Green Building Thesis Report Administrative Block of NIT Raipur New Campus PDF

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 Green is not just a color today!

 With rising energy costs, tightening budgets, increasing populations and
diminishing resources, it is becoming increasingly important that business and
individuals conserve or ―go green‖
 Green – or sustainable- building practices help to create healthier and
more resource – efficient models of:
- Construction
- Renovation
- Operation
- Maintenance
- Demolition
 Green symbolizes environment friendly practices in all facets of
human endeavor


 A green building depletes the natural resources to the minimum during
its construction and operation.
 Main aim is to
- minimize the demand on non renewable resources
- maximize the utilization efficiency of these resources, when in
- maximize the reuse, recycle and utilization of renewable
 Optimizes the use of on-site resources sinks by bio-climatic architectural

 Uses efficient equipments to meet its lighting, air condition and other
 Use efficient waste and water management practices
 Provides comfortable and hygienic indoor working conditions.
 In sum, the following aspects of building design are looked into an
integrated way in a green building:
- Site planning
- Building envelope design
- Building system design (HVAC, heating , ventilation and air
conditioning, lighting, electrical and water heating)
- Integration of renewable energy resources to generate energy
on site.
- Water and waste management
- Selection of ecologically sustainable materials(with high
recycled content, rapidly renewable resources with low emission
potential, etc.)
- Indoor environmental quality


All over the world we are finally beginning to recognize the threat that building
construction is posing to the civilization. Buildings have major environmental
impacts over their life cycle. There are various problems arising in the present

40% of all energy

Figure 1.1 - Distribution of energy consumed by a conventional building

 71% of all electricity

 50% of all gas demand
 12% of all fresh water
 88% of all potable water
 40% of all wood, steel and other raw materials
1 acre gets developed every 12 seconds!!!
 Building contribute 40-50% of green house gas (GHG) emissions
 Building creates 65% of all solid waste, 90-95% of construction and
demolition waste could be recycled

Figure 1. 2 - A pie chart showing the percentage of construction waste obtained from various activities.

 Indoor pollution often 2-100 times worse than outdoors


In next 25 to 30 years
 Energy consumption of developing Asian countries will more than
 CO2 emissions will increase more than three fold
 Electricity generation in asian countries is expected to make the greatest
contribution to CO2 emmisions
- APERC,2006


 Energy efficiency is the most effective way to address climate change
 Energy efficiency is the cheapest source of additional energy supply
and the most cost effective way to reduce GHG
 An efficient sustainable building will :
- reduce energy usage and life cycle cost
- create a better environment for occupants
- reduce use of water and consumption of natural resources
- reduce generation of pollution and CO2 emission.


PERCEPTION : Green buildings are costlier


Considerable research and analysis has been carried out with regards to the cost
impacts of a green building. The cost could be slightly higher than conventional
building. But then, this need to be seen in a different paradigm. The question is how do
we compare the cost? There needs to be a baseline cost for all comparisons to be alike.

The incremental cost is always relative and depends on the extent of eco-friendly
features already considered during design. The incremental cost would appear small if
the baseline design is already at a certain level of good eco-design; It would appear
huge if the base design has not considered green principals.

The second and rather critical paradigm is to look at the incremental cost in relation to
the life cycle cost. This kind of an approach could be revealing. Who knows, a building
would last for a 50 years or 60 years or 100 years! Over its life cycle, the operating
cost would work out to 80-85 % while the incremental cost which is one-time cost is
only about 8-10%

Building Year Built in area % increase in cost Payback

Constructed (sq.ft.) (years)
CII-Godrej GBC, 2003 20,000 18% 7
ITC Green Center , 2004 1,70,000 15% 6
Wipro, 2005 1,75,000 8% 5
Grunfos Pumps, 2005 40,000 6% 3

Technopolis, 2006 72,000 6% 3
Spectral services, 2007 15,000 8% 4
HITAM, 2007 78,000 2% 3
Table 1.1 – Payback periods of Green buildings

There is a decreasing trend in the incremental cost over the years. This trend would
continue and we all look forward to the day when the cost of green building will be
lower than a conventional building.

Green buildings are well poised to grow in the years to come which would provide
tremendous opportunities to all the stake holders.

The investment opportunities in green buildings is estimated to be about 2000 crores

by the year 2008.


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Figure 1.3 – Number of LEED registered buildings.

India is witnessing tremendous growth in infrastructure and construction development.

The construction industry in India is one of the largest economic activities and is
growing at an average rate of 9.5% as compared to the global average of 5%. As the

sector is growing rapidly, preserving the environment poses lot of challenge and at the
same time presents opportunities. The construction sector therefore needs to play its
role and contribute towards environmental responsibility.

The green building movement in India is a step in this direction-to minimize the
negative impact of construction activity on the environment

The Green Building movement in India spearheaded b CII has gained tremendous
impetus over the last six years. From a modest beginning of 20,000sq.ft of green
building foot print in the year 2003, India is today witnessing atleast 20 million sq.ft of
green building foot print with about 80 green buildings being constructed

The rapidity of the green building movement can be seen by the spiraling growth of
clearly measurable green building criteria as indicated in the following table

No. Criteria 2001 Till date

1 CEOs & senior people involved 50 2000
2 No. of professionals trained on 10 2500
LEAD rating
3 No. of registered Green 1 80
4 Built in area (sq. ft.) 0 25 million
5 Green building products and 5 50
Table 1.2 – Increasing green movement


The green movement is gaining momentum rapidly. But, is the rate enough?
And the answer is of course ‗NO‘. It certainly needs more and more people‘s
involvement to get visible and desired result. One can‘t blame anyone for non-

involvement if they aren‘t aware of green concept. Certainly, they need to know it to
get involved. The key is awareness.
To increase the awareness what would be a better place than an educational
institution. Here thousands of students come every year. They stay, they learn, they
grow here. It‘s the place to share new ideas and concepts. So if they get to see a live
example of green initiative, they won‘t only know, but will be able to judge and see the
benefits. They too may start thinking green and finding out new and better green ways.
And then thousands of students go out every year to different places of their work field.
They of course take their ideas with them and influence the people at their work place,
which in turn further increasing the awareness.
The idea is to increase the awareness at roots.


1.7.1 LEED-US
The United States Green Business Council (UGBC) has developed The
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building
Rating System, which is the internationally accepted benchmark for design,
construction and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED gives
Building owners and operators the tools they need to have an immediate and
measurable impact on their building‘s performance. LEED promotes a whole
building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in 5 key areas
of human and environmental health
1. Sustainable site development
2. Water savings
3. Energy Efficiency
4. Material selection
5. Indoor Environmental Quality

Prerequisites Mandatory
1. Sustainable site 13 points
2. Water efficiency 6 points
3. Energy and Atmosphere 17 points
4. Material and Resources 13 points
5. Indoor Environmental Quality 15 points
6. Innovation and design process 5 points
Total 69 points

LEED-Certified 26-32
LEED-Silver 33-38
LEED-Gold 39-51
LEED-Platinum 52-69
Table 1.3 – LEED prerequisites and rating points.


The Energy and Resources Institute –Green Rating for Integrated Habitat

Internationally, voluntary building rating systems have been instrumental in raising

awareness and popularizing green design. However, most of the internationally
devised rating systems been tailored to suit the building industry of the country
where they were developed. TERI, being deeply committed to every aspect of
sustainable development, took upon itself the responsibility of acting as a driving
force to popularize green building by developing a tool for measuring and rating
buildings environmental performance in context of India‘s varied climate and
building practices. This tool, by the quantitative and qualitative assessment criteria,
would be able to ‗rate‘ a building on the degree of its greenness. The rating would
be applied to new and existing building stock of varied functions-commercial,
residential and institutional.

MINERGIE is a registered quality label for new and refurbished low-energy
consumption buildings. This label is mutually supported by the Swiss
Confederation, the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein along with
Trade and Industry. The label is registered in Switzerland and around the world and
is thus protected against unlicensed use. The Minergie label may only be used for
buildings, services and components that actually meet the Minergie standard.

Building to Minergie standards means providing high-grade, air-tight building

envelopes and the continuous renewal of air in the building using an energy-
efficient ventilation system. Specific energy consumption is used as the main
indicator to quantify the required building quality. In this way, a reliable
assessment can be assured. Only the final energy consumed is relevant.

At present around 13% of new buildings and 2% of refurbishment projects are

Minergie certified. These are mostly residential buildings. The goals of the Swiss
national Swiss Energy Infrastructure and environment program call for 20% of new
construction and 5-10% of refurbishment projects to be Minergie certified.

The Minergie standard is somewhat comparable to German KfW40 (new buildings)

and KfW60 (refurbishment) standards.

1.7.4 BREEAM
BREEAM (Building Research Establishment‘s Environmental Assessment
Method) is the world‘s leading and most widely used environmental assessment
method for buildings, with over 115,000 buildings certified and nearly 700,000
registered. It sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has
become the de facto measure used to describe a building‘s environmental
performance. Credits are awarded in ten categories according to performance.
These credits are then added together to produce a single overall score on a scale of
Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding. The operation of BREEAM is
overseen by an independent Sustainability Board, representing a wide cross-section
of construction industry stakeholders.
Objectives of BREEAM:
· To provide market recognition to low environmental impact buildings
· To ensure best environmental practice is incorporated in buildings
· To set criteria and standards surpassing those required by regulations and
challenge the market to provide innovative solutions that minimize the
environmental impact of buildings
· To raise the awareness of owners, occupants, designers and operators of the
benefits of buildings with a reduced impact on the environment
· To allow organizations to demonstrate progress towards corporate environmental

Type of projects that can be assessed using BREEAM

A BREEAM assessment can be carried out at the above stages for the following
types of building project:
· New Construction
· Major refurbishment to existing buildings
· New construction to an existing building i.e. an extension of existing building
· A combination of new construction and major refurbishment to an existing building
· New construction or major refurbishment, which forms part of a larger mixed use
· Existing building fit-out

Green Star is a voluntary environmental rating system for buildings in Australia. It
was launched in 2003 by the Green Building Council of Australia.

