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Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

Abstract with the rights conferred by this Chapter, shall,

to the extent of such inconsistency, be void
Generally, in constitution of every country
there is a chapter related to the basic rights of (2) ‘’ The State shall not make any law which
subjects usually in detail, it is the most takes away or abridges the rights so conferred
important component of any constitution and and any law made in contravention of this
constitutions without basic rights are clause shall, to the extent of such
considered as incomplete. Same was the case contravention, be void.
with the princely state of Swat. There was no
written constitution of princely state of Swat (3) The Provisions of this Article shall not apply
however, certain rights were available to the to—
subjects of Swat. In this work we will explore all (a) Any law relating to members of the Armed
the rights which were available to the citizens Forces, or of the police or of such other forces
of Swat. Our method for this work will be as are charged with the maintenance of public
imperial, some secondary data and mostly order, for the purpose of ensuring the proper
based on the interviews of the local people. It discharge of their duties or the maintenance of
will be based on both the qualitative and discipline among them,
quantitative methods of data collection. Our
aim is to compare the princely state system of In the constitution of Pakistan 1973 article ‘8’
Swat (in basic rights) and the established clause ‘3’ provision ‘a’ the privilege is given to
constitution of 1973 drawing on an analogy the armed forces, while in the princely state of
between the two. Swat such type of privileges are not granted to
the armed forces of the state.

Security of person
Article 9 of the constitution of Islamic republic
We will start from the constitution of Pakistan of Pakistan says, ‘’No person shall be deprived
1973 and will compare the rights which of life or liberty save in accordance with law’’.
guarantees this constitution to the subjects. This is the fundamental right also granted in
Our main objective will be that of comparing the princely state of Swat. There was no fear of
and digging out the flaws in the present anything and every individual was safe in the
constitution of Pakistan and also discovering princely state of Swat.
the fact that, how did the princely state of Swat
remained so prosperous and peaceful. In Safeguards as to arrest and detention
addition to that, we didn’t saw any revolt
Article 10 clause 1 of constitution of Islamic
against the rulers. Moreover, the rulers of that
Republic of Pakistan give details of the arrest
times didn’t supress the citizens and the basic
and detention as follow.
rights were enjoyed by the people.
(1) ’’No person who is arrested shall be
detained in custody without being informed, as
The very first article in fundamental rights is soon as may be, of the grounds for such arrest,
article no 8, which is as follow, nor shall he be denied the right to consult and
be defended by a legal practitioner of his
(1) ‘’Any law, or any custom or usage having choice’’. While talking to Zamin Zada, a retired
the force of law, in so far as it is inconsistent school teacher, it was revealed that no one

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

could be detent in the princely state of swat that the fairness can be judge from that Sultant
without informing him. Everyone had the right Khan (khan bahadar khan)- the right hand of
to speak in front of Tahsildar and clarify any Wali was presented in court equal to other
blame or charge against him. The high court accusers.(Ishaq, 2017).
used to hear cases once in a month and every
one was allowed to utter his say even before Slavery, forced labour, etc., prohibited
the chief justice, WALI of Swat .(Zada, 2017) Article 11 of constitution of Pakistan
(2) Every person who is arrested and detained guarantees freedom from slavery, forced
in custody shall be produced before a labour etc. as follow,
magistrate within a period of twenty-four (1) Slavery is non-existent and forbidden and
hours of such arrest, excluding the time no law shall permit or facilitate its introduction
necessary for the journey from the place of into Pakistan in any form.
arrest to the court of the nearest magistrate,
and no such person shall be detained in (2) All forms of forced labour and traffic in
custody beyond the said period without the human beings are prohibited.
authority of a magistrate. One of my
(3) No child below the age of fourteen years
respondent said that no one was arrested
shall be engaged in any factory or mine or any
without warrant and if someone commit crime
other hazardous employment.
the he had to arrest and round about twenty
four hours presented in the Tahsildar (the (4) Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to
lowest court at that time). He might fine affect compulsory service.
him/her for his crime or dented according to
the situation of the crime There was no such event who indicates for that
committed.(Mabbood, 2017). While discussing someone is slave however the collective works
the same issue of committing crime and the of the society like building roads and dams for
constitution of 1973 that the provision may not protection of villages on river swat had to build
be applicable to the criminal who committed a by the people. Under were also not part of that
serious crime, he told me that one case he collective work.(Yaqoob khan, 2017)
knows that he was dissipated from Swat, a
Protection against double punishment and
person with a name of Usman Ghani who made
a fake stamp of Badshah saib (Miangul abdul
wadood) and stamped the official documents Article 13 of constitution of Pakistan 1973 says,
of the courts and other important no person-
documents.(ul Rahman, 2017).
(a) Shall be prosecuted or punished for the
Right to fair trial same offence more than once; or

