Chapter-1: Objectives of The Study Scope of The Study Research Methodology

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The objective of the study is as follows:

1. To find that whether the employees are satisfied with their jobs or not
.2. To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees.
3. To identify the factor which improves the satisfaction level of employees.
4. To measure employee attitudes across a range of key cultural and performance
5. To align management and employee expectations in order to facilitate greater
productivity within the workplace environment,


This study emphasis in the following scope:

 To identify the employees level of satisfaction upon that job.

 This study is helpful to that organization for conducting further research.
 It is helpful to identify the employer’s level of satisfaction towards welfare measure.
 This study is helpful to the organization for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of
job of the employees.
 This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company


“Research is a systematized effort to gain new knowledge.” It is a systematic study

consisting of a problem formulating a hypothesis collecting the facts and data, analyzing
the facts and reaching for certain conclusions, which can be in the form of either solution
towards a problem.

Research design

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy
in procedure. The research design used in my study is basically descriptive in nature.

Types of Research
 Exploratory research
 Descriptive research
 Causal research
 Applied research
 Basic research

Exploratory research
Exploratory studies are conducted to clarify the ambiguous problems.
Ambiguity means that the nature of problem to be solved is unclear.

Descriptive research
The research design in my study is descriptive. Its studies are concern with describing
the characteristics of a particular group or individual. Studies concerned with specific
prediction with narration of facts and characteristics concerning individual, group or
situations are examples of descriptive research .it is also known as social research.

Causal research
The mean purpose of causal research is to identify the cause and effect
relationship between variables.

Applied research
Applied research is conducted when a decision is to be made about a
specific real-like problem.

Basic research

Basic or pure research (fundamental research) attempts to expand the limits of

Sample design
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.
It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items
for the sample i.e. the size of the sample. Stratified sample method is adopted to select
the sample.

Sample size
It includes the number of sampling unit selected from the population for
investigation. The sample size must be optimum or adequate. If the sample size is small
it may not appropriately represent the population.
Too large sample would be costly in terms of money &time. The optimum sampling size
would fulfill the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability, and flexibility.
The sample size is taken of 100 customers. It is because of the shortage of time & their
busy schedule.


Data collection is an art. Sometime it is very time consuming affair. The source
information falls under two categories:
 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

Primary data
We collect primary data either through observation or through direct communication with
respondents in one form or other personal interviews.
 Observation method
 Interview method
 Schedules & Questionnaire method
 Internet

 Simplicity
 Direct and realistic study
 Useful for formulating
 Greater accuracy
 Results are more dependable

 Not possible to remain present
 Not possible because a schedule events may not take place
 Not possible on account of the long duration

Secondary Data
The secondary data means data that are already available in various reports, diaries,
letters, books, etc.

 Life history, diaries, autobiographies, letters and testaments.

 Reports published by various Research Organizations.

 More flexible
 It is perfect sample of the general population
 Controlled which person will answer the question

 Uneconomical
 Emotionalism

 Personal bias

A questionnaire is simply a formalized set of questions for eliciting information. The

method used in this project is closed ended questionnaire in which respondent is not free
to choose the response demand appropriate.

Sampling Method
Stratified method of sampling was used for face-to-face survey while snowball sampling
method was used while conducting telephonic survey.



“I am satisfied with the job” is one way to define job satisfaction.

Limelight on job satisfaction was brought by Hop pock in 1935. He reviewed 32 studies
on job satisfaction. Prior of 1933 the job satisfaction is combination of psychological,
physiological and environmental circumstances that course to say truthfully that “I am
satisfied with my job.”

The success of any organization depends on the effective utilization and motivation of
human resources.

Job satisfaction is an integral of the organizational climate and importance element in

Management and employee relationship.

Job satisfaction is derived from the Latin words “Satis” and “facere”, which means
“enough and to do” respectively. Job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude
towards his job

Situational Factor.

Individual Characteristics.

Group and social relationship outside the job.

Job satisfaction is the ultimate function of all these and many individual attitudes put
together. Many thinkers consider it a collective force and not an unitary phenomenon.
Every individual has some needs and desires that need to be fulfilled. Any job, which
fulfils these needs, provides satisfaction. Satisfaction is one’s contentment job that
induces motivation and interest in work, which creates pleasure or happiness from job.

