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Notification Service Transfer Protocol

version 1.0
November 15, 1996

Mark Day John Patterson Jakov Kucan1

Wei Meng Chee2 David Mitchell

Lotus Development Corporation

55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142

1 Introduction

This document is a specification ofthe messages that can be sent by a client or server using the
Notification Service Transfer Protocol(NSTP). It is intended to be a complete specification.

The document consists of 6 parts:

1. this introduction,
2. a description of the model of service provided by the protocol,
3. assumptions about the infrastructure made by the protocol,
4. a specification of the structure of protocol messages,
5. a specification of the meaning of protocol messages, and
6. a description of conventions that are not required for a correct implementation of the protocol, but
that are helpful for interoperability of applications built using the protocol.

We put explanatory comments and rationale into paragraphs that look like this.

Current affiliation: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139.
Current affiliation: Narrative, Inc., 204 Second Avenue,Waltham, MA 02154.

NSTP Specification 1.0

2 Model of Service

NSTP is intended to support the construction ofsynchronous groupware. In synchronous groupware, two
or more people collaborate at what they perceive to be “the same time”. Each person’s actions within the
collaboration are mediated by some software system. We refer to the parts of the software system “in front
of each person” as the clients. We refer to the persons themselves asusers. Each user has a unique name
used for the collaboration; we refer to that name as ausername. The clients typically need to coordinate
some parts of their state with each other. They achieve this coordination via anotification service, which is
implemented by one or morenotification servers. NSTP is a definition of a particular notification service.

NSTP provides a model in which collaboration-critical shared state is stored at the server, where it can be
changed by clients. Each change to this shared state causes the server to deliver notifications of the change
to interested clients. An unusual aspect ofNSTP is that it supports centralized state with decentralized
semantics. That is, the server does not understand what the shared state means for the clients; it simply
accepts updates to the state and forwards notice of the changes to interested clients.

Because the server does not attempt to interpret the state shared by clients, client and server communicate
in terms of a relatively simple universe of discourse, consisting primarily ofThings and Places. A Thing is
a named piece of state; in general, the server understands the name but not the value. (There are a few
predefined Things that control aspects of server behavior; the values of those Thingsare interpreted by the

Every Thing is contained within one and only one Place, which clients canenter or leave. A client that has
entered a Place is said to be present in the Place until it leaves. A client that is present in a Place receives
notifications of changes to the Things in that Place; a client not present in a Place receives no such
notifications. A single client can be present in multiple Places simultaneously, but cannot be present in any
one Place more than once.

The design of the protocol adheres to the following principles:

ì Notifications are symmetric: the client causing the notification receives the notification just as
every other client in the Place does.
ì Responses are sufficient: a client knows enough from a response to a request to continue correctly
without waiting for a notification.
ì Notifications are local: no client outside a Place receives notifications from that Place.

Although NSTP insists that clients outside a Place cannot receive notifications for the Things in that Place,
it is flexible about whether the values of those Things can be read or written from outside a Place. Those
Things that are accessible from outside the Place are said to be accessed through theFacade of the Place.

The reader seeking a lengthier introduction to the concepts behind the protocol should read the paper
“Notification Servers for Synchronous Groupware.” [PDK96]

NSTP Specification 1.0

3 Infrastructure

The NSTP protocol is defined in terms of messages that are exchanged between client and server. These
messages are assumed to be carried via a transport protocol such asTCP that provides a reliable stream of
bytes. NSTP does not have mechanisms for sequencing, error detection, retransmission, or flow control.
The base data types transmitted are bytes (octets), 2-byteUnicode characters [U96], and 4-byte unsigned
integers (the integer encoded into bytes in so-called network order).NSTP is intended to be usable with
any reliable bytestream protocol.

NSTP Specification 1.0

4 Structure of Protocol

Each message consists of a fixed-length header and a variable-length body. The header contains all the
information necessary to pre-parse and dispatch the message on both the server and the client side. The
body contains additional informationthat varies with each message.

4.1 Header

The header of a message takes the following form:

i t s
n o v
d Op m d ID Place Body size

Kind (1 byte): this field specifies thekind of message, which characterizes the style of communication
being used. The protocol distinguishes between two forms of client-to-server message (collectively called
requests) and five forms of server-to-client message. The kind field contains a single value, which is
referred to subsequently by the mnemonic ofC,E,N,Q,R,S, or X. The following table explains the

Value of Mnemonic Meaning

Kind field
1 C Challenge: a special response to a Q request, indicating that the server is
requesting the client to provide additional credentials.
2 E Error: sent by the server in response to a Q request that has failed.
3 N Notification: a message from the server indicating that one or more
Things in a Place have changed in some way.
4 Q Query or synchronous request: a request that expects a response,
indicating that it has succeeded (R), must provide more information (C),
or has failed (E).
5 R Reply: sent by the server in response to a Q request that has succeeded.
6 S Send or asynchronous request: a request that does not expect an
acknowledgementfrom the server in the normal case.
7 X Asynchronous error: sent by the server when a previous S request has

Operation (1 byte): this field is used to name the request orkind of notification (see table below).The
name of the operation is also referred to as the message’sopcode. For historical reasons, these opcodes
have mnemonics consisting of 3 or 4 characters, which are used throughout the specification.

Each row summarizes an opcode. A full description of the semantics of eachopcode appears later in this
document. The columns labeledkind indicate the kind of message that can be sent, either from client to
server or vice-versa. Similarly, the columns labeledPlace? indicate whether that message has a Place
handle or nothing in its place field when sent, either from client to server or vice-versa. The column labeled
notify indicates the kind of notification caused by the operation.

NSTP Specification 1.0

client-to- server-to-
server client
operation hex description kind place kind place notify
code ? ?

INIT 1 SignOn Q C|R|E

QUIT 90 SignOff Q R|E
NEW 10 CreatePlace Q R|E l
GETP 20 GetPlaceByName Q R|E l
GPE 21 GetPlaceAndEnter Q C|R|E l MADE*
GPEV 22 GetPlaceEnterGetValues Q C|R|E l MADE*
ENTR 23 EnterPlace Q l C|R|E l MADE*
ENGV 24 EnterPlaceGetValues Q l C|R|E l MADE*
MAKE 30 CreateThings Q l R|E l MADE
DEL 31 DeleteThings Q l R|E l DELD
GTT 40 GetThings Q l R|E l
GTV 41 GetThingValues Q l R|E l
STV 50 SetThingValues Q l R|E l CHGD
GTA 42 GetThingAttributes Q l R|E l
LOCK 60 LockThing (non-blocking) Q l R|E l **

LCKB 61 LockThing (blocking) Q l R|E l **

ULCK 62 UnlockThings Q l R|E l ***

SNTC 70 Send Notice Q l R|E l NTC or

KILL 11 DestroyPlace Q l R|E l KILD
EXIT 25 LeavePlace Q l R|E l DELD*
MADE 80 ThingCreated N l
DELD 81 ThingDeleted N l
CHGD 82 ThingChanged N l
KILD 83 PlaceDestroyed N l
NTC 84 Notice N l
BNTC 85 Broadcast Notice N l
Implicit creation (or deletion) of user-Thing at entry (or exit).
When a Thing has been locked, notifications are not sent until it has been unlocked.
Unlocking a Thing may cause notifications to be sent if it was previously modified.