The system considers a broad range of practices for reducing the environmental
impact of buildings and to showcase innovation in sustainable building practices,
while also considering occupant health and productivity and cost savings.

Nine categories are assessed with the Green Star tools:[1]

 Management

 Indoor environment quality
 Energy
 Transport
 Water
 Materials
 Land Use & Ecology
 Emissions
 Innovation


1.8.1 Introducing TERI

A dynamic and flexible organization with a global vision and a local focus, TERI
(The Energy and Resources Institute ) was established in 1974. While in the initial
period, the focus was mainly on documentation and information dissemination,
research activities in the fields of energy, environment, and sustainable
development was initiated towards the end of 1982. All these activities were rooted
in TERI‘s firm conviction that efficient utilization of energy, sustainable use of
natural resources, large - scale adoption of renewable energy technologies, and
reduction of all forms of waste would move the process of development towards
the goal of sustainability.
A unique developing-country institution, TERI is deeply committed to every aspect
of sustainable development. From providing environment-friendly solutions to rural
energy problems to helping shape the development of the Indian oil and gas sector;
from tackling global climate change issues across many continents working in
partnership with local communities to help conserve forests ; from advancing
solutions to the growing urban transport and air pollution problems to promoting
energy efficiency in the Indian industry, the emphasis has always been on finding
innovative solutions to make the world a better place to live in. Although TERI‘s
vision is global, its roots are firmly entrenched in the Indian soil. All activities in

TERI move from formulating local- and national-level strategies shaping global
solutions to critical energy and environment-related issues. To this end TERI has
established regional centres in Bangalore, Goa, Guwahati, and Kolkata (recently
Mumbai also), and has a presence in Japan and Malaysia. It has set up affiliate
institutes: TERI–NA (Tata Energy and Resources Institute, North America)
Washington, DC, USA, and TERI–Europe, London, UK.
As an extension of its work on environment management, TERI has designed
TERI– GRIHA (TERI-Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment).

1.8.2 TERI green building rating system: TERI–GRIHA The context

Internationally, voluntary building rating systems have been instrumental in raising
awareness and popularizing green design. However, most of the internationally
devised rating systems have been tailored to suit the building industry of the
country where they were developed. TERI, being deeply committed to every aspect
of sustainable development, took upon itself the responsibility of acting as a driving
force to popularize green building by developing a tool for measuring and rating a
building's environmental performance in the context of India's varied climate and
building practices. T his tool, by its qualitative and quantitative assessment criteria,
would be able to ‗rate‘ a building on the degree of its ‗greenness‘. The rating would
be applied to new and existing building stock of varied functions – commercial,
institutional, and residential. The challenges

The Indian building industry is highly decentralized, involving diverse stakeholders
engaged in design, construction, equipment provision, installation, and renovation
of buildings. Each group may be organized to some extent, but there is limited
interaction among the groups, thus disabling the integrated green design and
application process. Hence, it is very important to define and quantify sustainable
building practices and their benefits. It is also imperative to delineate the role of

each actor in ensuring that the building consumes minimal resources in its entire
life cycle and leaves behind minimal environmental footprint. The benefits

TERI's green building rating will evaluate the environmental performance of a
building holistically over its entire life cycle, thereby providing a definitive
standard for what constitutes a ‗green building‘. The rating system , based on
accepted energy and environmental principles, will seek to strike a balance between
the established practices and emerging concepts, both national and international.
The guidelines/criteria appraisal may be revised every three years to take into
account the latest scientific developments during this period.
On a broader scale, this system, along with the activities and processes that lead up
to it, will benefit the community at large with the improvement in the environment
by reducing GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, improving energy security, and
reducing the stress on natural resources.
Some of the benefits of a green design to a building owner, user, and the society as
whole are as follows :
§ Reduced energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort levels
§ Reduced destruction of natural areas, habitats, and biodiversity, and reduced soil
loss from erosion, etc.
§ Reduced air and water pollution (with direct health benefits)
§ Reduced water consumption
§ Limited waste generation due to recycling and reuse
§ Reduced pollution loads
§ Increased user productivity
§ Enhanced image and marketability


Criterion Description Points

1 Design to include existing site features 2

2 Preserve and protect landscape during 5
3 Soil conservation 4
4 Reduce hard paving on site 2
5 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency 4
6 Plan utilities efficiently and plan optimize 3
site circulation
7 Provide at least minimum level of sanitation 2
facilities for construction workers
8 Reduce air pollution during construction 2
9 Reduce landscape water requirement 3
10 Reduce building water use 2
11 Efficient water use during construction 1
12 Optimize building design to reduce 6
conventional energy demands
13 Optimize energy performance of building 12
within specified comfort
14 Utilization of fly ash in building structures 6
15 Reduce volume, weight and time of 4
construction by adopting efficient

16 Use low energy materials in interiors 4

17 Renewable energy utilization 3

18 Renewable energy based hot water system 2

19 Waste water treatment 2

20 Water recycle and reuse 5

21 Reduction in waste during construction 2

22 Efficient waste segregation 2

23 Storage and disposal of waste 2

24 Resource recovery from waste 2

25 Use of low VOC paints 4

26 Minimize ozone depletion substances 3

27 Ensure water quality 2

28 Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels 2

29 Tobacco and smoke control 1

30 Energy audit and validation Mandatory

31 Operation and maintenance protocol for 2

electrical and mechanical equipments

32 Bonus 4

Total 100

Table 1.4 – Evaluation criterion of TERI-GRIHA

1.8.4 RATING

1 STAR 51-60
2 STAR 61-70
3 STAR 71-80
4 STAR 81-90
5 STAR 91-100
Table 1.5 – Rating points of TERI-GRIHA



The aim of this design thesis is to study the green concepts, understanding their
viability and using them to design an administrative block, which will prove to be
an iconic building, a standing example of a green building which would be healthy
for the people inside as well as outside. Such design can be termed as a ―sustainable
At the same time, the idea of taking an institutional administrative building as a
typology is to prove that the focus is not just environment but also spreading the
green concept. The design aims at providing an eco-friendly place, which is not
only healthy for its occupants and environment but also increasing the awareness.


The concept of green buildings though popular among professional has yet not
reached the common man properly.
The main idea behind the project is to make the green concept assessable to the
common man so that they can appreciate its importance.
There are various misconceptions regarding the cost and economic viability of
green buildings which needs to be clarified.
The main challenge of this design problem will be inter-linking the various
functions performed by the building and at the same time not compromising with
the energy efficient aspect of the structure.


The entire thesis revolves round the idea behind the topic which was to find out the
relevance of green architecture and study the parameters and requirements of a

green building. The idea is also to apply these concepts in the design solution and
get a first hand experience in designing a green building and face the challenge.


This chapter explains the meaning of a green building. It tells about the importance
of green building in today‘s scenario and proves its economical viability. It further
explains the concept of an administrative building in an educational institution and
also the need of such a project. It also talks about the various rating systems and
points given to rate a building green


This chapter goes on explaining the exact method by which the thesis is going to be
carried out including a chapter to chapter description of the design thesis, including
the main aims and objectives of the thesis , with the scope and limitations of the
topic including the main areas that will be concentrated during the thesis


The data collection would include all relevant data required in designing a Green
administrative building.

The data to be collected would be decided from the program requirements and the
inferences from case studies. This data would further be used as references during
the design process.

The data collected is

 Various green measures and their applications according to TERI-GRIHA.
 Hierarchy of administrative staff of N.I.T.
 Office spaces and other space requirements.
Apart from this data collection analysis will be done on

 Efficient landscaping
 Glass in green architecture
 Utilization of fly ash in building structures
 Rain water harvesting
 Waste water management
The data collection will also include guidelines given by TERI for designing a
building with green features in sync.


The main aim of this chapter would be to put forward the kind of functions present
in parallel case studies of green buildings, realizing their positive and negative

The chapter will end in an analysis and conclusion which will finally help in the
program requirements, site selection and limits of the site.

The case studies selected are




The chapter would include the reason for selecting the site and the site details.


The chapter will explain the initial design concept for development of building form.



3.1 Design to include existing site features
3.1.1 Objective
The natural functions of a plot of land (hydrologic, geologic, and microclimatic)
can be seriously disrupted by the placement of a building on it. The design of a
green building will factor in the ways in which the natural site features can be
protected or even restored.
Layout the site activities and building requirements after carrying out detailed
site analysis so as to ensure sustainable site development in tune with its
climatic, and ecological character.

3.1.2 Site inventory and design impacts

Table 3.1 – Site inventory and design impacts

3.2 Reduce hard paving on site/and or provide shaded hard paved

To reduce hard paving on - site (open area surrounding building premises)
and/or provide shade on hard paved surfaces to minimize the heat island effect
and imperviousness of the site.

3.2.2 Heat island effect

Dark coloured and constructed surfaces are prone to absorption and retention of
solar energy. The retained solar energy also gets re-radiated to atmosphere
during times when ambient temperature gets cooler. This gives rise to warmer
temperatures in urban landscapes, which have large areas of constrained
surfaces low on reflectance. This phenomenon of increased temperature in
urban landscape is called heat island. Principle surfaces that contribute to the
heat island effect include streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and buildings. Heat
island effect can be minimized by use of shading or reflective surfaces. As
mentioned, hard paved surfaces are one of the major constraints of heat in land

In addition to causing heat island effect, hard pavements also reduce

perviousness of site. Enhanced perviousness of site minimizes storm water run-
off and is beneficial for localized aquifer recharge. This method aims to
encourage design measures to minimize negative impacts of the paved areas.