Hence satisfaction plays a vital role in every aspect of individual’s life, without
satisfaction in life it becomes very difficult to survive.
The term job satisfaction refers to an employee’s general attitude towards his job.
Job satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which employees view
their work.
In order to understand job satisfaction, perhaps the first step should be to demarcate the
boundaries among such terms as attitudes motivation and morale.
A job is an important part of life. Job satisfaction influences one’s general life
The result is that satisfaction arises from a complex set of circumstances in the same way
the motivation does.


The objectives of the study as follow:

 To access the satisfaction level of employees.
 To identify the factor which influences the job satisfaction of employees.
 To identify the factor which improve the satisfaction level of employees.
 To know the employee satisfaction towards the facilities.
 To offer valuable suggestion to improve the satisfaction level of employees.


There are vital differences among experts about the concept of job satisfaction. Basically,
there are four approaches/ theories of job satisfaction.
They are:

1) Fulfillment theory
2) Discrepancy theory
3) Equity theory
4) Two-factor theory

(1) Fulfillment theory

The main aim of this theory is to measure satisfaction in terms of rewards a person
receives or the extent to which his needs are satisfied. Job satisfaction cannot be regarded
merely as a function of how much a person receives from his job but it is the strength of
the individual’s desire of his level of aspiration in a particular area.
The main difficulty in his approach as observed by willing is that job satisfaction is not
only a function of what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive, as
there would be considerable difference in the actual and expectations of persons.

(2) Discrepancy Theory

The proponents of this theory is that satisfaction is the function of what a person actually
receives from his job satisfaction and what he thanks receives or expects to receive.
This approach does not make it clear whether or not over satisfaction is a part of
dissatisfaction and if so, how it differs from dissatisfaction.

(3) Equity Theory

The proponents of this theory are of the view that a persons satisfaction determined by
his perceived equity which in from is determined by his input-output balance when
compared to others input-output balance. Input-output balance is the perceived ratio of
what a person received from his job relative to what he contributes to the job.

(4) Two-Factor Theory

This theory was developed by Herzberg, Manusner, Paterson and Capwell who identified
certain factors as satisfiers and dissatisfies.
Factors such as achievement, recognition responsibility etc., are satisfiers, the presence
of which causes satisfaction but their absence does not result in dissatisfaction on the
other hand the factors such as supervision salary, working conditions etc are dis-satisfiers
the absence of which cause dissatisfaction however their presence does not result in job

satisfaction. This theory is considered invalid as a person can get both satisfaction and
dissatisfaction at the same time.


While analyzing the various determinants of job satisfaction, we have to keep in mind that: all
individuals do no derive the same degree of satisfaction though they perform the same job in the
same job environment and at the same time. Therefore, it appears that besides the nature of job
and job environment, there are individual variables which affect job satisfaction.

Individual factors

Individuals have certain expectations from their jobs. If their expectations are met from the jobs,
they feel satisfied. These expectations are based on an individual’s level of education, age and
other factors.

Level of education

Level of education of an individual is a factor which determines the degree of job satisfaction.
For example, several studies have found negative correlation between the level of education,
particularly higher level of education, and job satisfaction. The possible reason for this
phenomenon may be that highly educated persons have very high expectations from their jobs
which remain unsatisfied. In their case, Peter’s principle which suggests that every individual
tries to reach his level of incompetence, applies more quickly.

Individuals experience different degree of job satisfaction at different stages of their life. Job
satisfaction is high at the initial stage, gets gradually reduced, starts rising up to certain stage,
and finally dips to a low degree. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are like this. When
individuals join an organization, they may have some unrealistic assumptions about what they
are going to drive from their work. These assumptions make them more satisfied. However,
when these assumptions fall short of reality, job satisfaction goes down. It starts rising again as

the people start to assess the jobs in right perspective and correct their assumptions. At the last,
particularly at the fag end of the career, job satisfaction goes down because of fear of retirement
and future outcome.

Other factors

Besides the above two factors, there are other individual factors which affect job satisfaction. If
an individual does not have favorable social and family life, he may not feel happy at the
workplace. Similarly, other personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job
satisfaction. Personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job satisfaction.

Nature of job

Nature of job determines job satisfaction which is in the form of occupation level and job

Occupation level

Higher level jobs provide more satisfaction as compared to lower levels. This happens because
high level jobs carry prestige and status in the society which itself becomes source of satisfaction
for the job holders.

For example, professionals derive more satisfaction as compared to salaried people: factory
workers are least satisfied.

