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Biol Invasions (2019) 21:59–66 (0123456789().,-volV)


Herbivory can mitigate, but not counteract, the positive

effects of warming on the establishment of the invasive
macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata
Clementina Calvo . Roger P. Mormul . Bruno R. S. Figueiredo .
Eduardo R. Cunha . Sidinei M. Thomaz . Mariana Meerhoff

Received: 26 January 2018 / Accepted: 2 August 2018 / Published online: 9 August 2018
 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Abstract Hydrilla verticillata is a submerged, phase). Temperature, herbivory and plant spatial
rooted macrophyte native to Asia and Australia, but arrangement individually, and in some cases through
currently attains broad distribution across all conti- their interactions, caused changes in the growth likely
nents. Its success as an invasive species depends on the indicating impacts for the ecological responses of
simultaneous influence of abiotic and biotic factors on Hydrillas establishment. Snail herbivory decreased
different components of its performance. We con- plant growth thus exerting biotic resistance, while
ducted a factorial experiment to test the short-term higher temperature increased Hydrillas invasiveness.
responses of Hydrilla, present since 2005 in the upper According to our results and other pieces of evidence,
Parana River (Brazil), to a native herbivore (apple invasions of Hydrilla might worsen under the future
snail Pomacea canaliculata) and increased water climate warming scenario, but herbivores might
temperature, using two different spatial arrangements locally mitigate invasion speed or magnitude.
of macrophyte fragments (one simulating early estab-
lishment phase and other simulating late establishment Keywords Invasion process  Temperature  Spatial
aggregation  Pomacea canaliculata  Grazing 
Aquatic plant
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article ( con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to authorized
C. Calvo (&)  M. Meerhoff
Departamento de Ecologı́a y Gestión Ambiental, Centro
Several species of aquatic plants are among the most
Universitario Regional del Este (CURE) - Universidad de
la República (UdelaR), Maldonado, Uruguay problematic invaders (Luque et al. 2014). Herbivores
e-mail: may increase biotic resistance to invasive plants
through grazing pressure, thus reducing their success-
R. P. Mormul  B. R. S. Figueiredo  E. R. Cunha 
ful establishment (Coetzee and Hill 2012; Alofs and
S. M. Thomaz
Núcleo de Pesquisa em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Jackson 2014; Ribas et al. 2017). However, the spatial
Aquicultura (Nupélia) - Universidade Estadual de arrangement of plants (e.g., whether they are closely
Maringá (UEM), Maringá, Brazil or sparsely distributed) may modify the strength of
herbivores effects (Hahn and Orrock 2015). Different
M. Meerhoff
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, plant spatial arrangements may occur in different
Denmark invasion phases. For example, during the early