3.2.3 Best practices

Planting trees, bushes, or a properly planned landscaping can help reduce the
heat island effect by reducing ambient temperatures through evapo-
transpiration. Plant vegetation around the building to intercept solar radiation
and to shade the walls and windows of buildings (with S, SW or SE exposure)
to prevent heat gain. This would also help in reducing air-conditioning load/use.

Use light coloured, reflective roofs having an SRI (solar reflectance index) of
50% or more. The dark colored, traditional roofing finishes have SRI varying
from 5% to 20%. The fine example of higher SRI is the use of broken china
mosaic, light coloured tiles as roof finish, which reflects the heat off the surface
because of high solar reflectivity, and infrared emittance which prevents heat
Use commercially available, high solar reflective (albedo) roof coatings or heat
reflective paints on roofs used to shade paved areas. Don't use stone mulches
such as fine gravel, crushed granite or pebbles in unplanted areas immediately
adjacent to buildings, as they can heat up, reflect solar radiation inside, and also
cause glare.
Use high albedo or reflective pavements to keep parking lots, pavements and
inside roads cool because the increase in albedo decreases the pavement
temperature approximately by 8°F for a change in albedo of 0.1.
Use light coloured aggregates or ‗whitetop‘ the pavements with 50 mm thick
layer of cement concrete. Stabilize the pavements with porous or permeable
materials such as sand, crushed bricks, broken mosaic tiles or stones where the
soil is stable or the traffic load is quite low. Recycled materials such as
demolished concrete (rubble), broken china and mosaic tiles could also be used.

3.2.4 Commitments
Total paved area of the site under parking, roads, paths, or any other use not to
exceed 25% of the site area or net imperviousness of the site not to exceed the
imperviousness factor as prescribed by the National Building Code of India,
Bureau of Indian Standards,2005; Part 9 (Plumbing services) Section, whichever is more stringent.
Total surface parking not to exceed the area as permissible under the local
bylaw and

pavement/grass pavers, or

vegetated roof/pergola with planters, or

50% of the paved area (including parking) to be topped with
finish having solar reflectance of 0.5 or higher.

3.3 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency

3.3.1 Objective
Enhance energy efficiency of outdoor lighting and promote usage of renewable
forms of energy to reduce the use of conventional/fossil fuel based energy
Luminous efficacy of external light sources used for outdoor lighting shall
equal or exceed as specified.

3.3.2 Minimum allowable values of luminous efficacy of lamps for outdoor

Light source Minimum allowable luminous efficacy
CFL (Compact fluorescent lamps) 50
FL (Fluorescent lamps) 75
MH (Metal Halide) 75
HPSV (High pressure sodium vapour lamp) 90

All outdoor lightings to be fitted with an automatic on/off switch.

A minimum 25% of the total number of outdoor lighting fixtures to be powered
by solar energy. Outdoor lighting system includes
(i) Security lighting,
(ii) Street lighting,
(iii) Landscape lighting,
(iv) Façade lighting, and
(v) Parking lighting

3.4 Reduce landscape water requirement

3.4.1 Objective
To reduce the landscape water requirement for so as to minimize the load on the
municipal water supply and depletion of groundwater resources.

3.4.2 Best practices to reduce water usage for landscaping

Xeriscape means the conservation of water and energy through creative
landscaping. This word is derived from the Greek word Xeros meaning dry and
these plants can live, once established, with little or no supplemental watering.
Some are drought tolerant. It is recommended that:
 §The landscape should be a mix of native shrubs and xeriscape plants.
 Reduce the lawn area, and plant more of trees that require no water after
 Plant palm trees which are xerophytic such as Phoenix dactylifera,
Yucca starlite.
 Use ground covers such as Asparagus sprengeri, which is succulent,
Pandanus dwarf which is xerophytic, and
Bougainvillea which is a climber.

Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation system or sub-surface drip irrigation system results in saving of
water as it avoids loss of water due to run-off, deep percolation, or evaporation.
Sprinkler irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation is a method similar to natural rainfall in which water is
distributed through a system of pipes. For maintaining uniform distribution of
water, the pump supply system, sprinklers and operating conditions must be
designed appropriately. Sprinklers are most suited to sandy soils with high
infiltration rates. The average application rate should be less than the basic
infiltration rate of the soil so as to avoid surface ponding and run-off. It is better

to use sprinklers that produce fine sprays and not those that produce larger
water droplets.
Native vegetation
Native vegetation is original to a particular place, including trees, shrubs, and
other plants
Evapo-transpiration rate
The potential evapo-transpiration rate (PET) is the climate factor, refers to the
amount of water required by the plant for healthy growth (depending on the
climate). Evapo-transpiration rate determines the rate at which plants lose water
through evaporation. It is affected by humidity and temperature at a given time.
These rates vary with the season and are different for different months. The data
is available with the Indian Meteorological Department for each city.

3.4.3 Efficiencies of irrigation systems

Irrigation efficiency refers to the ability of an irrigation system to deliver water
to plants without evaporation or other means of water loss.
Irrigation system Efficiency
Micro, drip 85%
Micro, spray 80%
Multiple sprinkler 75%
Sprinkler, large guns 70%
Seepage 50%
Crown flood 50%
Flood 50%

3.4.4 Commitment
Design the landscape so as to reduce water consumption by minimum 30%.

3.5 Reduce the water use by the building

3.5.1 Objective
To reduce the water consumption in the building by using efficient fixtures.

3.5.2 Best practices

1) Use of efficient plumbing fixtures, sensors, auto valves, pressure reducing
device wherever possible can result in significant reduction in water consumption
2) Water efficient fixtures
§ Conventional toilets use 13.5 litres of water per flush. Low flush toilets
are available with flow rate of 6.0 litres and 3.0 litres of water per flush.
§ Dual flush adapters can be used for standard flushing for solid waste and
a modified smaller flush for liquid waste.
§ Flush valves with 20–25 mm inlets can be used for restricting the water
§ Composting toilets
§ Water-efficient urinals
The conventional urinals use water at a rate of 7.5–11 litres per flush. Use of
electronic flushing system or magic eye sensor can further reduce the flow of water
to 0.4 litres per flush. Waterless urinals use no water.
3) Auto control valves
Installation of magic eye solenoid valve (self-operating valves) can result in water
savings. The sensor taps has automatic on and off flow control. It is not only
convenient and hygienic but also an excellent water saving device that can work
under normal water pressure. It functions with parameters such as distance and
4) Pressure reducing device
Aerators and pressure inhibitors for constant flow. Use of aerators can result in
flow rates as low as 2 litres per minute, which is adequate

3.5.3 Commitment
Reduce the total water consumption in the building by a minimum of 25%

3.6 Optimise building design to reduce conventional energy demand

3.6.1 Objective
To apply solar passive measures including day lighting to reduce the demand on
conventional energy for space conditioning and lighting systems in buildings.

3.6.2 Passive solar concept

Buildings should minimize their dependence on conventional systems of
heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting which consume electricity produced
from non renewable sources of energy. Solar passive buildings are designed to
achieve thermal and visual comfort by using natural energy sources and sinks
eg, solar radiation, outside air, wet surfaces, vegetation etc. The solar passive
design strategy should vary from one climate to another. For example in
Hyderabad which falls in Hot & dry climate zone, evaporative cooling could be
very effective, however, in warm & humid climate zone water has to be
removed from air to provide comfort.

3.7 Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort


3.7.1 Objective
To optimize energy use in energy systems in buildings that maintains a
specified indoor climate conducive to the functional requirements of the

3.7.2 Commitments
 Follow mandatory compliance measures (for all applicable buildings) as
recommended in the Draft energy conservation building code of the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency, Government of India.

 Show that energy consumption in energy systems in a building under a
specified category is less than the benchmarked energy consumption figure. The
energy systems include air conditioning, indoor lighting system, water
heating, air heating and air circulation devices within the building.
 The annual energy consumption of energy systems in a fully air
conditioned building for day use in a composite climate should not exceed 140
kWh/m2 (kilowatt hour per square metre) (benchmarked energy consumption
 The annual energy consumption of energy systems in a fully non-air
conditioned building for day use should not exceed 26 kWh/m2 (benchmarked
energy consumption figure).
 In a building that includes air– conditioned and non-air conditioned
areas, the annual energy consumption of energy systems in totally air
conditioned areas for day use should not exceed 140 kWh/m2 and the annual
energy consumption of energy systems in totally non-air conditioned areas for
daytime operation should not exceed 26 kWh/m2.
 Quantify energy usage for all electrical, mechanical, and thermal
systems for which either electrical or thermal energy is being used and which
are being used to provide lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, heating (water
and air), and air circulation.To convert thermal energy to electrical energy
following table can be used.
Energy conversion factors Energy unit Conversion factor for kWh
Litres of LDO (light diesel oil) 8.3
Litres of HSD (high speed diesel) 8.5
kg of LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) 13.9
SCM (Standard cubic metres) of PNG (Pipe natural gas) 7.0

3.8 Utilization of flyash in building structure

3.8.1 Objective
To use low embodied energy industrial waste fly ash as the construction material.
Fly ash, an industrial waste having the properties of cement and very low embodied
energy is used in combination with cements that are high in embodied energy.