Job content

Job content refers to the intrinsic value of the job which depends on the requirement of skills for
performing it, and the degree of responsibility and growth it offers. A higher content of these
factors provides higher satisfaction. For example, a routine and repetitive lesser satisfaction; the
degree of satisfaction progressively increases in job rotation, job enlargement, and job


Situational variables related to job satisfaction lie in organizational context – formal and
informal. Formal organization emerges out of the interaction of individuals in the organization.
Some of the important factors which affect job important factors which affect job satisfaction are
given below:

Working conditions

Working conditions, particularly physical work environment, like conditions of workplace and
associated facilities for performing the job determine job satisfaction. These work in two ways.
First, these provide means job performance. Second, provision of these conditions affects the
individual’s perception about the organization. If these factors are favourable, individuals
experience higher level of job satisfaction.


The type of supervision affects job satisfaction as in each type of supervision; the degree of
importance attached to individuals varies. In employee-oriented supervision, there is more
concern for people which is perceived favourably by them and provides them more satisfaction.
In job oriented supervision, there is more emphasis on the performance of the job and people
become secondary. This situation decreases job satisfaction.

Equitable rewards

The type of linkage that is provided between job performance and rewards determines the degree
of job satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on the job performance and equitable, it
offers higher satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on considerations other than the
job performance, it affects job satisfaction adversely.


 Post title and department

 Background to the post

 Purpose / Objective of the post

 Main duties and responsibilities

 Key relationships


Job satisfaction is a complex concept and difficult to measure objectively. The level of job
satisfaction is affected by a wide range of variables relating to individual, social, cultural,
organizational factors as stated below:




Individual: Personality, education, intelligence and abilities, age, marital status, orientation to

Social factors: Relationship with co-workers, group working and norms, opportunities for
interaction, informal relations etc.

Organizational factors: Nature and size, formal structure, personnel policies and procedures,
industrial relation, nature of work, technology and work organization, supervision and styles of
leadership, management systems, working conditions.

Environmental factors: Economic, social, technical and governmental influences.

Cultural factors: Attitudes, beliefs and values.


The importance to the study of job satisfaction level is very important for executives. Job
satisfaction study importance can be understood by the answer of the following question
Is there room for improvement?
Who is relatively more dissatisfied?
What contributes to the employee satisfaction?
What are the effects of negative employee attitudes?



Business Type: Manufacturer

Packaging Machine,Pouch Packing Machine,Lined Carton

Main Products:
Machine,Multi Track Machines,Multi Track Machine

Location: HARYANA, India

Year Established: 1996

No. of Employees: 101-200 people

Total Revenue: Below US$1 Million

Main Markets: North America, Eastern Asia, Africa, Mid East

Average Lead
30 Day(s)


Created as 'Ganga Packaging' in 1998, we became 'Shubham Flexible Packaging

Machines Pvt. Ltd.' in 2002. A creation of Mr. Virendra Sharma, our Managing Director,
Shubham today is the leader in manufacturing of multi track, collar type and lined carton
packing machines. Shubham not only boasts of some big names in it's client list within
India, it also has an enviable list of customers worldwide. Our repeated sales to our
existing clients and continuous addition of new customers is proof of our capability to
supply machines of international standards and also of our continued effort towards up-
gradation and development.

Our continuous endeavour towards attainment of excellence and seeking of new

technologies and quality-centric processes gives us the strength to make commitments
that others cannot match.

Our company, Shubham Flexible Packaging Machines Pvt. Ltd. has been designing and
manufacturing packaging machines since 1998. Until April 2002 the company was called
Ganga Packaging. We serve both international and domestic clients in the private, public
and joint sectors. We have an annual turnover of more than USD 3.5 million We are one
of the leading companies in manufacturing flexible from fill seal (FFS) packaging
machines. These machines fill different products like, cosmetics, food and chemicals, in
pouches. We have Massive infrastructure that allows us to manufacture complicated but
easy-to-use machinery. An R & D department is always upgrading designs and
improvising the machines as per the clients requirements. A trained and dedicated
workforce of 200 employees that is a major asset in achieving our ambitious goals. The
expertise to meet any requirement and challenging delivery schedules Prompt and
effective after-sales-service. Other departments at Shubham are Planning, Purchase,
Finance, Paintshop, Machine Shop, Stores and Maintenance.

