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Sarulla Operations Limited

C/O The Energy Building 51st Floor

SCBD Lot. 11A
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.52-53
Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
Phone: +6221 2783 0000 Fax: +6221 2995 1649

Siaran Pers/Press Release

5 Maret 2019/March 5, 2019

Kebocoran Pipa di Namora I Langit / Pipeline leakage at Namora I Langit

Jakarta - Sarulla Operations Ltd (SOL) Jakarta - Sarulla Operations Ltd (SOL)
sangat menyesalkan atas kejadian insiden deeply regrets the recent fatality incident that
fatal yang menyebabkan hilangnya nyawa caused a loss of life of a worker and two
seorang pekerja dan dua pekerja PT injured workers from PT Bormindo
Bormindo Nusantara (sub-kontraktor SOL) Nusantara (the sub-contractor of SOL). This
mengalami luka. Insiden ini terjadi karena incident was due to the pipeline leakage
adanya kebocoran pipa yang which released steam to the air and made a
mengakibatkan keluarnya uap ke udara dan very loud noise in the area of Namora I
menghasilkan suara yang sangat bising di Langit (NIL), Pahae Jae, North Tapanuli
area Namora I Langit (NIL), Pahae Jae, Regency, North Sumatera, Indonesia,
Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Tuesday, March 5, 2019 around 13.40 PM.
pada hari Selasa, 5 Maret 2019 sekitar pukul

Penyebab dari kebocoran tersebut saat ini The cause of the leakage is currently under
dalam penyelidikan. Kegiatan operasi di NIL investigation. Site operation in NIL is
saat ini diberhentikan. Chief Executive SOL, currently being suspended. SOL Chief
Shinichi Aburaya, mengatakan; "Kami Executive, Shinichi Aburaya, said; "We are
sangat sedih dengan kejadian tragis ini, dan very saddened by this tragic event, and
menyampaikan belasungkawa yang sangat convey our very sincere condolences to the
tulus kami kepada keluarga, teman dan family, friends and colleagues of the
kolega almarhum. Kami juga menyampaikan deceased. We also express our sympathy to
simpati kami kepada pekerja yang terluka. the injured workers. We will continue our
Kami tetap focus bekerja sama dengan para focus in working together with all the parties
pihak yang terlibat dalam proyek ini demi involved in this project to achieve zero harm”
mencapai zero harm”.

Contact person:
Rangga Wirapasa
V.P External Relations and Corporate Counsel Sarulla Operations Ltd

Sarulla Operations Ltd official website :

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