Article 10A of the 1973 constitution of Islamic (b) Shall, when accused of an offence, be
Republic of Pakistan say ‘’for the compelled to be a witness against himself.
determination of his civil rights and obligations
or in any criminal charge against him a person Muhammad Yaqoob khan said about this that
shall be entitled to a fair trial and due there was justice at the time of Wali sahib and
process’’(Hussain Niazi, 2012). In princely state one cannot think of such injustice to be double
of Swat the their`s was completely right free punished or pressurize someone.(2017)
and fair trial. One of my respondent told me

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

Inviolability of dignity of man, etc. Freedom of association

Every individual’s dignity and inviolability was There was no such associations in the princely
fully respected I didn’t hear from any of my state of Swat, might there was no need of this
elders that someone’s privacy was violated. If as there was no industries or such other
someone look to others wives, sisters or business which need associations. Political
mothers, the society took stand against him parties didn’t exist. It was probably the case of
and punished under the court of Swat ban on it, that if there is someone who talk or
state(Ishaq, 2017). The constitution of Pakistan make political party against the monarch will
1973 also guaranteed this right to the citizens be removed from the screen. I heard once from
as follow, my grandfather that father of Afzal Khan -
Habib ullah khan- was removed and was killed
(1) The dignity of man and, subject to law, the in Margozar- who was his friend (Abdul
privacy of home, shall be inviolable. Wadood) - who can be his opponent in future.
(2) No person shall be subjected to torture for Our whole family is still against the Royal
the purpose of extracting evidence. family of Swat and clashes remain
still.(Hakimzai, 2017).
Freedom of movement, etc.
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 give details
Under the law of the Swat state there was as,
completely freedom of movement in the Swat
state, there was no such areas which were (1) Every citizen shall have the right to form
restricted for public etc. however when associations or unions, subject to any
someone took his sister, wife or mother out of reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
the territory of Swat he must have prof from interest of sovereignty or integrity of Pakistan,
the nearest Qalla (administrative unit) public order or morality.
otherwise he wasn’t unable to took them (2) Every citizen, not being in the service of
outside of Swat State.(Ishaq, 2017). Pakistan, shall have the right to form or be a
The constitution of Pakistan 1973 article 15 member of a political party, subject to any
give details as follow, reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
interest of the sovereignty or integrity of
Every citizen shall have the right to remain in, Pakistan and such law shall provide that where
and, subject to any reasonable restriction the Federal Government declares that any
imposed by law in the public interest, enter political party has been formed or is operating
and move freely throughout Pakistan and to in a manner prejudicial to the sovereignty or
reside and settle in any part thereof. integrity of Pakistan, the Federal Government
shall, within fifteen days of such declaration,
Freedom of assembly
refer the matter to the Supreme Court whose
One of the basic right which is under the decision on such reference shall be final.
constitution of Pakistan 1973 is freedom of
Freedom of trade, business or profession
assembly on peaceful means and without
arms. This right was available to the citizens of In princely state of Swat everyone have
Swat state and everyone has the right of freedom of trade, business and occupation.
assembly we can take example of There is no such restriction on anyone that to
Jirga.(Hussain Niazi, 2012; Ishaq, 2017) force anyone for profession etc. There was

