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According to him, philosopher experts can improve the society in the better way possible

and can be trusted for the better growth of society. (Melissa, L. Philosopher King) They do their
job for the goodness and improvement of others which are the true core of selfless act. Why would
the philosopher king is considered to do selfless act? First, the experts of philosopher are
categorized to be intellectual groups. They learn so much from reality and observing the world so
they can help others to gain those knowledge while common men leaders do not have strong
knowledge of reality. Second, it is the nature of philosopher to love truth and understand so much
to the point of giving up craving for lust and power. They are the one who can be influential to
bring the virtue of every human beings. Through these selfless act of improving the society and
those around him, the country ruling by the experts of philosopher can flourish with their education
as well as their knowledge passing to citizens. This is the act of the selfless activity by the well-
suited ruler.

Another important point of Plato concept of Ideal State is non-majority. Commoner are not
good at choosing their own leaders because they do not have knowledge to view the reality of
those leaders only the false information from media. Plus, the ignorance of majority without the
consent of the experts can bring the country down pretty fast. For all of these, the knowledge of
each experts as the ruler are very crucial because they have their own specialty in dealing with the
issues that arise.

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