3.8.2 Best practices for flyash

 Use ready mix concrete or high-volume fly ash concrete for construction
(commercially available from L&T, ACC etc.) or use PPC concrete for
construction (commercially available by ACC suraksha, Lafarge cement, L&T
cement, Jaypee Buniyad, Pn'sm Champion etc, PPC must meet the requirements of
IS 1489:1991}.
 Portland pozzolona cement
This cement is equivalent to OPC (Ordinary portland cement) in mechanical
strength, setting, and hardening and is an alternative to OPC, with an additional
advantage of having mild sulphate resistance.
Pozzolana cement or PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement) is a mixture of ordinary
Portland cement (65%-85%) and a pozzolana (15%-35%). Sometimes, PPC
concrete develops strength at a slower rate than OPC concrete. Calcined clay and
fly ash are the most common pozzolana for PPC, Addition of fly ash significantly
improves the quality and durability characteristics of resulting concrete.
 High volume fly ash concrete High volume fly ash concrete develops
sufficient early strength and workability, in addition to low temperature rise and
high ultimate strength. This is possible due to high dosage of plasticizer and low
W/C ratio to the extent of 0.30-0.35, ratio of cement, fly ash, fine and coarse
aggregates-1:1.75:3.5 with compressive strength reaching 40-45Mpa on the 90th

3.8.3 Fly ash based innovative and commonly produced building products in India

Cellular light weight concrete blocks

CLC (Cellular light weight concrete) blocks are substitute to bricks and
conventional concrete blocks in building with density varying from 800 kg/m3 to
1800 kg/m3, The normal constituents of this are foaming agent based technology
cement, fly ash (to the extent 1/4"1 to 1/3r" of total materials constituent), sand,
water and foam (generated from biodegradable foaming agent). Using CLC
walling and roofing panels can also be produced.

Advantages of CLC
 Better strength to weight ratio
 Reduction of dead load resulting in saving of steel and cement and
reduction in foundation size
 Better acoustics and thermal insulation (air conditioning requirement is
considerably reduced)
 Saving in consumption of mortar and higher fire rating

Development of fly ash based polymer composites as wood substitute

 Fly ash based composites have been developed using fly ash as filler and
jute cloth as reinforcement. After treatment, the jute cloth is passed into the
matrix for lamination. The laminates are cured at specific temperature and
 Numbers of laminates are used for required thickness. The technology on
fly ash polymer composite using jute cloth as reinforcement for wood substitute
material can be applied in many applications like door shutters, partition panels,
flooring tiles, wall paneling, ceiling, etc.
 With regard to wood substitute products, it may be noted that the developed
components/materials are stronger, more durable, resistant to corrosion and
above all cost-effective as compared to the conventional material i.e. wood.

Ready mixed fly ash concrete

Though ready mix concrete is quite popular in developed countries but in India it
consumes less than five per cent of total cement consumption. Only recently its
application has started growing at a faster rate. On an average, 20% fly ash (of
cement material) in the country is being used which can easily go very high. In

ready mix concrete, various ingredients and quality parameters are strictly
maintained/controlled which is not possible in the concrete produced at site and
hence it can accommodate still higher quantity of fly ash.
 Fly-ash-sand-lime-gypsum (cement) bricks/blocks
 Fly ash can be used in the range of 40-70%. The other ingredients are lime,
gypsum (cement), sand, stone dust/chips etc. Minimum compressive strength
(28 days) of 70 kg/cm2 can easily be achieved and this can go upto 250 kg/cm2
(in autoclaved type).

Advantage of these bricks over burnt clay bricks

 Lower requirement of mortar in construction
 Plastering over brick can be avoided
 Controlled dimensions, edges, smooth and fine finish and can be in
different colors (using pigments)
 Cost-effective, energy-efficient and environment friendly (as avoids the use
of fertile clay)
 Clay-fly ash bricks, Fly ash content can be 20%-60% depending on the
quality of clay. Process of manufacturing is same as for the burnt clay bricks.
 Fuel requirement is considerably reduced as fly ash contains some
percentage of unburnt carbon
 Better thermal insulation
 Cost effective and environment friendly

3.8.4 Application of fly ash

 Reinforced concrete (RC) (including ready mix concrete) to make use of fly
ash by using PPC containing fly ash. (Minimum 15% replacement of cement
with fly ash in PPC (Portland Pozzolona Cement) by weight of the cement used
in the overall RC for meeting the equivalent strength requirements).
 Use fly-ash in building blocks for the wall. Use of fly ash- based
bricks/blocks (for e.g., Fal-G stabilized, fly ash-sand lime bricks, load bearing
and non-load bearing fly ash- based concrete blocks, fly ash- based light weight
aerated concrete walling blocks etc.) in case of both load- bearing and non-load

bearing wall systems, which utilize a minimum 40% of fly ash by weight of
cement for 100% load bearing and non-load bearing walls.
 Use fly ash in Plaster/masonry mortar by employing PPC. Use plaster
and/or masonry mortar, which utilizes a minimum 30% of fly ash in PPC, in
100% wall/ceiling finishes and wall construction, meeting the required
structural properties.

3.9 Use low energy material in interiors

3.9.1 Objective
To use low-energy/recycled materials/finishes/products in the interiors, which
minimize the use of wood as a natural resource, and use low-energy materials
and products, such as composite wood products/rapidly renewable materials/
reused wood/low embodied energy products/products which utilize industrial
waste/ recycled products.
The various interior finishes used in the sub-system of the building or the
interior, which serve the aim of the credit, have been divided into the following
three major categories.
-assembly/internal partitions/Interior wood finishes/paneling/false
ceiling/In-built furniture/cabinetry
Doors/windows, frames

3.10 Renewable energy utilization

3.10.1 Objective
To use of renewable energy sources in buildings to reduce the use of
conventional /fossil fuel- based energy resources

3.10.2 Use of renewable energy sources

Renewable sources of energy (such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, etc.)
can provide the energy required for meeting the building energy demand.
These sources are environmentally clean and non-exhaustible. Natural sources
of energy such as solar, wind, hydro power, tidal energy, ocean thermal and
hydrogen are all renewable energy sources. Projected availability of fossil fuels
in future and environmental degradation (including global warming) associated
with usage of these fuels are the driving forces for increasing use of renewable
energy sources.

3.10.3 Various renewable energy technologies

 Power Generation Technologies
Wind Power
Small Hydro Power
Biomass Energy and Cogeneration
 Biomass power
 Biomass Cogeneration
 Bagasse Cogeneration
 Biomass gasification
 Energy from Waste
 Solar Energy Technologies
Solar Thermal
 Solar water heating
 Solar air drying
 Solar cooker
Solar Photovoltaic
 Solar home lighting
 Solar Photo Voltaic water pumping
 Solar lantern
 Rural Energy Technologies
Improved Chulhas
 New Technologies
Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Energy
Ocean Energy
Tidal Energy

3.10.4 Commitment
Energy requirement for a minimum 10% of internal lighting load (for general
lighting) or its equivalent is met from renewable energy sources (solar, wind,
biomass, fuel cells, etc.).

3.11 Renewable energy based hot water system

3.11.1 Objective
To use renewable energy sources to meet the hot -water need.

3.11.2 Guidelines for installation and use of solar systems

 Solar collectors should face south for maximum solar radiation collection.
 Solar collector tilt should be equal to the latitude of the place for maximum
annual energy collection.
 Solar collector tilt equal to latitude + 150 gives maximum energy collection
in winter.
 Solar collector tilt equal to latitude -150 gives maximum energy collection
in summer.
 Always check load carrying capacity of the roof before placing the solar
system. Typically, each solar collector of 2 m2 area weighs 50 kg. The solar tank
when filled with water weighs 1.2–1.4 kg per litre capacity of tank. (For example,
100 litre capacity tank weighs 120 kg)
 Ensure proper anchoring of the system duly considering wind conditions.
 Solar collectors and tank must be easily accessible for cleaning and

 Typically solar system needs 1.3–1.5 times the collector area for
installation. For example, a single collector system of 100 litre capacity having 2
m2 area needs 3 m2 of floor area for installation.

3.11.3 Guidelines for solar system selection and use

 Check hardness of water to be used in solar system. Solar collectors have
small diameter pipes, which get chocked due to deposition of salt from hard water.
In case of hard water, either water softener or heat exchanger type solar water
heater can be used.
 It is a good practice to consider solar system location and optimize the
associated hot/cold water piping layout during the building design stage to reduce
the cost and heat losses due to longer piping.
 Always use good quality pipes and insulation for long life and trouble-free
 It‘s important to check operating pressure of supply of cold water line,
especially when pressurized water is circulated. Most solar systems available in
India are not designed for pressurized water supply.
Ensure continuous supply of water to the solar system for efficient and trouble-free
 During long periods of no use (for example, while on vacation) always
cover the solar collectors with nontransparent covers (e.g. old bed sheet or jute
cloth)/to avoid overheating of solar system).
 It is a good practice to use the entire hot water at a time.
 Avoid using back up heater. Do not keep back-up heater switched on.
 Set the thermostat of back-up heater at 55–600C.
 Use proper vent or vacuum release valve and pressure relief valve for safe
operation of solar system.
 Human body can tolerate temperature up to 450 C. Human skin burns at
water temperature above 550C. Storage water heater temperature can be set at

3.11.4 Guidelines for system sizing

 Typically solar hot water system is sized to meet one day‘s requirement of
hot water during winter. Typical hot water consumptions for various activities are
given below. These can be used as guidelines for calculating total hot water
requirement. (The consumption figures may vary depending on life style, age,
habits, and weather conditions.)
 For bathing using bucket water = 15 litre per person per day (one bucket).
 For shower bath = 25 litre per person per day.
 For bath tub = 35–50 litre per person per day.
 For cooking = 5 litre per person per day.
 For washing clothes = 10 litre per person per day.
 For washing utensils etc. = 5 litre per person per meal.
 For making tea/coffee = 150 ml per person per cup

3.11.5 Commitment
Ensure that a minimum 50% of the annual energy requirement for heating water
(for application such as hot water for all needs except for space heating, e.g. for
canteen, washing, bath rooms/toilets) is supplied from renewable energy sources.

3.12 Water recycle and reuse (including rainwater)

3.12.1 Objective
To utilize the treated waste water and rainwater for various applications (including
groundwater recharge) where potable municipal water is normally used to reduce
the load on both the municipal supplies as well as the sewerage system and to
improve the groundwater level

3.12.2 The basic concept of storage and recharging

The recharging or storing of water depends on the rainfall of a particular region,
and the sub-surface geology. In regions where the rainy season lasts for three to
four months, groundwater recharge is beneficial rather than storage, as the storage
cistern would remain empty during other parts of the year. In places where the
surface is impermeable and groundwater is saline or not of potable quality, it is not
advisable to go for groundwater recharging. Recharging can be done through
dugwells, borewells, recharge trenches, and recharge pits. Filter material at the

entry point is essential to maintain the quality of water. Settlement tank acts as a
buffer to hold the surplus water during the course of excess rainfall.


