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I arrived in class as usual when the video presentation of a particular topic showing on the

board. I was immediately happy about it because the lecturer did not push the boundary to study
again after the hardcore exam on Wednesday (when I was still nervous of my result of performing
too bad) and shifting to do something non-serious from time to time to change the tone of the class
a little bit. I noticed not everyone aware of my presence because they all too absorbed into the
video so I sat down and started to take my notebook and pen to jot down as I saw everyone did.
This open my eyes bigger because the video actually showed the calculation of the Earth’s worth
based on the resource the people consumed, used, and traveled in the market nowadays.

I do not remember the exact order of what I hear in the video and my note is untidy due to
my eagerness to write everything down from my classmate to catching up to the video. Then my
classmate said not to worry about writing it down, we could always downloaded it to listen when
we arrived home. He was right so I felt relax and chilled in enjoying the video without noting
everything down. That is why I forgot most of the information because I could not find the video
to download. I only remembered some parts such as the World’s biggest fish exporters were China,
Norway and Thailand and the most valuable metal were Zinc, Copper and Iron in which they used
in everything from small to mega industry. However, the most important metal was steel which
was 10 times harder and stronger than Iron. We also noticed that every country that were the
frequent biggest when it came to resources or exporting were China.

he told us it could be possible that this was their strategy in order to stop the research of
the shell in the rock. It may a joke or it may be true.

I also remembered about the importance of rare resource. The world was being dominated
by China over 90%, so imagined how China’s influence were right now. The rare resource were
one of the most used resource on the planet even on our smartphone (at this point, lecturer raised
the phone to tell us where it is).

Until then my professor started to stop the video and give us the break sign. For the rest of
the class, I felt really happy that I could really learn something I was really curious about and
became really mind blown by how much the Earth’s worth ranging from food to oil. It was above
hundreds trillions with many zeroes and digits, just imagine a single person who owned it could
give one’s ability not to buy the planet but to conquer the sky. I was blessed after the class and in
a very good mood, in fact I was always in a good mood whenever I was in the class with global
governance lecturer because of his creative and astonishing lesson giving as well as his funny
teaching styles and stories which can ease one’s mood from stress, worry and bring the happiness
to the student’s state of mind.

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