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Sixty-cycle sine-wave let-go currents

L e t - G o Currents and V o l t a s e s determined for 134 men and 28 women

are shown in Fig. 1. In these tests the
subjects held and then released a test
C. F. DALZIEL F. P. M A S S O G L I A electrode consisting of a no. 6 or no. 7
MEMBER AIEE ASSOCIATE MEMBER AIEE polished copper wire. The chrcuit was
completed b y placing the other hand or
Synopsis: Let-go current curves are pre­ of only a few milliamperes are sufficient to foot on a flat brass plate, or b y clamping a
sented for commercial 60-cycle a-c and for prevent a subject from releasing an elec­ conductive band lined with saline-soaked
direct current. New data are presented gauze on the upper arm. After one or
which confirm previously published let-go trode grasped in the palm of the hand.
two preliminary trials to accustom the
ctirrent curves for direct cturents having Without exception all let-go current
various amounts of a-c ripple content, subject to the sensations and muscular
determinations, with the current path­
together with new data for 60-cycle a-c contractions produced by the current, the
way involving the chest to the other hand
let-go voltages. The voltage analysis is current was increased to a certain value
extended to cover direct current, thus or to the feet, were conducted in the
and the subject was commanded to let go
rounding out the subject of let-go hazards. presence of a physician in co-operation
Reasonably safe let-go currents and voltages of the wire. If he succeeded, the test was
with the University of California Med­
are computed from tests made on substantial repeated at a current of a slightly higher
ical School. T h e subjects were given
numbers of normal, healthy individuals. value. If he failed, a lower current was
It is believed that reasonably safe limits physical examinations including electro­
used, and the values were again increased
may be based on the predicted response cardiograms. Only those over 18 years
until the subject could no longer release
for 99V* per cent of a large group. The of age, in good physical condition, who
probability of receiving dangerous electric the test electrode. T h e end point was
had not recent illness, and w h o had nor­
shocks must be anticipated, and preventive checked b y several trials, and the highest
measures must be considered vital mal blood pressures and electrocardio­
value was taken as the individual's let-go
ingredients in the design of machines, in grams were used. Only contact areas with
value so as to eliminate the effects of
the framing of operating instructions, and healthy skin were subjected t o the tests.
in work procedures. fatigue. The experimental points plot­
Experience has demonstrated that a ted in the figure were obtained at the
person can withstand repeated exposure instant of releasing the electrode, with
to current up to his let-go limit with no
F OR many practical purposes the the subjects' hands wet with salt-water
ill aftereffects, at least for the time re­ solution to secure uniform conditions
maximum electric current safe for
quired for him to release his grasp of an and to reduce the sensation of burning
man is just a little less than that causing
energized electrode. Although let-go val­ caused b y high current densities at tender
him to * 'freeze*' to a circtiit. This ciurent
ues as determined in the laboratory m a y spots. Other tests were made with dry
is called his let-go current; this is the
be considered somewhat academic, it is hands, hands moist from perspiration, and
maximum current he can tolerate and
obvious that in accidental contact, re­ hands dripping wet from weak acid solu­
still be able to release or let go his grasp of
lease from currents in excess of an in­ tions. The effect of the size of the elec­
an energized conductor b y using the
dividual's let-go value is conjectural. A trodes was also investigated. It was
muscles directly stimulated b y that cur­
person can often let go at slightly higher found that the location of the indifferent
rent. Carefully conducted experiments
values when dared, and higher values electrode, the moisture conditions at the
involving several hundred volunteer sub­
would be expected when a victim realized points of contact, and the size of the
jects during the past 17 years have re­
the seriousness of his predicament. How­ electrodes had no appreciable effect on
sulted in a substantial amount of data
ever, contact b y a perspiring workman, the individual's let-go current. It is
and in methods of analysis which permit
when standing in water, or when working believed that the results obtained from
predictions to be made for m a n y different
inside a grotmded metallic structiure, tests, in which hands, wet with saline
conditions with an accuracy believed
closely parallels the hazardous conditions solution grasp and then release the small
sufficient for many engineering purposes.
simulated in these experiments. I n m a n y copper wire, may be used to predict
Although there was considerable varia­
accidents a victim can free himself b y let-go cturents of a specified degree of
tion among different individuals, and
breaking the conductor, or his body safety for normal men and women with
minor changes were made in experimental
weight m a y assist him in interrupting the an accuracy sufficient for many practical
procedures from time to time to improve
chrcuit; however fortuitous circumstances purposes.
laboratory techniques, the muscular re­
must not be relied upon to provide safety
actions to electric current, while varying Sixty-cycle let-go currents were tested
for human life. Currents only slightly
somewhat in degree, gave results which on 28 women. The subjects ranged in
in excess of a person's let-go value are
were in very substantial agreement. As age from the late 'teens to the early 20*s,
very painful, frightening, and hard to
long as the current pathway involves the
endure for even a short time. Failure t o T h e y were light in stature and obviously
hand and foreanri, the muscular con­
interrupt promptly the current is ac­ not accustomed to hard physical work,
tractions, discomfort, and pain increase
companied b y a rapid decrease in mus­ and their forearm muscles were not partic­
as the current is increased, and currents
cular strength caused b y pain and the ularly well developed. Although the
fatigue associated with the severe in­ women volimteered freely for the test, it
voluntary muscular contractions. I t proved impossible to develop enthusiasm
Paper 5 6 - 1 1 1 , r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e A I E E E l e c t r i c
Welding C o m m i t t e e a n d a p p r o v e d b y t h e A I E E would be expected that the let-go ability or any degree of competitive spirit at the
Committee o n T e c h n i c a l O p e r a t i o n s for p r e s e n t a ­
tion a t t h e A I E E W i n t e r G e n e r a l M e e t i n g , N e w
would decrease rapidly with the duration higher currents. T h e results are prob­
York, N . Y . . J a n u a r y 3 0 - F e b r u a r y 3 , 1 9 5 6 . M a n u ­ of contact. Prolonged exposure to cur­ ably representative for the sedentary
script s u b m i t t e d O c t o b e r 4 , 1 9 5 4 ; m a d e a v a i l a b l e
for p r i n t i n g N o v e m b e r 2 1 , 1 9 5 5 . rents only slightly in excess of a person's type; however, from observation of the
let-go limit m a y produce exhaustion, reactions of the subjects having the
C. F . D A L Z I B L is w i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a ,
Berkeley, Calif., a n d F . P . M A S S O G L I A is w i t h t h e asphyxia, collapse, and unconsciousness greatest muscular development, it is
San F r a n c i s c o N a v a l S h i p y a r d , S a n F r a n c i s c o ,
followed b y death. likely that the values were somewhat

