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Printable Flashcand on leed_generslconcept: Free Flash cards, Page 1 of 17 leed_generalconcept Initial Costs | (Gesign + 2 Life Cycle Costs Repair + Replacement Cost A Leeo Leadership in Energy and ‘Environmental Design Provides a famework for 4 LEED PURPOSE ‘meeting sstenablity goals ‘and assesing building Certitied 40— | 49 points | Silver 50-59 5 Cortitication Levels 6, The most sustainable sites are locations x Brownfield hntp:tvww- aot Printable Flasheard on letd_generelconcept: Free Flash cards Page 2 of 17 8 ‘Community Connectivity a Development Density 10. Diversity of uses or housing typos the nt sme nehteood Land that is tkely to be 1. Floodplain 12, Floor-area ratio 13. Imperviousness ‘Tre rine oe mata 1“. Native and Adapted Plants 15, Prime farmiand phpitle-loed-generaleoncept 1192011 Printable Flashcard on leed_genoralconcept: Free Flash cards Page3 of 7 18. 21. 22. 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