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Today in the 20th century, the world is facing a major problem of global warming due rapid
industrialization. In India, during summer season the average temperature is about 40˚C to 45˚C. It
even reaches up to 48˚C to 50˚C in the month of June. To maintain comfortable condition in (i.e.
temperature & humidity) in the summer season various types of appliances are used such as ‘Air
Conditioner’, ‘Coolers’, etc... These appliances are easily available in the market. In India, the average
income of common man is not so high, common man cannot afford these appliances because of their
high cost. Another problem is scarcity of electricity, especially in villages; the load shading is 14 to 16
hours a day.

This paper gives a solution for the above problem. . It is the modification of the desert cooler
by attaching it with accessories such as ‘Purit’ water filter and modified earthen pot (Ranjan & Matka).
With the help of these modifications we have achieved the following goals,

 Air conditioning effect (temperature obtained is less than 8˚C to 9˚C as compared common
 Filtered Cool water for drinking purpose.
 Storage space for perishable goods.
 Modified Desert Cooler reduces humidity to human comfort level.

This ‘Modified Desert Cooler’ is less expensive than other appliances available in the
market (air conditioner, cooler, etc.) & consumes less electricity. The M.D.C. can be used in homes,
offices, banks, auditorium halls, etc...

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The assembly of Modified Desert cooler consists of following components:

 Desert cooler assembled with storage box.

 Simple small size earthen pot known as Matka.
 One big size earthen pot known as Ranjan.
 Connecting tubes or pipes.
 A draft with humidity controller.

The above figure shows the assembly of the project in which the desert cooler is connected
with a new innovative cooling system with the help of connecting tubes. The water is circulated around
storage box with the help of another connecting tube. The system is so assembled that the flow of water
takes place on the principle of gravity .Thus for circulating water around the box & into the Ranjan we
will not require any extra pump.

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Fig. 2.1 Assembly of Modified Desert cooler

2.1 Different parts of desert cooler

1. Cooler Pumb
2. Float valve
3. Cooler Pads
4. Motor
5. On / Off Swicth

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The water pump guard electronics consist of two level electrodes, a water level detector, an
electromagnetic relay, and the relay driver circuitry. Supporting components are necessary to prevent
restarting if the pump guard is used in turbulent water. The recommended supply voltage is 5 V. While
it is possible to run the unit off of a higher voltage, minor modification is required. The finished
electronics can be housed into a minuscule case (the level electrodes, formed from two short-length
rigid copper wires, pass out through the case). Don’t forget to waterproof the case (and joints) using
any suited epoxy adhesive.

An electric submersible pump (ESP) is a device which has a hermetically sealed motor close-
coupled to the pump body. The whole assembly is submerged in the water to be pumped. Submersible
pumps push water to the surface, as opposed to jet pumps, which have to pull water. Note that we can
also detect the dry run condition of a submersible pump without using the level electrodes just by
measuring the motor current. Since the motor draws little current (undercurrent) in dry running
situations, it is not very difficult to rig a circuit to switch the motor off when a preset undercurrent
value is reached. The great advantage of this trick is that the design uses the motor itself as a sensor and
does not need any additional external sensors like the level electrodes!

Fig. 2.2 Cooler Pump

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The float valve is a simple mechanical liquid level controller. A float detects changes
of elevation in the liquid free surface and opens or closes a valve accordingly. Large numbers of small
float valves are used in domestic water systems. A float valve maintains the level in the cold water
header tank which regulates the pressure of the hot water system. A smaller float valve is fitted to toilet
cisterns to measure the flush water. Float valves for domestic cold water applications are made to suit
15 and 22 mm copper pipe. These valves are designated “low pressure” and “high pressure” to cover
varying local conditions. The high pressure float valve has a smaller seat area and is capable of
working up to 16 barg. In some areas the water supply pressure can be as low as 2 barg. Domestic
valves are cast in brass or bronze or injection moulded in plastic.