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

complete freedom in Swat. There in Swat no Freedom to profess religion and to manage
taxation on the trade accept imports and religious institutions
exports to Swat. If anyone have to import or
export must have Rahdaari in Jalala Swat state was ideal in this right, everyone is
Swat(Ahmad, 2017). The constitution of independent in his religion and managing
Pakistan related to this right says, religious institutions. All the religion have
freedom to profess their religion. There was no
‘’Subject to such qualifications, if any, as may grouping in Islam and other religion are free for
be prescribed by law, every citizen shall have their religious activities. All people live with
the right to enter upon any lawful profession peace and love with each other. We can
or occupation, and to conduct any lawful trade understand from current situation of Swat that
or business’’. thousands of people of other religion still live
in Swat(Ishaq, 2017). Constitution of Pakistan
Freedom of speech, etc.
give details as,
In all Monarchical societies there is restriction
(a) Every citizen shall have the right to profess,
on speech against the ruler, same was the case practice and propagate his religion; and
of princely state of Swat. The constitution of
Pakistan 1973 give detail about this right as (b) Every religious denomination and every
follow, sect thereof shall have the right to establish,
maintain and manage its religious institutions.
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of
speech and expression, and there shall be Safeguard against taxation for purposes of
freedom of the press, subject to any any particular religion
reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
Constitution of Pakistan 1973 under article 21
interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity,
security or defence of Pakistan or any part explains this right as, ‘’No person shall be
thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, compelled to pay any special tax the proceeds
public order, decency or morality, or in relation of which are to be spent on the propagation or
to contempt of court, 1[commission of] or maintenance of any religion other than his
incitement to an offence. own’’. In princely state of Swat there was no
such direct taxation on anyone however the
Right to information. collective religious work was compulsory on
Muslims that to pay to Masjid in the form of
This right is discussed in the constitution of wood as used for fire in Masjid in winter season
Pakistan 1973 in article 19A as ‘’every citizen and grains to the Imam –religious leader-as a
shall have the right to have access to reward of his duty. However this was not
information in all matters of public importance compulsory on non-Muslims but they
subject to regulation and reasonable sometime pay to Masjid in shape of wood and
restrictions imposed by law’’(Hussain Niazi, grain as they were peaceful to each other and
2012). In Swat state nothing was hidden and use to go to their religious gatherings of Eid,
everyone have the right to access to the official Holli and such other gatherings.
decisions of the courts, but the structure was
not such as it is today having a bureaucratic
setup.(Mehmood Khan, 2017).

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

Safeguards as to educational institutions in Provision as to property

respect of religion, etc.
In princely state of Swat everyone had the right
Under article 22 of the constitution of Pakistan to keep property. We haven’t have example
1973 this is explained as, that there was restriction on property,
however one thing was that when someone
(1) No person attending any educational committed a serious crime and then
institution shall be required to receive religious disappears then the government took his
instruction, or take part in any religious property in his control(Shah, 2017). Under the
ceremony, or attend religious worship, if such constitution of Pakistan 1973 the property
instruction, ceremony or worship relates to a rights were given to the citizens and under
religion other than his own. certain condition of law one can be deprived
(2) In respect of any religious institution, there from his property. The details of article 23-24is
shall be no discrimination against any as under,
community in the granting of exemption or
‘’Every citizen shall have the right to acquire,
concession in relation to taxation. hold and dispose of property in any part of
(3) Subject to law, Pakistan, subject to the Constitution and any
reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
(a) No religious community or denomination public interest’’. Under article 24 give details of
shall be prevented from providing religious protection of property as follow,
instruction for pupils of that community or
denomination in any educational institution (1) No person shall be deprived of his property
maintained wholly by that community or save in accordance with law.
denomination; and (2) No property shall be compulsorily acquired
(b) No citizen shall be denied admission to any or taken possession of save for a public
educational institution receiving aid from purpose, and save by the authority of law
public revenues on the ground only of race, which provides for compensation therefor and
religion, caste or place of birth. either fixes the amount of compensation or
specifies the principles on and the manner in
(4) Nothing in this Article shall prevent any which compensation is to be determined and
public authority from making provision for the given.
advancement of any socially or educationally
backward class of citizens. Equality of citizens

