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Score Range:

Excellent (E) : 85 < 100

Good (G) : 75 < 85
Developing (D) : 65 < 75
Beginning (B) : ... ≤ 65
Not Evaluated (NE): Not evaluated or assessed this term

No Name Theme II Skills to asses

Thinking Commun Research Social Self Overall
ication Manage
1 Andrew Jaya Andrew was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and G G NE G G G
Satyo their functions. He was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how
organism grow and reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. Andrew was
learning to use this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits are
passed along in his summative project. Taking time for reading from various
resources will benefit him.
2 Aronne Teoh Aronne showed his interest in learning this theme. He tries to share his ideas with D D NE D D D
his friends. However, he needs to explore more on the concepts and shows his best
effort in completing assignments to get better results. Taking time for reading from
various resources will benefit and help him with recording, analyzing and
synthesizing data. Arrone still needs to be more focused and manage himself better
so that tasks can be completed on time and to the best of his ability. He also needs
encouragement to express ideas and intensive supervision from adults around him.
Support both from school and parents, at home will benefit him.
3 Ataka Ataka had consistently shown the ability to observe, investigate, and demonstrate an G G NE G G G
Lukman understanding of cell parts and their functions as well as how organism grow and
Hamzah reproduce through his mitosis and meiosis project. Ataka was able to develop his
thinking skill in analyzing and synthesizing data to support and come to good
understanding of how traits are passed along in his summative project. His
communication skill grew well in this unit, Ataka was able to share his ideas among
his group’s members and led them as a good leader in the group project. Improving
his time management will benefit him.
4 Azalia Azalia was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and their G G NE G G G
Mutiara functions. She was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how organism
Trimenda grow and reproduce as well as in making an appropriate punnet square. Azalia was
learning to use this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits are
passed along in her summative project. Taking time for reading from various
resources will benefit her.
5 Bryan Emile Bryan Emile was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and G G NE G G G
Meijers their functions. He was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how
organism grow and reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. Bryan Emile
was learning to use this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits
are passed along in his summative project. Taking time for reading from various
resources will benefit him.
6 Bryan Bryan Matthew seemed enjoy all the things we did in this unit. He tried to catch up B D NE D B B
Matthew and jump in the group work. However, he still struggled to classify data that he
Alexander gained from his findings in appropriate report. Bryan Matthew needed to develop his
presentation skills by being more confident. He should have used different varieties
of media to express his findings. It’s beneficial for him to improve his time
management to finish his tasks in the allotted time. He also needs encouragement to
express ideas, reading more resources will benefit him.

7 Hans Hans seemed enjoy all the things we did in this unit. He tried to catch up and jump in B B NE D D D
Vadrian the group work. However, he still struggled to classify data that he gained from his
Nusajati findings in appropriate report. Hans needed to develop his presentation skills by
being more confident. He should have used different varieties of media to express
his findings. It’s beneficial for him to improve his time management to finish his
tasks in the allotted time. He also needs encouragement to express ideas, reading
more resources will benefit him.

8 Hansel Hansel was able to develop his thinking skill in analyzing and synthesizing data to G D NE G G G
Liebrata support and come to good understanding of how traits are passed along in his
summative project. His communication skill grew well in this unit, Hansel showed
his eagerness to lead his friends as a good leader in the group project. Hansel still
needs encouragement to express and share his ideas among his friends. Improving
his self confidence will benefit him.

9 Indira Reina Reina seemed enjoy all the things we did in this unit. She tried to catch up and jump D G NE G D G
Arief into the group work. However, she still struggled to classify data that he gained from
her findings in appropriate report. Reina needed to develop her presentation skills
by being more confident. She should have used different varieties of media to
express her findings. It’s beneficial for her to improve her time management to finish
her tasks in the allotted time. She also needs encouragement to express ideas,
reading more resources will benefit her.

10 Kezia Debora Kezia was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and their G G NE G G G
Nathalie functions. She was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how organism
grow and reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. Kezia was learning to use
this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits are passed along in his
summative project. Taking time for reading from various resources will benefit her.
11 Kireyna Kireyna showed an excellent understanding about genetic and inheritance. She had E G NE G E G
Aurelia consistently shown the ability to observe, investigate, and demonstrate an
Santoso understanding of cell parts and their functions as well as how organism grow and
reproduce through her mitosis and meiosis project. She was also able to show her
understanding of the concepts discussed through her project. During the
presentation of her work, she communicated her findings well and confidently.