Most valves close on a rising liquid level, but this can be reversed on industrial valves. The
valve is mounted on the tank side above the liquid level to allow maintenance without draining the
tank. The liquid level on low cost valves is adjusted by bending the ball arm. Superior valves have a
bolted connection in the arm to facilitate adjustment. If the valve outlet is not piped below the liquid
level the incoming liquid can be aerated to a great extent. The aeration can create serious problems with
pumps operating very close to the NPIP or NPSH limit. The effective NPlPa or NPSHa is reduced by
the air coming out of solution. At best, pump flow is reduced; at worst, cavitation damage can
drastically reduce operating life.

The mounting of float valves on tank walls can create problems. The ball arm can produce considerable
torque to close the valve. The torque must be resisted by the tank wall. Thin wall tanks and glass fibre
tanks may need reinforcing to cope with the loads. The problem increases as both valve size and inlet
pressure increase. The torque can be approximated using the seat area and the inlet pressure. Add 20%
to this value because the actual torque is greater than the approximation. Do not skimp on the
reinforcing. Spread the load as far as possible. If the valve causes the tank wall to crack, there will be
serious consequences.

Float valves are generally available in sizes from DN15 to DN300. Standard materials include
cast iron, gunmetal and stainless steel. More exotic materials can be used but the problem of float
manufacture must be considered. Working pressures up to PN20 are normal.The problem of high
operating torque can be solved by using a balanced valve. Some manufacturers call balanced valves
“equilibrium float valves”. Balanced valves work in a similar manner to double-beat globe valves. The

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balanced float valve does not have two valves, but one valve and a balance piston. The balance piston
has the same area as the valve but is loaded in the opposite direction by the same inlet pressure. The
operating torque is reduced significantly although a little friction is introduced by the balance piston
seal. The friction can be very beneficial as damping to reduce modulation induced by waves. Figure
3.65 shows a balanced float valve with an “O” ring seal on the balance piston. Note the replaceable
sleeve for the balance piston, the replaceable seat and the bolt adjustment for ball position. The wing-
guided plug can be fitted with a soft seal for cold applications.

2.3 Float Valve


A cooler pad is a hardware accessory placed beneath a laptop that reduces the laptops overall
heat by dissipating the heat using fans. Cooler pads can also help with keeping your lap cool if working
on a laptop while it's on your legs. The picture shows a picture of the Belkin laptop cooling pad, which
connects to your USB port to power a small fan that helps keep a good airflow beneath the laptop.

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2.4 Cooler Pads

2.1.4 MOTOR

An electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. Most electric motors operate through the interaction between the motor's magnetic field and
electric current in a wire winding to generate force in the form of rotation of a shaft. Electric motors
can be powered by direct current (DC) sources, such as from batteries, motor vehicles or rectifiers, or
by alternating current (AC) sources, such as a power grid, inverters or electrical generators. An electric
generator is mechanically identical to an electric motor, but operates in the reverse direction,
converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Electric motors may be classified by considerations such as power source type, internal
construction, application and type of motion output. In addition to AC versus DC types, motors may be
brushed or brushless, may be of various phase (see single-phase, two-phase, or three-phase), and may
be either air-cooled or liquid-cooled. General-purpose motors with standard dimensions and
characteristics provide convenient mechanical power for industrial use. The largest electric motors are
used for ship propulsion, pipeline compression and pumped-storage applications with ratings reaching
100 megawatts. Electric motors are found in industrial fans, blowers and pumps, machine tools,
household appliances, power tools and disk drives. Small motors may be found in electric watches.

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2.5 Motor


In electrical engineering, a switch is an electrical component that can "make" or "break" an

electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.[1][2] The
mechanism of a switch removes or restores the conducting path in a circuit when it is operated. It may
be operated manually, for example, a light switch or a keyboard button, may be operated by a moving
object such as a door, or may be operated by some sensing element for pressure, temperature or flow. A
switch will have one or more sets of contacts, which may operate simultaneously, sequentially, or
alternately. Switches in high-powered circuits must operate rapidly to prevent destructive arcing, and
may include special features to assist in rapidly interrupting a heavy current. Multiple forms of
actuators are used for operation by hand or to sense position, level, temperature or flow. Special types
are used, for example, for control of machinery, to reverse electric motors, or to sense liquid level.
Many specialized forms exist.