60 C. Calvo et al.

establishment phase, fragments of several invasive forms dense mats in reservoirs, in the river Paraná
macrophytes are usually isolated and biomass is low, main and secondary channels (Sousa 2011), whereas
and then, herbivores are less likely to find the in floodplain lakes Hydrilla occurs in sparse, low-
macrophyte fragments. Conversely, in later establish- biomass temporary mats (Sousa et al. 2010). The
ment phases, invasive macrophytes usually form unsuccessful colonization of lakes by Hydrilla is
dense beds, increasing the probability of herbivores attributed to the strong herbivory by the abundant and
finding and consuming the macrophyte fragments native apple snail Pomacea spp. (Cruz et al. 2015)
(e.g., Roberts and Poore 2006). This pattern can result along with other herbivorous and shredder fishes
in a paradox for herbivorys role on plant control, (Ribas et al. 2017). The effects of individual stressors
depending on the balance between the invasive plant including abiotic filters, competition and herbivory on
relative biomass and the likelihood of plant finding Hydrilla have been investigated in the Upper Paraná
and consumption by herbivores. and in other ecosystems (e.g., Mony et al. 2007; Wu
Climate warming could also alter herbivory et al. 2009; Cruz et al. 2015). However, the simulta-
strength (e.g., Lemoine et al. 2014), often leading to neous influence of abiotic and biotic factors on
stronger consumer control on resources (e.g., OCon- Hydrillas performance has received less attention in
nor 2009). However, rising temperatures may inten- ecosystems where it is a recent invader.
sify both herbivore feeding activity (Heiler et al. 2008) Understanding the response of Hydrilla to the
and also the growth of no native plants (McKee et al. interaction between biotic resistance and climate
2002; Li et al. 2017). Thus, under a climate warming warming in different invasion phases could contribute
scenario, we would expect opposite effects of these to predict its successful invasion under different future
two processes with unpredicted outcomes, since the scenarios. Thus, we conducted a factorial experiment
former could strengthen biotic resistance, while the to test the short-term responses of Hydrilla to
later could enhance traits related to invasiveness. In herbivory and to increased water temperature, using
practice, to achieve a successful invasion, growth rate two different spatial arrangements of macrophyte
of the invasive plant species should be faster than the fragments (sparse—simulating early establishment
enhancement of grazing pressure of native herbivores. phase; patched—simulating late establishment phase).
Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (family Hydrochar- Based on the above mentioned observations (Cruz
itaceae, hereafter Hydrilla) is a submerged, rooted et al. 2015) and theoretical expectations (OConnor
macrophyte native to Asia and Australia, but it 2009; Yvon-Durocher et al. 2011), our overall hypoth-
currently attains broad distribution across all conti- esis is that biotic resistance through warming-en-
nents, except Antarctica (Langeland 1996; Sousa hanced herbivory has stronger negative effects on
2011). Hydrilla has many reproduction strategies, Hydrilla than the potential positive effects of warming
such as branch fragmentation, and production of on plants’ performance, and that spatial arrangement
turions, tubers and seeds (Langeland 1996). Plant of plants may, although to a lesser extent, attenuate the
fragmentation is one of the main mechanisms allowing impact of herbivory. Thus, we expected that enhanced
long distance dispersal (Owens et al. 2008). These snail herbivory at higher temperatures would decrease
vegetative propagules can root into sediment and net growth and development of key plant structures,
rapidly develop a new plant (Cook and Lüönd 1982). with relatively stronger impacts in the late establish-
Once established, the monospecific mats can be dense, ment phase (i.e. patched arrangement) than in the early
leading to strong intra-specific (Wang et al. 2008) and phase (i.e. sparse arrangement).
inter-specific (Mony et al. 2007) competition for
space, nutrients and light. Hydrilla was first recorded
in the Upper Paraná River, Brazil, in 2005, from where Methods
it spread rapidly (Sousa 2011) so far causing the
displacement of native species of macrophytes and Experimental design
modification of other communities (Sousa et al. 2010),
and problems to navigation and recreation (S. We conducted a fully factorial microcosm experiment
M. Thomaz, unpublished). Although Hydrilla is now in August 2014 at an experimental site within the State
widespread in the Upper Paraná basin, so far it only University of Maringá (UEM), Brazil. In a 16-days

Herbivory can mitigate, but not counteract, the positive effects of warming on the… 61

