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T HREE AR T I C L E S Building Organization Development

FROM THE SUMMIT as an Academic Discipline

“While diagnostic models are important tools, diagnosis is about more than just good use
of tools. It is about establishing a fundamental commitment to deeply understanding
­organizational issues and practicing rigorous organizational inquiry.”

The Importance of
Organizational Diagnosis

By Deborah A. O’Neil The concept of organizational diagnosis 2) How important is organizational

may seem to a seasoned practitioner of diagnosis to effective change?
organization development to be a no-
brainer. Of course we need to diagnose 3) How widely is organizational diagnosis
organizational issues before we can applied in organizations?
address them! But taking a step back from
the obvious to ask an essential question 4) What actions need to be taken to
may be prudent here: What exactly is encourage organizations to formalize
organizational diagnosis, and to what organizational diagnosis as part of
extent is the process of organizational change efforts?
diagnosis understood and practiced in
organizations? 1) To what extent is the process of
A group of academics and organizational diagnosis understood?
practitioners attending the 3rd Annual
Summit on Building Organization Diagnosis is defined as a critical analysis
Development and Change as an Academic of the nature of something. Organizational
Discipline, held in the spring of 2007, diagnoses are “. . . investigations that draw
at Benedictine University, were asked to on concepts, models, and methods from
respond to questions about organizational the behavioral sciences in order to examine
diagnosis. Their answers present an an organization’s current state and help
interesting picture of the disconnection clients find ways to solve problems or
between belief and practice. Attendees were enhance organizational effectiveness”
asked the following four questions: (Harrison & Shirom, 1999, p. 7). Burke
(1994, p. 96) suggests that “without a
1) To what extent is the process of framework for understanding, the data
organizational diagnosis understood? an OD practitioner collects about a client

The Importance of Organizational Diagnosis 51


organization may remain nothing more without first running diagnostic tests conducting organizational interventions
than an array of personal comments of the to understand completely the working without proper diagnosis is a recipe for
who-said-what-about-whom variety. For the condition of your heart. What then is disaster.
information to be useful, it must be treated different about a manager or organization Competent diagnosticians have
in organizational terms.” development practitioner recommending ‘inquiring minds,’ ask insightful questions
Creating diagnostic models or an organizational course of action without designed to separate symptoms from root
frameworks allows us to approach first understanding the working condition causes, are intent on getting to a level of
specificity of data, and treat diagnosis as an
A focus on the organizational bottom line can mean that iterative process. People in organizations
with the above competencies are in
organizational changes need to occur quickly in order to realize demand. As academics in the Organization
immediate gains. This often results in a mindset of ‘ready, Development and Change (ODC)
disciplines it is our responsibility to teach
fire, aim’ when it comes to addressing complex organizational our students, the ODC practitioners and
issues. This means that underlying organization issues go academics of the future, the fundamentals
of organizational diagnosis grounded in
unaddressed and people who work in organizations are prone behavioral science theories and practice.
to skepticism regarding organizational change efforts. Phrases As is evident from Table 2, the
overwhelming majority of respondents felt
such as ‘fad of the month’ or ‘been there, haven’t done that’ can that organizational diagnosis was critical to
circulate and lead to weariness with change. effective organizational change efforts.

organizational issues purposefully and of the organization? And yet, we have 3) How widely is organizational diagnosis
systematically. Drawing on behavioral many examples of organizations rushing to applied in organizations?
science theories, these diagnostic models action without first conducting a thorough
assist in organizing and systematizing assessment of their current situation. Organizational diagnosis and
vast amounts of information to help OD This behavior often results in solving the organizational change is an essential
practitioners and managers make sense symptoms, not the underlying problems. relationship and should be closely linked.
of their organizational realities. While Diagnosis in organizations like in the Unfortunately, this relationship is all too
diagnostic models are important tools, health care example above is a critical first often over-looked. There is a tendency
diagnosis is about more than just good step in any organizational change process. in organizations to jump to a diagnosis
use of tools. It is about establishing a It should also be an ongoing process; it without the benefit of data gathering and
fundamental commitment to deeply is not something that is done once but, analysis. There are a couple of primary
understanding organizational issues as data is collected, analyzed, fed back reasons for this. One of the most prevalent
and practicing rigorous organizational and acted upon, the iterative process of is the need to respond quickly to a
inquiry. In order to follow through on that diagnosis continues. Recommending or rapidly changing global organizational
fundamental commitment, diagnosis must
be firmly based in empiricism.
As Table 1 demonstrates, the majority Table 1
of respondents felt that the process of
organizational diagnosis is not well To what extent is the “process” of organizational diagnosis
understood in organizations. understood? (n = 33)
2) How important is organizational 14
diagnosis to effective change? 12
To use an analogy from the world of health 8
care, would you go to a physician who
hadn’t been properly trained in diagnostic 2
methods? Would a competent physician 0
recommend a course of treatment Very Little (1) (2) Some (3) (4) Full Extent (5)
without first assessing your condition? It
is ridiculous to assume that a physician Average = 1.81
would recommend open heart surgery