"An Innovative Approach to Solve Water Crisis"

"Water is a strange natural resource. It can unite a community as easily as it can

divide it." 'Rainwater Harvesting' implies nothing but conservation of rainwater.
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) is a tradition-renewed scientific technology applied
to augment the groundwater both quantitatively and qualitatively. Rain Water
Harvesting is a simple, economical but effective way to save rainwater for
consumption and artificial recharge to solve the water problem naturally.
India is one of the water rich countries of the World. The average annual
precipitation in India, 1150 mm, is higher than that of every other continent in the
world except South America (1596 mm) and twice that of the average annual
precipitation of the continent of Asia.
100 hours, in a year, when it falls on in those few hours, when the rivers and
streams swell up, then there is little water to capture to meet human needs.
Every time it rains, only about 5-20% of the total rain is recharged into the ground
depending upon the terrain, top soil condition, subsurface formation,
rainfall pattern, etc. The topsoil can hold only a fraction of water that falls on it and
the rest gradually percolates down, depending on the type of the soil and joins the

India is a water rich country

India is one of the nine countries which hold 90% of fresh water of the world
1. Brazil
2. The russian federation
3. Canada
4. Indonesia
5. China mainland
6. Columbia
7. Usa

8. Peru
9. India

Artificial recharge
Artificial recharge may be defined as the practice of increasing by artificial means,
the amount of water that enters the ground water reservoir. This is accomplished by
unique systems and techniques, depending on the site specifications.

How does a rainwater-harvesting system work?

A rainwater harvesting system runs on the principle of seepage of water into the
ground. Owing to various soil features, water from rainfall is often obstructed from
reaching an aquifer that is several metres underground. In the case of rainwater
harvesting, water infiltrates into an aquifer through an artificial recharge structure
and recharges the aquifer accordingly. Thus, rainwater falling on the surface has a
smooth passage to the aquifer, where it is stored; from there it can be retrieved for
future use. Certain places do not have natural aquifers. In such cases, it is possible
to construct artificial aquifers. These man-made aquifers are as effective as natural
ones for the purpose of storage and retrieval of water.

3.12.4 Commitment
 Provide necessary treatment of waste water for achieving the desired
composition for various applications
 Implement rainwater harvesting and storage systems depending on the
site-specific conditions.
 Reuse the treated waste water and rainwater for meeting the building
water and irrigation demand.
 Recharge the surplus water (after reuse) into the aquifer.

3.13 Use low -VOC paints/ adhesives/ sealants

3.13.1 Objective
Paints can have a major impact on the overall aesthetics of a space; sometimes
more than even flooring and furnishings because of the enormous square
footage coverage. Paints may also have a major negative impact on the indoor
air quality of a building, because they may contain chemicals called Volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxic components that evaporate into the
air and are harmful to the health of the occupants. VOCs are a primary
contributors to smog generation.

3.13.2 Environmental effects of paints

Paints have three major components: a pigment for color. A binder that holds
the pigment to the surface and a carrier or solvent (mineral spirits or water) to
dissolve and maintain the pigment. Latex, water based paints have significantly
lower environmental impacts than oil or solvent-based paints since they don‘t
use petroleum carriers or have nearly as many smog forming emissions.
According to the US Environment Protection Agency (USEPA), 9% of the
airborne pollutants creating ground level ozone come from the VOCs in paint.
Low and zero VOC paints have little or no smog-forming emissions.

3.13.3 Potential Health Effects of Paints

Paints is applied wet and must undergo a drying process, and sometimes a
chemical reaction, in order to form a solid paint film on the wall or other
surfaces. It is during this drying or chemical process that VOCs and other paint
component are released. Many paints contain a high percentage of VOCs so that
they will dry faster. Paints also continue to offgas somewhat for many days,
weeks, and months after application and especially each time the temperature
and humidity in the room rises
VOC refers to the class of chemicals which evaporate readily at room
temperature. They are in all oil-based paints as solvents. Many latex paints
(which use water as the ―solvent‖ or carrier) also contain VOCs as a part of
their paint chemistry. When these VOCs off gas, they may cause a variety of

health problems like nausea, dizziness, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract
and more serious illness like heart, lung or kidney damage and cancer.

On air quality, they are excellent for use in buildings where it is desirable to
have very low levels of toxicity, such as hospitals, schools or the homes and
Once airborne, many VOCs have the ability to combine with each other, or with
other molecules in the air, to create new chemical compounds. Air quality
testing shows that indoor VOC levels are considerably ten times higher than
outdoor levels, and can be as much as one thousand times higher after a new
coat of paint.

3.13.4 Benefits of Low VOC Paints

 Environmental
VOCs react with sunlight and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere to form ground
level ozone, a chemical that has a detrimental effect on human health,
agricultural crops, forests and ecosystems. These problems can be eliminated
using low VOC paints
 Economic
Healthy occupants are more productive and have less illness related
absenteeism. Use of high VOC content material can cause illness and may
decrease occupant productivity. These problems result in increased expenses
and liability for building owners, operators and insurance companies.
 Indoor Environment
Selecting materials that are low in VOC helps reduce sources of pollutants
during the construction process and in the finished building. Also low Voc
paints have little odour.

3.13.5 Making Good Choices

 Sometimes simply washing walls and/or using a little touch-up paint can
make them appear new. When it is necessary to paint, use least toxic and low or

non VOC products, and water based paints. This will also eliminate the need for
toxic solvents for clean up.
 Remember that a more durable paint is less expensive in the long run. A
10 year paint may cost a little more than a 5 year, but there is only a one time
labor cost, which is the most expensive part of most paint jobs.
 Proper preparation is also critical for a durable paint application. All
surface must be clean and dust free, with any visible cracking, peeling, or
blistering removed.
 If there is existing paint, determine what it is and appropriately prepare
for the next coat. Be sure to choose primers and top coats that are compatible.

3.14 Minimize ozone depleting substances

3.14.1 Objective
Eliminate or control the release of ozone- depleting substances into the
atmosphere. The ozone depleting materials commonly used in buildings are
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) or HCFCs (hydro chlorofluorocarbons) in
refrigeration and air- conditioning systems, insulation, and halons in fire
suppression systems and extinguishers.

Substances containing Chlorine (or Bromine) contribute to the breakdown of

the ozone layer in the stratosphere, resulting in harmful ultra violet radiation
reaching earth's surface, and thus global climate change. Such substances are
mainly used in refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment, fire suppression
systems and extinguishers, and in insulation, and this has been a growing cause
for concern. Therefore, continued efforts are being made globally (in the form
of International agreements) to minimize the use of ozone depleting substances,
and gradually to replace them with environmentally friendly substances.
Trichlorofluoromethane (R11) is used as reference for measuring the Ozone

Depleting Potential (ODP) of a substance. ODP of R11 is 1. Some of the
commonly used substances in refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment are
listed in the table below.

3.14.2 Commitment
 Use insulation with zero -ODP (ozone depletion potential) such as
HCFCfree rigid foam insulation, mineral fibre cellulose insulation, glass
fibre, wood fibre board, cork wool, expanded (bead) polystyrene, recycled
newspaper and jute, cotton etc. Avoid materials that do not inherently have a
zero -ODP such as polyurethane foams, polyisocyanurates , etc.
 Install CFC-free equipment used for refrigeration and air conditioning.
 Install halon -free fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers in the


4.1 CASE STUDY – 1

Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

5-star GRIHA rated Green Building at IIT Kanpur.

Green Features

Existing landscape and

vegetation is largely

The first floor of the building has been pushed inside to protect a tree

Water body is integrated

with design for optimal

An internal courtyard shaded by louvers is provided, so that to allow

free air movement.

Natural light and ventilation through skylights & ventilators in common

Roof shaded by bamboo

trellis with green cover to cut
direct heat gain.

Large openings to maximize natural daylight into interiors.

Efficient glazing for openings

which minimize solar gains in
summer, heat loss in winter.

• HVAC system
 Use of geothermal
energy for cooling
 Efficient chillers

Lighting system
Lamps with luminous
efficacy – 75lm/w
Average LPD < 1 W/ft2

Magic eye solenoid valves
are installed in taps.

Aerators are used which

reduces the flow rate to

Magic eye sensors reduces

water flow to 0.4 ltrs/flush.

Rain water from the building and

surrounding area collected and
routed through a sedimentation
tank to water body for AC

Overflow is led to a
groundwater recharge pit.

100% of outdoor lighting demand
met by solar energy.

30% of internal lighting demand

met from photovoltaic panels.

Solar water heater panels.

100% of hot water building

requirement is met by solar system.

4.2 CASE STUDY – 2



Salient features
• G+3 storey
• 2 entrances
• Pathways – PCC Paving, Tiled paving
• Parking – Paved, unshaded
• Solar powered outdoor lights.
• In corridors, artificial lighting is required during daytime.
• Vertical movement – 2 stairs & 2 lifts.
• Toilets – 2 male ( 3urinals, 2wc, 2wb)
2 female (2wc, 2wb) on each floor.

Administrative staff at MNNIT Allahabad.

Administrative officers Deans Officers in charge
Director Planning and Chief warden.
Registrar Academics Training and placement
Dy. Registrar ( accounts) Accounts Purchase
Dy. Registrar ( academics) Students affairs Student welfare centre.
Public Information Research and Civil (M) academic
Officer consultancy campus.
Chief Vigilance Officer. Faculty welfare. Civil (M) road maintenance
Medical officer Civil (M) officers colony
A.E. ( mechanical) Civil (M) hostel
A.E. (electrical) Time table
Executive officer ( Chairperson – ICCM
Programmer Chairperson – BOG
Foreman Co-ordinator – design

Floor-wise distribution of areas of administrative block, MNNIT Allahabad.