experiment, we analysed the importance of biotic We measured solar radiation using a digital lux meter
resistance and climate warming in different phases of (Instrutherm, model LD-209) and small disparities in
macrophyte invasion. In order to simulate biotic solar radiation reaching the aquaria were equalized in
resistance and climate warming, we used respectively, both sites by putting a thin shade cloth over the
a native herbivore (apple snail Pomacea canaliculata, aquaria. Solar radiation ranged from 600 to 19,000 lx,
with presence-absence, hereafter Pomacea) and according to weather conditions of each day.
manipulated water temperature (ambient temperature Oxygen concentration, conductivity, pH and tem-
(min–max: 15.5–23.7 C) and increased tempera- perature were measured with portable equipment in all
ture & 2.5 C over the ambient). We used different aquaria every day at 6 am and at 3 pm, at minimal and
spatial arrangement of macrophyte fragments to maximal incident solar radiation (Online resource 1).
simulate invasion phases, where sparse macrophyte After 16 days, the relative growth rates (RGR) of total
beds resembled the early establishment (survival macrophyte (i.e. fragments plus new lateral branches
phase, sensu Blackburn et al. 2011) and dense and roots) were calculated as: (ln Xf - ln Xi)/Dt,
macrophyte beds resembled a late establishment where Dt is time in days, and Xf and Xi the final and
success (reproduction phase, sensu Blackburn et al. initial fresh weight, respectively.
2011) of Hydrilla (leading to eight treatments repli- In addition to obtaining plant RGR, we also used as
cated seven times; total n = 56, Online resource 1). response variables the number of new lateral branches
Macrophyte and snails were collected in the Paraná and roots, and the dry biomass of the fragments
River, Brazil (228450 S; 538150 W) and kept separately without branches, the biomass of new branches only
in oxygenated tanks. The plants were washed to (representing the branches that grew during the
remove attached material and apical portions of the experiment) and the biomass roots. The plant material
fragments were cut in 20 cm-long pieces, removing all was dried in an oven at 60 C until reaching constant
lateral branches and roots. Macrophyte fragments weight, and the main fragments and newly formed
were shaken to remove the excess of water and branches and roots were weighted separately. Snail
weighted (fresh biomass). growth was monitored every 5 days along the exper-
Experimental units consisted of 40-L rectangular iment and RGR was estimated as for the macrophytes.
aquaria (width = 25 cm; length = 35 cm; height = 50
cm) filled with de–chlorinated tap water and contain- Data analysis
ing 15 fragments of Hydrilla. Each fragment was tied
to a small weight, keeping the fragments attached to A three-way ANOVA was applied to test the effects of
the bottom. Fragments were allocated either in a the factors: spatial arrangement (two levels), her-
sparse distribution across the bottom of the aquarium bivory (two levels), temperature (two levels), and their
(‘‘sparse’’) or grouped together (‘‘patched’’). Her- interactions, on the RGR of Hydrilla (based on total
bivory was a binary factor, whereas for herbivore biomass), dry weight of fragments (DW), and number
presence, two juveniles of the apple snail P. canalic- and dry weight of newly formed branches and roots at
ulata were added in the tanks (initial shell heights: the end of the experiment. A two-way ANOVA was
18.9 ± 1.3 and 13.9 ± 1.0 mm, initial fresh weights: used to test the effects of temperature and macrophyte
2.1 ± 0.4 and 0.9 ± 0.1 g; chosen to homogenize arrangement on the RGR of the snails. All response
among the individuals collected). Two different water variables met the assumptions of normality and
temperature regimes were considered with means of heterogeneity of variance (Underwood 1997). Signif-
21.2 C (‘‘low’’) and of 23.7 C (‘‘high’’) (t test; icant differences among treatments were identified
P \ 0.001), matching predictions of temperature using Tukey post hoc test.
increase for the forthcoming decades for the region
(Marengo et al. 2010). The low temperature treatment
was performed inside a greenhouse with transparent Results
plastic roof, while the high temperature treatment was
performed outdoors. Temperature was left to follow As we predicted, herbivory significantly and nega-
natural weather variations, differing from experiments tively affected Hydrilla’s total biomass RGR, decreas-
that use a fixed and constant increase in temperature. ing an average of 40% respective to the no herbivory

62 C. Calvo et al.

Table 1 Main effects of experimental factors: herbivory (H), weight (DW)), number and biomass (g DW) of lateral branches
temperature (T) and arrangement (A), and their interactions, on and number and biomass (g DW) of roots of H. verticillata
the RGR of total biomass (g d-1), biomass of fragments (g dry
Herbivory Temperature Arrangement H*T T*A H*A H*T*A
F df p F df p F df p F df p F df p