MAY 1956 Dalziel, Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages

99.8 Fis. 1 (left). 99.5
\ • 99
99.5 60-cycle let-go -

99 \ \
S current distribu­ . 98 \
98 \ -
t i o n curves for
i 95 — men a n d w o m e n
^•ER I M E N TAL 90 by\rc.niivi&i^ i
90 - - I y POINTS FO
/ 134 M E N : 80 13 4 Μ E N
y 80
• \ VIE m = 15B 7 M A I 7 0
i 70 : 60
60 ; 5 0 —
40 \Λ V 40
30 -

30 20 —
u 20 Λ—·
\ 10

10 ζ
• UJ
5 —
5 -
\ ••is 2
— • \
POINTS FOR V Fig. 2 (right).
I V\
0.5 " MEAN = 10.5 MA. — \ \ 60-cycie let-go

02, 1 1 1 1 _J__. current d e v i a t i o n PERCENT DEVIATION FROM MEAN


lower than those which would have been Reasonably Safe Currents curve for the 28 women in contrast to the
obtained had a group of women accus­ consistent response for 134 men illus­
tomed to physical labor been used. Re­ The principle of biological variabiHty is trates the point. The distribution curve
sults based on these data, therefore, so universally recognized that no attempt is a ready means for predicting the prob­
should be conservative and on the side of should be made to specify any electric able response for a given percentage of a
safety. These data constitute the avail­ current as safe for all people. The press large group. It is believed that data
able let-go data on women. contains frequent accounts of fatalities have been obtained from sufficiently large
The mean or average value, which is ascribed to heart failure caused b y over- groups to permit vahd predictions to be
called the let-go threshold, was estab- excitement, intense emotion, or shock made, not only for these particular
Hshed at 15.87 and 10.5 milHamperes (shock of injury, not electric shock). groups but also for a large segment of the
(ma) for men and women respectively. Some of the subjects volunteering for normal, healthy population of the coun­
Probably women's threshold let-go cur­ these tests became frightened and trem­ try.
rent is only 66 per cent (%) of the let- bled all over; some even complained of Without a single exception experimen­
go threshold value found for men because pain when holding the test electrode be­ tal points representing the very low cur­
their nervous systems are more sensitive fore the circuit was energized. Although rents diverge somewhat from the distri­
and their muscular development is poorer, these persons were not used in the ex­ bution curves. This is consistent with
and not because there is any difference in periments, the experiences dramatically the observation that every normal person
sex. illustrate the possibihty that a person should be able to release some current.
There was considerable variation in with a diseased heart might succumb In contrast, because of the nature of the
the individual's let-go current in repeated from any contact, or even the fear of probability scale, the distribution ciu^es
tests made at weekly intervals, the trend contact, with an electric circuit. This yield a theoretical probabiHty for zero
usually being toward shghtly higher possibility must be recognized, and an current. A great deal of thought has
values; therefore, the largest current re­ occasional death is to be expected as a been given to establishing a reasonable
leased on the first test was taken as the result of casual contact involving currents criterion for safety and an arbitrary limit
individual's let-go current. This was known to be harmless to the great major­ based on the theoretical response for
done to include the element of surprise to ity of healthy individuals. Quite aside 99V2% of a large group has been quite
as great an extent as possible and to give from determining an absolutely safe generally accepted by the profession.
conservative results. Psychological fac­ electric current for all human beings is the Thus, it is concluded that the reasonably
tors, especially fear and competitive practical problem of determining a cur­ safe 60-cycle let-go current for men and
spirit, were the most important causes rent which would be reasonably safe for women is approximately 9 and 6 ma
for the variations. Physiological factors most normal, healthy individuals. respectively.
played an important part but so far their It has been found that the response to An alternate method of plotting the
exact mechanism remains unknown. It electrical stimulation obtained from sub­ data is illustrated in Fig. 2, in which the
seemed that the let-go current in both stantial numbers of subjects inevitably points for the 134 men are plotted as per­
sexes was related to the muscular de­ follows a normal distribution. This fact cent deviations from the mean of the
velopment of the wrist and forearm. is illustrated in the distribution curves of group. This method has the advantage
Husky subjects having low let-go values Fig. 1, in which the majority of the in­ of increased accuracy in analyzing the
could almost invariably be persuaded to dividual points fall closely about the data, as it has been found that as long as
continue the test until their values were straight Hnes on the probability graph the sensations and other manifestations
in line with others of similar physique; paper. It has been found that the resulting from electrical stimulation are
however, attempts to correlate let-go greater the number of individual points similar, the deviation curves will have the
currents with physical measurements of the more closely the points fall about a same or nearly identical slopes. In con­
the forearm, wrist, strength of grip, etc., straight Hue. The shghtly greater scat­ trast, the corresponding distribution
were inconclusive. tering of the points about the distribution curves generally have different slopes.