Ground floor
• Accounts office (105m²)
• Public information centre (20m²)
• Civil maintenance (58.5m²)
• Chief proctor (33m²)
• Accounts officer (21m²)
• Main office (105m²)
• Chief warden (22m²)
• Dean (R & C)-22m²
• Dean (P & D) – 22m²
• Staff rooms – 2
• Staff office – 3 (52.5m²)
• Trophy room (30m²)
• Male toilets – 2 (2wc, 2wb, 3Urinals)
• Female toilets – 2 ( 2wc, 2wb)Toilet area – 60m²
• Storage space (45m²)
• Electric room (16m²)
• Services (16m²)
• Lifts - 2 (13.5m²)

First floor
• Board room (104.5m²)
• Director‘s office (54m²)
with attached
• Sitting room (20m²)
• Toilet (5.4m²)
• Store (15m²)
• PA room (37.5m²)
• PA staff (16m²)
• Pantry (9.6m²)
• Registrar with PA (50m²)

• Deputy registrar (20m²)
• Chairman‘s office with attached (37.35m²)
• Sitting (12.9m²)
• Toilet (3.75m²)
• Staff room (30m²)
• Office (17.3m²)
• Senate room (200.23m²)
• Male toilet – 2 (2wc,2wb,3Urinals)
• Female toilets – 2 (2wc, 2wb) Toilet area – 60m²
• Store room (9.6m²)
• Electric room (16m²)
• Services (16m²)
• Stairs – 2 (30m²)
• Lifts - 2 (13.5m²)

Second floor
• Talk show and media room (104.5m²)
• Equipment room (43.61m²)
• Lab (31.7m²)
• Placement cell (93m²)
• Industry interaction (104.5m²)
• Office of placement in charge (18m²)
• Toilet (3.75m²)
• Staff room (16.7m²)
• Alumni association (30m²)
• Offices – 5 (104.6m²)
• Meeting room (23m²)
• Change room – 2 (19m²)
• Male toilet – 2 (2wc,2wb,3Urinals)
• Female toilets – 2 (2wc, 2wb) Toilet area – 60m²
• Store room – 2 (19.2m²)
• Electric room (16m²)
• Services (16m²)
• Stairs – 2 (30m²)
• Lifts - 2 (13.5m²)

Third floor
• Conference room – 2 (197.7m²)
• Auditorium – 200 persons (200.23m²)
• Offices – 6 (136m²)
• Meeting rooms – 2 (50.9m²)
• Store room – 4 (45.6m²)
• Staff room (21m²)
• Male toilets – 2 (2wc, 2wb, 3urinals)
• Female toilets – 2 (2wc, 2wb) Toilet area – 60m²
• Electric room (16m²)
• AHU (38m²)
• Stairs – 2 (30m²)
• Lifts - 2 (13.5m²)



Site and area statements.

Location of the site:

Figure 5.1 – Site location

The proposed site is on national highway 200, 22 km from the Raipur, at village
Bharenga. The national highway is along the northern boundary of the site. The
net area of the site is 55.52 ha., from which 1.8 ha. of land is selected for
developing administrative building of NIT Raipur.

Figure 5.2 - Site

The site is polygonal in plan measuring 137.2 acres. The site has been provided by
government to National Institute of Technology, Raipur to develop a new campus..

A 12 meter wide internal city road flanks the south-east boundaries of the site. The site
being contiguous to the already developed areas of the city, it would not be difficult to
introduce municipal services in the project area.


The site is flat with gentle slope towards south.

Geology & Soil Characteristics:

The site has top strata of evenly deposited muroom followed by black cotton soil. The
soil comprises soft, expansive clay with some amount of organic content.

Raipur is located on latitude 21014‘ & longitude 81034‘ E & is at 296 meter above near
sea level. The major climate factors affecting the nature of built form are solar
radiation ambient temperature, relative humidity, prevailing wind and rainfall. The
overall climate of Raipur can be termed as hot dry.

The annual mean maximum temperature in May is 46.40C & the mean minimum
temperature in December is 13.20C.

Wind direction:
Predominant wind direction is south-west and post monsoon & winter direction is

Relative humidity during monsoon season is above 75% and during winter season is
below 40%.
The average annual rainfall in the area is generally around 1400 mm. Rains are
predominant during July & August. On an average there are 61 rainy days in a year.
The Raipur District receives 87.1% of the total rainfall from the southwest monsoon
during June to September. The winter – rainfall accounts for 9% of the total rainfall.
During the Monsoon the maximum rainfall occurs during the month of August where
mean monthly rainfall was recorded at 363.7 mm. In monsoon season, the mean annual
rainfall is 1332 mm.


The concept aims at developing plan form of a building to integrate the three basic
elements of climate i.e. light, air and water into the built environment. These three
elements of nature, upon their integration into the built form, have their functional as well
as aesthetical impact. Their functional role is much crucial in present situation as a modern
building is not only amongst the worst polluter of climate but also the largest consumer of

6.1 Intuitive approach - Intuitions are the thoughts and preferences that come to mind
quickly, in response to a particular prevailing condition, without much reflection upon the
mathematical data or analytical calculations. When designing a building, a designer does
not starts with all the analytical data that is available, but the designer follows some
intuitions to develop a form, best suited to the local climatic conditions, required spatial
organization, functional suitability, development of form and aesthetical appeal.
Chhattisgarh is a landlocked state at the heart of India, having ―hot dry and
composite‖ climatic conditions. The challenges in designing for hot dry and composite
climate are: — heat is welcome in winters but avoidable in summer; wind is welcome
during humid months but avoidable during winters and hot summers. The major factors
that affect a climate responsive design could be identified as –
1. Shape 2. Orientation

3. Heat 4. Air

5. Water 6. Light

Following is an example showing the application of above stated factors with intuitional
thumb-rules in developing a form for climate
responsive administrative building.
S/V ratio – The Surface area to volume ratio is
6.2 Shape – Shape of any building develops from three dimensional form of perimeter to area ratio
and is an important factor in determining heat gain
and heat loss through building fabric
a base form. One basic criterion for selecting the
base form is surface area to volume ratio (s/v
ratio). It is based on the concept that different geometric shapes with same volume have
different surface areas. This ratio is particularly important in the cases where climatic
intervention is crucial factor in designing. The final building form evolves from this
conceptual base-form. A building form with low surface area to volume ratio gains lesser

heat during summers and daytime and similarly loses lesser heat during winters and night.
Low s/v ratio is considered optimal for hot dry and composite climates as it reduces the
heat gain and heat loss, which in turn reduces the cooling and heating load of building
(Givoni, 1994). The s/v ratio indicates thermal performance of basic shapes rather than
complex ones. The most compact orthogonal building would be a cube (Fig.-6.1). But for
day lighting and ventilation, large areas exposed to external surfaces are considered good
(Behsh, 2001). Hence cube is elongated to increase its surface area and form a cuboid,
which is a rectangle in plan (Fig.-6.2). The compromise made with the thermal
performance of the external envelop can be compensated by using insulating material in

Minimum surface area reduces heat transfer Increased surface area greater heat transfer

Figure 6.1- comparing the surface area

external fabric. The efficiency achieved through proper day lighting and ventilation by
increased surface area is an additional advantage. The thermal performance could be
adjusted by proper orientation of building block.


Figure 6.2- basic plan
6.3 Orientation – After deciding the base
shapeform, the next step is to orient the block. In
northern hemisphere, north facade of the building does not receive any direct solar
radiation, whereas southern façade receives direct radiation in winter but very little in
summer. Also day light received from north is considered best as light from north is
diffused light which lacks glare. Hence longer façade should be oriented towards north—


Figure 6.3 - Orientation
south (Fig.-6.3). East and west walls receive maximum solar radiation, especially when the
sun is low in altitude. Solar gain on west and south-west part can be particularly
troublesome as its maximum intensity coincides with hottest part of the day (Brown,
2001). Therefore, shorter facade of the building shall face east—west direction.

To assimilate the climate into the built environment, it is imperative to bring the light, air
and water into the building so that inhabitants get to feel these elements not only from


Figure 4 - Courtyard
external facades but also from inside the building. Courtyard (Fig.-6.4) not only brings the
natural environment inside but also controls the internal environment and serves the need
of the inhabitants. It functions as a convective thermostat and gives protection from
extreme effects of hot summers and cold winters. It also creates moods with varying
degree of lights and shades and with them the ambience of abode.

Now, there is a rectangular block facing north-south, with central opening i.e. courtyard.
To incorporate light, air and water, it is required to further develop the plan form. Firstly,
dividing the existing block into four smaller blocks and modifying each block in such a
way so as the modified form of each block serves a specific purpose (Fig.-5).


Figure 6.5 – Dividing the basic shape into four corner blocks

Objectives for further modification of each block are-

1) To minimize solar radiation.
2) To bring air into building and allow it to pass through the fabric, preferably after
3) To place a water body in windward side, so that it serves functionally and helps in
convective cooling of the building.
4) To bring in maximum north light into work areas.

6.4 Heat – Solar radiations from west and south-west direction is most uncomfortable and
troublesome as the radiation intensity from these directions is maximum when the day is
most heated. To minimize these radiations, north western block is removed and south-
western block is inclined with shorter façade facing south west (Fig.-6). As a result, only


Figure 6.6- Inclining south-western block and removing north-western block to

minimize heat gain.
small surface receives direct radiation and remaining faces receives lesser radiation. This
further reduces the heat gain into the building. Smaller face that receives direct radiation
can be insulated using hollow blocks or cavity walls with additional screen walls. Besides,
these spaces can be used for non conditioned uses as toilets, stairs, stores etc. that act as
buffer between habitable areas and uninhabitable areas.

