexible Zn-ion battery with
lyte [188]. It exhibits superior knittability, stretchability (300% tensile wire shape configuration and shape memory function using gelatin-
elongation) and waterproof capability. Even soaking underwater for borax hydrogel as electrolyte and utilizing conductive yarn combined
12 h, its capacity can maintain 96.5%. It shows immerse potential as with Nitinol shape memory wire as electrode substrate [195]. The
energy storage devices for wearable application. shape memory function enables the battery to restore original shape
and initial energy storage capability just through temperature trigger
6.2. Rechargeable zinc-based batteries with other advanced features (Fig. 32b). The specific mechanic properties of the Nitinol wire endow
the wire-shaped battery deformation recovery capability. The de-
Flexible batteries are promising for wearable and portable electro- formation can be effectively recovered to initial state just by immersing
nics, such as flexible displays, wearable sensors and smart phones. The the device in 45 °C water and their electrochemical performance can be
solid-state battery consists of anode, polyelectrolyte and cathode. One maintained in this process. Furthermore, the flexible shape-memory Zn-
can endow polyelectrolyte with new functions or new fabrication ion battery shows good stability of mechanical and electrochemical
methods of electrode materials to develop multifunctional batteries. performance against 5 bending-recovery cycles.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Fig. 32. (a) A self-healable Zn–NiCo battery. Reproduced with permission [189]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH. (b) Discharge capacity and capacity retention of shape-
memory Zn–MnO2 battery. Reproduced with permission [195]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Micro Zn-ion batteries as a color filter in a
screen. Reproduced with permission [86]. Copyright 2018, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Cooling-recovery smart Zn–MnO2 battery. Reproduced with per-
mission [196]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier. (e) Printable Zn-ion battery. Reproduced with permission [197]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

Zhi's group developed a battery-in-screen configuration of photo- wearable batteries on a large scale.
luminescent microbatteries embedded in color filter of screen by em- A rechargeable battery with both flexibility and electrochromism
bedding colloidal CdTe quantum dots into polyelectrolyte [86]. The integrated into a single apparatus is a major component for smart
water soluble green or red light emitting CdTe quantum dots were flexible electronics. Huang et al. realized a flexible, electrochromic and
combined with the blue-emitting gelatin-based polyelectrolyte. Then, a rechargeable battery by successfully matching electrochromic poly-
semitransparent aqueous Zn-MnOx/polypyrrole microbattery is con- pyrrole (PPy, as cathode) with zinc (Zn, as anode) [80]. The fabricated
structed utilizing synthesized polyelectrolyte containing CdTe quantum rechargeable Zn//PPy battery delivers a high capacity of 123 mA h
dots. As shown in Fig. 32c, the battery arrays can function simulta- gppy−1. It possesses flexibility and an electrochromic capability of
neously as the color filter emitting in three primary RGB colors, and a turning from black to yellow when the voltage changes from 1.2 to 0 V.
power supply for the full-color display. In addition, the battery exhibits a unique function of a short circuit
In addition, a reversible sol-gel transition polyelectrolyte of poly (N- chromatic warning which turns yellow at 0 V. The battery, uniquely
isopropylacrylamide-co-Acrylic acid) (PNA) with changes of tempera- combined with these multiple smart features, represents solid progress
ture is developed for thermal self-protection batteries. As shown in in smart flexible electronics.
Figure 32d, the Zn-ions can well work, owing to the sol state of the PNA
polyelectrolyte at low temperature. Whereas, the polyelectrolyte 7. Summary and perspectives
changes to stationary hydrogel up to a certain temperature, leading to
the inhibition of the diffusion of Zn ions, thus resulting in shutting In this review, we introduce the unique characteristics of re-
down batteries [196]. This work provides a smart and active strategy to chargeable Zn-based batteries. An essential overview is presented, in-
achieve dynamic and reversible self-protection. cluding the fundamental chemistry of different RZB systems, Zn anode
The application of printing technologies can be convenient and and cathode materials as well as electrolytes based on different che-
scale-up for battery construction, where the electrode active materials mistries. Various optimization strategies aiming at achieving high-
are simply painted or casted on substrates. Somenath Mitra's group performance aqueous RZBs was analyzed. In addition, the development
developed a printable, flexible nickel-Zn battery by painting the inks of of RZBs with different features in the last few years are summarized.
metal oxide incorporated into carbon nanotube to flexible substrate The development of RZBs can be briefly summarized as:
(Figure 32e) [197]. The carbon nanotube-metal oxide inks were syn-
thesized by simply precipitative techniques, which shows high elec- (1) Different energy storage mechanisms have been demonstrated in
trical conductivity. The fabricated batteries exhibit good performance aqueous RZBs, which includes: Zn2+ intercalation/deintercalation
even under bending conditions and the overall technologies are scalable mechanism, co-insertion mechanism, conversion reaction me-
by printing methods. It shows good prospect of developing flexible/ chanism, hybrid chemistry mechanism and Zn-air mechanism.