Atom (1 byte): This field is normally zero (0016). If it has the value one (0116), the server is allowed to treat
the request non-atomically, so that operations on some Things can succeed while others fail. A server
carrying out a non-atomic request may send a complex error report back to the client, indicating which

NSTP Specification 1.0

operations failed. A client setting this field to allow non-atomic operations must be prepared to deal with
such a report.
In this version of the protocol, ULCK is the only non-atomic operation whose return value is defined. We
expect that a future version will include a complete specification of the return values and errors sent when the
Atom field is non-zero.

For the opcode ULCK (unlock), the operation is non-atomic regardless of the setting of the Atom field.

All other values of this field are reserved for future use.

Note that the server is allowed to treat the request non-atomically, but is not required to. The exception is the
ULCK operation, which is always non-atomic. There is no technique currently defined in the protocol for
determining whether a server implements non-atomic requests.

Reserved (1 byte): reserved for future use.

In addition to saving some room in the header for future use, this reserved byte means that the remaining fields
in the header are aligned on 4-byte boundaries if the header as a whole is aligned on a 4-byte boundary. This
can make a difference to performance on some machines (e.g. Digital Alpha, Intel Pentium Pro)

Id (4 bytes): this field is set by the client when sending a request Q

( or S) and is copied to the same field of
the corresponding reply (C or R) or error (E or X) sent back by the server. In case of a notification (N),
this field is the id copied from the request that caused the notification

In the case of a locked Thing, the id field in the notification depends on the notification delivered. A
CHGD notification contains the id of the last STV to affect the Thing before the lock was released. A
DELD notification contains the id of the DEL or EXIT causing the Thing to be deleted. A KILD
notification contains the id of the KILL causing the Place to be destroyed.

The protocol doesn’t specify how id’s are assigned, nor how to avoid collisions among clients. Clients are free
to use any scheme that works for them; the server is unaffected.

Place (4 bytes): this field contains the handle for thePlace the message is referring to.Clients refer to
Places in terms of handles assigned by the server. Two different clients may have different handles to refer
to the same Place, or the same handle for different Places. A handle is not valid beyond a single
client/server session; in particular, a client cannot store a handle in a file and rely on it to refer to the same
Place at a later time. Within a single client/server session, both client and server must use a single handle to
refer to a single Place.
For example, if a client asks for a Place called “Nirvana” twice within a single session, the server must return
the same handle both times. The one exception is if the Place was destroyed and re-created between requests,
in which case the two Places named “Nirvana” are not the same Place and so need not have the same handle.
Note that in this second case, the server is not required to use a different handle for the new Place than for the
destroyed Place.

NSTP Specification 1.0

The handle FFFFFFFF 16 is reserved to mean “no handle”.

Except for reserving the value for “no handle”, a server is free to assign handles in any way that it finds
convenient and efficient. Handles need not be contiguous integers, nor have any client-intelligible structure.
The handle for a destroyed Place may be reused or not, as the server chooses.

Body size (4 byte integer in network byte order): this field specifies the size
, in bytes, of the body of the

4.2 Body

The body may be up to 4G bytes long.

We do not recommend sending very large bodies. The limit of 4G bytes is due to the 32-bit size field.

Message bodies are not self-describing. In general, it is not possible to decode a message body without
some knowledge of the operation field (in the header). There are four kinds of elements in a body: values,
tuples, lists, and errors.

4.2.1 Values

An arbitrary binary value (sequence of bytes) consists of an integer followed by data


length (in bytes) data

The length is a 4-byte integer in network order. The length describes the number of bytes in the data. We
further describe the following specialized values: strings, names, and types. Names and types are
themselves specialized strings. Strings

A string is a distinguished form of value. A string is a sequence ofUnicode (two-byte) characters;

accordingly, no string may have an odd length. Names

A name is a string that is interpreted by the server to identify one of the following:
ì a user,
ì a Place, or
ì a Thing within a Place.
The protocol requires that names be unique within their scope: each user or Place at a server must have a
unique name, and each Thing within a Place must have a unique name. No case conversion is done at the

NSTP Specification 1.0

server when determining whether two names are the same, so the name “john” will not match the name

Names that start with the characters “NS:” are reserved for use by the server. Clients may not create new
entities with names that start with that prefix. The server will reject all attempts to create a new Place or
Thing whose name starts with “NS:”. However, clients may use names beginning with “NS:” when finding
or manipulating existing Places and Things.

Because commas are used to delimit elements within lists for the values of the predefined Things, names
may not contain commas. Types

A type is a string that may be interpreted by the client or server to determine how to treat a Place, Thing, or
notice. In contrast to names, multiple Places may have the same type, and multiple Things within a Place
may have the same type. Multiple notices sent within a Place may have the same type.

Types that start with the characters “NS:” are reserved for the server. A client may use a type that begins
with “NS:” if that type is known to the server. A client may not use a server-reserved type that is not
known to the server.

For example, a client might well be able to create a Thing whose type is “NS:DefaultThingType”. On the other
hand, it is unlikely that a client will be able to create a Thing whose type is “NS:Asparagus” unless the server
has been implemented to support vegetable-related Places.

The complete set of types known at a server is implementation-dependent. The protocol does not define a
mechanism for determining the set of types known at a server.

4.2.2 Tuples

When several elements are to be sent and the number of elements is known in advance, the collection of
elements is described as atuple. For example, any given Thing being created by the server has an
agreed-on representation described elsewhere in this document. The distinct parts of tuple
a are simply
packed sequentially in the message, in the defined order.

Numerous data structures are sent as tuples. The most pervasive example is attributes of Things, described
in the next section. Attributes

A Thing consists of a value, a lock, and attributes. The attributes of a Thing include its name, its type, its
read permissions, etc. The attributes of a Thing are immutable, so a client can cache them and be sure that
they will not change at the server. Attributes aretransmitted as the following tuple, consisting of 6
mandatory elements and 3 optional elements.