2.6 On/Off Switch

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Fig. 3.1Working of Modified Desert cooler

As soon as we start the cooler, submersible pump starts working and delivers the water
through pipe1 to the upper tank. Generally in normal cooler the water returns directly into the lower
tank with the help of a return pipe. But in Modified Desert Cooler, the water from the upper tank flows
through pipe2 into the Ranjan. A pipe3 is connected to the upper tank. The water through pipe3
circulates around the storage box. Storage box is also provided with aspen wood fiber pad which help
to maintain low temp inside storage box. Due to this, the temperature of the storage box becomes low.
Thus it creates a suitable atmosphere inside the storage box to store perishable fooditems.

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The water through pipe2 flows into the ranjan as shown in the fig.. In this ranjan a small
matka or earthen pot is kept. The water in the ranjan surrounds the matka. Due to this arrangement the
water inside the matka becomes cold. Now ranjan has small pores in its walls. When water is poured
into it, some of it seeps through these pores to its outer surface. On reaching there, it evaporates. The
heat required for evaporation is taken from the Raman’s outer surface and from the water in it. As a
result, the temp of water which circulate in the gap between outer ranjan and inner matka decreases.
This cooled water absorb the heat from inner mataka(containing drinking water) Thus making the water
inside mataka cooler than the outside temperature.. The water in the ranjan is then supplied back to the
lower tank through pipe5 and hence the cycle is repeated again and again. The water from the matka is
then passed into pureit water filter through pipe4. Thus pure, cooler and cleaner drinking water is
available from the filter for drinking purpose

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Air Conditioners can significantly increase electricity bills is a fact that is known to many
people, but still many people buy it thinking that buying an air conditioner has become a necessity.
While we can agree to an extent to the fact that temperatures have increase a bit in last century, but it is
not that the life was difficult when there were no air conditioners. For a long time, people in India,
especially those living in hot and dry climates used to rely more on Desert Coolers. The coolers not
only cooled the rooms, but also kept the electricity bills low. Consuming about one tenth the amount of
electricity as compared to air conditioners, air coolers were not a big dent on the pocket as compared to
air conditioners. So if you are someone who is concerned about rising electricity bills due to air
conditioners, and you live in an area that is hot and dry, switching from an AC to Desert Cooler can be
the easiest energy saving option.

Comparing Air Quality benefits: Air Conditioners by design cool the internal air. They take the internal
air in a room and cool it down to the temperature set on the thermostat. They also remove the moisture
from the air and make it dry. So all in all, the same dry air keeps getting circulated in the room. There
is no option to get fresh air from outside while using air conditioner.Whereas in case of Desert Coolers,
fresh outside air is taken, cooled and pushed in the room. Fresh air is taken from outside and passed
through an evaporative pad containing water. The hot dry air cools down when it comes in contact with
water on the evaporative pad. Although there is no option to control the temperature in air coolers, but
it always supplies fresh air.

Desert Coolers are Greener: If going green is something that you are concerned about, then Desert
Coolers are the best option for you. Desert Coolers use water as refrigerant, whereas Air Conditioners
use CFCs or Chloro fluro carbons that are harmful for environment. Although plans are being made to
phase out use of CFCs as refrigerants, but implementation of the same will take time. The easiest way
to be green is to use Desert Coolers .Even if we consider carbon emissions for generating electricity,
use of Air Coolers turns out to be a greener option because it uses 80-90% less electricity as compared
to Air Conditioners

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1. Initial cost Low Quite high

2. Main components Motor and fan Complete referigeration unit

3. Humidity control Not possible Possible

4. Power required per unit More Less


5. Utility Can be used only to cool the air Can be used for both cooling
& that too in dry season and heating

6. Location Inside or in the window of Fitted either in the window or

room wall.

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 Cooled water for drinking purpose.

 Lower room temperature.
 Humidity of cooled air coming out from the MDC is low as compared to conventional desert
 Cooled storage space for perishable items.

We verified these objectives by comparing the reading of

 Temperature of cooled water inside the Modified Matka with temperature of cooled water
inside the conventional Matka.
 Room temperature using MDC and conventional desert cooler.
 Humidity of air coming from MDC and conventional desert cooler.