50 Dalziely Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages MAY 1956

Fi9. 3 ( l e f t ) . Effect 99.5
of f r e q u e n c y o n l e t - 99 \
3 0 current f o r m e n . ^ 98 ^
Current values b e ­ 5 95 EXPERIMENTAL
come dangerous *
a: 9 0 • ^ pniMTC crso
progressively t o a n 3 28 Ν
increasing n u m b e r o f Ρ 80
persons, as i n d i c a t e d S 70 t
b y the percentile S 60 \ i
values o n t h e right- £: 50
hand side o f t h e 40 i
curves. V a l u e s f o r •
w o m e n are a p p r o x i ­
mately 6 6 % of the i 10 \
current values s h o w n
o n t h e curves Q:
* V
-30 -20 -10 10
\2 0 30
F i g . 4 (right). D-c
release current d e ­ PERCENT DEVIATION FROM MEAN
v i a t i o n curve OF 73.7 MA.

test condition, and wild points are dis­

carded. Per-cent deviations are com­
puted for the points retained, and the
50 100 5 0 0 1000 deviation curve is plotted and compared
FREQUENCY CYCLES PER SECOND with Fig. 2. The data are considered
reliable if the response approximates a
normal distribution, and if the slope of
Such tests are time-consuming, and smal­ The following procedure is believed to
the resulting deviation curve is consistent
ler groups were used to investigate other 5deld an accuracy for small numbers of
with the reported physiological reactions.
conditions. For example, in so far as subjects comparable to that for the 134-
I t m a y be of interest that only three
could be ascertained, considering limita­ man group. Comparative let-go tests
points were discarded in reducing the data
tions of accuracy of the data and the are made on 60-cycle sine-wave alternat­
for the several tests mentioned in the
relatively limited numbers of subjects ing current with the use of the copper-
foregoing. The projected mean for a
used, the 60-cycle let-go values for 134 wire electrode and a selected test condi­
large sample is computed as follows:
men, for 28 women, and for groups vary­ tion, such as an irregular wave form,
ing from 25 to 30 men, with the use of higher frequency, etc. The order of the mean 60-cycle let-go
sine-wave alternating currents from 5 t o tests is alternated among the subjects t o mean or current for 134 men
= X
5,000 cycles, yielded deviation curves aU equalize effects of fatigue. The distri­ threshold value

mean GO-cycle let-go

of which had the same slope. bution ciurve is plotted for the selected
current for sample

Fig. 5 . Effect o f w a v e
fomi on let-go cunents
for m e n , w o m e n , a n d 20 30 40 50 60

MAY 1 9 5 6 Dalziely Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages 51

Table I. L e t - G o Currents, S i n e - W a v e a n d 2 5 % O f f s e t W a v e Tests

H a n d Electrode Positive H a n d Electrode Negative

Offset W a v e Offset W a v e

Sine-Wave D-C Sine-Wave D-C

Control, Component A-C Control, Component A-C
60-Cycle Average, Component 60-Cycle Average, Component
Subject Rms, M a Ma Rms, M a Subject Rms, M a Ma Rms, M a

P.... ....18.8 ... ....36.0 ... 5.6 .... ....C 16.5 ... ....30.0 ... 5.2
C... ....16.5 ... 34.0 ... 5.6 ... 14.0 ... 30.0 . . . 5.3
B.... ....15.0 ... 32.0 ... 5.7 ... ..../ 16.2 ... ....30.0 ... 5.6
I 16.2 . . . 31.0 ... 5.9 ... .. . . Α . . . . 16.0 ... 26.0 . . . 4.7
M.... ....14.5 ... 30.0 ... 5.3 ... . . . . Μ . . . ....14.5 ... 26.0 . . . 4.6
....14.0 ... 30.0 ... 5.2 ... ....G.... ....12.4 ... ....24.0 ... 4.3
A 16.0 . . . 30.0 ... 5.5 ... ....Β.... 15.0 ... ....23.5 ... 4.2
Fig. 6. Oscillogram from rectifier-type ....12.4 ... 27.5 ... 4.9 ... .. ..Ν.,.. . . . . 1 2 . 5 ... ....23.0 ... 4.1
....12.8 ... 25.0 ... 4.4 ... ....11.0 ... ....21.2 ... 3.9
welding machine ....13.3 ... 25.0 ... 4.4 ... .. 12.8 ... ....20.0 ... 3.7
K.... ....12.0 ... 25.0 ... 4.6 ... .. ..Η.... 13.3 ....20.0 ... 3.5
A to B = d - c component output voltage = 0.... ....12.0 ... 24.0 ... 4.3 ... . . . . 0 . . . . ....12.0 ... ....18.0 ... 3.2
75 v o l t s F.... ....11.0 ... 23.0 ... 4.2 ... ....7.... ....ll.O ... ....18.0 ... 3.4
ΛΓ. . . . . . . . 1 2 . 5 . . . 23.0 ... 4.1 ... ....L.... ....11.1 ... 17.5 . . . 3.3
Β t o C = d-c c o m p o n e n t = 5,5 crest v o l t s L.... ....11.1 . . . 23.0 ... 4.3 ... ....Κ.... ....12.0 ... ....17.0 ... 3.0