NSTP Specification 1.0

fieldname: encoding Mnemonic Value Meaning

theName: name The name of the Thing
theType: type The type of the Thing
readcode: 4-byte integer R_FACADE 10 readable from facade
[no readstring]
R_PLACE 11 readable only from inside Place
[no readstring]
R_THINGNAME 14 readstring contains name of a Thing
in this Place
readstring: string [optional] determined by previous field
writecode: 4-byte integer W_FACADE 20 writable from the facade
[no writestring]

W_PLACE 21 writable only from inside the Place

[no writestring]
W_FINAL 22 final, not writable
[no writestring]
W_USERLIST 23 writestring contains
comma-separated sequence of
usernames allowed to write
W_THINGNAME 24 writestring contains the name of a
Thing in this Place
W_SERVER 25 writable only by the server
[no writestring]
writestring: string determined by previous field
deletecode:4-byte integer D_PLACE 31 deletable only inside Place
[no deletestring]
D_FINAL 32 final, deleted only when Place is
[no deletestring]
D_USERLIST 33 deletestring contains
comma-separated sequence of
usernames allowed to delete
D_THINGNAME 34 deletestring contains the name of a
Thing in this Place
D_SERVER 35 deleted only by server
[no deletestring]
deletestring: string determined by previous
[optional] field
notifystyle: 4-byte integer N_CREATE_DELETE 48 notification only when Thing is
created or deleted
N_CHANGE 49 notification on creation, value
change, or deletion

NSTP Specification 1.0

The smallest possible attribute structure consists of the following:

ì a zero-length name (one 4-byte integer with value zero ),
ì a zero-length type (one 4-byte integer with value zero),
ì a readcode (one 4-byte integer),
ì a writecode (one 4-byte integer),
ì a deletecode (one 4-byte integer),
ì a notifystyle (one 4-byte integer).
Thus the smallest possible attribute structure requires 6 integers or a total of 24 bytes to be transmitted.

There are 5 codes that require a following string:R_THINGNAME, W_USERLIST, W_THINGNAME,

D_USERLIST, and D_THINGNAME. For each such code, a following string must be encoded even if it is
an empty string that contains no characters: that is, each of these codes must be followed by an integer
encoding the length of the string, even if that integer’s value is zero.

The codes R_THINGNAME, W_THINGNAME, and D_THINGNAME allow the following string to be the
name of a Thing. The current protocol does not describe the semantics of these codes in detail. Instead, those
codes are reserved for a future version of the protocol that will allow some attributes of a Thing to be
determined by the value of a different Thing in the same Place.

4.2.3 Lists

When an operation takes an arbitrary number of arguments, those arguments are represented as follows:

count of items items in the list...

The count is a 4-byte integer in network order. Note that it describes thenumber of items following, not
their combined length in bytes. The items may be values,tuples, or further nested lists.

The current protocol does not use any nested lists.

4.2.4 Errors

An error body is the body of a message of kind E or X. Itconsists of a 32-bit network-order integererror
code, followed by an encoded string that describes the error condition. Following SMTP [P82], we use
numeric codes where the initial digit indicates the class of error, and the second digit indicates the kind of
entity to which the error applies. In contrast toSMTP, we use a total of 4 digits in the error code, allowing
a two-digit space for error codes for each kind of entity. Also in contrast toSMTP, we use a 32-bit integer
rather than ASCII to represent the error code. Note that legal error codes are in the domain 0 to 9999
All of the currently-defined error codes are in the class that SMTP terms “Permanent negative completion
reply” and accordingly all of the error codes start with the digit “5”.

NSTP Specification 1.0

Syntax errors
Code Meaning Caused by
5000 Bad Message Format Any
5001 Not Legal Command Any
5002 Not Legal Kind Any
5003 Short Message Any
5004 Not Implemented Any
5005 Can’t Construct Attributes Any
5006 Can’t Construct Handle Any
5007 Can’t Construct List Any
5008 Can’t Construct Name Any
5009 Can’t Construct Type Any
5010 Can’t Construct Val Any
5011 Can’t Construct String Any
5012 Can’t Construct Error Any
Code Meaning Caused by
5100 Info Not Available Not currently used
Connection errors
5200 Connection Closed Any
5201 Invalid Handle ENTR, ENGV, MAKE, DEL, GTT,
5202 Logon Rejected INIT
5203 Logon Technique Not Supported INIT
5204 Logon Technique Not Supported, INIT
List of Supported Techniques
Server errors
Code Meaning Caused by
5300 User Name Conflict INIT
5301 Place Name Conflict NEW
5302 User Not Found INIT
5303 Place Not Found Any except INIT, QUIT, NEW
5304 Place Creation Not Allowed NEW
5305 Server Error Any

NSTP Specification 1.0

Place errors
Code Meaning Caused by
5400 Thing Name Conflict MAKE
5401 Thing Not Found DEL, STV, GTT, GTA, GTV,
5402 Entry Not Allowed ENTR, ENGV, GPE, GPEV
5403 Not In Place EXIT, KILL, LOCK, LCKB, ULCK
5404 Thing Creation Not Allowed MAKE
5405 Already In Place ENTR, ENGV, GPE, GPEV
Thing errors
Code Meaning Caused by
5500 Bad Attribute MAKE
5501 Bad Type MAKE
5502 No Access DEL, GTT, GTV, GTA, LOCK,
5503 Would Block LOCK
5504 Not Lock Holder ULCK
5505 Locked DEL, STV, GTT, GTV

4.3 Arguments, Return Values, and Errors

In the following table thearguments column lists the arguments encoded in the body of a request message
(Q or S) sent by the client. The return values column lists the values that the server encodes in the body of
a reply (R) and the errors column lists the information encoded in the body of an error message (Eor X).
In cases when an error occurs and multiple values are returned, the values can either be legal values or
error values, indicating which parts of request have been successfully completed.

Parentheses, (), are used to indicate lists of values, e.g. (a,b,c) is a list containing a, b, and c. The symbols
+ and * have their usual meaning as in regularexpressions: a+ means one of (a), or (a,a), or (a,a,a), etc.,
and a* means either the empty list () or a+. Note that both a* and a+ are lists. Curly brackets, {}, are
used to indicate a tuple of values whose length and structure are determined by the context of the message,
so that neither the length nor the structure of thetuple is encoded explicitly.

