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Jose Rizal movie on 1998 opened our eyes and our heart to the Spaniards

Tyranny for 3 centuries. It introduces us to the life of subjugation of the

Filipino people under the rule of the Spanish friars. From the execution of
three Filipino priests in 1872 for alleged subversion to the harsh and unequal
treatment of Filipino students in the schools, this film is a stinging indictment
of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. We see scenes both from Rizal's
actual life but also from his imagination.
It covers his life from his childhood to his execution at the hands of the
Spanish forces occupying the Philippines in the late 19th century. We are
also thrown into the world of Rizal's novels. So we get a glimpse of how he
viewed Filipino society under the Spanish heal. There are graphic depictions
of violence and even torture. The opening few scenes depict some episodes
from Rizal's novels. In one a Catholic priest raped a Filipina that’s why we
had mixed blood. In the other scene a Catholic priest beats a child for alleged
stealing. Strongercountry, came here and claim as if it’s there own. They are ruthless, cruel
and all the devilish words suits to them. They came here in the Philippines, ruled our lands and used
us as their slave. Our ancestors have been struggling that problem for almost 3 centuries and I felt
bad for myself. We were so pitiful, asking for freedom and thirsty for liberty, hungry for our own
country. Was that they called a colonization?

This world is cruel. Money, power can control people. I’m confused at the same time, there
are tons of questions in my mind that is looking for answers. What if Rizal didn’t stand in behalf of
Filipinos? Are we still in the hands of those evil tyranny? What if, what if? Those questions still
bugging me. What if Rizal didn’t die? Would it still be the same?
Even though that I’m confusing myself, there’s one thing important right now, the freedom
that we had. The freedom to talk, to write and fly that no can dictate you except yourself. I truly
admired Jose Rizal for his bravery not for strength but for the confidence he had to write all those
devilish acts of Spaniards and spread it to the world. I never admired any of the Heroes aside from
Heneral Luna, but truly he is amazing. How could he handle all those struggles in his life?

Despite all of that, we continued to live our life, thanks to our ancestors fighting for our
freedom. Bloods stained, people wailing, I can feel their sympathy. As a youth, I am challenge
that I could do better. Our Heroes died for us not for nothing but for something. Youth is our future.

wonder how the Catholic Church could possibly retain any power in the
country, if this is what the national hero thought about it.
The Powerful Spaniards ruled our small country, came here and claim
as if it’s their own. They are ruthless, cruel and all the devilish words suits to
them. They came here in the Philippines, ruled our lands and used us as
their slave. Our ancestors have been struggling that problem for almost 3
centuries and I felt bad for myself. We were so pitiful, asking for freedom and
thirsty for liberty, hungry for our own country. Was that they called a
This world is cruel. Money, power can control people. I’m confused at
the same time, there are tons of questions in my mind that is looking for
answers. What if Rizal didn’t stand in behalf of Filipinos? Are we still in the
hands of those evil tyranny? What if, what if? Those questions still bugging
me. What if Rizal didn’t die? Would it still be the same?
Even though that I’m confusing myself, there’s one thing important right
now, the freedom that we had. The freedom to talk, to write and fly that no
can dictate you except yourself. I truly admired Jose Rizal for his bravery not
for strength but for the confidence he had to write all those devilish acts of
Spaniards and spread it to the world. I never admired any of the Heroes aside
from Heneral Luna, but truly he is amazing. How could he handle all those
struggles in his life?

Despite all of that, we continued to live our life, thanks to our ancestors
fighting for our freedom. Bloods stained, people wailing, I can feel their
sympathy. As a youth, I am challenge that I could do better. Our Heroes died
for us not for nothing but for something. Youth is our future.

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