Mean.. ....13.87... ....27.90... 4.93.... ... .13.35... ....22.95... ....4.13

Corrected mean:
mean of sample for given test condition (1) D-c a v e r a g e = 2 7 . 9 0 X 1 5 . 8 7 / 1 3 . 8 7 = 3 1 . 9 2 m a 2 2 . 9 5 X 1 5 . 8 7 / 1 3 . 3 5 = 27
27.2.S m a
Λ / 2 Χ 4 . 1 3 Χ 15.87/13.3, 0.94 m a
A-c c r e s t = \/2 X 4 . 9 3 X 1 5 . 8 7 / 1 3 . 8 7 = 7 . 9 8 m a
The current required for other percentile
99Vi p e r c e n t i l e :
ranks is obtained by using the following D-c a v e r a g e m e n = 31.92 ( 1 . 0 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) = 18.13 m a 27.28 ( 1 . 0 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) = 15..W m a
A-c c r e s t m e n 7.98 ( 1 . 0 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) = 4.53 m a 6.94 ( 1 . 0 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) = 3.94 m a
D-c a v e r a g e c h i l d r e n = 0.5 X 18.13 == 9.1 m a 0 . 5 X 1 5 . 5 0 = 7.8 m a
A-c c r e s t c h i l d r e n = 0 . 5 X 4.53 == 2.3 m a 0.5 X 3.94 = 2.0 m a
current = mean of sample ( l ± d e via tion
from mean corresponding to percentile D-c a v e r a g e w o m e n = 18.13 X 1 0 . 5 / 1 5 . 8 7 = 12.0 m a 1 5 . 5 0 X 1 0 . 5 / 1 5 . 8 7 = 10.2 m a
A-c c r e s t w o m e n = 4 . 5 3 X 1 0 . 5 / 1 5 . 8 7 = 3.0 m a 3 . 9 4 X 1 0 . 5 / 1 5 . 8 7 = 2.0 m a
rank desired) ( 2 )
% ripple 7.98/31.92 = 2 5 . 1 % 6 . 9 4 / 2 7 28 = 2.5.4%
The effect of frequency on let-go cur­ P o l a r i t y effect 2 7 . 2 8 / 3 1 . 9 2 = 8 5 . 5 %

rents for frequencies from 5 to 10,000

cycles is shown in Fig. 3. T h e tests w^re
conducted on groups consisting of 25 to
30 men with the use of the copper-wire in a material increase in the time re­ The maximum a subject would withstand
electrode with sine-wave shapes main­ quired to release the conductor. and then release was termed his release
tained. The data were analyzed as pre­ Tests on steady or gradually increasing current. This value of current repre­
viously discussed and, except for the direct current produced sensations of in­ sents the limit of endurance rather than
10,000-cycle test, all the deviation curves ternal heating rather than muscular con­ the let-go limit, and it is a psychological
had identical slopes. The slope of the tractions. Sudden changes in current rather than a physiological limit. The
deviation curve for the highest frequency produced severe muscular contractions, deviation curve resulting from tests on
was considerably greater than that for the and interruption of the current produced 28 men in which the hand grasped the
other curves, and is attributed to the a very severe shock. T h e muscular re­ copper wire electrode is given in Fig. 4.
difference in physiological reactions which actions when the test electrode was re­ Attention is called to its much greater
were manifested by a sensation of internal leased at the higher values were very ob­ slope than that for the GO-cycle deviation
heating, reduction in pain, decrease in jectionable, and sooner or later all sub­ curve. T h e data for the d-c tests were
severity of the muscular contractions, and jects decHned to attempt greater currents. analyzed in a manner similar to that for

Fig. 7 (left). A 2 5 % ; 9 9
\ 1
offset w a v e current d e ­
\ - f •
' \ ο • E X P E J R I M E N ΓΓΑΙ
viation curve
\ s
• • · •

/ P O I N T S F O R
/] o n 1 MTC c n ο
)' • '
/ ) IV s • 23 M E N
), , ! 1
ο • /
J' • |- •^
ο · \ο 6 0

· • •
' \ 5 0 \•
}• i
\c • 4 0

] \
Ε Α Ν = 2 3 : 0 Μ Α . D.C.
^ \
· H A ND E L E C T R O D E

\ ^1 E A N = 2 7 . 9 MA. D.C.
P O S I T !V E
\ \ t
1 \ I
>l 1 0.5
-40 -30 -20 -10 10 2 0 3 0 4 0 Fig. 8 (right). 6 0 cycle - 4 0 - 3 0 - 2 0 -10 0 10 2 0 3 0 4 0