NSTP Specification 1.0

Return Value Common Errors

(kind=R unless (kind=E unless
Opcode Arguments otherwise marked) preceded by X) Notification
INIT version:int, response:val 5202, 5203
kind = C
QUIT - - possible DELD
to other(s) in
Place(s) left
NEW placename:name, place field set to 5301, 5304
placetype:type, handle of new place
initval:val, things:{attr, value}+
GETP placename:name place field set to 5303
handle of new place
ENTR initval:val, things: 5402, 5404, 5405 MADE*
authstyle:string, {name, type}+
kind = C
GPE placename:name, place field set to 5303, 5402, MADE*
initval:val, handle of new place 5404, 5405
authstyle:string, things:
key:val {name, type}+
kind = C
ENGV initval:val, things:{attr, val}+ 5402, 5404, 5405 MADE*
kind = C
GPEV placename:name, place field set to 5303, 5402, MADE*
initval:val, handle of new place 5404, 5405
authstyle:string, things:{attr, val}+
kind = C

NSTP Specification 1.0

Return Value Common Errors

(kind=R unless (kind=E unless
Opcode Arguments otherwise marked) preceded by X) Notification
MAKE {thingattrs:attr, 5400, 5403, 5404 MADE
kind=Q thingval:val}+
MAKE No reply X5400, X5403,
kind=S X5404
DEL thingnames:name+ 5401, 5502, 5505 DELD
DEL No reply X5401, X5502,
kind=S X5505
GTT thingnames:name+ things:{attr, val}+ 5401, 5502, 5505
GTV thingnames:name+ 5401, 5502, 5505
values:{name, val}+
STV updates:{name, val}+ 5401, 5502, 5505 CHGD
STV No reply X5401, X5502,
kind=S X5505
GTA thingnames:name+ 5401, 5502
LOCK thingname:name 5401, 5502, 5505
LCKB thingname:name 5401, 5502, 5503
ULCK thingname:name+ -
KILL - 5502 KILD
SNTC recipient:name, 5302, 5403 recipient = “”
kind = Q noticetype:type, BNTC
SNTC No reply X5302, X5403 recipient = “”
kind = S BNTC
Implicit creation (or deletion) of user-Thing at entry (or exit).
When a Thing has been locked, notifications are not sent until it has been unlocked.
Unlocking a Thing may cause notifications to be sent if it was previously modified.

NSTP Specification 1.0

Notifications have the body of the message in the following form:

opcode content of the body

MADE things:{attr, val}+
DELD thingnames:name+
CHGD changes:{name, val}+
NTC sender:name,
BNTC sender:name,

NSTP Specification 1.0

5 Detailed Semantics

This section provides detailed semantics for each message. We present the requests in alphabetical order,
followed by notifications in alphabetical order. The next sectio
n describes predefined Things and their
meaning at the server.

5.1 Requests

5.1.1 DEL

The DEL (DELete) message is used to delete zero or more Things within a Place.

It may have a kind field of Q or S. If the kind of the client request is Q, then the server will send a
corresponding reply (of kind R) when all of the Things have been deleted, or will send an error message (of
kind E) if one or more cannot be deleted. If the kind of the client request is S, then the server will not send a
reply if the Things are deleted successfully. However, it will send an error message (of kind X) if one or
more cannot be deleted. Note that a Thing cannot be deleted if it is locked by another client. If the Atom
field is 0016, then no Thing is deleted unless all can be deleted. The behavior for other values of the Atom
field is currently undefined.
A future specification may include a reply from a deletion that allows for some of the Things to be deleted
while others are not.

The body of a DEL request consists of a list of zero or more names of Things. No name may occur more
than once. No name may refer to a nonexistent (deleted or never-created) Thing. No name may be a
zero-length string.

Each successful DEL request that deletes one or more Things causes exactly one corresponding DELD
notification to be sent to each of the clients present in the Place. Th
is notification is sent after the reply has
been sent to the requesting client.

5.1.2 ENTR

The ENTR (ENTeR) message allows a client to become “present” in a Place, following which they receive
notifications of changes to Things within that Place.

At attempted entry, the client provides anauthentication-style string and a key value. The server interprets
these and may respond with a value called achallenge. The client must then issue another ENTR
incorporating the challenge and whatever credential the client can provide to meet the challenge, encoded
into the authentication-style and key.

So that the server need not keep track of challenges and connections, we recommend the use of authentication
protocols that do not require the server to keep state. Instead, any necessary state can be passed to the client as
part of the challenge and re-sent to the server with the client’s additional information as part of the key on its
next ENTR.

NSTP Specification 1.0

Currently defined values for authentication-style are:

authentication-style meaning of key
empty or zero-length string key is ignored
matching Place to be entered must have been created with
authentication-style=matching, and
key must have the same value (as a byte array) as
the key that was provided when the Place was

Other values for authentication-style may be defined in the future, allowing for encryption and multiple
levels of challenge. It is guaranteed that no string starting with the characters “X-” will ever be used as a
defined value for authentication-style. Accordingly, strings of that form can be used for experimentation
with other authentication protocols in servers.

Entering a Place implicitly creates a new Thing in the Place corresponding to the user, called the
user-Thing. The user-Thing’s name is derived from the name of the user. The user-Thing’s value field is
available for clients to use as they see fit; however, the creation and deletion of the user-Thi
ng are
controlled by the server and occur as side effects of entering or leaving a Place.

The client provides a value to be used as the initial value of the new user-Thing. The server replies with a
list of the names of all Things in the Place, including the newly-created user-Thing. Because of challenges,
a client may issue multiple ENTR messages before successfully entering the Place. Only the value provided
to the server on the last such message is used as the value of the new user-Thing.

Each successful ENTR request causes exactly one corresponding MADE notification (for the entering
client’s new user-Thing) to be sent to each of the clients present in the Place, including the requesting
client. This notification is sent after the reply has been sent to the requesting client.

The apparent redundancy of both including the user-Thing in the returned list of Thing names and then
sending a MADE notification is the consequence of conforming to our principles that notifications are
symmetric and responses are sufficient. However, this redundancy is only apparent. We do not want to allow a
window during which other clients can see a newly-entered client’s user-Thing but the entering client itself
does not know about it. Since there is no guarantee about the order in which notifications are delivered to
clients, we also need the reply to eliminate this window, which exists if only the MADE notifications are used.

5.1.3 ENGV

The ENGV (ENter and Get Values) message allows a client to become “present” in a Place, following
which they receive notifications of changes to Things within that Place. In addition,ENGV returns the
values of all Things in the Place.

At attempted entry, the client provides anauthentication-style string and a key value. The server interprets
these and may respond with a value called achallenge. The client must then issue another ENTR
incorporating the challenge and whatever credential the client can provide to meet the challenge, encoded
into the authentication-style and key.
So that the server need not keep track of challenges and connections, we recommend the use of authentication
protocols that do not require the server to keep state. Instead, any necessary state can be passed to the client as

NSTP Specification 1.0

part of the challenge and re-sent to the server with the client’s additional information as part of the key on its
next ENGV.

