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Current Afairs Pakistan⬇

Q.Who is the President of Pakistan?

*Ans#Doctor Arif Alvi*
Q.Who is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan?
*Ans#Imran khan*
Q.Who is the current Minister of Defence?(Wazir_e_Defa)
*Ans#Pervez Khattak*
Q.Who is the current Minister of Finance?(Wazir_e_Khazana)
*Ans#Asad Umar*
Q.Who is the current Minister of Inforamation?(Wazir_e_Itlat)
*Ans#Fawad Chaudhry*
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Q.Who is the current Minister of foreign affairs Pakistan?(Wazir_e_Kharja)
*Ans#Shah Mehmood Qureshi*
Q.Who is the current interior Minister of Pakistan?(Wazir_e_Dakhla)
*Ans#Shehryar Khan Afridi*
Q.Who is the current chairman Senate?
*Ans#Sadiq Sanjarani*
Q.Who is the current Deputy chairman senate?
*Ans#Saleem Mandviwalla*
Q.Who is the current opposition leader in senate?
*Ans#Raja Zafar-ul-Haq*
Q.Who is the leader of the house in Senate?
*Ans#Syed Shibli Faraz*
Q.Who is the current DG FIA ?
*Ans#Bashir Memon*
Q.Who is the current Army Cheif of Pakistan?
*Ans#General Qamar javaed Bajwa*
Q.Who is the current chairman of NAB?
*Ans#Justice (R) Javed Iqbal*
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Q.Who is the current Minister of Education?(Wazir_e_Taleem)
*Ans#Shafqat Mahmood*
Q.Who is the current Religious affair Minister?(Wazir_e_Mazhabi umoor)
*Ans#Noor ul Haq Qadri*
Q.Who is the current Minister of IT?
*Ans#Khalid Maqbool Siddique*
Q.Who is the current chief of General Staff committe?
*Ans#Zubair Mahmood Hayat*
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Q.Who is th
Q.Who is the current Air chief of Pakistan?
*Ans#Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan*
Q.Who is the current Naval chief of Pakistan?
Q.Who is the current governer of state bank of pakistan?
*Ans#Tariq Bajwa*
Q.Who is the current minister of Energy?
*Ans#Omar Ayub Khan*
Q.Who is the current minister of Railways?(Wazir_e_Railway)
*Ans#Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad*
Q.Who is the current minister of Law and juistice?(Wazir_e_Qanoon o Insaf)
*Ans#Barrister Farogh Naseem*
Q.Who is the minister of Health? (Wazir e Sehat)
*Ans#Aamir Mehmood Kiani*
Q.Who is the current minister of human rights?
*Ans#Shireen Mazari*
Q.Who is the speaker of National Assembly?
*Ans#Asad Qaisar*
Q.Who is the Deputy speaker of National Assembly?
*Ans#Muhammad Qasim Khan Suri*
Q.Who is the Opposition leader in National Assembly?
*Ans#Mian Shahbaz sharief*
Q.Who is the current chief juistice of Pakistan?
*Ans#Juistice saqib nisar*
Q.Who is the current Dg ISPR?
*Ans#Gen Asif Ghafoor*
Q.Who is current Speaker and deputy speaker of punjab sindh kpk and Balochistan?
*Speaker#Pervaiz elahi*
*D.Speaker#Dost* *Muhammad Mazari*
*Speaker#Agha siraj durani*
*D.Speaker#Rehana Leghari*
*Speaker#Abdul Qadoos Bazinjo*
*D.speaker#Sardar Babar Musakhel*
*Speaker#Mushtaq ghani*
*Deputy* *speaker#mehmood jan*
Q.Who are CMs of Punjab sindh Balochistan and kpk?
*➡CM punjab=Usman khan Buzdar*
*➡CM Sindh=Murad Ali shah*
*➡CM Kpk=Mehmood khan*
*➡CM Balochistan=Jam kamal khan*
Q.Name the goveners of punjab sindh kpk and Balochistan?
*➡Governer Punjab#Chohdary Muhammad Sarwar*
*➡Governer Sindh# Imran ismail*
*➡Governer Balochistan#Amanullah Khan Yasinzai*
*➡Governer Kpk#Shah Farman*
Q.Name the opposition leaders of punjab sindh kpk and balochistan assembly?
*Ans# Opposition leaders*
*➡Punjab=Hamza shahbaz*
*➡Sindh=Firdous shamim Naqvi*
*➡Kpk=Akram khan durani.*
1. Capital of Czech Republic? Prague
2. Capital of Albania? Tirana
3. Longest river of Pakistan? sindh
4. Siachin glacier is in which range? Karakoram range
5. Roof of the world is?pamir
6. Manora island is in wgich country?Pakistan
7. Who fired missiles on syria in April 2017?US America
8. Fez is the city of? Morocco
9. Head of iranian Revolution?Ayatollah khaminai
10. Country in the east of pakistan is?india
11. The file for word document is? .doc
12. Ctrl+z use in Exel- to discard.
13. Fatima Jinnnah contested election in?1965
14. Inaguration of state bank of pakistan?1948
15. UNESCO for cultural heritage.
16. Kofi Anan was from?Kenya , ghana or Chad
