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FOCUS: Research in Social Studies

1. Research is a way of establishing knowledge through

a. Empiricism

b. Ethical reasoning

c. Intuition

d. Logic

2. A researcher immerses oneself to the community of Mangyans in order to become familiar with their
culture. This method is called.

a. Case Study

b. Ethnography

c. Grounded Theory Research

d. Phenomenological Research

3. Tina wants to know how rituals during harvest season are performed by the Ilocanos. In this instance,
Tina has to employ this data gathering technique.

a. Interview

b. Life Story

c. Observation

d. Participant Observation

4. What is the main focus of doing research?

a. Building a theory

b. Making conclusions

c. Proving a theory

d. Raising questions

5. There are many organized and systematic ways of conducting empirical research. Which of the
following is NOT a strategy in empirical research?
a. Experimenting

b. Eliciting behavior

c. Logical Reasoning

d. Observing

6. Prof. Cruz is doing anrvaluation research on governance. The result of the research will be used to
formulate certain policies on governance. This research is an example of

a. Applied research

b. Basic research

c. Descriptive research

d. Strategic research

7. Dr. Rowe wants to make use of an economic theory to solve problems of poverty. What kind of
research does he need to do?

a. Applied research

b. Basic research

c. Descriptive research

d. Strategic research

8. Prof. Valencia wants to build a theory in culture and communications. She is doing a/an

a. Basic research

b. Experimental research

c. Participatory research

d. Strategic research

9. Meaning making is an important aspect of

a. Case study

b. Ethnographic research

c. Participatory research

d. Phenomenological research
10. Louie wants to know wether or not the goals of the school are achieved by the teachers. What
research method will Louie employ?

a. Action research

b. Applied research

c. Descriptive research

d. Evaluative research

11. Dr. Monet wants to know the native categories of the Ibaloi. Dr. Monet should have this perspective:

a. Critical

b. Emic

c. Etic

d. Structural functionalist

12. An investigation of the factors affecting teaching performance of Social Studies teachers manifest this
kind of Social Science perspective, which one?

a. Critical perspective

b. Interpretative perspective

c. Structural functionalist

d. Symbolic interactionism

13. Pilot studies in which only one group receives treatment is an example of

a. Experimental design

b. Pre-experimental design

c. Quasi-experimental design

d. Solomon four-group design

14. What kind of research will make use of katutubong pamamaraan like pakikipagkuwentuhan,
ginabayang talakayan, and pakapa-kapa?

a. Descriptive research

b. Etic

c. Qualitative research
d. Quantitative research

15. Rosa is in the research phase where she is categorizing the data based on her conceptual framework.
What part of the research process is this?

a. Problem formulation

b. Designing the research

c. Research anysis

d. Making conclusions

16. What is most likely be one of the research problems in this research: The impact of out-of-class
Experiences on student learning

a. What is the profile of studeny respondents?

b. What are the values learned by students in their classes?

c. What do students learn from their experiences outside the classroom?

d. What is the significant relationship between student characteristic and their experiences outside the

17. Which of the following should be avoided in presenting a literature review?

a. Compendium

b. Critique of existing studies

c. Relating existing studies to present study

d. Summary of studies

18. What part of the research raises more research questions?

a. Analysis of data

b. Conclusions

c. Recommendations

d. Summary

19. Which of the following criteria shoukd be considered for a good basic research?

a. Accessibility

b. Raises more questions

c. Solves problems

d. Viable

20. Relating one variable over other variables is shown in

a. Conclusion

b. Construct

c. Hypothesis

d. Theory

21. Romeo made a research about the behavior of the generation x, y, and z in the Philippines. He did
not include however, the population of Jolo and Tawi-Tawi because of the peace and security problems.
Which of yhe conditions id problematic in the research?

a. External Validity

b. Internal Validity

c. Reliability

d. Validity

22. What characteristic of a research data is attained through the use of Triiangulation and
Quadrangulation techniques?

a. Externally Validity

b. Internally Validity

c. Reliable

d. Valid

23. Which of the following will help the researcher formulate research questions?

a. Knowledge of theories

b. Knowledge of methodology

c. Literature review

d. Thesis recommendation

24. Dr. Tan was doing a research about Filipino Diaspora. When he attended a conference about Filipino
migration, he interviewed sone of the participants in the conference. What sampling did Dr. Tan employ?
a. Convinience

b. Opportunistic

c. Snowball

d. Theoretical

25. If I do a participatory research, which of the following research questions will I answer?

a. What is the status of the Social Studies teaching in the Philippines?

b. What is the impact of mining exploration to the minicipality of Rizal?

c. What program of the governance can empower the women of Barangay 7772 of Manila?

d. What are the processes involved in developing critical thingking skills among first year students of
Roxas Academy?