We are leading Manufacturer for the Products which also includes Single Track Machine
& Lined Carton Machines since 2003

Single Track Machine


 Model : SPM-300L/P
 Rated Speed : 60 Pouches/min.
 No. of Tracks : Single Track
 Packing Range : Upto 200 ml
 Product to be packed : Liquid, Powder
 Main Motor : ¼ H.P
 Power Consumption : 2.5 kw
 Pouch Size : Variable
 Net Weight : 300Kg.
 Gross Weight : 350 Kg.
 Machine Size : 850x 600x 1800 (LxWxH)
 Main Gear Box : Greaves
 Main Motor : Prompt Greaves
 Contractor : Telemechanic
 Castor Wheels Frame : Make SS
 Complete S.S. Clading
 Stoving PU Paint
 Machine can produce 3 Side & 4 Side seal both plane & bottleneck and center
seal pouch.
 Photocell ensures the correct length of the pouch.
 Machine can seal all heat Sealable laminates.
 Machine is provided with Automatic Temperature Controller.
 SS Rollers and SS Reel Shaft
 Adjustable disc for weight adjustment.

 Dust Collector – Optional

Lined Carton Machines


 Model: SPM 80
 M/c Mechanism: Intermittent
 Rated Speed: 45-50 carton /min. (depend upon product and pack size)
 Power consumption: 8KW (depending upon equipment)
 Electric Supply: 3 phase, 415V, 50Hz
 Carton Dimension : Min - Max
 Length : 60mm - 200mm
 Width : 22mm - 108mm
 Length + Width : 94mm - 285mm
 Height : 85mm - 250mm
 Main Motor: 1.5KW, 415V,
 3 Phase: 1440 RPM
 Weight: 2000 kg.
 Packing Limit: NA: 50-1000gm (depend upon Products)
 Air consumption: 4CFM at 6kg/cm
 Temp. Controller: PID based
 Machine Colour: Off White/Grey
 Product to be packed: Liquid/Granules
 Coding Unit: Embossing provided with M/c (digit to be purchased)
 Packing Material: Duplex carton with heat sealable linear attached inside
 Floor Space: 5600 x 3000mm

Automatic Multilane Fill & Seal Machine


 M/c Mechanism : Intermittent Motion

 Speed : 65-70 strokes/min.
 Sealing : 4-side seal
 Max. Roll Width : 1000mm
 Max Roll Dia : 500mm
 Real Core Dia : 150mm/76mm
 Packing Limit : 1gm – 100gm, 3ml – 12ml
 Main Motor : 3.7 Kw, 3-Phase, 415 Volts
 Connected Load : 10 Kw
 Net Weight : 3500 Kgs.
 Gross Weight : 4000Kgs.
 Air pressure : 6 Kg/Cm2 (Dry Air)
 Air Consumption : 3CFM
 Machine Color : Mulshell Grey
 Packing Material : Available in the market, Heat Sealable Metalised poly and
laminate films
 Product to be packed : Detergent Powder, Soup Powder, Spices Granules and any
type of free flow
 and non –free flow powder material.
 Vertical & Horizontal Sealing: Mechanically CAM Driven
 Batch Cutter Operation : Pneumatic
 Film Draw – Off : Servo
 Film Tracking : Fully Automatic
 Film Roll Unwinding : Motor Driven
 Control panel : Air-cooled with all applicable standards

Flow Wrap Machine


 Type of Mechanism:Continuous Sealing

 Speed: 5 to 200 Packs/min. (depend upon the size & shape of the product)
 Sealing: Center seal
 Power: 4.0 KW
 Pouch Size: L=50 to 425mm, W=10 to 200mm, H=25mm max.
 Photocell control: Photo Electric Control system is there to control the eye mark.
 Machine Size: Length-3000mm, Width-1000mm, Height-1800mm
 Machine Weight: 1200Kgs
 Temp. Control: temp. Controllers
 Pouch Length: Automatic gear box for diff. pouch lengths

Multi Track Zipper Pouch Machines


 Speed : 60-65 strokes / min 65x2=130 pouches/min

 No. Of tracks : 2 track
 Max roll width : 400 mm
 Max roll dia : 600 mm
 Real core dia : 150 mm
 Power consumption : 6 kw
 Packing limit : 8-10 ml
 Main motor : 2. 2 kw, 3-phase, 415 volts
 Overall machine size : 2100x1350x1900mm (lxwxh)
 Net weight : 1600 kgs
 Gross weight : 1850 kg.
 Air pressure : 6 kg / cm square (dry air)
 Air consumption : 0. 5 normal litres /machine cycle
 Machine color : grey