6.5 Air – Air movement is a crucial factor for human comfort. To bring the air into the
structure, the most important thing is to know the prevailing wind direction for the local
area, which, in case of Raipur, is from south-west (Fig.-6.7). To use this wind, providing
an opening in the southern facade is not enough. Along with the south western block, that
deflects the air towards the building, a protrusion of south-eastern block is required to trap
this air. This creates a funnel with wide mouth inviting huge volume of air and narrow rear
end — pressurizing the air captured, thereby creating a high pressure zone. The courtyard,
being under low pressure, attracts the pressurized air, which ventilates the premises by
Venturi effect. To allow cross ventilation, a gap between northern and eastern block is left

VENTURI EFFECT – Venturi effect occurs when

two building blocks are placed at an angle to each
other creating a funnel with narrow opening.
Wind channeling through the opening are
accelerated to high speed.

Figure 6.7 – Prevailing wind Figure 6.8 – Adding and subtracting masses to catch
direction from south-west. wind.

6.6 Water- Aesthetically, water anywhere around the building or all around the building
looks visually pleasing. But from functional point of view in hot-dry and composite
climate, its placement becomes crucial. In case of Raipur, the wind coming from south-
west is mostly hot and dry and south west portion is also most heated part of the building.
Therefore, south-west corner is correct location for placing any water body (Fig-6.9). This
water keeps evaporating, cools and humidifies the in-flowing hot dry wind, before it enters

Stilted south-west block Courtyard

Water body

Wind flow

Figure 6.9 – Adding water body to south-west. Figure 6.10 – Section showing air movement
through stilted block
the confinements of the structure. South western block could be stilted to stretch water
body into the courtyard and also allow air to pass through from under the stilted block

6.7 Light – Most favorable natural light for better working condition in interiors is
diffused north light (Lechner, 2009). Providing longer north facade and courtyard at centre
allows ample daylight from both, exterior façade as well as interior courtyard facing
facades. For maximum north light, northern and eastern blocks are provided with openings
on north face. These blocks can be the most occupied work area as these are least heated
blocks with maximum north exposure. Northern facade is further modified form being
straight to ‗U‘ shaped, resulting in increased available window area (fig.-6.11).

Figure 6.11 – Modifying Northern and Eastern blocks, to harness north light

Additionally shape of northern blocks on each floor is kept different which allows creating
voids in façade, allowing for cross ventilation and penetration of north light into internal
corridors (fig.-6.12).


Figure 6.12 – ‗U‘ shaped northern blocks, different shapes on each floor

Eastern blocks are modified as north-south oriented linear blocks, placed behind each other
at different levels, southern block being highest. This provides longer northern facades to
all blocks for light and placing them on levels ensures ample light even to the lowest floor
of southernmost block (fig.-13).

Figure 6.13 - Eastern blocks, height increasing backwards

6.8 Miscellaneous – Some additional measures, like concept of mutual shadowing is
applied on south western blocks. It can be done by sub dividing south western block into
smaller blocks and orienting them in such a way so as shadow of one falls on the other.
This further helps in reducing the surface area exposed to direct solar radiation. Open
courtyard at centre can be partially sheltered by bamboo trellis that allows filtered light to
pass through.

Figure 6.14 – Conceptual view from North-East Figure 6.15 – Conceptual view from South-East
corner corner

Intuitively, a form catering to a specific climatic need can be developed using some basic
guidelines. Step by step development of form tells about ‗how to do.‘ Next step would be
to find out ‗how much to do‘, i.e. analytical methods. Calculations will require local data
of solar angles, wind direction, wind speed, rainfall, shapes and sizes of openings and
fenestrations. There are simulative tools available to analyze the achieved thermal
performance of the building. This allows further modifying and fine tuning the design to
achieve desired comfort levels. Similar tools for calculating day light integration into the
building are also available. If initial intuitive approach for development of form is proper,
implementation of analytical data into the design becomes easier and asks for lesser
modifications on the form initially developed.


In solar passive buildings, orientation is a major design consideration, mainly
with regard to solar radiation, daylight and wind. The orientation of the building should
be based on whether cooling or heating is predominant requirement in the building.
The amount of solar radiation falling on a surface varies with orientation. In tropical
climate zones for example, North Orientation receives solar radiation for a very brief
time period, and the intensity of radiation is minimum. Thus in tropical climate like
India long facades of buildings oriented towards north— south are preferred. East and
West receive maximum solar radiation during summer. South orientation receives
maximum solar radiation during winters. Orientation also plays an important role with
respect to wind direction. At building level, orientation affects the heat gain through
building envelope and thus the cooling demand, orientation may affect the daylight
factor depending upon the surrounding built forms, and finally the depending upon the
windward and leeward orientation fenestration could be designed to integrate natural
Electric lighting and mechanical air-conditioning for cooling are the largest energy
consumers in commercial buildings with high internal loads. Where site conditions
permit,\landscaping or other shade structures to reduce the amount of sun on the
building is the most effective method of solar control. Peak solar cooling loads are
greatest through southwest- and west-facing windows and walls; solar loads from
windows and walls facing other directions are smaller and easier to control. It is
important to evaluate the shading opportunities of existing and future buildings on
neighboring lots.

Where site conditions permit:

•Locate the building toward the southwest, south, or west sides of the site to
provide shade for lower floors from neighboring buildings.
•Orient the building with the short wall facing west or southwest for the least
solar gain in the summer.
•Place service cores or opaque stairwells at the southwest or west ends to buffer
interior spaces from afternoon solar gain.

•Orient the building with the long side east-west for highest winter gains and
lowest summer gains. Southeast or southwest orientation can capitalize on
morning or afternoon solar gains respectively without major losses in


Day lighting has a major effect on the appearance of space and can have
considerable energy-efficiency implications, if used properly. Its variability and
subtlety is pleasing to the occupants in contrast to the relatively monotonous
environment produced by artificial light. It helps to create optimum working
conditions by bringing out the natural contrast and colour of objects. The
presence of natural light can bring a sense of well being and awareness of the
wider environment. Daylighting is important particularly in commercial and
other non-domestic buildings that function during the day. Integration of
daylighting with artificial lighting brings about considerable savings in energy
consumption. A good daylighting system has a number of elements, most of
which must be incorporated into the building design at an early stage. This can
be achieved by considering the following in relation to the incidence of daylight
on the building.
■ Orientation, space organization, and geometry of the space to be lit
■ Location, form, and dimensions of the fenestrations through which day- light will
■ Location and surface properties of internal partitions that affect daylight distribution
by reflection
■ Location, form, and dimensions of shading devices that provide protection from
excessive light and glare
■ Light and thermal characteristics of the glazing materials. Daylight integration is an
important aspect of energy-efficient building design, and most of the case studies
covered in this book have innovative daylighting strategies.
■ Floor plans with relatively narrow wings, ensure that most interior spaces have good
access to natural light and winds.

■ Redirecting daylight with light shelves, prismatic glazing and other reflective
systems can extend naturally lit interior space upto 10 mtrs. Deep.
■ Limit the maximum distance of workstations from the building exterior to 6-7 mtrs.
To ensure good views to most of the occupants
■ Useful daylight from typical windows can only reach 6-7 mtrs. Into spaces with
3mtrs. Floor to ceiling heights, floor plans deeper than ~ 15 mtrs. Will require constant
electric lighting.


Effect of angle of incidence

To simplify the lengthy calculation, the concept of solar gain factor (@)has
been introduced which expresses the proportion of the total heat admitted by a
window by whatever means.the value of this for different angle of incidence can
be read from graph given and the total incidence is to be multiplied by this
single value

External shading devices

Figure 7.1 External shading devices

Solar azimuth and altitude

The position of the sun is generally given as an azimuth and altitude angle:

Azimuth represents the horizontal angle of the sun relative to true north. This
angle is always positive in a clockwise direction from north when viewed from
above, and is usually given in the range 180Ñ° < azi < 180°.

Altitude represents the vertical angle the sun makes with the horizontal ground
plane. It is given as an angle in the range 0Ñ° < alt < 90°.

Figure 7.2 - Sun position in the sky is typically given as an azimuth and altitude angle.

The sun paths at various dates are shown by group of curves extending from
east to west (the date lines) which are intersected by short hour lines. The series
of concentric circle establish a scale of altitude angles and the perimeter scale
give the azimuth angle. From these two angle the sun position to the wall
surface of any orientation (thus the angle of incidence) can be established.

Angle of incidence
difference between the solar azimuth and wall azimuth if ,the wall is facing
west (270) § =270- solar azimuth
The vertical component is the same as the solar altitude angle itself(y)
The angle of incidence (β)i.e. the angle between a line perpendicular to the wall
and the sun direction. Can be found bye the spherical cosine equation
cos β = cos § x cos y

Shadow angles

Shadow angles can be calculated for any time if the azimuth and altitude of the
sun are known.
Horizontal shadow angle (hsa)( §)
charectrises a vertical shading device andit is the difference between the solar
azimuth and wall azimuth ,same the horizontal component for the angel of

Figure – 7.3 Horizontal shadow angle

Vertical Shadow Angle (VSA) (є)

Characterizes horizontal shading device a long horizontal projection from wall,
and it is measured on a vertical plane normal to the elevation considered
The distinction between solar altitude angle(y)and vertical shadow angel must
be clearly understood . the first describe the sun position in relation to the
horizon, the second describe the performance of the shading device
.numerically the two coincide (y = є) when ,and only when, the sun is exactly
opposite the wall considered(i.e. that when solar azimuth and wall azimuth
angel(ω) are the same when α= w)when the azimuth difference § =0 for all
other cases ,that is when the sun is sideways from the perpendicular the vertical
shadow angel is always larger than the solar altitude angel for which it would be
still effective є < y the relationships expressed as
Tan є = tan y x sec §

tan VSA= (tan (altitude) X sec (HSA))

Shade Dimensions
These two angles, HSA and VSA, can then be used to determine the size of the
shading device required for a window. If the height value refers to the vertical
distance between the shade and the window sill, then the depth of the shade and
its width from each side of the window can be determined using relatively
simple trigonometry.