OF EACH GROUP curve OF 2 0 . 3 VOLTS R M S

52 Dalziel, Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages MAY 1956

alternating currents; for example, the ing 85.5% versus 87.5%. Curves repre­ Reasonably Safe Voltages
mean or threshold value for direct current senting reasonably safe electric currents
is determined by using equation 1, thus for men were computed with the use of Although the deleterious effects of
giving the 99V2% criterion; values for women electric shock are caused by the current
were taken at 66%, and the cturves for actually flowing through the human body,
15.87 children were arbitrarily assumed at 5 0 % in accidents the voltage of the circuit is
d-c threshold current = —-— X73.7
15.37 of the corresponding values for men, for usually the only electric quantity known
=76.1 ma d-c (3) the reasons given in reference 2. with certainty. While current and volt­
D a t a for the 2 5 % offset wave were age are related by Ohm's law, it is sel­
The data were obtained with a wire
measured with a d-c milliammeter and the dom that the contact resistances with
electrode of negative polarity, as it was
a-c component was obtained from a peak the body can be determined with any de­
found that the muscular reactions were
responsive General Radio type-1803A gree of accuracy. On very high-voltage
more objectionable than when releasing
vacutun-tube voltmeter connected in circuits, skin and contact resistances
an electrode of positive polarity; hence,
shunt to a 1,000-ohm noninductive re­ break down instantly and, thus, they may
the threshold as determined is considered
sistor. T h e instruments were connected play only a minor role in limiting the cur­
in a series circuit comprising a variac and rent received b y a victim; however, on
A d-c release cturent of 56 ma was ob­
90-volt battery with potentiometer con­ the lower voltages the resistances at con­
tained by one woman at the time the
trol, reversing switch, and the test and tact locations become of increasing im­
tests were being made on the men. T h e
indifferent electrodes. I t was believed portance and are of paramount impor-
tests on the other 27 women were con­
that the d-c readings were the most reli­ ance on very low-voltage circuits. The
cluded by having them release a max­
able, and the experimental points for the moisture and chemical content of the
imum of 35 m a negative polarity, which
direct component for both polarities are epidermis, the area actually making con­
each of them did without complaint or
plotted in Fig. 7. Although there is some tact with the skin, the moisture condition
difficulty, but lack of time prevented de­
scattering of the points about the devia­ and pressure at the contact locations,
termining limiting values. Assuming
tion curve, the data are typical of the re­ and the resistance of electrical burns are
that the 60-cycle let-go current ratio of
sults obtained when using small numbers all unknown quantities. Obviously, wet
women-to-men equals 6 6 % applies, then
of subjects. I t is interesting to note that contacts create a most dangerous condi­
the d-c release threshold for women is
the deviation curve has the same slope as tion for receiving an electric shock.
50.4 ma.
that previously found for the 134-man From the foregoing, it is evident that the
The effect of wave form on let-go cur­ problem of estimating reasonably safe
rents for composite waves consisting of 60-cycle response. Table I represents
both data and detailed calculations. voltages is much more difficult than that
60-cycle and direct components is shown of establishing reasonably safe currents.
in Fig. 5. The mean let-go values for A n evaluation of the relative let-go However, the conclusions are consistent
the various composite wave forms follow ciurent hazard of a typical modern with the opinions of international au­
a smooth curve if the direct component rectifier-type welding machine, with the thorities, and it is anticipated that the
is plotted on One axis versus the a-c peak output voltage characteristics shown in results m a y be useful in evaluating rela­
m the forward direction on the other the oscillogram of Fig. 6, m a y illustrate tive hazards.
axis. The curve is based on data ob­ application of the foregoing analysis.
tained with the use of 60-cycle sine waves, The d-c output voltage is represented by Sixty-cycle sine-wave let-go currents
rectified half-waves, rectified full waves, the distance A to Β ^ 75 volts. The and voltages were recently obtained on a
50% offset waves, 141% offset waves, a-c peak in the forward direction is group of 23 subjects.* The let-go volt­
and pure direct ciurent.^ T h e curve Β to C and is approximately 5.5 peak age deviation curve of Fig. 8 was ob­
representing the mean or threshold re­ volts, and comparison with the timing tained with the subjects firmly grasping
sponse was drawn through the computed wave indicates that the ripple frequency the small wet copper-wire electrode and
mean values for the various tests with is 360 cycles. The % ripple is 5.5/75 = with the indifferent electrode consisting
the hand electrode of negative polarity 7.3%. I t is apparent from Fig. 3 that of a lead strip wrapped with saline-soaked
to give conservative results. T h e mean- any percentile curve shows the let-go gauze clamped around the associated
mg of the phrase "a-c peak in the forward ciurent at 360 cycles to be approximately upper arm. I t is noted that a sufficient
direction" is illustrated in Fig. 6. This 118% of the value at 60 cycles; and since number of subjects was used to deter­
will be discussed in the section which the a-c components of Fig. 5 have a fre­ mine a normal distribution, and that the
follows. quency of 60 cycles, the equivalent % let-go voltages follows a deviation curve
ripple from a hazard viewpoint is 7 . 3 / similar to that for the 134-man group of
Rather small numbers of subjects
1.18 = 6.2%. An idea of the hazard is Fig. 2. The projected mean for a large
were used for most of the composite-wave
given b y the intersections of the broken sample is determined b y using equation 1
let-go tests, and insufficient data were
obtained between the 5 0 % offset waves line marked 6.2% offset, along with the
a-c mean let-go voltage, hand to upper arm
and the d-c tests. Points obtained on various let-go current curves of Fig. 5.
16 men during the spring of 1953, using (The 6.2% offset line is located by draw­
= » ^ ^ X 2 0 . 3 3 = 2 3 . 0 volts rms
a 25% offset wave with the hand elec­ ing a line from the origin to a point located 14.05
trode both positive and negative are also as follows: Select any convenient value
included in Fig. 5. Except for one man, on the abscissa. The point is located In many cases ^ of accidental electric
the 1953 subjects were an entirely new vertically from the point on the abscissa shock the current pathway through the
group, and it is somewhat surprising that at a distance equal to 0.062 times the body is between the hands, or between
the computed points fall so very close to abscissa value.) Attention is called to the hands and the feet. The hand-to-
the original ctuves published 11 years ago. the increased hazard caused by the rela­ feet pathway was simulated by having
The polarity effect was also in substantial tively small ripple content over that for the subjects grasp with wet hands a pair
agreement with the original findings, be­ pure direct current. of 6-inch long-nose pliers in the right

