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Name Sundar Ramesh Kumar

Gender Male

Birth Date With Time 12 Aug 1990 16:55

Birth Place India, TN, Chennai, Near By Chennai, 13.0826802, 80.27071840000008, 330

Marital Status Single

Occupation Salaried

language English

Category Marriage

Query Details Hi.. I did Rahu Ketu Parihara, to nullify Mangal dosh, did Ashwata vivaha.. Marriage is getting
delayed a lot and no idea when and where will i meet my future wife and will it be arranged or love marriage and
when will I get married ?

Ans: Dear Sundar Ramesh Kumar

I can understand how disappointed you are but don't loose hope. Things will change soon and come in your favor. You
will definitely get married and the upcoming year 2020 will bring some suitable proposal for marriage.

The most favorable time for the marriage will effective from Aug 2020 to Dec 2020. You may find positive results in
your marriage proposals. You may have a happy and prosperous married life ahead. It is advisable to make some
compromises in your marriage. As period is not comprehensively favorable for you. You may not find your partner as
per your expectations but the result will be satisfactory. Just be focused and optimistic.

The upcoming Dasha sequence and transiting Jupiter is in your favor and it will remain favorable for your marriage
related matters in given time frame. You can avail it in getting desired results. Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra,
Capricorn, Aquarius zodiac partner will be auspicious for you. Your relationship will remain

Hope this answers your question.

From remedial point of view, I suggest you to practice the below astrological remedies which will boost your chances
to get desired results of your efforts.
The root cause for the delay in your marriage is the placement of the strong Mars in the 4th house. This makes a dosha
for which you already performed the remedies. Mangal dosha is causing delay and hurdles in finalizing marriage.

The current planetary transit of Saturn over the natal Saturn also causing the delay and struggle in finding the suitable
partner. Your thoughts are fluctuating and you are in state of indecision that makes you stuck in middle.

There are many planets placed in the 7th house of marriage. There is chance of dominance. You have high thinking.
Initially you may refuse many relations due to not find it compatible with your demands. Your chart indicates that
there will be some difference between you and your spouse. You should cool the tone of temperament. As you already
find delay in marriage so try to find suitable partner at earliest and for it if you need to make some compromise there
will be no harm.

The second half of the year 2020 will remain favorable to tie in a knot. The second trimester will bring new proposals
and you can feel positive in regards of relationship.

The association of Sun in 7th house will not be favorable for you. it may be possible there will be some Ego clashes or
issues in your marriage which will make disturbance in your family life. it may be possible there will be some
misunderstanding or disagreements between you and your spouse which will create some difference but don’t worry it
will be for some time. so try to be calm and patience or make some adjustment to solve the problems in marriage

You should not take any hasty steps in marriage proceedings. As it is a lifetime commitment hence you should be
ensure from all aspect. Choose your partner wisely. You should not expect too much in proposals. Think practically
and try to adjust yourself accordingly.

The planetary combination indicates that there will be so comfort at financial level and there is hardly some financial
issues in future. Due to presence of malefic planet in seventh house of marriage may cause some issue at emotional
level hence you should try to maintain the relationship wisely.

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