Currently defined values for authentication-style are:

authentication-style meaning of key
empty or zero-length string key is ignored
matching Place to be entered must have been created with
authentication-style=matching, and
key must have the same value (as a byte array) as
the key that was provided when the Place was

Other values for authentication-style may be defined in the future, allowing for encryption and multiple
levels of challenge. It is guaranteed that no string starting with the characters “X-” will ever be used as a
defined value for authentication-style. Accordingly, strings of that form can be used for experimentation
with other authentication protocols in servers.

Entering a Place implicitly creates a new Thing in the Place corresponding to the user, called the
user-Thing. The user-Thing’s name is derived from the name of the user. The user-Thing’s value field is
available for clients to use as they see fit; however, the creation and deletion of the user-Thi
ng are
controlled by the server and occur as side effects of entering or leaving a Place.

The client provides a value to be used as the initial value of the new user-Thing. If there have been multiple
ENTR messages sent, the value provided to the server on the last such message is used .
The server replies with a list of all Things in the Place, including the newly-created user-Thing. Each Thing
is represented as its attributes, followed by its value.

Each successful ENGV request causes exactly one corresponding MADE notification (for the entering
client’s new user-Thing) to be sent to each of the clients present in the Place, including the requesting
client. This notification is sent after the reply has been sent to the requesting client.

The apparent redundancy of both including the user-Thing in the returned list of Things and then sending a
MADE notification is the consequence of conforming to our principles that notifications are symmetric and
responses are sufficient. However, this redundancy is only apparent. We do not want to allow a window during
which other clients can see a newly-entered client’s user-Thing but the entering client itself does not know
about it. Since there is no guarantee about the order in which notifications are delivered to clients, we also need
the reply to eliminate this window, which exists if only the MADE notifications are used.

5.1.4 EXIT

The EXIT message allows a client to leave the specified Place. After receiving a reply from EXIT, the
client will not receive further notifications from the left Place until such time as the client
re-enters the
Place using ENTR, ENGV, GPE, or GPEV. Any notifications caused between the time of an EXIT and a
subsequent re-entry are lost; they are not saved to be redelivered to are-entering client.

NSTP Specification 1.0

At EXIT, any locks held by the client are released. Then, he

t client’s corresponding user-Thing is deleted,
causing a DELD notification to any other clients present in the Place.

Depending on the type of Place and values of Things within that Place, leaving the Place may implicitly
cause it to be destroyed.

5.1.5 GETP

The GETP (GET Place) message allows a client to find the handle for a Place, given its name. The client
provides a name, which may begin with “NS:”. The server returns a reply with the Place field set to the
handle of the named Place, or returns an error.

5.1.6 GPE

The GPE (Get Place and Enter) message allows a client to get a Place and enter it, with a single message.
This effectively combines a GETP with an ENTR.The client provides a name, which may begin with
“NS:”, a value to be used as the value of the user-Thing, an authentication-style string, and a key value (see
ENTR for the semantics of these fields). For a normal return, the server returns a reply where the Place
field is set to the handle of the named Place and the body is a list of the names of all Things in the Place.
The list of all Things includes the newly-created user-Thing.

The server must deliver the reply to the entering client before delivering any notification from the entered
Place to the client. The server must deliver the MADE notification for the entering client’s new user-Thing
to the client.

Each successful GPE request causes exactly one corresponding MADE notification (for the entering
client’s new user-Thing) to be sent to each of the clients present in the Place, including the requesting
client. This notification is sent after the reply has been sent to the requesting client.

The apparent redundancy of both including the user-Thing in the returned list of Things and then sending a
MADE notification is the consequence of conforming to our principles that notifications are symmetric and
responses are sufficient. However, this redundancy is only apparent. We do not want to allow a window during
which other clients can see a newly-entered client’s user-Thing but the entering client itself does not know
about it. Since there is no guarantee about the order in which notifications are delivered to clients, we also need
the reply to eliminate this window, which exists if only the MADE notifications are used.

5.1.7 GPEV

The GPEV (Get Place and Enter returning Values) message allows a client to get a Place and enter it,
fetching all values, with a single message. This effectively combines a GETP with anENGV. The client
provides a name, which may begin with “NS:”, a value to be used as the value of the user-Thing, an
authentication-style string, and a key value (seeENGV for the semantics of these fields) . For a normal
return, the server returns a reply where the Place field is set to the handle of the named Place and the body
is a list of all Things in the Place. The list of all Things includes the newly-created user-Thing. Each Thing
is sent as the attributes followed by the value.

NSTP Specification 1.0

The server must deliver the reply to the entering client before delivering any notification from the entered
Place to the client. The server must deliver the MADE notification for the entering client’s new user-Thing
to the client.

Each successful GPEV request causes exactly one corresponding MADE notification (for the entering
client’s new user-Thing) to be sent to each of the clients present in the Place, including the requesting
client. This notification is sent after the reply has been sent to the requesting client.

The apparent redundancy of both including the user-Thing in the returned list of Things and then sending a
MADE notification is the consequence of conforming to our principles that notifications are symmetric and
responses are sufficient. However, this redundancy is only apparent. We do not want to allow a window during
which other clients can see a newly-entered client’s user-Thing but the entering client itself does not know
about it. Since there is no guarantee about the order in which notifications are delivered to clients, we also need
the reply to eliminate this window, which exists if only the MADE notifications are used.

5.1.8 GTA

The GTA (GeT Attributes) message allows a client that is in a Place to fetch the attributes of zero or more
Things in a Place. The body consists of a list of zero or more names of Things. No name can be a
zero-length string, but any name can start with “NS:”. The reply (of kind R) consists of a list of attributes.
The server returns Thing attributes in order, corresponding to the order of the names in the request. Note
that attributes are immutable and can be safely cached by the client.

An attempt by a client outside the Place to use GTA for any Thing in that Place, even one visible in the
Facade, causes a “No Access” error.
GTA does not work for clients outside the Place. The attributes of a Thing can reveal information about users
and their privileges. This information can be hidden from public view by restricting access to the Place, as long
as no request allows attributes to be accessed from outside the Place.

A GTA message causes no notifications.

5.1.9 GTT

The GTT (GeT Thing) message allows a client in a Place to fetch both the attributes and the value of zero
or more Things in a Place. The body consists of a list of zero or more names of Things. No name can be a
zero-length string, but any name can start with “NS:”. The reply (of kind R) consists of a list of Things,
each of which consists of attributes followed by the Thing’s value. The server returns Things in order,
corresponding to the order of the names in the request.

An attempt by a client outside the Place to useGTT for any Thing in that Place, even one visible in the
Facade, causes a “No Access” error.

NSTP Specification 1.0

GTT does not work for clients outside the Place. The attributes of a Thing can reveal information about users
and their privileges. This information can be hidden from public view by restricting access to the Place, as long
as no request allows attributes to be accessed from outside the Place.