 Packing material : available in the market, heat sealable, lldpe, ldpe metalised
poly and laminate films.
 Product to be packed : tobacco powder
 Vertical &horizontal sealing : mechanically driven
 Jaw drive : mechanical cam
 Batch cutter operation : pneumatic
 Film-draw off : clutch brake
 Film tracking : pneumo hydraulic
 Plc : allen bradely
 Control panel : - air-cooled with all applicable standards.
 Notching provision given
 Power consumption
 Roll end sensor
 Provision of funnels having ducting line
 Pid controller make honey well

Main Products

Multi Track Machine

Multi Track Packaging Machine

Multi Track Machine

lined carton machine

Lined Carton Machine

Trade Capacity

Trade & Market


Total Revenue
Main Markets Main Product(s)

North America 40.00% -

Eastern Asia 30.00% -

Africa 20.00% -

Mid East 10.00% -

Total Annual Sales Volume: Below US$1 Million

Export Percentage: 31% - 40%

Business Terms

Accepted Delivery Terms: FOB

Accepted Payment Currency: USD, EUR

Accepted Payment Type: T/T, L/C

Minimum Order Value: >US$ 40000

Nearest Port: Mumbai

Trade Ability

No. of Employees in Trade Department: Above 50 People

Average Lead Time: 30 Day(s)

Research & Development

There is/are 11 - 20 People R&D Engineer(s) in the company

Production Capacity

Factory Information

Factory Size: 3,000-5,000 square meters

Factory Location: India , Haryana, Faridabad

No. of Production Lines: 7

OEM Service Offered


Q.1Are you happy with your work place?

Options Percentage of respondents

Strongly agree 30
Agree 39
Neutral 18
Disagree 8
Strongly disagree 5

Table 4.1: Ambient working environment

Figure 4.1: Ambient working environment

The above table shows that, it is clear that 30% respondents strongly agree and 39%
respondents agree that they are happy with their work place while only 13% disagreed
and 18% have no idea towards their work place.

Q.2 Are the working hours of job is convenient?

Options Percentage of Respondents

Strongly agree 34
Agree 32
Neutral 18
Disagree 13
Strongly disagree 3

Table 4.2: Convenient working hours

Figure 4.2: Convenient working hours

The above table shows that, it is clearly evident that 34% of the respondents strongly
agree that working hours are convenient from them and 32% agree with that and 18%
neither agree nor disagree and 13% disagree with the working hours and 3% are strongly
against time span of work
Q.3 Are you satisfied with the material and equipment provide to you?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 59
Agree 24
Neutral 11
Disagree 6
Strongly disagree 0

Table 4.3: Satisfaction regarding material and equipment.

Figure 4.3: Satisfaction regarding material and equipment.

The above table shows that, 59% respondents strongly agree and 24% respondents agree
that they are satisfied with material and equipment provide, only 6% disagreed and 11%
have no idea towards their material and equipment

Q.4 Do you receive recognition for work well done?

Options Percentage of respondents

Agree 55
Neutral 15
Disagree 10
Strongly disagree 20 Table 4.4:
Recognition for well done work

Figure 4.4: Recognition for well done work

The above table shows that, 55% respondents agree that they are satisfied with
recognition for work well done, only 10% disagreed and 15% have no idea towards their
job policy and rest 20% are strongly disagree.

Q.5 Do you think job satisfaction policy is helpful in achieving the goals
of the company?

Options Percentage of respondents

Strongly agree 56
Agree 26
Neutral 3
Disagree 5
Strongly disagree 10

Table 4.5: Policy is helpful in achieving the goals

Figure 4.5: Policy is helpful in achieving the goals

The above table shows that, 56% respondents strongly agree and 26% respondents agree
that job satisfaction policy is helpful in achieving the goals, only 5% disagreed and 3%
have no idea and rest 10% are strongly disagree.

Q.6 Is internal satisfaction is effective in your opinion?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 56
Agree 14
Neutral 4
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 23
Table 4.6: Internal satisfaction is effective

Figure 4.6: Internal satisfaction is effective

The above table shows that, 56% respondents strongly agree and 14% respondents agree
that, internal satisfaction is effective, only 3% disagreed and 4% have no idea and rest
23% are strongly disagree.