We have taken the readings in a room of volume 4000 cubic feet, dated on 12/02/2011, for six hours.

Sr. no Conditions Temperature

1. Room temperature 36˚C

2. Water temperature in lower tank 36˚C

3. Temp. in storage box 34˚C

6.1 Initial Condition

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From the readings of table we observed that in six hours the temperature of water in
conventional pot (Matka) decreases from 36˚C to 25˚C, in last two and half hours the temperature of
water remains constant at 25˚C. In innovative cooling system, the temperature of water inside the
modified Matka decreases up to 15˚C, which is 10˚C less than conventionalpot.

Temp. in ˚C

Time in minutes

6.2 Comparison Of Conventional Matka & Modified Matka

Fig. Graph showing comparison between temperature of water in conventional Matka & modified
Matka Table no. Comparison of room temperature using Conventional Desert Cooler & Modified
Desert Cooler

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Sr. no. Time in minutes Conventional Desert Cooler Modified Desert Cooler (MDC).
(CDC). (Room Temp. in ˚C ) (Room Temp. in ˚C )

1 0 36 36

2 30 34 34

3 60 32 32

4 90 31 30

5 120 30 28

6 150 29 26

7 180 29 24

8 210 28 23

9 240 28 22

10 270 27 22

11 300 27 21

12 330 27 21

13 360 27 21

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Temp. in ˚C

Time in minutes

7.1 comparison between room temperature using CDC & MDC

From the readings of table no.3 we observed that in six hours the room temperature
decreases from 36˚C to 27˚C by using conventional desert cooler, in last two hours the temperature of
room remains constant at 27˚C. While using MDC the room temperature decreases up to 21˚ C, which
is 6˚C less than conventional desert cooler.

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Sr. no. Time in minutes Temp. (in ˚C ) inside the box

1 0 34

2 30 30

3 60 28

4 90 27

5 120 25

6 150 25

7 180 24

8 210 23

9 240 22

10 270 20

11 300 18

12 330 18

13 360 18

From table no. 4 we observed that the temperature inside the storage box decreases from
34˚C to 18˚C within six hours and last three readings remains constant. This temperature is suitable for
storing perishable food items.

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1) Fan in the vertical plane: the arrangement of the components is shown in fig. there is a separate
motor for the pump and fan so they can be used independently. the arrangement of the components in a
box providing 3 pads. the pump , pumps the water from the bottom tank to the top and water trinkles
through the holes provided on the top of tank and falls passing the pads to the bottom tank.

Advantages of this type of cooler are:

 The pump cannot be started without starting the fan , which prevents unwanted running of
 The system can be used as a cooler in hot summer and as a fan when cooling is not required.

2) Fan in horizontal plane: the wox type of the cooler falls under this class. The arrangement of the
basic component is shown in fig. This differs from the previous one in fan arrangement. The pump and
fan are mounted on same vertical shaft and run by a common motor. Hence the fan and pump cannot be
operated seperately as in the previous arrangement.

Advantages of this sytem are:

 4 cooling pads instead of 3 , hence cooling capacity is more.

 Noise is less than other coolers.
 .Unique omni directional air flow provides better air distribution in the room.

3) cooler without water pump: the majority of the users in india are facing three major problems.

Advantages of this sytem are:

 The coolers consume more electrical energy and hence not economical.
 The water pumps of the cooler are submerged in water tanks get damaged frequently .
 The khus pads need frequent replacement thereby causing inconveinence.

To avoid such problems a new model known as ‘quality desert cooler’ is developed.

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SIZE 15 18 24 24

RPM 900 700 900 900

AREA TO BE 150FT² 300FT² 600FT² 900FT²


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 Cost-effective due to cheaper price and energy efficiency:

Some of the notable advantages of an evaporative cooler over a traditional air conditioning
unit include a more affordable price and lower energy consumption.A unit of an evaporative cooler
costs about 50 percent less than a traditional window-type air conditioner and about 70 percent to 90
percent less than an inverter-type air conditioner. Moreover, an evaporative cooler consumes 50
percent to 90 percent less electricity than an air conditioner.