In the princely state of Swat in schools the All the citizen of princely state were equal
subject of Islamiat was compulsory and for before law. One of my respondent said that
minorities there was open choice to study justice was its peak that the right hand of Waali
Islamiat or to study other optional subject of sahib Sultanat khan – Bahadar khan- was once
ethics, there was no force on anyone to opponent to a citizen and were call to court
participate in other’s religious activities. (Zada, and treated as the rest of the citizens, at that
2017) time Wali Sahib was on his official tour to
England and his son was Walid Ihad –the
prince- was the judge. There was no
discrimination on the bases of sex and will be
not unfair if say that female have more

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

protection in the society(I. Khan, 2017). Under were number of rights available to the citizens,
the constitution of Pakistan equality is however that rule can be criticised on certain
described as, issues. It may be the lack of democratic setup
in the state. In addition to that, there was no
(1) All citizens are equal before law and are freedom of speech against the ruler but,
entitled to equal protection of law. interestingly only one protest from few land
(2) There shall be no discrimination on the lords came in front of us, being held in
basis of sex. Peshawar. The sole of democratic government
is participation of the people in the state
(3) Nothing in this Article shall prevent the affairs, it may be in the form of elected
State from making any special provision for the representatives or direct representation.
protection of women and children.
However, while comparing the interviews and
Right to education the present constitution of Pakistan, we feel a
huge difference in it. There are flaws in our
In princely state of Swat there was completely
constitution –constitution of Pakistan 1973-
free education. The student were to encourage
for example, each group promoting his interest
by different means like every day at the break
openly as per the article 20 of constitution
time pure milk were gave to the children, 5 kg
grant, resulting in hundreds of groups both
of cooking oil per month and other scholarship
religious and non-religious, who promote
were to give at that time(Sayyed, 2017). After
there self-interest rather promoting national
eighteen amendment in 2010 one new article
interests. It is also a cause for the sectarian
‘25A’ was added to constitution of Pakistan
violence in our society.
which is as under,
Lastly, the period before 21st century wasn’t
The State shall provide free and compulsory
witness to advancements in political wisdom.
education to all children of the age of five to
That is why, the rule of Princely state of swat
sixteen years in such manner as may be
lacked democratic culture. However, in spite of
determined by law.
this spirit the remaining laws were quite
Non-discrimination in respect of access to satisfactory and were highly welcomed by the
public places citizens.

The constitution of Pakistan say, ‘’Non- Bibliography

discrimination in respect of access to public
places’’ under article 26 of 1973 constitution. Ahmad, B. (2017, May 23). business in swat.
The Swat state guaranteed this right and was Hakimzai, badrul hakim. (2017, May 11).
no discrimination on the bases of religion, sex Rights of subjects in swat.
or cast. The males and females have their Hussain Niazi, K. (2012, February 28).
separate gatherings in Eid and mostly believers constitution of Pakistan.
of other religions join them in their Ishaq, M. (2017, June 6). Discussion on the
festivals(Muhammad Khan, 2017). rights of Subject in prencely state of
Conclusion Khan, I. (2017, May 8). Rights at the time of
Wali sahib.
While ending our discussion here, we can
Khan, M. (2017, March 2). Right to
conclude that in princely state of Swat there

Fazal Wahab political science Constitution of Pakistan

Khan, M. (2017, May 24). Rights of citizen

under the rule of Wali sahib.
Mabbood, S. (2017, June 18). rights of subject
in princely state of Swat.
Sayyed, A. . (2017, March 9). free education is
basic right of citizens.
Shah, Z. (2017, May 6). property rights.
ul Rahman, A. (2017, June 11). Asylum of
Usman Ghani father of Amjad ali.
Yaqoob khan, M. (2017, May 31). Swat state.
Zada, Z. (2017, June 13). Subject rights in
Princely state of Swat.


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