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I . Objective
1. Participate willingly in the conduct of physical fitness tests
2. Observe proper safety while performing the tests
3. Measure one’s performance in the activity
II. Subject Matter
Physical Fitness Test (Sit and Reach) Pre Test
III. Materials
Chalk, Manila Paper, Cartolina, Tape Measure, yardstick
IV. Reference
Teachers’ Module for K to 12, Physical Education Grade 7 Learners Module p.36 – 37
MAPEH for better you pp. 225 - 226
V. Procedure
A. Activity
Exercise - The students will perform warm up exercise (static)
B. Analysis
Discuss the Sit and reach (Pre Test)


Purpose: This measure the flexibility of the hamstring and lower back muscle
Materials/Equipment Needed
 A tape measure accurate to 0.1 centimeters firmly attached to the floor, marked distinctively at the 50
– centimeter point
 A cardboard or plywood – 10 x20 centimeters
1. A yardstick is placed on the floor and a 10 – 12 inch long tape is placed across it at right angle on the 15 –
inch mark
2. Sit with the yardstick between your legs, with legs extended at right angles to the taped line on the floor
3. Heels of the feet are placed on the taped line
4. Overlap the hands and slowly reach forward as far as possible
5. Exhale and drop the head between the arms when reaching
6. Keep the hands together making sure that one hand does not lead. Hold this position for at least 2 sec.
7. Make sure the knee remain extended. Do not press the knees down.
8. Your score is the most distant point (in inches) reached with the fingertips. The best of two trials should be

C. Abstraction
Ask the students the different procedures of Sit and Reach
D. Application
Perform the different Physical Fitness Test (Sit and Reach) Pre Test
Criteria: Group Cooperation
VI. Evaluation
Evaluate the students through the result of their Sit and Reach Test
VII. Assignment
Research for other exercise that can measure the hamstring and lower back muscle.

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