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Epic Story / Req ID Steps Test Data

Go to iqaguru home page

Home Page Image gallery IQ -6 and watch image gallery 1 books in Gallery
Go to iqaguru home page
IQ -6 and watch image gallery 2 books in Gallery
Go to iqaguru home page
IQ -6 and watch image gallery 5 books in Gallery

IQ -6 Verify the auto-rotation time

Go to iqaguru home page

and manualy roatates the
IQ -6 books images in the gallery

Go to iqaguru home page

and pause the rotation by
clicking on the pause in the
IQ -6 image

Click on a book on "Image

IQ-14 Gallery"

Go to iqaguru home page. In

the back-end there are more
than books. Count the books
IQ-7 in the image gallery

Store Navigation Page IQ-9 Go to Store Navigation page.

Go to the store Navigation

page, and check the price of
IQ-10 the product

IQ- 11 Click on Book image

Click on the image

IQ-11 description
Go to product details page,
and select 0 or null in QTY
Product Details page IQ-12 and clicks on "Add to Cart"

Go to product details page,

and select 1 in QTY, click on
IQ-12 "Add to cart" button

Go to product details page,

and select 20 in QTY, click on
"Add to cart" button ". Check
in backend if the 20 quantity
IQ-12 is available for that product."

Home Page UI Req1

Expected Resuts Actual Results Defect no.questions.

Auto Rotate
should be stopeed.

Image autorotaes.

imags auto-rotates

The second books

comes after 3 secs.

Books manually

Rotation pauses

User redirects to
product details page.

Only 10 books

Verify only Software

testing books display
on the page

Verify the price is

correct from the

Verify it redirects to
Product Details page

Verify it redirects to
Product Details page
Verify error
select the books
<1 to X> where X is
the maximum no. of
the available books
appears." <find x from the DB>

One product is
added to the cart

20 products added
to the cart.

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