26. Which of the following types of research will be able to test a theory or build a theory?

a. Applied Research

b. Basic Research

c. Descriptive Research

d. Strategic Research

27. Dr. Sarina wants to prove that students who came from stable families will most likely excel in their
academic performance. She looks for participant who have these characteristics. What kind of sampling
did Dr. Sarina use?

a. Convinience

b. Opportunistic

c. Snowball

d. Theoretical

28. When the researcher writes the broader implications of ones findings, what is this stage the

a. Drawing the conclusions

b. Formulating research problems

c. Making recommendations
d. Writing the conceptual framework

29. What type of research encourages the people to write their own narratives and cultural heritage?

a. Ethnography

b. Interpretive Research

c. Participatory Research

d. Phenomenological Research

30. Dr. Mateo is interested in the concept of nursing including the process on how this concepts were
derived by students in the College of Nursing. What research methodology should Dr. Mateo utilize?

a. Descriptive research

b. Ethnography

c. Grounded Theory Research

d. Phenimenological Research

31. Which of yhe following type of truth can be establishrd when doing a research?

a. Empirical truth

b. Ethnical truth

c. Legitimate truth

d. Logical truth

32. Which of the following research methoology uses long and in - depth interviews among 10 to 20
participants that results to formulation of ideas and constructs?

a. Descriptive Research

b. Ethnography

c. Grounded Theory Research

d. Phenomenological Research

33. Prof. Diaz wants to know how women used their decision-making skills to become successful women
leaders. Which of the following research techniques can best help the researcher gather pertinent data?

a. Drama

b. Life Story
c. Observation

d. Participant Observation

34. Mrs. Pelaez intends to do a research in order to resolve the bullying inside the school. Whivh of the
following reesarch method should she utilize?

a. Applied Research

b. Basic Research

c. Descriptive Research

d. Strategic Research

35. The Social Weather Station uses survey to gather data to do trend analysis. This methodologu is an
example of

a. Case Study

b. Descriptive Research

c. Qualitative Research

d. Quantitative Research

36. Which of the following characteristics of research is shown when it follows specific steps or processes
so that questions will be answered?

a. Organized

b. Purposeful

c. Structured

d. Systematic

37. Which of the following is the perfect experimental method?

a. Pre-test, Post Test Design

b. Time Series Analysis

c. Two group design

d. Solomon Group Design

38. A student looks into the power dynamics in a Social studies class. Which of the following perspective
should be used by the student?
a. Critical Perspective

b. Interpretive Perspective.

c. Structural Functionalist

d. Symbilic interactionism

39. Which of the following design discovers phenomena that already exist in the real world?

a. Experimental Design

b. Pre-experimental Design

c. Quasi-experimental Design

d. Solomon Four Group Design

40. The principal aims to establish an extension program that will develop the value of Makabayan in the
community. Which of the following research method can help the principal?

a. Formative Research

b. Impact Evaluation

c. Process Evaluation

d. Social Cost-Social Benefit Analysis

41. What relationship can be establish in this research: What is the relationship of student activism to
their self-concept?

a. Casual-comparative

b. Correlation

c. Multivariate

d. Prediction

42. Which is NOT a characteristic of a true-experimental research?

a. Use of control groups

b. Random selection of subjects

c. Random selection of treatment

d. Random assignments to control and experimental groups

43. Kenesics and proxemics are examples of

a. Verbal techniques

b. Non Verbal Techniques

c. Observation Checklist

d. Physical Traces

44. Which of the following parts of research will help a researcher become an expert in theory?

a. Formulation of the problem

b. Literature review

c. Designing the Research Plan

d. Analysis of Data

45. A researcher made use of toy guns as a form of treatment to know how aggression can be developed
among young children. Toy guns are considered as

a. Dependent Variables

b. Independent Variables

c. Intervening Variables

d. Control Variables

46. What kind of data is used when choices are ranked accordingly?

a. Normal Data

b. Ordinal Data

c. Interval Data

d. Ratio Data

47. Which of the following type of data analysis can be used in doing a research in local history?

a. Axial Analysis

b. Compenential Analysis

c. Thematic Analysis

d. Sequential Analysis
48. Which of yhe following should appear in a good introduction of a research?

a. Rationale, purpose, research questions

b. Purpose, research questions, abstractions

c. Literature review, reseatch questions, data

d. Rationale, reseatch questions, suggested research

49. Rona goes to the Ibaloi community and study their rituals. Which of the following research
methodology can answer Rona's research questions?

a. Ethnography

b. Grounded Theory Research

c. Participatory Research

d. Strategic Research

50. A basic research about profiling of the community was used by a university in order to formulate a
viable community development program. Which of the following research methodology was used by the

a. Ethnography

b. Grounded Theory Research

c. Participatory Research

d. Strategic Research

Prepared By: Harold G. Domingo

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