RGR total 21.92 48 *** ns ns ns ns ns ns

Fragments 48.89 48 *** 9.33 48 ** 10.06 48 ** ns ns ns ns
No. branches ns 19.01 48 *** ns ns ns ns ns
Branches 7.56 48 ** 48.28 48 *** ns ns ns ns ns
No. roots 87.75 48 *** ns ns 5.06 48 * ns ns ns
Roots 181.61 48 *** ns ns ns 5.45 48 * ns ns
Statistical results of ANOVA tests are shown, indicating respective F-values and degrees of freedom (df)
ns not significant P [ 0.05; *P \ 0.05; **P \ 0.01; ***P \ 0.001

treatments (see Table 1 for detailed results of ANOVA branches at all (neither biomass nor number). There
tests). Temperature and spatial arrangement of the was no significant interaction among factors for these
fragments had no significant effects on Hydrilla’s response variables (Table 1).
RGR, although plants showed a trend to grow faster in Both the number and biomass of Hydrillas roots
the sparse distribution and we observed enhanced were strongly and negatively affected by herbivory,
plant growth at high temperature (in the absence of with some minor interactive effects of temperature and
herbivores) (Table 1, Fig. 1a). A marginally signifi- spatial arrangement for number and biomass respec-
cant interaction occurred between temperature and tively (Table 1; Fig. 1e, f).
herbivory (P = 0.06, Table 1), with higher tempera-
ture increasing the snails effects on macrophytes when
aggregated. Discussion
Biomass of fragments was mostly affected by
herbivory and secondly by temperature and spatial In this short-term mesocosm experiment we demon-
arrangement. The lowest biomass was observed under strate that, despite decreasing Hydrilla’s growth,
the herbivory treatments (25% mean reduction respec- snails were not able to fully prevent its establishment,
tive to the no herbivory treatments; * 0.4 g DW) since plant growth was positive and formation of new
(Fig. 1b). Higher temperature also had a negative branches and roots occurred even in treatments subject
effect (15% lower biomass than in the low temperature to herbivory. On the other hand, the positive effect of
treatments; Table 1; Fig. 1b). Spatial arrangement of warming on macrophytes was indicated by a remark-
fragments also had significant effects, with higher able promotion of potential propagules (lateral
biomass in the sparse treatments (* 0.2 g DW) branches). The simultaneous analysis of both factors,
(Table 1; Fig. 1b). No significant interactions herbivory and temperature, revealed a potential mit-
occurred among the main factors. igation role of Pomacea on the establishment of
Similarly to the results obtained for RGR and Hydrilla under a warmer scenario, but also the
biomass of fragments, herbivory reduced the biomass impossibility of stopping the colonization by detached
of Hydrilla’s lateral branches fragments.
(0.37 ± 0.02–0.31 ± 0.02 g DW; Table 1), but not Grazing-driven macrophyte fragmentation might
branches number. Both the number and biomass of enhance the dispersion of Hydrilla in the wild
new branches were boosted in the high temperature (Pieczynska 2003; Ribas et al. 2017), potentially
treatments (Table 1; Fig. 1c, d; the number of new complementing the colonization by specialized
branches increased almost 30% and the biomass organs, such as turions and seeds (Barrat-Segretain
almost doubled). Spatial arrangement did not affect et al. 1998; Riis and Sand-Jensen 2006). When in a

Herbivory can mitigate, but not counteract, the positive effects of warming on the… 63

Fig. 1 Relative growth rate (RGR, g d-1) of total macrophyte absence (left) and presence (right) of herbivory by P. canalic-
biomass (g) (a), final biomass (g dry weight) of the fragments (b), ulata, under low and high temperatures and with aggregation
number and biomass (DW g) of new branches grown during the treatments (white, sparse, and black, patched). Mean values and
experiment (c and d, respectively) and number and biomass (DW standard errors are shown. Letters indicate significant differences
g) of roots grown during the experiment (e and f, respectively), in in Tukey post hoc tests