A GTT message causes no notifications.

5.1.10 GTV

The GTV (GeT Value) message allows a client to fetch the value of zero or more Things in a Place. The
body consists of a list of zero or more names of Things. No name can be a zero-length string, but any name
can start with “NS:”. The reply (of kind R) consists of a list of pairs, each of which consists of the Thing
name followed by the Thing’s value. The server returns Things in order, corresponding to the order of the
names in the request. If any of the Things requested are not readable by the requesting client, the request
fails with the error code for “No Access”.

A GTV message causes no notifications.

5.1.11 INIT

The INIT (INITialize) message serves to start a client-server session. The client provides an integer
representing the version number of the protocol and two values:authentication-style and key. The version
number corresponding to the protocol described in this document is 1. The server usesauthentication-style
to interpret key, and sends back a message with a kind of R, C, or E. A message withkind=R contains a
single value called theresponse. A message with kind=C contains a single value called thechallenge. A
message with kind=E contains an error body.

Currently defined values forauthentication-style are the strings “openlogon” and “simple-password”.

For “openlogon”, key is considered to start with a single string that represents the user name to be used for
the session. Any following bytes are ignored. The server returns a zero-lengthresponse if the logon was
accepted, and otherwise returns an error message. There is no challenge.

For “simple-password”, key is considered to consist of two strings. The first represents the user name, and
the second represents that user’s password. Any following bytes are ignored. The server returns a
zero-length response if the logon was accepted, and otherwise returns an error message. There is no

Other values for authentication-style may be defined in the future, allowing for encryption and multiple
levels of challenge. It is guaranteed that no string starting with the characters “X-” will ever be used as a
defined value for authentication-style. Accordingly, strings of that form can be used for experimentation
with other authentication protocols in servers.

So that the server need not keep track of challenges and connections, we recommend the use of authentication
protocols that do not require the server to keep state. Instead, any necessary state can be passed to the client as
part of the challenge and re-sent to the server with the client’s additional information as part of the key on its
next INIT.

NSTP Specification 1.0

INIT causes no notifications.

5.1.12 KILL

The KILL message destroys a Place and all of the Things contained therein. It implicitly releases all locks
on all Things in the Place by deleting them, regardless of who is locking them.

KILL causes a KILD notification to be delivered to each of the clients that was present in the Place
immediately before it was destroyed. Nosubseqent notifications are delivered from the Place, and no
further operations can be performed on the Place.

5.1.13 LOCK

The LOCK message serves to lock exactly one Thing in a Place. When the Thing is locked, the following
effects are visible to clients other than the client that successfully obtained a lock:
ì Attempts to LOCK it fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.
ì Attempts to read its value (GTT or GTV) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked
(however, the attributes are not locked and may be read with a GTA request).
ì Attempts to set its value (STV) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.
ì Attempts to delete it (DEL) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.

The locking client may freely issue further LOCK or LCKB requests, which always succeed and have no
further effect.

Changes made by the locking client (using STV messages) do not cause notifications until the lock is
released. If a Thing is changed multiple times with a lock held, only the last change is sent as a CHGD
notification when the Thing is unlocked.

A client holding a lock may release it by any of the following means:

ì Sending an ULCK message naming the locked Thing
ì Leaving the Place
ì Deleting the locked Thing (in this case no CHGD notifications are sent, only the DELD
ì Destroying the Place

LOCK causes no notifications.

5.1.14 LCKB

The LCKB (LoCK with Blocking) message serves to lock one Thing in a Place,queueing for that lock if
necessary. If the Thing is deleted while one or more clients are queued for its lock, each of those clients
receives an error message indicating that the Thing was not found. This error message is not sent if the
Place is destroyed.

When the Thing is locked, the following effects are visible to clients other than the client that successfully
obtained a lock:
ì Attempts to LOCK it fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.
ì Attempts to read its value (GTT or GTV) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked
(however, the attributes are not locked and may be read with a GTA request).
NSTP Specification 1.0

ì Attempts to set its value (STV) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.
ì Attempts to delete it (DEL) fail with an error message indicating that it is locked.

The locking client may freely issue further LOCK or LCKB requests, which always succeed and have no
further effect.

Changes by the locking client (STV) do not cause notifications until the lock is released. If a Thing is
changed multiple times with a lock held, only the last change is sent as a CHGD notification when the
Thing is unlocked.

A client holding a lock may release it by any of the following means:

ì Sending an ULCK message
ì Leaving the Place
ì Deleting the Thing (in this case no CHGD notifications are sent, only the DELD notification)
ì Destroying the Place

LCKB causes no notifications.

5.1.15 MAKE

The MAKE message is used to create zero or more new Things in a particular Place.

It may have a kind field of Q or S. If the kind of the client request is Q, then the server will send a
corresponding reply (of kind R) when all of the Things have been created, or will send an error message (of
kind E) if one or more cannot be created. If the kind of the client request is S, then the server will not send a
reply if the Things are created successfully. However, it will send an error message (of kind X) if one or
more cannot be created.

The body of a MAKE request consists of a list of zero or more specifications of new Things, each of which
consists of the attributes followed by the value of that Thing. The client must specify a name and type for
each Thing. The name may not be a zero-length string, nor may it start with the characters “NS:”. The type
may be a zero-length string, and may start with the characters “NS:”. However, if the type starts with
“NS:”, then the type is known to the server and interpreted by the server. The server may reject the creation
of Things whose type begins with “NS:” but where the remainder of the type is not understood by the
server, or where the other attributes or value of the Thing specified are not appropriate for that
server-defined type.

If multiple Things are to be made in a single MAKE message, they are made in sequence, with the first
Thing in the message-body being the first Thing made.

A MAKE message causes a MADE notification.

NSTP Specification 1.0

5.1.16 NEW

The NEW message creates a new Place. The user is immediately present within the Place without having to
separately enter (the Place is created “around” the user).

To create a Place, the client must provide:

the name of the Place,
the type of the Place,
zero or more initial Things to be created in the Place,
zero or more overrides to predefined Things in the Place,
a string describing the authentication style used for the Place,
a value to be used as the key for the Place, and
the value to be used for the user-Thing in the Place.

The name of the Place must not begin with “NS:”. The name may not be a zero-length or empty string.

The type of the Place may begin with “NS:”, but if so, the type is significant to the server and must be
known to the server.

For each initial Thing or overriden Thing specified, the client must provide the Thing’s attributes and
value. An attribute of an overridden Thing may be specified asDONTCARE, in which case the server
uses the attribute setting that would have been used for that Thing if there had been no override provided.

Initial Things are created in an unspecified order. Similarly, overridden Things are overridden in an
unspecified order. The protocol does not specify whether overrides take place before, after, or interleaved
with creation of new Things.

