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Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy in a woman 19 years of age or younger. A

woman can get pregnant if she has vaginal sex with a man at any age after
she’s begun having regular monthly periods.

Are the prevailing figures on teenage pregnancy in the province of Aklan

alarming or not to policy makers, planners and population and health programs
implementers in the Province of Aklan?

Consider these figures:

The average number of teenage women, age 19 years old and below, who
became pregnant every year is 1474.7, reckoned from years 2010 to 2016. In
2010, teenage women who became pregnant was 1658, 1280 in 2011, 1510 in
2012, 1443 in 2013, 1514 in 2014, 1566 in 2015, and, 1362 in 2016.

Equally surprising though were the figures on impregnated women age 10 to 14

years: 15 in 2010, 8 in 2011, 6 in 2012, 15 in 2013, 16 in 2014, and 15 in 2016.
The figure in 2015 was lumped in the total of pregnant women, 19 years old and

Within the age bracket of 20-24 years old, young women already impregnated
were 4326 in 2010, 3151 in 2011, 3500 in 2012, 3421 in 2013, 3303 in 2014,
1790 in 2016. There was no figure for 2015.

Dr. Leslie Ann Luces, Provincial Health Officer I of the Provincial Health Office,
revealed during a very recent Statistical Forum that the figures on teenage
pregnancy in the Province of Aklan are the highest in the entire country. But the
Aklan Provincial Population and Gender Office disputed the attribution, saying
that it be highest in Region VI but not in the entire country.

Dr. Luces likewise, in a study presented during the same Statistical Forum,
identified the high teenage pregnancy rate to the high maternal mortality rate in
the province. She did not provide however a figure on how many teenage
mothers were included in the maternal deaths.

Figures on the teenage pregnancy rates were provided by the Provincial

Population and Gender Office of Aklan. It did not detail however the causes as
to why Aklan has comparatively high teenage pregnancies and what are the
intervention programs being implemented to reduce the figures.
Per records of the APPGO, it is noteworthy to consider the fact that not even
one-half of pregnant teenagers avail of the prescribed pre and post natal care
by health authorities.

It was not also revealed in the report whether these pregnant teenagers are
married or probable single mothers.

The capital town of Kalibo, Malay where Boracay is, the towns of Nabas, Ibajay,
and Banga are consistently in the top five municipalities where adolescent
pregnancies are very prevalent. - Odon Bandiola

Today, teenage pregnancy has increased its percentage throughout the

previous years. Most causes of this cases are family problems, peer pressure,
curiosity, and lack of parent's guidance. Teenagers nowadays should be
educated about the premarital sex as well as the parents so that they will have
enough knowledge and guidance on what will be the possible effects socially,
financially, and academically of being pregnant at such an early age.


Research Design

This research was conducted as a quantitative research approach with the

use of descriptive method design. This design is used to investigate the
percentage of the teenage pregnancy from different municipalities of Aklan. It
focuses on the previous and present changes on percentage of teenage
pregnancy from the different municipalities of Aklan.


The following tabular and statistical data results were taken via online.



Municipality 10-19 years old

Altavas 48

Balete 58

Banga 72

Batan 62

Buruanga 32

Ibajay I 47

Ibajay II 59

Kalibo I 99

Kalibo II 91

Lezo 12

Libacao 38

Madalag 35

Makato 32

Malay 77

Boracay 203

Malinao 27

Nabas 102

New Wash. 119

Numancia 77

Tangalan 92

Total 1382


Pregnant 19 YO
Province of Women abov Ran
AKLAN e 19 k
yo W
ALTAVAS 447 365 82 7

BALETE 588 512 76 8

BANGA 2715 2512 203 2

BATAN 246 216 30 15

BURUANGA 343 290 53 12

IBAJAY 1,237 1,070 167 4

KALIBO 1368 1200 168 3

LEZO 336 326 10 17

LIBACAO 273 238 35 13

MADALAG 433 327 106 5

MALAY 2037 1740 297 1

MAKATO 668 611 57 11

MALINAO 407 375 32 14

NABAS 1557 1529 28 16

WASHINGTO 788 698 90 6

NUMANCIA 623 556 67 9

TANGALAN 631 566 65 10

TOTAL 14697 13131 1566


10-14 15-19 10-19

years old years old .
y Case 4 Case 4 Total
s AN s AN

no no
Altavas 0 29 29
data data

Balete 0 0 65 65

Banga 0 0 114 82 114

Batan 2 2 62 42 64

Buruanga 0 0 51 28 51

Ibajay I 0 0 75 42 75

Ibajay II 0 0 63 40 63

Kalibo I 3 3 116 110 119

Kalibo II 1 1 123 104 124

Lezo 0 0 35 35 35

Libacao 3 2 67 24 70

Madalag 0 0 33 33 33

no no
Makato 2 67 69
data data

Malay 0 0 72 36 72

Boracay 2 0 227 28 229

Malinao 0 0 46 39 46

Nabas 0 0 70 87 70

no no
New Wash. 1 81 82
data data

Numancia 1 1 53 35 54

Tangalan 1 1 49 12 50

Total 16 10 1498 777 1514


10-14 15-19 10-19

years old years old .

Municipalit Case 4 Case

s s

Altavas 0 0 65 25 65

Balete 0 0 46 26 46

Banga 0 0 62 47 62

Batan 1 1 57 16 58

Buruanga 0 0 12 10 12

Ibajay 3 0 110 50 113

Kalibo 0 0 262 234 262

Lezo 0 0 58 58 58

Libacao 2 1 58 20 60

Madalag 0 0 2 2 2

Makato 3 3 76 76 79

Malay 2 0 94 79 96

Boracay 2 0 211 60 213

Malinao 1 1 62 49 63

Nabas 0 0 102 77 102

New Wash. 1 0 70 NA 71

Numancia 0 0 27 0 27

Tangalan 0 0 54 19 54

Total 15 6 1428 848 1443

Source: Provincial Health Office


As you can see on the gathered data above, the tabular results from the
different municipalities of Aklan shows that there are 1,382 cases of teenage
pregnancy between the age of 10 to 19 on the year 2016, 1,566 cases on the
year 2015, 1,514 cases on the year 2014, and 1,443 cases on the year 2013.

On the statistical data presented on Figure 3, the results shows that on the year
1990 between the ages of 15 to 17 years there are approximately 77.1% of
pregnancy, birth, abortion, and fetal loss rate, 67.4% on the year 1995, 50.8%
on the year 2000, and 44.4% on the year 2002.

On the other side of the data, the result shows that on the year 1990 between
the ages of 18 to 19 years there are 167.7% of pregnancy, birth, abortion, and
fetal loss rate, 153.4% on the year 1995, 134.5% on the year 2000, and 125.0%
on the year 2002.

Teenage Pregnancy: Signs, Effects, Diagnosis, and Prevention. (n.d.).
Retrieved from

Tapayan, D. T. (2017, November 17). Teenage Pregnancy in Aklan, Alarming

or Not? Retrieved from

Teenage Pregnancy. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Nelyn Joy R. Nacion

Swelyn Ungab

Jona Laurencio

Ronaline Raquin

Grace Zonio

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