52 OD PRACTITIONER  Vol. 40 No. 2  2008

B uilding O rgani z ation D e v elopment as an A cademic D iscipline

marketplace. A focusTo what extent

on the is the “process”
organizational of organizational
Organizational diagnosis
change practitioners and academics who teach
bottom line can mean that organizational understood? (n = 33)
changes To what extent is the “process” ODCofneed to present
organizational a compelling case for the critical link
16 need to occur quickly in order
14 immediate gains. This oftenunderstood?
to realize between
(n = 33)organizational diagnosis and effective organization
12in a mindset of ‘ready, fire, aim’
when 1410
it comes to addressing complex
change. To do this, the effect of proper and improper diagnosis
12 8
organizational issues. This means on the organizational bottom line must be stressed. The
that underlying organization issues go
unaddressed and people who work in
business case must be made for proper diagnosis and it must be
are prone to skepticism framed in terms that organizations understand. Organizations
regarding organizational
Very Little (1) change
(2)efforts. Some (3) (4) Full Extent (5)
such as ‘fad of the month’ or ‘been
must demand and academic institutions must supply rigorous
there, haven’t
Verydone that’
Average 1.81can circulate
(1) (2) and Sometraining
(3) in diagnostic
(4) Full methods.
Extent (5)
lead to weariness with change.
Another reason= that
Average 1.81organizational issues are and the best way to address it be a business unit, department, division
diagnosis isn’t widely applied in them. These beliefs may reflect the point or an entire organization. The insular
organization change efforts is that often of view of a select piece of the system, but nature of organizational life means that
individuals responsible for change efforts often don’t take into account the more each part of a system may feel confident
believe they know what the organization global view of the overall system, whether in their understanding of their particular
organizational reality, but they likely don’t
Table 2 How important is organizational diagnosis to effective change? have an understanding of the domino
(n = 33) effect of change in one part of the system
How important is organizational diagnosis to effective change? on the other parts. This narrow perspec-
(n = 33) tive can often lead to conflict within the
30 larger system and a lack of sustainable
25 change.
15 As Table 3 demonstrates respondents
10 felt there was between “some” and “no”
15 application of organizational diagnosis in
10 organizational change efforts.
5 Not Important (1) (2) Important (3) (4) Very Important (5)
0 4) What actions need to be taken to
Not Important
Average (1)
=4.79 (2) Important (3) (4) Very Important (5) encourage organizations to formalize
organizational diagnosis as part of
Average =4.79 change efforts?

Organizational change practitioners

and academics who teach ODC need to
Table 3 present a compelling case for the critical
link between organizational diagnosis and
How widely is organizational diagnosis applied in effective organization change. To do this,
organizations? (n = 32) the effect of proper and improper diagnosis
How widely is organizational diagnosis applied in on the organizational bottom line must be
14 organizations? (n = 32) stressed. The business case must be made
12 for proper diagnosis and it must be framed
8 in terms that organizations understand.
126 Organizations must demand and academic
82 institutions must supply rigorous training
6 in diagnostic methods.
4 The three most common responses
2 Not Applied (2) Some Application (4) Widely Applied
(1) (3) (5) to the open-ended question about
Not Applied (2) Some Application (4) Widely Applied organizational actions are reported in
(1) = 2.13 (3) (5) Table 4. The number of responses is also
Average = 2.13

The Importance of Organizational Diagnosis 53


Conclusion ensure this is to systematize a culture

of inquiry in academia and to produce Deborah A. O’Neil, PhD, is
The ODC practitioners of the future relevant scholarship that demonstrates the an Assistant Professor in the
must be trained to accurately assess critical nature of the relationship between Department of Management,
organizational issues and ground their organizational diagnosis and effective College of Business
actions in empirical data. One way to organizational change.
Administration, Bowling Green
Working together, academics and
State University, where she
practitioners in ODC can ensure that
Table 4 organizations have the diagnostic skills teaches classes in organization
and tools needed to remain competitive development and organizational
What actions need to be taken to in this increasingly complex, global behavior. She also serves as
encourage organizations to formalize
world. an organization consultant
organizational diagnosis as part of
change efforts? (n = 27) and management educator for
private, public and non-profit
Frequency Action References:
organizations. Her research on
20 Educate and develop
career development, leadership,
change competencies in Burke, W. Warner (1994). Organization
organizations Development: A Process of Learning and and organization development
Changing, 2nd Edition. Reading, MA: has appeared in Journal of
10 Organizations should
build a case for showing Addison-Wesley Publishing. Managerial Psychology, Journal
the value of ODC Harrison, Michael I. & Shirom, Arie. of Management Education and
(1999). Organizational Diagnosis and Career Development International
8 Offer quality ODC
Assessment: Bridging Theory and Practice. among others. Deborah may be
knowledge and skills from
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
the academic community reached at

Journal of the Organization Development Network

The OD Practitioner staff needs one or

two proofreaders. Remuneration is in
the form of a reciprocal exchange.

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54 OD PRACTITIONER  Vol. 40 No. 2  2008

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