H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Based on these different chemistries, various cathode materials structure of electrodes is more likely to collapse due to the repeated
(e.g., Mn-based, V-based, Li-based, Na-based, Ni-based, and Co- intercalation/deintercalation of hydrated Zn2+ and H+ (i.e., H3O+),
based, Prussian blue analog based and organic materials) and dif- leading to a rapid capacity fading upon cycling. Besides, the dissolution
ferent kinds of electrolytes (neutral or mildly acidic, alkaline, of cathode materials (especially the Mn-based and V-based materials)
polymer and ionic liquid-based electrolytes) have been investigated into the electrolytes can also occur upon electrochemical operations,
for RZBs. which is harmful for the cycling life of RZBs. Previous reports demon-
(2) Structural water and “pillar” effect of the intercalated metal ions strate that Zn(CF3SO3)2 can mitigate the dissolution of cathode mate-
(e.g., Li+, Na+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Mg2+) in the interlayers as well as rials and the pre-added Mn2+ ions into the electrolyte and the inter-
structural defects (e.g., oxygen vacancy, phase boundary, highly calated metal ions into the interlayers may enhance the cycling
active facets) play a vital role in enhancing the structural stability stability. However, these approaches do not address the issues of low
and electrochemical performance of cathode materials for RZBs. stability and capacity fading very well. Therefore, more effective stra-
(3) Introducing additives, surface coating and optimizing the structural tegies in terms of structural engineering (e.g., oxygen vacancies, ion
design of Zn anode have been demonstrated to be feasible strategies doping) of the existing materials and exploring new cathode materials
to mitigating the issue of zinc electrodes (e.g., zinc dendrite, shape should be further investigated. Besides, based on the hybrid chemistry
change, corrosion and passivation) mechanism and the high reversibility of Zn electrode in aqueous elec-
(4) “Water-in-salt” type and polymer (e.g., hydrogel) electrolytes pro- trolyte, coupling Zn anode with other ion-intercalated materials (such
vide a new opportunity to enhance the reversibility of the Zn anode as Li+ and Na+) to construct high-performance hybrid battery systems
in aqueous electrolytes and achieve better electrochemical perfor- is an attractive research direction.
mance for RZBs. 5. The main issues of Zn anode such as zinc dendritic, corrosion, low
Columbic efficiency, and shape change still hinder the development of
Besides these achievements discussed in this review, there is still the Zn anode. These problems are much severe at high current den-
much scope for the further development of high-performance RZBs. The sities. Many efforts have been devoted to optimizing the electrolyte and
potential future research directions as well as the challenges should be Zn electrode to tackle these issues, which include introducing additives,
addressed are summarized as follows: surface coating and structure design (high surface area/3D electrode).
1. Fundamental mechanisms about the electrochemical reactions for However, there is no any unique solution to overcome all issue of Zn
RZBs should be further elucidated, especially for Mn-based cathodes. As anode to the ground, especially in alkaline electrolytes. Designing na-
we have discussed above, the Zn2+ storage mechanisms of Mn-based nostructured or high-surface-area Zn-based materials with multi-di-
materials are controversial and under debate. The lack of rigorous mensional or hierarchical architecture coupling with additives or sur-
protocols and standard characterization techniques may lead to the face modification may be an effective way to enhance the performance
ambiguous interpretation, which hinders the better design and in- of Zn electrodes.
vestigation of high-performance electrodes and electrolytes for RZBs. 6. Developing flexible/wearable and multifunctional RZBs that in-
Developing and using multiple electrochemical approaches and more corporate new features and smart functions such as self-healing, self-
advanced characterization techniques as well as precise theoretical protection, stretchability, photodetection, shape-memory, and thermal
calculations are urgently needed for tackling this challenge. response, represents a very promising direction and hold great potential
2. As aqueous energy storage systems, RZBs suffer from the low for next-generation electronic products. One of the main challenges is
operating voltage (generally lower than 1.8 V) due to the narrow stable how to fabricate solid-state or quasi-solid-state polymer-based electro-
working window of aqueous electrolytes. Recent advances demonstrate lytes that possess high ionic conductivity, good mechanical strength
that “water-in-salt” electrolytes can effectively extend the operating and multiple functionalities (e.g., stretchability, compressibility,
voltage of aqueous battery beyond 1.8 V, opening new direction for the toughness and self-healing ability). Apart from that, device optimiza-
design of high voltage and high energy density RZBs. However, such tion or other smart designs should be considered to enhance the com-
unprecedented improvements were achieved with very expensive Li patibility between the incorporated multifunctional electrolytes and
salts such as lithium bis(trifluoromethane sulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI), smart materials as well as other components in the battery, aiming at
which greatly limit its wide application. Developing novel hydrogel or developing multifunctional devices without significantly sacrificing
“water-in-salt” electrolytes with the ability to suppress the electrolysis electrochemical performance. Furthermore, by applying other smart
of water may be a promising direction to increase the operation voltage materials and rational design inspired from natural sophisticated sys-
and energy density of the device. tems, the prototypes of flexible/wearable and multifunctional RZBs
3. Since the stability of electrodes and electrochemistry perfor- could be greatly enriched.
mances of the RZBs are closely associated with the characteristics of the
electrolyte to which it is exposed, many efforts should be focused on the Acknowledgements
development of high-performance electrolytes. In general, the aqueous
based electrolyte (including mildly acid and alkaline electrolytes) are This research was supported by GRF under Project
preferred because they are environmentally benign and cheaper and N_CityU11305218. The work was also partially sponsored by the
have much higher ionic conductivity. But the hydrogen evolution, low Science Technology and Innovation Committee of Shenzhen
stability window is still an issue to overcome. Thus, novel additives for Municipality (the Grant No. JCYJ20170818103435068) and a grant
electrolytes which can provide high electrochemical stability, reversible from City University of Hong Kong.
Zn plating/stripping and better cycle stability of cathode materials, is
still highly desirable. As an alternative approach, the development of References
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H. Li, et al. Nano Energy 62 (2019) 550–587