MAY 1 9 5 6 Dalziel, Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages 53

Table I I . P a t h w a y Correction Factor, 6 0 - 99.5
Cycle A - C
\ 1

\ t A K t K I I V I t N lAL
Pathway 95

Factor y 90 \ >3 MEN

i 80 -
/ 0.959 ο 70
G 0.932 Q:
LU 60
Ο 0.888 Q.
Τ 0.888 50 Ν
Ρ 0.864 40
Ρ 0.835
J 0.823 -
Κ 0.820 20
Υ 0.811
C 0.808 10 >
Χ 0.806 i
UJ •
D 0.780 5
Β 0.766 Fig. 9 . Subject i n process o f d e t e r m i n i n g ο
UJ •
Α 0.738 his l e t - g o current a n d v o l t a g e Q. 2
Μ 0.737 1
5.... 0.721 1
-30 -20 -10 0 10 \20 30
υ 0.660 a-c reasonably safe voltage, hand to feet = PERCENT DEVIATION FROM MEAN
Η 0.634
L 0.592
18.0 ( 1 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) =10.2 volts rms OF 1225 VOLTS
Mean 0.781 Fig. 1 0 . D - c release v o l t a g e d e v i a t i o n curve
(Deviation from the mean at 99V2%
= - 0 . 4 3 2 is from Fig. 8.) Let-go and
release voltages for the hand-to-hand
hand when standing barefoot in a bucket pathway were obtained from the data D-c release values were available for
of salt water to a depth of about 4 inches. given in Tables I and II of reference 3. 23 subjects, and no points were rejected.
Because of the violent muscular reactions These 60-cycle let-go and release tests The voltage deviation curve of Fig. 10
and frequent loss of balance when the were comparable, since the contact con­ has the same slope as the corresponding
subject struggled to release the test elec­ ditions consisted of grasping the small d-c release current deviation curve of
trode, it was not safe to conduct let-go copper-wire electrode in the wet palm of Fig. 4, and is offered as substantiating
tests and, instead, a series of simultane­ the right hand, and the left hand was the analysis. T h e threshold for the hand-
ous current and voltage readings were held firmly on a flat brass plate 8 inches to-hand ciurrent pathway for a large
taken for both indifferent electrode loca­ in diameter and wet with salt water. group is computed with equation 1
tions with cturents from about 30 to 9 0 % The data were reduced according to the d-c threshold release v o l t a g e , h a n d t o hand
of the individual's let-go value. The methods previously described. Sixty- 15.87
tests were made on the same day, with cycle let-go values were available for 54 = - - - X 122.5 = 127.8 volts
lo.^ 1
the order alternated between different subjects, but the six highest voltage
subjects so that unpredictable variations values were discarded for the response to and the reasonably safe release voltage is
would average out. A pathway correc­ approximate a normal distribution. Al­ d-c reasonably safe v o l t a g e , h a n d t o hand
tion factor was determined for 21 sub­ though the data did not follow the antic­ = 127.8 ( 1 - 0 . 1 8 5 ) =104.2 volts
jects, and is defined as follows ipated response as closely as desired, it
is beheved that the substantial number of (Deviation for the mean at 9972%
p a t h w a y correction factor = subjects permits reasonably accurate = - 0 . 1 8 5 is from Fig. 10.) The ratio
voltage ^^^^^^^ current w i t h right computations. The 60-cycle currents of the d-c mean release voltage to the
h a n d holding pliers t o b o t h feet often produced muscular reactions at the corresponding a-c mean let-go voltage for
current b u c k e t of saU water the hand-to-hand pathway and the same
left hand which caused the hand and
voltage a n d current w i t h right fingers to curl, and it was found necessary contact conditions is 127.8/36.9 = 3.46.
h a n d holding small copper wire for a bystander to apply pressure on the This permits estimating the direct volt­
current t o a r m b a n d on upper arm
back of the hand to assure good contact ages for the hand-to-feet current path­
with the brass plate. It is likely that this way as follows
Values for the various subjects, including
difficulty is responsible tor the poorer re­
t h e mean, are given in Table I I . d-c threshold release voltage, h a n d t o feet
sponse. Fig. 9 illustrates a subject in the
It had been anticipated that the resist­ = 3.46X18.0 = 62.3 volts d-c
process of determining his let-go values.
ance from the hand to the feet, being a
The threshold for the hand-to-hand ciu­ and the reasonably safe release voltage is
longer pathway, would be higher than
rent pathway for a large group is given
the resistance from the hand to the arm­ d-c reasonably safe v o l t a g e , hand-to-feet
band. Such was not the case, which in­ = 62.3 ( 1 - 0 . 1 8 5 ) = 5 1 volts d-c
dicates that the contact resistance at the a-c threshold let-go v o l t a g e , h a n d t o h a n d =
armband predominated. The threshold From the foregoing it is apparent that,
15.87. for wet contact conditions, the reasonabty
60-cycle let-go voltage for the hand-to- X 3 4 . 4 = 3 6 . 9 volts rms
14.81 safe 60-cycle let-go voltages for man, for
feet pathway for a large sample is ob­
tained b y multiplying the mean pathway the major current pathways through the
The reasonably safe 60-cycle let-go
body, are between about 10 and 21 volts
correction factor b y the a-c mean let-go voltage for this current pathway is ob­
rms, and the corresponding voltages for
voltage, or 0.781 X 23.0 = 18 volts rms. tained as before
direct ciurent are 51 to 104 volts.
Applying the 99V2% criterion, the rea­
sonably safe 60-cycle let-go voltage is a-c reasonably safe v o l t a g e , h a n d t o h a n d The reader is cautioned against in­
=36.9 ( 1 - 0 . 4 3 2 ) = 2 1 volts r m s terpreting the differences between the
computed from equation 2

Dalzielf Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages MAY 1956

voltage values as a true index of the rela­ cular control or physical injury t o the freeze a victim t o an electric circuit, t h e
tive hazard between alternating current person." electrical hazards inherent in electric
and direct current. Ciurent is the W. B . Kouwenhoven^ states: ''People equipment must be recognized, and meas­
proper criterion of electric shock inten- recognize that high voltages are danger­ ures must be taken t o prevent electric
aty, and the hazard from t h e proposed ous. However, they should b e equally shock accidents. T h e probability of re­
reasonably safe voltages would be greatly careful of low voltages. There are a ceiving electric shocks must be antici­
inaeased if contact occurred at locations number of cases o n record where contact pated, and preventive measures must be
where the skin was lacerated or if local with 60 and 65 volt drcuits of commercial considered vital ingredients i n the design
high current densities produced material frequencies have resulted in fatal ac­ of machines, i n t h e framing of safety
breakdown of the skin. Currents of t h e cidents. T h e lowest voltage .fatality of codes, operating instructions, and work
let-go level are more than sufficient t o which the author has any record occiured procedures.
produce very serious biu-ns. at 46 volts, 60 cycles. It is probable that
circuits of 24 volts or less m a y b e con­ References
Opinions of International Authorities sidered as safe under practically all con­
ditions." Charles F . Dalziel, Eric Ogden, Curtis £ . Abbott.
H. B. Whitaker published an exhaus­ AIEE Transactions (Electrical Engineering), vol.
tive study of the effects of electric shock At a conference sponsored b y t h e 62, D e c . 1943, p p . 7 4 5 - 5 0 .
with regard t o electric fence controllers.*^ Comit£ Medical of the Ellectricit6 de 2. EFFECT OF WAVE FORM ONLET-GO CURRENTS,

With regard to voltage he concludes: France during t h e C I G R E meetings of Charles F . Dalziel. Ibid., p p . 739-44.