Q.7 Are you satisfied with refreshment facilities provided by company?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 40
Agree 30
Neutral 10
Disagree 15
Strongly disagree 5

Table 4.7: Satisfied with the refreshment facilities

Figure 4.7: Satisfied with the refreshment facilities

The above table shows that, 40% employees are strongly agreed and 30% agreed with the
refreshment facilities offered by the company while 15% of respondents disagreed and
5% strongly disagreed and rest 10% have no idea.

Q.8 Are you satisfied with the chances for the promotion?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 27
Agree 43
Neutral 13
Disagree 9
Strongly disagree 8

Table 4.8: Satisfaction with the chances for promotion

Figure 4.8: Satisfaction with the chances for promotion

The above table shows that, it is quite clear that employees are satisfied with their
chances for promotion as 43% agree and 27% strongly agree. Only 9% disagree and 8%
strongly disagree, 13% neutral.

Q.9 Are you satisfied with parking spaces for vehicles?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 30
Agree 25
Neutral 20
Disagree 15
Strongly disagree 10
Table 4.9: Parking spaces for vehicles are satisfactory

Figure 4.9: Parking spaces for vehicles are satisfactory

The above table shows that, it is clear that respondents are satisfied with the parking
facilities provided by the company as 30% of respondents strongly agreed and 25% of
respondents agreed and only 15% of respondents are disagree with the parking facilities,
20% have neutral and 10% are strongly disagree.
Q.10 Are you satisfied with the motivation of job to achieve the
organization goals?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree 31
Agree 33
Neutral 15
Disagree 12
Strongly disagree 9

Table 4.10: I feel my boss motivate me to achieve the organizational goals

Figure 4.10: I feel my boss motivate me to achieve the organizational goals

The above table shows that, it is evident that employees boss are motivating to achieve
organizational goals as 33% agree and 31% strongly agree. 12% disagree this is quite
high compared to other factors and 9% strongly disagree and 15% neutral.



 I observed from my study that work load on workers of department like packaging
shipping very much. This is very much hard to complete the task which is not good
for their health. So my suggestion that work is to be desired.

 The second most important hardly in communication system is lack of confidence in

the employees of the company. So my suggestion is that employees should bring
confidence and develop their basic skills consoling, session, motive , program etc will
also helpful to employees.

 Meeting and conference plays an important part to make Job Satisfaction more. I
observed that there are minimum meeting between the workers and management in
the company. So my suggestion is that there must time to time meeting them by
which workers will be able to tell about their disqualifies


 Motivation is abstract quality, for which measurement becomes too

difficult task because of the non-availability of standardized tests for it.

 Attitude of workers towards supervisor and co-workers is also extremely


 Respondents get the opportunity to express their views.

 70% of the respondents are completely satisfied while 30% of the

respondents are partially satisfied.

 The majority of the respondents is completely satisfied with the working


 There is a cooperative relationship between workers and management.

 Incentive awards motivate the employees most.

 90% employees said that incentives & other benefits influence their


 Chabbra T.N., Human Resources Management, Dhanpat Rai & co. (p) Ltd. India,
Ninth Edition.
 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi, New Age International Publisher,
Second Edition.
 Gupta C.B.,Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &Sons, Sixth Edition.
 Ashwathapa K.,Human Resource Management,Mcgiaw Hill, Fourth Edition.
 Prasad L.M., Organizational behavior, Sultan Chand & Sons, Fifth Edition.

 www.shubhamflexible. com
 www.tradeindia .com



Name: ________________________Dept: ________________________Cat:

Designation: __________________ Qualification:
Nationality ___________________Sex________________Date___/__/_____

Q.1 Are the working hours of job is convenient?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.2 Are you happy with your work place?

Options Percentage of respondents

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.3 Are you satisfied with the material and equipment provide to you?

Options Percentage of respondents
strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.4 Do you receive recognition for work well done?

Options Percentage of respondents

Strongly disagree

Q.5 Do you thing job satisfaction policy is helpful in achieving the goals of the company?

Options Percentage of respondents

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.6 Is internal satisfaction is effective in your opinion?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree
Neutral 49
Strongly disagree
Q.7Are you satisfied with refreshment facilities provided by company?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.8 Are you satisfied with the chances for the promotion?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.9 Are you satisfied with parking spaces for vehicles?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Q.10Are you satisfied with the motivation of job to achieve the organization goals?

Options Percentage of respondents

strongly agree
Strongly disagree


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