 Easier and cost-effective installation and maintenance:

The simplicity of an evaporative cooler or swamp cooler when compared to an air

conditioner also translates to cheaper installation and maintenance costs. It does not have a compressor
and operation revolves chiefly around a fan and a water pump. There are also no special working
fluids, especially refrigerants.Note that the installation of an air conditioning system requires
specialized skills and thus, the services of a professional installation service provider, particularly an
HVAC contractor.

 Better suited for dry and arid climates:

Remember that an evaporative reduces air temperature through humidification or more

particularly, by increasing the moisture level in the air. Hence, an evaporative cooler works best in
areas with dry and arid or desert climates such as the Middle East, North Africa, West Australia, and
the American Southwest. This is the reason why an evaporative cooler is also known as a desert
cooler.The aforementioned advantage translates to several specific benefits including improving
comfort and decreasing static electricity problems. There are also some health benefits as well. Dry
weather dries out the lining of the nose and throat, thus resulting in respiratory distress. It is also
important to note that low humidity can damage wooden furniture and can shrink paper-based products
such as books and artworks.

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 Not as effective as air conditioners in terms of cooling:

An evaporative cooler or swamp cooler cannot lower the ambient temperature as much as a
vapor-compression or refrigerant-based air conditioning units. In other words, it is not as effective and
as efficient as air conditioners in terms of cooling capacity.For example, an air conditioner can bring
down the temperature to as low as 20 degrees to 16 degrees Celsius while an evaporative cooler can
lower down the temperature to only around 25 degrees to 20 degrees Celsius. Under a hot and humid
weather, an evaporative cooler cannot provide similar thermal comfort. In fact, because it increases
humidity in the air, it can actually increase discomfort. There is also a need to use this electric
appliance alongside exhaust ducts or open windows, or in the open air to maximize its efficiency.

 Unsuitable for use in areas with high humidity:

Remember that an evaporative cooler humidifies or increases the moisture in the air. In areas
with high relative humidity or during hot and humid weather, using this electronic appliance can
increase thermal discomfort.

It is counterproductive to use an evaporative cooler in hot and humid weather because of its
inability to effectively lower down the temperature and provide acceptable thermal comfort. In other
words, its operation results in the nonproductive use of electricity.When traditional air conditioners are
not an option, the best alternative to an evaporative cooler is a dehumidifier that does the opposite—
improves temperature in a hot and humid environment by reducing and maintaining the level of
humidity in the air.

 Several drawbacks and limitations due to humidity:

Some of the noteworthy disadvantages of evaporative cooler center on the various

problems that come with high humidity. For starters, overusing this electric appliance can result in the
excessive humidity build up, thus promoting the growth of dust mites, and mold and mildew in a
confined space.

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The “Modified air cooler cum storage system” provides both air cooling as well as cold
storage systems. It provides better cooling effects than a normal air cooler and consumes lesser energy
than air conditioners. That is, the temperature of 4o-5o C less than the conventional coolers is obtained
where as a temperature range of 6o-80 C more than the air conditioners is obtained. It is very energy
efficient as only the fan and pump require electricity. On running for 5 hours, 0.8 kWh of energy is
consumed. It also has a very low initial, running and maintenance costs which is very appreciable. It
can be very useful in tropical countries like India which have high temperatures and humidity during
the summer.

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 P.K. Nag, “Engineering Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw-Hill Publication company Limited,

New Delhi. Page no.554-570.
 R.K. Rajput, “Thermal Engineering” Laxmi Publication Company Limited, New Delhi. Page
 R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning” S. Chand Publication
House. Page no.198-212.
 C.P. Arora, “Thermodynamics” Tata McGraw-Hill Publication company Limited, New Delhi.
Page no. Page no.62-76.
 Jordon & Priester, “Principles of Refrigeration & Air- conditioning” PHt Publication. Page
 Stoker & Jones, “Refrigeration &Air- conditioning” Tata McGraw-Hill Publication company
Limited, New Delhi. Page no. 64-80.

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