The following values of authentication-style are defined:

authentication-style meaning of key
empty or zero-length string key is ignored
matching Key is stored; entry to Place requires providing an
identical key value, and an authentication-style of

Other values for authentication-style may be defined in the future. It is guaranteed that no string starting
with the characters “X-” will ever be used as a defined value forauthentication-style. Accordingly, strings
of that form can be used for experimentation with other authentication protocols in servers.

A NEW request cannot cause a challenge(kind=C) response.

In a NEW request, the authentication-style and key are used to set up the Place’s authentication mechanism,
not to authenticate the client. The client has already been authenticated by logging on to the server (via INIT).
Connection to a server and entry to a Place are the only two points at which challenges can be issued.

The value of the user-Thing is an ordinary value, available for use by the user, and is not interpreted by the
server in any special way.

NSTP Specification 1.0

We expect that a common use of this value will be to make non-NSTP contact information about the user (such
as a phone number or email address) available to other users.

The server reply to NEW is a list of all the Things in the Place. This includes the initial Things specified by
the client and the user-Thing created by the server. It is likely to include a number of other Things that were
created by the server for the Place. For each such Thing, the server sends the attributes and the value.

A server is not obligated to honor any NEW request.

Some servers may allow only a limited number of NEW requests, others may allow only specific types of Places
to be created, still others may refuse to create any new Places for clients (allowing clients only to use the Places
that already exist at the server, possibly by some non-protocol mechanism). A server implementor has a great
deal of latitude in deciding when to allow new Places to be created. In contrast, a server may not arbitrarily
refuse to MAKE a new Thing for a client that has entered an existing Place.

NEW causes no notifications.

5.1.17 QUIT

The QUIT message serves to end the session started by INIT. The client receives no further notifications,
and no other commands will be accepted by the server on the connection until another INIT is issued. The
user will be seen by others to leave all Places in which that user is present. The server need not cause the
user to leave all Places before replying to the QUIT, but must ensure that the user leaves all Places soon

QUIT may cause notifications if the quitting client is present in one or more Places. For each Place where
the quitting client is present, QUIT causes the client to leave the Place. Leaving the Place causes the
corresponding user-Thing to be deleted, and so causes a DELD notification to be delivered to each other
client still present in that Place.

5.1.18 SNTC

The SNTC (Send NoTiCe) message is used to deliver aNTC notification to a single user, or a BNTC
notification to all of the clients present in a Place.

The body of the request consists of one name, one type, and one value. The name may be an empty or
zero-length string, in which case aBNTC notification containing the provided value is delivered to every
client in the Place. If the name is not an empty or zero-length string, it is the name of a user present in the
Place, and the corresponding client will receive aNTC notification containing the provided value. If the
name provided does not correspond to the name of a user present in the Place, noNTC notification is
delivered and an error message is sent back to the client sendingSNTC. The name may begin with “NS:”.
If the name does begin with “NS:” it names a pseudo-user implemented by the server. This is a possible
mechanism for communicating arbitrary information to the server.

The type may begin with “NS:”. If the type does begin with “NS:”, it is significant to the server and may be
treated specially. The server may respond with an error if the notice’s type starts with “NS:” but the type
is not known at this server.
NSTP Specification 1.0

SNTC causes BNTC or NTC notifications.

5.1.19 STV

The STV (SeT Value) message is used to provide a new value for zero or more Things in a Place.

It may have a kind field of Q or S.

If the kind of the client request is Q, then the server will send a corresponding reply (of kind R) when all of
the Things have been set to their new value, or will send an error message (of kind E) if one or more cannot
be set.

If the kind of the client request is S, then the server will not send a reply if the Things are set successfully.
However, it will send an error message (of kind X) if one or more cannot be set.

The client provides a list of name-value pairs (2-tuples). Each name must be the name of a Thing in the
Place. The server changes the Thing named by each name to contain the corresponding value provided.

In general, STV causes CHGD notifications for any Thing changed. However, if a Thing’s
notification-style attribute indicates that notifications are set only on creation or deletion, then CHGD
notifications are not sent. In addition, if the Thing is currently locked by the client performing the STV, the
notifications are delayed until the lock is released.

A Thing can be named more than once, and the last value provided will be the value at the server after the
message has been processed. If a Thing is named more than once, it is undefined exactly how many times
that Thing will appear in a corresponding CHGD notification; however, it will appear at least once and no
more than the number of times the Thing’s name appeared in the STV message.

5.1.20 ULCK

The ULCK (UnLoCK) message serves to release locks held on zero or more Things. The locks may have
been acquired by any mixture of LOCK and LCKB messages. The body of the message consists of a list of
names of Things. No name can be a zero-length string.

The ULCK message does not cause any notifications directly. It may allow previously-delayed CHGD
notifications to be released. Any CHGD notification delivered from an unlocked Thing carries the id and
value of the last STV applied to the Thing before the Thing was unlocked.

Regardless of the value of the Atom field, ULCK is always non-atomic: it releases whichever locks can be
released, even if some of the Things named do not exist or are not locked. If the response to ULCK
contains no information, then all locks were released successfully. Otherwise, the response consists of a list
of triples (3-tuples), each consisting of a Thing name, an integer error code, and a string containing an error
message. ULCK never returns a message of kind E; instead the errors are encoded in a message of kind R.

NSTP Specification 1.0

5.2 Notifications

5.2.1 BNTC

The BNTC (Broadcast NoTiCe) notification carries an arbitrary type and value to every client present in a
particular Place. Its body consists of the username of the sender (another client present in the Place), the
type being sent, and the value being sent.

The sender’s name may begin with “NS:”. If the name does begin with “NS:” it represents a pseudo-user
implemented by the server. This is a possible mechanism for the server to communicate arbitrary
information to users.

The type may begin with “NS:”. If the type does begin with “NS:”, it is significant to the server and may
represent special server-related information or actions, even if not sent by the server.

BNTC is caused by the SNTC operation.

5.2.2 CHGD

The CHGD (CHanGeD) notification serves to indicate that one or more Things in a single Place have had
new values assigned. The body of the notification consists of a list of pairs, each consisting of a name and a
value. The name is the name of a changed Thing and the value is its new value.

Not all Things cause CHGD notifications when they are modified. A Thing’s attributes may include a
notification-style of create/delete, in which case CHGD notifications never refer to the Thing.

In the absence of locking, each CHGD notification corresponds exactly to one STV request: all of the
change-notifying Things modified by the STV appear in a single CHGD notification.