Longtao Ma received his B.S. degree in materials science Zhuoxin Liu received his B.S. degree in polymer science
and engineering from China University of Geosciences and engineering and M.S. degree in materials science from
(Wuhan) in 2014 and got his M.S. degree in materials sci- Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, in 2012 and 2015,
ence from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2017. respectively. He is now a Ph.D. candidate under the su-
Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate under supervision of Prof. pervision of Prof. Chunyi Zhi at City University of Hong
Chunyi Zhi at City University of Hong Kong. His research Kong, China. His present research interests mainly focus on
interests mainly focus on flexible/wearable energy con- flexible energy storage devices, including aqueous lithium-
version and storage devices, including zinc-air/ion batteries ion batteries and supercapacitors.
and hybrid batteries.

Cuiping Han received her B.S. degree from China Zijie Tang is a PhD student in the Department of Materials
University of Petroleum (Huadong) in 2010 and Ph.D. de- Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. He
gree from Tsinghua University in 2015 with Prof. Baohua received his Bachelor degree from the School of Materials
Li. She visited Georgia Institute of Technology during Science and Engineering, Central South University. His re-
2014–2015 as a visiting scholar. Then she worked as a search mainly focuses on high-performance zinc-ion battery
postdoc with Prof. Ching-Ping Wong at Chinese University electrodes and polymer electrolytes for wearable energy
of Hong Kong under the support of Xiangjiang scholar storage devices.
program during 2015–2017. Now she is a research associate
at Shenzhen University. Her research is focused on elec-
trode materials for lithium-ion batteries and super-
capacitors and Zn batteries.

Zifeng Wang received his B.Eng. degree from the Institute Chunyi Zhi is currently an associate professor in the
of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University in 2013 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City
and then received his M.Sc. degree from the Department of University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD degree in
Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of
Kong, in 2014. He got his Ph.D. degree from the Sciences. Then he moved to National Institute for Materials
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, City Science (NIMS) in Japan as a post-doctoral fellow, followed
University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the flex- by an ICYS research fellow, researcher (faculty) and senior
ible energy storage devices with aqueous or hydrogel researcher (permanent). His research focuses on wearable/
electrolytes. flexible energy storage devices and aqueous electrolyte


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