12 Laura Adellein had consistently shown the ability to observe, investigate, and demonstrate E G NE E E E
Edellein an understanding of cell parts and their functions as well as how organism grow and
Sutanto reproduce through her mitosis and meiosis project. Edellein was able to develop her
thinking skill in analyzing and synthesizing data to support and come to good
understanding of how traits are passed along in her summative project. Her
communication skill grew well in this unit, Edellein was able to share her ideas
among his group’s members and do her role as a team player in the group project.
She was very responsible toward her works and able to finish the in allotted time.
13 Melanie Vevi Melanie seemed enjoy all the things we did in this unit. She tried to catch up and D D NE G G G
Gracia jump into the group work. Melanie needed to develop her presentation skills by
being more confident. She should have used different varieties of media to express
her findings. It’s beneficial for her to improve her time management to finish her
tasks in the allotted time. She also needs encouragement to express ideas, reading
more resources will benefit her.

14 Mohammad Zachary showed his interest in learning this theme. He tries to share his ideas with D D NE G G G
Zachary his friends. However, he needs to explore more on the concepts and shows his best
Anwar effort in completing assignments to get better results. Taking time for reading from
Hardjono various resources will benefit and help him with recording, analyzing and
synthesizing data. Focusing on everything he does will benefit him.

15 Moreno Moreno showed his interest in learning this theme. He tries to share his ideas with D G NE G D G
Santosa his friends. However, he needs to explore more on the concepts and shows his best
effort in completing assignments to get better results. Taking time for reading from
various resources will benefit and help him with recording, analyzing and
synthesizing data. Focusing on everything he does will help and benefit him to get
better results.

16 Nathaniel Nathaniel showed his interest in learning this theme. He tries to share his ideas with D G NE G D G
Emmanuel his friends. However, he needs to explore more on the concepts, especially in
Jiaw analyzing and synthesizing data by taking time for reading from various resources to
support his works. Focusing on everything he does will benefit him. Nathaniel also
looked excited in working in group; this helped his social and communication skills
to develop. He only needs to show his confidence and leadership as a leader by being
there for his members and take more responsibility to make sure that everyone is on
the right track.

17 Rachel Rachel was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and their G G NE D D G
Ariella functions. She was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how organism
Cheung grow and reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. Rachel was learning to
use this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits are passed along
in her summative project. Taking time for reading from various resources will
benefit her.
18 Raynard Raynard showed his interest in learning this theme. He tries to share his ideas with B B NE D D D
Sugiarto his friends. However, he needs to explore more on the concepts and shows his best
effort in completing assignments to get better results. Taking time for reading from
various resources will benefit and help him with recording, analyzing and
synthesizing data. Raynard still needs to be more focused and manage himself better
so that tasks can be completed on time and to the best of his ability. He also needs
encouragement to express ideas and intensive supervision from adults around him.
Support both from school and parents, at home will benefit him.
19 Tabitha Putri Tabitha showed a fairly good understanding about cell parts and their functions. She G D NE D G G
Muljadi was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how organism grow and
reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. However, Tabitha should continue
to practice her communication skills so that she can the main ideas of his research
findings more easily. Tabitha overall performance during this unit was fairly good
most probably due to her reduced health condition. We are certain that with the
return of her good health her motivation will improve.
20 Valerie Valerie was consistently able to demonstrate an understanding of cell parts and their G G NE G G G
Fayola functions. She was able to explain and identify mitosis and meiosis in how organism
Irawan grow and reproduce as well as in making a punnet square. Valerie was learning to
use this knowledge to come to a good understanding of how traits are passed along
in his summative project. Taking time for reading from various resources will benefit
21 Xavier Xavier seems enjoy all the thing we do in this unit. However, he had difficulty D D NE D D D
William understanding many of the concepts about inheritance. He needs to improve his
thinking skills to deliver his findings into shapes of works more easily. He should
improve his written communication skills by putting more effort listening and
recording his observations. Xavier also had difficulty to understand and make a
detailed summative project. Xavier would benefit if he did more supervised reading
to improve his reading comprehension. He also needs encouragement to express
ideas and intensive supervision from adults around him. Support both from school
and parents, at home will benefit him

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