64 C. Calvo et al.

fixed location, Hydrilla’s detached fragments usually allocation could suggest possible responses against
allocate biomass to the roots (Thiébaut and Martinez environmental changes (Pyankov and Ivanov 2000)
2015), particularly under low nutrient availability (Yu and may have consequences for the invasive process
et al. 2010). Despite observing this phenomenon, in (Umetsu et al. 2012). Besides promoting branch
our experiment the main effect of herbivory was a development, high temperature can also enhance
significant reduction in the biomass of all plant branch breaking (Pesacreta 1990), thus promoting
structures analyzed, regardless of differences in mag- dispersal and colonization due to fast regeneration and
nitude among them. Overall, the relative growth rate high rates of establishment (Pesacreta 1990; Dong
of the total biomass and the biomass of main fragments et al. 2010). Increased temperature also reduced the
(major contributors to total biomass), were lower in negative effects of herbivory on root production (as
the presence of grazers. The apple snail P. canalicu- indicated by the significant interaction between her-
lata, like many other snail species, can consume bivory and temperature; Table 1; Fig. 1e). Therefore,
significant volumes of plants (including Hydrilla, increasing temperatures in the future could overall
Cruz et al. 2015), often affecting plant community increase the invasiveness of Hydrilla.
composition (Carlsson et al. 2004; Strayer 2010). The spatial arrangement of Hydrilla in the aquaria
Under high grazing pressure, Hydrilla often decreases was relevant only for the development of its main
the production of structures such as branches and roots fragments, which performed significantly better at the
(Owens et al. 2006), which was also confirmed here. sparse treatment that simulated the early establishment
Similarly, root reduction due to direct grazing could of detached fragments. If there is enough space,
have important implications in the establishment Hydrilla usually elongates its fragments to improve
phase after Hydrilla’s arrival to novel sites, because light acquisition, concentrating its biomass near the
rooted fragments can grow more effectively than non- water surface (Madsen and Owens 2000; Sousa et al.
rooted ones (Chadwell and Engelhardt 2008). In 2010). Its high biomass production and elongation
addition, likely as a result of direct consumption, P. rates (Langeland 1996; Hofstra et al. 1999), are in
canaliculata promoted the occurrence of smaller occasions faster than those of similar but native
vegetative fragments (as seen by Ribas et al. 2017), macrophytes (Silveira et al. 2009; Fleming and Dibble
which generally have relatively lower chances than 2015). In contrast, the clumping of Hydrilla’s frag-
larger fragments of regenerating as a new macrophyte ments negatively impact the plant growth (Jiang et al.
(Lin et al. 2012). The kind of damage caused by P. 2010), besides increasing chances of herbivores find-
canaliculata on Hydrilla is often wanted by freshwater ing and consuming the plant.
managers who often search for potential biological In summary, our results showed evidence that
control agents for invasive macrophytes (Cuda et al. herbivory, temperature, and with minor importance
2011). Within their native range, apple snails seemed plant spatial arrangement, were relevant for the
partly effective in reducing (but not prevent totally) establishment success of Hydrilla, as they affected at
the early growth of Hydrilla, exerting biotic resistance least one of the response variables (i.e. growth of the
thus decreasing the invasibility of the habitat. whole macrophyte, growth of main fragments, and
Without herbivores, we found a trend for a greater number or weight of new branches and roots). Our
growth rate of the total biomass of Hydrilla under results also indicate that herbivorous snails can
higher temperatures, despite both temperature treat- represent biotic resistance in the invasive process of
ments covered a range suitable for its growth (Madsen Hydrilla, particularly in the establishment phase. The
and Smith 1999). In addition of favoring Hydrilla’s effects could, potentially, mitigate the speed or
growth, the most relevant effect of increasing temper- magnitude of the colonization of the macrophyte in
ature could be an enhanced propagule pressure, as certain types of water bodies where snails are abun-
more and heavier branches were generated. In con- dant. However, due to its many adaptive traits and
trast, the growth of the fragments was lower at the high competitive abilities, in combination with an
temperature treatment, which could indicate that increased propagule pressure due to high temperature
changes in temperature may change the allocation of (which enhances invasiveness), invasions of Hydrilla
biomass by Hydrilla, as seen in other macrophyte might overall worsen in the future potentially coun-
species (Li et al. 2017). Such differential biomass teracting the local control of grazers. Warming may

Herbivory can mitigate, but not counteract, the positive effects of warming on the… 65

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Acknowledgements Clementina Calvo acknowledges the performance of Hydrilla verticillata in New Zealand.
Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII, Aquat Bot 63:305–324
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State University of Maringá (UEM, Brazil) for supplies and of intraspecific interaction and substrate type on initial
facilities provided to perform the experiment. Mariana Meerhoff growth and establishment of Hydrilla verticillata. Hydro-
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