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From: '. • To:

Sri M.Ravindrana,th’Babu,IPS., . ” The Collector 8s District Magistrate,
Superintendent of Police; ’ -' “ Krishna District,
Krishna, Machilipatnam. Machilipatnam.

C.No.409/ Gl /2019, Dated. L .08.2019

Sub: Police — Krishna District — Petroleum Act & Rules - Request of the
Territory Manager (Retail) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited,
Vijayawada for grant of NOC for the proposed retail outlet at
Sy.No.442/ lA situated at Tadinada Village, Kalidindi Mandal
Sending of enquiry reps rt Regarding.
Ref: Letter REV-CSECOPAR(NOC)/14/2019-SA(C3)-KCO, dated:
11.06.2019 of Collector ac d District Magistrate, Krishna District,

With reference to the abo e, It is to inform that necessary enquiries

have been caused on the requcst of tlac Territory Manager (Retail) Bharat
Petroleum Corporation Limitc cl , \' ij.iyawad a for grant of NCIC for the
proposed retail outlet at Sy. No. 442 / lA situated at Tadinada Village,
Kalidindi Mandal, Krishna District.
In this connection, it is i i iiform that the Sub-Divisional Police
Officer, Gudivada inspected the saicl site which is in an extent of’ 0.20 cents
and belongs to Sri Loya Venkata Satyanarayana,1eased to Sri Kalidindi
Srinivasa Raju, S/ o. Subba l?aj u, Sanarudravaram Village of Kalidindi
Mandal for a period of 21 year s. Tlac said land was converted into non
agricultural land by R DI C i u divada vide transaction ID
No.TANLCR01190007421 l ,Dt.O t.OF. O 19 on the request made by owner of
land. The proposed site is facing 1‹a v:a i de Western side of the black top road
which is running from Pothuiiicii rri—’I“adinada from South — North. On
verification it is found that tlar '. o',i iphical features are tallying with the
map, wherein the applicant pro i sect to install a new retail outlet with the
storage of Petroleum product C 1:is s A & B retail outlet, there are no
residential house sttit ated new i i t! ie proposed site. The pr‹aposed site
comprises with two ways i..e, i t i-; , nd exit. There is no traffic problem
anticipated and no live electrics .. -. - s are passing through the said site.
Contd. .2.. .

The neighbouring land owners in the vicinity unanimously stated

that there 1s no objection for the installation of the proposed A & B
petroleum outlet at the proposed site by the applicant Sri Kalidindi
Srinivasa Raju, S/o. Subba Raju, Sanarudravaram Village of Kalidindi
Mandal . Finally the Sub—Divisional Police Officer, Gudivada recommended
to issue NOC for the installation of the proposed retail out let by HPCL.
As per the above reasons, it is recommended for the issue of No
Objection Certificate to the applicant at Sy.No.442/1A, ari extent of
Ae.0.20 cents situated at Tadinada village of Kalindindi mandal, Krishna
District as per the proposed drawings enclosed herewith.

Yours faithfully,
Enel: Plan.
Supdt., of l•o1ice,
Krishna District.
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