June 1952, French authorities considered 3. E L E C T R I C S H O C K , C h a r l e s F . D a l z i e l , J o h n B .

"Where no inherent current-limiting L a g e n , J o e L . T h u r s t o n . Ibid., v o l . 6 0 , D e c . 1 9 4 1 ,
features are - incorporated in the device, the maximum voltages safe for m a n were pp. 1073-79.

the maximum safe voltage t o which an approximately 24 volts for 50-cycle a-c 4. A S T U D Y O P T H E H A Z A R D S O F OpEN-CiRCuiTEo

individual may be subjected should not and 50 volts for direct current. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS, Frank P. Massoglia.
M.S. Thesis, U n i v e r s i t y of California, Berkeley,
exceed 12 (60-cycle a-c). This is based Calif., J a n . 2 8 , 1 9 5 4 .

upon the theory that a potential of 12 Conclusions 5. ELECTRIC SHOCK AS I T PERTAINS TO T H E

ELECTRIC FENCE, H . B . Whitaker. Bulletin of
volts or less will rarely, if ever, cause a Research No. 14, U n d e r w r i t e r s ' L a b o r a t o r i e s , I n c . ,
Because electric currents of only a few N e w Y o r k , N . Y . , D e c . 1939.
breakdown of skin resistance sufficient
to permit a current flow through the body milliamperes and, with w e t conditions, B O D Y , W . B . K o u w e n h o v e n . Electrical Engineering,
of such intensity as to cause lack of mus­ of only a few volts are sufficient t o vol. 6 8 . M a r . 1949, p p . 1 9 9 - 2 0 3 .

resistance of the human skin, I believe that known. The maximum safe voltage when
Discussion it is impossible to predict "safe let-go contacting a circuit of maintained voltage
voltages" unless all of the conditions are is largely dependent upon the dryness and
W. B. Kouwenhoven (The Johns Hopkins acctuately known. dielectric strength of the epidermis at the
University, Baltimore, Md.): Prof. Dalziel's points of contact. In the paper the let-go
work on let-go current is a valuable contribu­ voltage study was confined to estimating
tion to our knowledge of the effects of elec­ A. TJ. Welch (General Electric Company, minimum probable let-go voltages under
tricity on the human body. In this paper Fitchburg, Mass.): Contact area is im­ very wet contact conditions. These condi­
the authors have attempted to extend the portant in affecting current through the tions consisted of standing ankle deep in
data to include the voltage of the circuit. body. Wet gloves can amplify shock be­ salt water and grasping a bare wire or a pair
For example, they find that a reasonably yond that obtained on the bare hand by of pliers with the hand dripping wet with
safe direct voltage, hand to hand, is 104.2 increasing effective contact area. salt water. Conditions similar to this may
volts and hand to feet 51 volts. It is interesting to note that the trend prevail when working in very wet locations.
At the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the skin toward low voltage (40 or less) d-c power Perhaps the greatest value of the study is
resistance of the bodies of certain patients is sources for the high-speed consumable to emphasize the potential danger from very
meastired as an aid to diagnosis. The re­ electrode processes is definitely in the low voltages with the hope that such in­
sistances are measured between an indiffer­ direction of increased safety. formation will result in creating more
ent electrode at some convenient location respect for ordinary house circuits among
and a small silver wheel which is moved users of electrical apparatus and appliances,
over the body stuface. In this work a D. B. Robinson (American Can Company, including all members of the family.
potential of 90 volts direct current is used Maywood, 111.): Do the let-go currents Fortunately, low-voltage hazards are virtu­
and we have experienced no difficulties, and voltages discussed in the paper cause ally eliminated by the application of a
and no one has been injured. muscular reactions such as to promote Uttle common sense, such as: de-energizing
The outer layer of oiu skin, the epi­ "grabbing" of contact? the circuit whenever possible; never work­
dermis, is our best protection against electric ing on a live circuit, or using electrically
shock. The resistance of the epidermis powered tools or appliances barehanded
varies widely over the surface of the body. K. A. Krasin (Chicago Bridge and Iron when standing on metal floors, in water, on
It is low on the palms of the hands, the Company, Chicago, 111.): Does not the wet ground, or in the rain. Instead, dry
soles of the feet, the axillae, the face, the higher voltage contacted on muscular gloves and rubber overshoes should be worn;
groin, and certain other body areas. In reaction result in an opposite effect to that and well-grounded and wet areas should be
passing the mid-line from the lower surface encountered at lower voltage? covered with a dryboard, a couple of sacks,
of a finger to the back there is an increase in or an old coat.
resistance of eight- to tenfold. The skin In reply to Mr. Welch, since contact
resistance also varies with the applied C. F. Dalziel and F. P. Massoglia: The resistance is a predominating factor in
voltage, its conditions as to wetness, and authors are in full agreement with Mr. limiting the current in low-voltage acci­
other factors. Once the current gets inside Kouvenhoven that let-go current is a vaUd dents, anything that will increase the
the body the resistance is practically uni­ criterion of electric shock hazard, and that effective area of contact with the body will
form and is about 100 ohms per centimeter'. the corresponding let-go voltage is uncertain increase the hazard. Wet gloves would be
In view of the wide variations in the unless all of the conditions are accurately expected to increase greatly the potential