Shade Depth
The depth of the shade is given by: depth(d) = height (h) / tan (VSA)
The width is given by: width (w) = depth (d) X tan(HSA)
The width simply refers to the additional projection from the side of the
window. Exactly which side is a matter of the time of day and which side of the
window the sun is on.

Rules of the thumb

The table below indicates the most appropriate type of shading device to
use for each orientation in the northern hemisphere. These are guidelines and, of
course, there are many variations to these basic types.

Orientation Effective shading

North (pole- facing) Fixed horizontal device

East or West Vertical device/louvers (moveable)

South (equator- Fixed horizontal device


A window facing south direction should be shaded with a horizontal shading

device and any vertical device is preferred in low altitude sun to give
appropriate horizontal shadow angle. Whereas, it is preferred a long horizontal
projection or vertical shading device in west and east directions.
Cooling of building by passive system can be provided through the utilization
of several natural heat sink : the ambient air , the upper atmosphere, and the
under surface soil. Such cooling system include:
 Comfort ventilation: Providing direct human comfort by natural
ventilation, mainly during day time hours.
 Nocturnal ventilative cooling: Lowering the indoor day time
temperature by ventilating the building at night.
 Radiant cooling: utilizing the process of nocturnal long wave radiation
to the sky.
 Indirect: Evaporating cooling of the building by roof ponds and wetted
conductive impermeable walls.
 Soil cooling: Utilizing the soil as a cooling source for building.

Ventilation requirements
Ventilation has three function, which require different level of airflow through
the building:
1. Maintaining acceptable indoor quality by replacing indoor air, vitiated in
the processes of living and occupancy ,with fresh outdoor air. This function
of ventilation is needed in all climate but is of intrest mainly in cold
climates, and also in air conditioned buildings in all climate type.
2. Providing thermal comfort in warm environment by increasing
convective heat loss from body and preventing discomfort from excessively
moist skinthrough higher airspeed over the body (discomfort ventilation).
3. Cooling the structural mass of the building during the night and utilizing
the cooled mass as a heat ―sink ― during the following daytime hours in
order to maintain the indoor temperature well below the outdoor
level(nocturnal ventilative cooling.)

The physical forces generating ventilation

Ventilation, mainly the flow of outdoor air through a building, occurs when
opening are available at point exposed to different levels of air pressure. Such
pressure gradient (or pressure heads) can be generated by two forces:
(a) Temperature difference between indoors and outdoor (thermal ,or
thermosyphonic force)
(b) Wind flow against the building (wind pressure force)

Features affecting ventilation

The main design features which affect the indoor ventilation conditions are
 Type of building
 Orientation of the building, especially the openings, with respect to wind
 Total area of opening in the pressure and suction region of the building‘s
 Type of window and detail of their opening.
 Vertical location of opening.
 Interior obstructions to airflow from the Inlet to the outlet openings.
 Specialized details which direct the air into the building.

Direct Gain - Cooling Cycle

It is vital to provide cross-ventilation in a building in summer to not only supply
fresh air but also:
 Give instantaneous cooling whenever the inside temperature is higher
than the outside one;
 Remove overnight the heat stored in the building fabric during the day
commonly referred to as night purging; and
 Provide the feeling of cooling on the skin by accelerating its evaporative
cooling (this can also be provided by the use of fans, particularly ceiling

Solar shading should be configured over the northern windows to exclude
access to most summer sun to the interior spaces. Additionally, it is desirable to
provide extra shading by a pergola planted with deciduous vines, or adjustable
(fabric or metal) blinds on the northern windows to protect them from heat gain
in unseasonably hot weather occurring in early autumn or late spring. As the
outside air temperature increases during a summer day the inside air
temperature is modified by the walls and floor absorbing heat from the air.
Additional efficiencies can be introduced into the direct-gain cooling cycle by:
 Fostering vegetation near the southern-side openings used for ventilation
- if these plants are watered in summer the air passing through them will be
partly cooled before entering the internal space;
 Planting deciduous trees or vines on the northern and western sides of a
building to provide shade in summer and admit sunlight in winter;
 In sub-tropical and tropical humid zones and in humid areas of other
zones, adopting a design with a ventilated space between the roofing and the
 Adding suitable insulation under the roofing material.

Table 7.1- R and C values of different materials

 Buildings consume vast amounts of our resources and threaten the
ecological systems that support life, from the ozone layer to the world's
forests. Changing the way we build has become imperative. Manufacturing
the cement for the 55 yards of concrete 'm the foundation generates on the
order of 20,000 Ibs. of C02 emissions. Commercial buildings are resource-
intensive to build. Over their operating lives, most buildings consume many
times the energy used during [[construction
 Using the most environmentally sound materials is an important step in
the overall goal of improving the environmental performance of any
 The building industry is beginning to respond to these concerns. New
products .and materials are being developed that use resources more
efficiently. Manufacturing processes have started to be redesigned/upgraded
to reduce waste and pollution.
 New and old products made from recycled materials are available, but
these have to be furthered. Concern over toxins entering the environment is
being reflected in less toxic materials.
 Construction methods have to be developed to increase efficiency and
reduce job-site waste. In some areas where the industry has evolved over
the past few years energy efficiency standards have increased. But still lot
of areas are still not evolved. It has to be even/ones continuous effort in
struggle to save the planet by making sustainable developments.
 One of the paths will be to become more and more selective and
resource efficient in future in terms of the materials that we use -materials
that are renewable, biodegradable, have low in embodies energy, and
locally produced will further this green movement

Environmental Criteria
For evaluating any material the environmental impact of the material has to be
considered for the complete life cycle of the material including harvesting,
manufacturing, distribution, installation, operations, reuse, or disposal.

The Challenges in defining ‘what is Green?’
Many of these criteria used to select products are, by nature, subjective, and a product
may perform well under one criteria but poorly under another. Tradeoffs between
different criteria are inevitable.
Frequently these criteria are in conflict. For example, engineered wood products use
trees more efficiently than sawn lumber, but they also contain a lot of glue and resins
that can create indoor air quality problems and make the products harder to recycle.
Concrete is extremely durable and can provide energy saving thermal mass, but the
production of cement is energy-intensive and contributes significant amounts of carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere.
The standards and thresholds by which we weigh now, have to evolve and
continuously get upgraded over time.
Even in the greenest of projects it is likely that many products will be used that are not
themselves green - but they are used in a manner that helps reduce the overall
environmental impacts of the building. A particular window may not be green, but the
way it is used maximizes collection of low winter sunlight and blocks the summer sun.
So even a relatively conventional window can help make a house green. Creating a
green building means matching the products and materials to the specific design
and site to minimize the overall environmental impact.
Green products in isolation hold not much value, as Green products could be used in
bad, non judicious ways that result in buildings that are far from environmentally
responsible. In a well-though-out building design, however, substituting green products
for conventional products can make the difference between a good building and great

Source of Material
a. Renewable source–Rapidly renewable sources e.g. wood from certified
b. Reuse of Waste-Salvaged products –e.g. old plumbing, door frames
c. Recycled contents –agriculture/ industrial waste e.g. Bagasse Board

Embodied Energy
Scalar total of energy input required to produce the product including
transporting them to the building site

Figure 7.4 – Embodied energy of different materials

Local Availability
Transportation Cost–For materials not available locally the transportation cost
can form a significant part of its embodied energy.

Reduce Pollution
 Air Pollution-Use of materials with low VOC emissions e.g. Cement
 Land Pollution-Materials that reuse waste that would otherwise have
resulted in landfill. e.g. Flyash Bricks
 Water Pollution–Materials that prevent leaching.

 Durability & Life Span-Material that are exceptionally durable, or
require low maintenance e.g PVC pipes.
 Reduce material use-These are energy efficient and also help reduce the
dead load of a building. e.g. Ferrocement

Energy Conservation
 Materials that require less energy during construction e.g. precast slabs

 Products that conserve energy–e. g. CFL lamps.
 Materials that help reduce the cooling loads-e.g –aerated concrete
 Fixtures & equipments that help conserve water e.g. Dual flush cisterns

 Reuse or Recycle as different product e.g. steel, aluminum.
 Biodegradable –that decompose easily e.g wood or earthen materials.

Recommended alternatives
Roofing and ceiling-
Alternatives to Ferrous / non-ferrous sheets, tiles, thatch
a. Fibre Reinforced Polymer Plastics instead of PVC and Foam PVC,
Polycarbonates, acrylics & plastics
b. Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles
c. Bamboo Matt Corrugated Roofing Sheets
Tiles for interiors
a. Terrazzo floor for terraces and semi covered areas
b. Ceramic tiles (non-vitrified)
c. Mosaic Tiles/ Terrazzo Flooring
d. Cement Tiles
e. Phospho-Gypsum Tiles
f. Bamboo Board Flooring
Windows, Doors and openings –
Alternatives to Timber and Aluminum / Steel frames
a. Ferro cement
b. Pre-cast R.C.C. Frames/ Frameless Doors
c. Hollow recycled steel channels and recycled Aluminum Channels and
Shutters and Panels –
Alternatives to timber, plywood, glass, aluminum
a. Red Mud based Composite door shutters,

b. Laminated Hollow Composite Shutters
c. Other wood alternatives
• Renewable timber from plantations or timber from a government
certified forest / plantation or timber from salvaged wood
• Plywood should be phenol bonded and not urea bonded
• Use of MDF Board
• Instead of Plywood: Bamboo Ply/Mat Board/ Fibre Reinforced Polymer
Board/ Bagasse Board /Coir Composite Board /Bamboo mat Veneer Composite.
• Use of Mica Laminates and Veneer on Composite boards instead of
natural timber.


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