For any locked Thing, the CHGD notification caused by the STV is delayed until the Thing is unlocked,
and may be eliminated entirely in the following circumstances:
ì there is a subsequent STV (causing another CHGD),
ì the Thing is deleted, or
ì the Place is destroyed.
Each delayed notification may be delayed separately; the server is not obligated to deliver delayed
notifications for a collection of locked Things in a single CHGD notification, even if the Things were all
changed by a single STV and unlocked by a single ULCK.

The server does not pay attention to whether the new value provided in a STV is actually different from the
old value of the Thing: it is possible that a client has set the value of a Thing to a value it already has.
Nevertheless, the server will still send a CHGD notification if that would be sent for a different value.

CHGD is caused by the STV operation.

NSTP Specification 1.0

5.2.3 DELD

A DELD notification serves to indicate that one or more Things in a Place have been deleted. Its body
consists of a list of names of Things. No name can appear more than once in the list of names, and no name
can be a zero-length string.

DELD can be caused by the operations DEL, EXIT, or QUIT.

5.2.4 KILD

The KILD (KILleD) notification indicates that a Place has been destroyed. Its body is empty (the Place
destroyed is indicated by the handle in the Place field of the notification’s header). When a Place is
destroyed, all Things in the Place are implicitly deleted. Clients receive no further notifications from a
Place after receiving a KILD notification for that Place.

KILD is caused by a KILL operation.

5.2.5 MADE

The MADE notification serves to indicate that one or more Things have been created in a Place. The body
of the notification consists of a list of pairs, each of which consists of the full attributes of the Thing,
followed by its value.

MADE is caused by the operations MAKE, ENTR, ENGV, GPE, and GPEV.

5.2.6 NTC

The NTC (NoTiCe) notification carries an arbitrary type and value to a single client present in a particular
Place. Its body consists of the username of the sender (another client present in the Place), the type being
sent, and the value being sent.

The sender’s name may begin with “NS:”. If the name does begin with “NS:” it represents a pseudo-user
implemented by the server. This is a possible mechanism for the server to communicate arbitrary
information to users.

The type may begin with “NS:”. If the type does begin with “NS:”, it is significant to the server and may
represent special server-related information or actions, even if not sent by the server.

NTC is caused by the SNTC operation.

NSTP Specification 1.0

5.3 Predefined Things

Every Place created contains a number of predefined Things that have special values, provided by or used
by the server. The following table shows for each predefined Thing its name, meaning, type, and the
format of its value. The following table shows default values and permissions for the same predefined

Name Meaning Type Format

NS:Name The name of the Place. Must NS:String String
be provided when Place is
NS:Type The type of the Place. Must be NS:String String
provided when Place is
NS:Readable Names of Things that are NS:List:ThingName String containing
Facade-readable but not comma-separated list of
Facade-writable names
NS:ReadableWritable Names of Things that are NS:List:ThingName String containing
Facade-readable and also comma-separated list of
Facade-writable names
NS:Writable Names of Things that are NS:List:ThingName String containing
Facade-writable but not comma-separated list of
Facade-readable names
NS:PlaceThingList Names of Things that are NS:List:ThingName String containing
neither Facade-readable nor comma-separated list of
Facade-writable names
NS:User-username Not significant to server, and NS:User
available for user. May be
specified on entry.
NS:UserList Names of users present in NS:List:UserName String containing
Place comma-separated list of
NS:EntryControlList Names of users allowed to NS:List:UserName String containing
enter this Place. An empty comma-separated list of
list means anyone may enter. names
NS:Door The current state of the door NS:Entry Either “Open” or
that prevents any entry when “Closed”
NS:DestroyFormat When the Place is NS:Destroy Either
automatically destroyed. “AfterLastUserLeaves”
or “Never”
NS:PlaceDestroyers Names of users allowed to NS:List:UserName String containing
destroy this Place. An empty comma-separated list of
list means anyone in the Place names
may destroy
NS:ThingCreators Names of users allowed to NS:List:UserName String containing
create Things in this Place . comma-separated list of
An empty list means anyone names
in the Place may create a

NSTP Specification 1.0

Name Default value Read Write Delete Notif.

NS:Name No default allowed Facade Final Final Create Delete
NS:Type No default allowed Facade Final Final Create Delete
NS:Readable N/A Facade Server Final Create Delete
NS:ReadableWritable N/A Facade Server Final Create Delete
NS:Writable N/A Facade Server Final Create Delete
NS:PlaceThingList N/A Place Server Final Create Delete
NS:User-username zero-length string Place Owner Server Change
NS:UserList N/A Place* System Final Create Delete
NS:EntryControlList zero-length string * Place* Place* Final Change*
NS:Door “Open” * Facade* Place* Final Change*
NS:DestroyFormat “AfterLastUserLeaves” * Place* Place* Final Change*
NS:PlaceDestroyers zero-length string * Place* Place* Final Change*
NS:ThingCreators zero-length string * Place* Place* Final Change*

An asterisk (*) indicates that a particular attribute may be overridden when the Place is created.

NSTP Specification 1.0

6 Appendix: Conventions

Early applications of the protocol use a number of conventions in naming Things that are useful for
describing or linking Places. Each of these names begins with the tag “STD:”.This tag does not have any
special status within the protocol. Applications are not required to use these conventions, and nei
client nor server is required to treat these names specially. However, conforming to these conventions will
help different NSTP applications to interoperate.

Name Value Type Read Write Delete Notif.

STD:About A Property-Value List STD:PVList Facade Final Final Create
describing the Place and Delete
its purpose.3
STD:JavaExecutable A URL for a Java class STD:NSApplet:Java Facade Final Final Create
that can run in a client Delete
and interpret the Place.
STD:ActiveXExecutable A URL for an ActiveX STD:NSApplet:ActiveX Facade Final Final Create
that can run in a client Delete
and interpret the Place.
STD:Link -- name A URL for another Place STD:Link Place Final Place Create
that bears no necessary preferred preferred Delete
relation to this Place. but not but not
required required
STD:ParentPlace A URL for another Place STD:Link:Parent Place Final Final Create
that is logically the preferred Delete
parent of this Place. but not
STD:SubPlace -- name A URL for another Place STD:Link:SubPlace Place Final Place Create
that is logically a preferred preferred Delete
subplace of this Place. but not but not
required required
STD:Generator -- name A URL for a Java class STD:NSApplet:Java:Gener Place Final Place Create
that can create a SubPlace ator preferred preferred Delete
but not but not
required required

A property-value list is a string of the form:title;prop1=val1;prop2=val2;prop3=val3 ...
NSTP Specification 1.0

7 References

[P82] Jonathan B. Postel. “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.” RFC 821, 1982.
[PDK96] John F. Patterson, Mark Day, and Jakov Kucan. “Notification Servers for Synchronous
Groupware.” In Proceedings of CSCW 96.
[U96] The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 2.0. Addison-Wesley,1996.


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