17. Head office of international aviation authority? Toronto... Otowo
18. of OIC is? Rabat., ryadh, jedha
19. Green land and antarctica make how much mass of total ice on earth? 80%,99% 85%
20. Who held record of fastest test century with Richards before it was broken? Viv
Richards and Misbah-ul-Haq
21.Older name of table tennis was? Ping pong
22. Land of thousands lakes? Finland
23. Who helped to bulid karakoram highway? [China]. Tajikistan
24. Metacarpel bones?hand
25. Rajab Tayyab as prime minster has how many terms? 2nd
26. Trump took oath on?( January 20, 2017)
27. First female international pakistan swimmer? Kiran Khan
28. Scotograph is used for?(writing of blind persons,for heart beat.....)
29. Meaning of leaps and bounds?(‫)تیزی سے ترقی کرنا‬
30. Name of NWFP changed? (18th ammendment)
31. I billion cherecters= 1 TB
32. 1 nano meter... (10)-9
33. Abu jehal died in? (Ghazwa badar)
34. Imam Bukhari name was?(shekh Muhammad bin ismail)
35. Tebri wrote book?
36. Ghazwa in 2 A.h in Ramzan?(Badar)
37. Ummul kitab is which surah?(baqra, yaseen, Fateha, Rehman)
38. Allama Iqbal participated in how many round table conf?(2,3,1)
39. Where did AIML and congress has joint session in 1916? Luckhnow
40. Qamar Javed bajwa belongs to? (Infantry , artillery, armurd core)
41. 10 Downing street is residence of ?British prime minister
42. Jeruslam is holy city of? (All jews christ and muslims)
43. Pragmatic synonym...
44. Deterioration antonym... Developing
45. Correct spelling of embarrass
46. First lady governor of sindh? Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan
47. Quaid joined AIML(1913)
48. who wrote Bande Mataram .( Bankim Chandra Chatterjee)
49. World Trade Organization head office?
50. Cat family which preys in group? Lion. Leaprds. Cheetah
51. Synonym of Dearth? scarcity
52. Emancipate meaning? independent
53. Origin of species written by? Darvin,
54. Put ones hand in plough meaning? To take a difficult task
55. Which is hottest planet(venus)
56. Astore district in is in (gilgit baltistan)
57. Gawadar is in which division(makran)
58. Division of Punjab= 9
59. To insert sound in dicument, we use method (open sound option)
60. Amnesty int. Is working on?( human rights.)
61. Farnandis Marcos was autocratic presidant of?(Philippines, Hawaii, Colombia)
62. Total UNO menber?193
63. Security council total permanent and non permanent members? 5 permanent 10 non
64. According to
65. (‫خاک ہو جائیں گے ہم تم کو خبر ہونے تک کس کا شعر ہے؟)غالب‬
66 ( ‫بے نیل مرام کا کیا مفہوم ہے؟ اس سے ملتی جلتی اصطالح تھی)ناکام ہو جانا‬
67‫کمال احمد رضوی۔الف نون کس کا ڈرامہ ہے؟‬
68(‫۔ ابن خطاب کیا ہے؟ )کنیت‬
69(‫۔ قاضی جی کس کا مزاحیہ کردار ہے؟) شوکت تھانوی‬
70‫۔ )عیب فاش کرنا(محاورہ کاغذ کھولنا کا کیا مطلب ہے؟‬
‫( )مقتدرہ قومی زبان (ادارہ فروغِ قومی زبان کا پرانا نام کیا تھا‬71)
(‫(اردو تنقید کی پہلی نمائندہ کتاب کونسی ہے؟)مقدمہ شعر و شاعری‬72)
(73)PANACLINE is discovered in?
(74)How many articles in 1973 constitution. 280 articles
(75)Rita got numbers (average 75)
(76)A girl got 1067 marks out of 1100 in which college she would be eligible to take
(c) 97 % college
(77)If x=3 and 3x2 +(k+2)x =0 then value of (k=-11)....
(78)The suitable fraction of 12.5%-------(1/8)
(79)In which Ghazwa Hazrat Muhammad fo nos dna tehporp mai , rail a ton ma I“ dias ‫ﷺ‬
Abdul Mutalib”?(hunain)
(80)Who was the first person who declared a false prophet hood (meselma kazzab)
(81)Complete the series.. 3,10,19,29,58,------------ (122)
(82)Who was the leader of Khaksar Tehreek? Allama Mashriqi
(83)Which country has won most FIFA world cup championship? Brazil
(84)Who got Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017? American Kip Thorne
(85)Kati Bander is a place in Sindh famous for ?(oil & Gas field, dry port, military base, fish
harbor ) port
(86)Chenab Formula for Kashmir dispute settlement was given by ?
(87)Find perfect relation Hospital: Healing ? (mill: machinery , [court justice], )
(88)Synonym of Hasten? quicken
(89)Siachin gleciar is satuated in mountain range (korakram)
(90)Which animal is on WWF logo? Panda
(91) bile juice is secreated by ?Liver

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