Tips For New Cat Owners

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Having New Cat – What to Prepare?

Adopting new cat is a mix of feelings. We feel excited because for welcoming a new member
to the family, but on the other hand we’re also worried of our new little furry family’s well being.
Especially if we’re dealing with kittens. Sometimes, slight signs of discomfort from the cat could
make us think of the worse case scenario. Don’t be afraid, new cat dads and moms! You’re
not alone. There’s always first time for everything. Here’s some things to prepare for your new

What should I prepare?

 Feeding bowls.
You have to prepare at least two bowls, for food and water. There are various bowls
you could choose at the pet shop. The recommended ones are pyrex bowl, however
it’s quite expensive and hard to find so we could use melamin bowls or stainless steel
bowl. Double-bowls aren’t recommended by some cat owners because some cats
often play with their drinking water and the water might mix with the food. Compared
to double-bowl, single bowl is easier to clean and some cats prefer some distance
between their food bowls and the water bowls.
If you adopt more than one cat, you should prepare separate feeding bowls.
Most of cats cannot be expected to share their feeding bowls in peace. For animals,
their food and drink aren’t just about daily consumption but it’s their teritory. The last
thing we want is long-time brawl between our cats. It’s recommended to put washable
base underneath the feeding bowls to anticipate the spill.
 Litter Box
Remember to consider the size of the litter box with your cats. The standard 30 cm x
35 cm box should suffice. Don’t forget to prepare the cat litter mini shovel to clean up
the excrements. Remember to clean it two to three times a day. Cats tend not to use
the litter box if it’s dirty. Some cats even prefer to hold the urge to use their liter box if
it’s dirty. Holding it could put your cats at risk of urethral obstructions, kidney stones
and urinary-tract infections that could case life-threathening complications. So, even
though it seems ‘simple’, the hygiene of litter box is crucial. Also, remember to clean
the shovel using toilet brush. Remember to use separate toilet brush than those you
use for your own toilet, to avoid fecal-mater transmitted disease.

 Carrier Box
Every cat owner will need this eventually, when they need to take their cats to the vet
or grooming. There are various kinds of carrier box, plastic basket is quite popular
because it’s relatively cheap. Choosing the kind of carrier box should consider :
o Size : the cat should be able to lay down / sit comfortably.
o Strong and easy to celan.
o Easy to open and close.
o Price : choose the kind that fits your need and your budget.
When you’re carrying your cat in the carrier, it’s recommended to put water-absorbed
base on the carrier.

We understand that as new cat owners, we often feel worried for our furry friends. These are
some of the complaints often asked by cat owners :

 My Cat Seems Tired and Scared!

They might be stressed due to their new home. Some cats love to explore their new
place, the others prefer sit in a quiet corner and observing. Welcoming new cat to the
family could be done by introducing yourself to the cat and stroking them.
 My Cat Keeps on Meowing!
Meowing is a sign of cat’s discomfort. Check their feeding bowls and litter boxes. If
their feeding bowls are full and their litter boxes are clean, then try to let the cat out of
the cage to play. Pet the cat and speak to them in soothing voice. Be patience, some
cats might do this for days.
 My Cat Doesn’t Want to Eat!
This is also signs of stress. Try to give them food with strong-appetizing scent like
chicken or tuna fish flavored wet food. Also, spare some time to play with your cats
and pet them. When cats feel comfortable, their appetite will increase and they will
devour their meals in no time. However, if they still refuse to eat and there are signs of
any other disease, take your cat to the vet for further examination.

The key for success is patience. It takes time for new pawrents to finally find their way on
taking care of their little furry friends. Don’t be afraid to discuss things with your friends who
already got some experiences on taking care of cats. Last but not least, always know where
is the nearest pet clinic!

Source, 2013. Cat [Online]
Available at:
[Diakses 03 Oktober 2019].

Kucing-kita, 2016. [Online]

Available at:
[Diakses 03 Oktober 2019].

Lee, J., 2015. Pet Health Network. [Online]

Available at:
[Diakses 03 Oktober 2019].

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