MAY 1 9 5 6 Dalziel, Massoglia—Let-Go Currents and Voltages 55

hazard, and leather gloves are preferable to workman in the San Francisco Bay area are due to the current actually flowing
cotton. attempted to obtain a better view of an in- through the body, and are independent of
In reply to Mr. Robinson, alternating plant Christmas Eve party by climbing the voltage per se. For the same circuit
currents flowing through the body stimulate around an overhead crane. He slipped and, and contact conditions, the higher the
the nerves and muscles and produce sensa­ to keep from falling, grasped the 440-volt voltage, the greater the current, and the
tions of heat. As the current is increased, crane trolley wires. He immediately froze more violent the muscular reactions. Human
the sensation of tingling and the accom­ to the trolley wires, and his body swung tissue has a negative resistance character­
panying sensation of heat increase. With back and forth until someone opened the istic, i.e., the body resistance decreases with
further increase of current the muscular switch. He then fell to the ground, frac­ both increasing current and with increasing
reactions increase in severity, sensations of tured his skull, and died. A similar acci­ time of contact, with the result that dou­
pain develop, and voluntary control of the dent occurred in 1947 at a brass works in the bling the voltage more than doubles the cur­
muscles that lie in the current pathway be­ Los Angeles area. A laborer lost his footing rent.
comes increasingly difficult. Finally a when climbing down from the roof of the On the lower voltages the circuit is fre­
value of current is reached for which the factory. As he fell he grasped the 220-volt quently not completed until the palm of the
subject cannot control the affected muscles, trolley wires of an overhead crane, and froze hand actually makes contact with the ener­
and if contact is made by grasping a con­ to the trolley wires. His body dangled gized conductor or with a defective tool
ductor in the hand, he finds that he cannot from the wires until one employee opened held in the bare hand. The resulting cur­
release his grasp of the conductor, and is the switch while another employee caught rent may effectively freeze the victim to
said to "freeze" to the cucuit. him as he fell. He received severe burns the circuit. Barring fortuitous circum­
A rather striking experiment may be but recovered. stances, the resulting shock may be of long
safely conducted by arranging a low-voltage The foregoing may serve to illustrate that duration with disastrous results. In con­
60-cycle circuit definitely limited to 5 or 10 electrical stimulation of the muscles does trast, on higher voltages, contact with the
ma. Make contact on the upper arm with a not promote "grabbing" of contact, but that circuit may be by a jump spark or arc just
flexible conducting arm band, and with once a firm grasp of an energized conductor prior to obtaining a grasp of the conductor.
fingers relaxed and extended, have an has been established, the resulting muscular The resulting violent involuntary muscular
assistant explore the forearm with a small contractions may prevent a victim from reactions may throw the person away from
blunt electrode connected to the other side releasing his grasp of the energized conduc­ the circuit, thereby quickly interrupting
of the circuit. Locations will be found tor. To prevent the possibility of freezing the current and saving the victim. Also,
where the individual fingers will be con­ to a circuit, it is good practice first to touch the current flowing through the body in
tracted, very much to the surprise of the with the back of the middle finger a sup­ high-voltage accidents is sometimes suf­
subject. posedly de-energized conductor or the ficient to blow fuses or trip circuit breakers,
The muscular contractions produced by frame of an electrical device. thus decreasing the duration of contact and
currents in excess of one's let-go current can In reply to Mr. Krasin, the muscular thereby increasing a victim's chance of sur­
be very powerful. In 1942, a shipyard reactions produced by electric stimulation vival.

desirable feature since contactors are

Interruption Tests on H i g h - V o l t a g e normally serviced in place. As the
simplicity of the moving parts suggests,
the contactor was designed for a life
A i r - B r e a k Contactor of a few million operations with only
minor maintenance.
Fig. 4 is a side view of a pole assembly
C. A . LISTER with many parts removed to show the
current paths. When the contactor is
closed, the current passes through a

H IGH-VOLTAGE air-break contac­ Contactor Design permanently connected blowout coil to

tors are frequently used in con­ the contacts and thence through a
trollers, both for starting motors and The new contactors are rated 200 and flexible connector to the outgoing termi­
for interrupting short circuits. Accord­ 400 amperes continuous, 2,300 t o 4,600 nal via an arrangement of conductors
ing to the National Electrical Manu­ volts, 3 phase, 60 cycles, and have an designed to reduce the electromagnetic
facturers Association ( N E M A ) stand- interrupting rating of 50,000 k v a available force, which otherwise would cause
ards,i 2,300- to 4,600-volt contactors for symmetrical. A contactor may be furnished prematiu^e separation of the contacts
this duty may be used in circuit locations with an a-c or a d-c operating magnet. under fault conditions. When the con­
where the available symmetrical short- The high-voltage parts are enclosed tactor opens, the arc drawn between
circuit kilovolt-amperes (kva) are as by a phase barrier assembly with closed the contacts of each pole is forced onto
high as 50,000 kva. In this paper new front and top but open at the rear to and up arc runners in the arc chute by
contactors designed for this service vent gases from the arc chutes. This a transverse magnetic field set up be­
are described, and the tests made to barrier assembly may be drawn out when tween the blowout ears by the blowout
prove the interrupting rating are dis­ inspection of the contactor is required. coil. Cooling plates are arranged to
cussed. Fig. 1 shows a complete 200-ampere force the upward moving arc into a
contactor. For Fig. 2 the barrier as­ sinuous path, and the lengthening and
sembly was removed, and for Fig. 3 the cooling of the arc results in interruption
Paper 56-31, recommended by the A I E E Industrial within the arc chute. Fig. 5 shows a
Control Committee and approved by the A I E E arc chutes were removed.
C o m m i t t e e o n T e c h n i c a l O p e r a t i o n s for p r e s e n t a ­ As shown in the figures, the arc chutes stack of cooling plates and a few separate
tion at the A I E E Winter General Meeting. New
Y o r k , N . Y . , J a n u a r y 3 0 - F e b r u a r y 3 , 1956. M a n u ­ can be removed by releasing the clamps plates. The design of conductors sur­
script s u b m i t t e d J u l y 11, 1955; m a d e available and pulling the chutes out. This permits rounding the flexible connector was
for p r i n t i n g N o v e m b e r 15, 1955.
complete inspection and easy access for decided upon after a series of calculations
C . A . L I S T E R is w i t h t h e E l e c t r i c C o n t r o l l e r & and tests in which the arrangement and
M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y , Cleveland, Ohio. replacement of contact tips, a highly

56 Lister—Interruption Tests on High-Voltage Air-Break Contactor MAY 1956

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