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finished to make it more difficult for others to access the

Seal; remnants of the staircase still float in the water.
Creatures who jump or fall from the upper level land in the
middle of this room. The water level is about a foot below the
lip of the southern hallway, and it only takes a move action
for a creature to exit the water and stand up in the hall.
Trap: Drazmorg ensorcelled the lower end of the chamber
with scrying eyes to alert him of living intruders. Set into
the stonework and washed with slime are six skull-sized,
necrotic eyeballs stolen from some monstrous beast. As
soon as any living creature reaches the water in this room,
the eyes suddenly pop open and stare at the interlopers.
The eyes alert Drazmorg, who immediately summons
undead guards to attack. Immediately after triggering the
trap, a loud hiss rises from bottom of the flue.
Creatures: Drazmorg has a small patrol of bloody bones (a
type of undead) guarding this area, hiding under the opaque
surface of the water. Muscle and sinew hangs from their
skeletal bodies while four long, sinewy tendrils writhe from
their midsections. Their hollow eye sockets show nothing and
their rotting flesh oozes a vile mixture of blood and mucus.
Thick metal rings keep their mouths permanently shut. They
emerge shortly after the scrying eyes trap is triggered, or 1d4
rounds after the first opponent touches the surface of the
water (if the PCs somehow disable the trap). During combat,
Drazmorg uses his staff of all-sight to speak through his undead
vessels, vocalizing threats and curses through long gashes in
the creatures’ throats. The projected voice sounds dry and
raspy, almost like a whisper, but it eerily seems to carry great
a distance and resonates as if the speaker whisperer were
standing right next to the listener’s ear.

Bloody Bones (3) CR 4

Tome of Horrors
CE Medium undead
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +9, Spot +9
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
(+1 Dex, +5 natural)
hp 32 (5d12)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
Immune undead immunities; Resist fire/10
Spd 30 ft.
Melee 4 tendrils +4 ranged touch (drag) and claw +5 melee
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (30 ft. with tendril)
Special Attacks Improved grab, rend 2d4 +4, tendrils
Before Combat The bloody bones hide, submerged beneath the
water until PCs come within range of their tendril attack.
During Combat The bloody bones lash out with their
tendrils, trying to grab targets, pluck them from the walls
and pin them beneath the water, attempting to drown

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