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You are enough  Take a leap of faith  Be thankful for what 

  today.   you have and fight 

Today’s the day    for what you want.  
  You can make a   
Storms don’t last  difference.   Light tomorrow with 
forever  You don’t have to be  today.  
  perfect. Just work on   
Keep Fighting  progress.   Give it all you got.  
    Chin up buttercup.  
You’re in charge of  Be a pineapple: Stand   
your happiness  tall, wear a crown and  You CAN do this.  
  be sweet on the   
Don’t wait for  inside.   Laugh as much as 
opportunity. Create    your breathe. Love 
it.   Laugh.   as much as you live.  
Hello Beautiful  Never give up.   Trust yourself.  
You are brave  I think I can.   Breathe in inspiration.  
You are strong  I am blessed.   The answer is yes.  
Today’s going to be  Slow down and enjoy  Everything is 
fun  today.   possible.  
You are amazing.   No one is you and  You believe you could 
  that is your power.   so you did.  
Dream bigger.      
  Everyday is a second  Create the things you 
Choose Happy  chance.   wish existed.  
Be Fearless  You are beautiful.   Be your own kind of 
Today’s a good day  Reach for the stars.    
to have a good day    Even when you don’t 
  Believe in yourself.   know how, believe 
Something wonderful    that you will.  
is about to happen   Just decide to do it.    
    A goal should scare 
Don’t be afraid to fail.  You are beautiful just  you a little, and excite 
Be afraid to not try.   the way you are.   you A LOT.  
Chase the moon and  It seems impossible  Small steps. One at a 
reach for the stars.   until it’s done.   time.  
You are unstoppable.   You’ve totally got  You are braver than 
  this.   you believe.  
Just go for it.      
  Don’t forget to smile.   You are smarter than 
Live the life you love.     you think.  
  You are worthy of a   
Love the life you live.   beautiful life.   You are a warrior.  
You’ve survived  Be yourself.   Your story will inspire 
100% of your worst    others.  
days. Keep going.   Be unique.    
  Be happy.   Focus on the good. 
Do what you can with    I am stronger than 
what you have.   Believe it’s possible  yesterday.  
  until it happens.    
You are powerful.     Fluff out your tutu 
  Remember how far  and dance away.  
You are brilliant.   you’ve come.    
    Do your best.  
You are resilient.   Pursue what sets   
  your soul on fire.   Believe you can and 
Hardships prepare    you are halfway there.  
ordinary people for  You are loved.    
extraordinary destiny.     It doesn’t matter how 
  You were created with  slow you go and long 
The best view comes  a purpose. Pursue it.   as you don’t stop.  
after the hardest     
climb.   You are precious.   Hello. You’re 
    amazing. You got this. 
Life’s tough, but so  You are important.   Go get it.  
are you.     
  Be empowered.   Be scared and do it 
Be gentle on yourself.    anyway.  
  Don’t be afraid of   
A candle loses  what could go wrong.  Do something that 
nothing by lighting  Focus on what could  scares you today.  
another candle.   go right.    
    Let go of the 
Build yourself up.   Do what makes you  thoughts that don’t 
  happy today.    make you strong.  
It’s never too late to  Keep going. You’re  Prove yourself right 
start the day over.   almost there.   today. 
Feed your soul.   You have something  Make the brave 
  the world needs.   decision.  
You are capable of     
doing something  Encourage yourself.  What if I fall? Oh 
amazing.   Then encourage  darling, but what if 
  others.   you fly? 
Shine bright today.      
  Making today  Make yourself 
Make yourself happy.   amazing.   strong.  
Choose what makes  Let go of thoughts  You are exactly where 
your happy today.   that don’t make you  you need to be right 
  strong.   now.  
You are important.      
Something will grow  Be proud of who you  Every 
from everything that  are.   accomplishment 
you are going    starts with the 
through. It’s you.   You are your only  decision to try.  
You don’t have to be    Push harder.  
perfect to be  One step in front of   
amazing.  the other.   Do something 
    courageous today.  
Don’t be ashamed of  Enjoy life today.    
your story.     Take the risk.  
  Let your sparkle   
You are unique.   shine.   Take the chance to 
    believe in your 
You are an inspiration  Train yourself to  dreams.  
to others.    always see the good   
  in everything.   Never stop dreaming.  
Keep shining.      
  I can do this.   Fight harder for what 
You are strong    you’ve always wanted.  
enough to live this  Breathe and get it   
life.   done.    Do something that 
    makes your soul 
You are golden.   Do what they say you  dance on fire.  
  You are valuable.  
Be joyful in all your  Your past doesn’t  Be adventurous 
do today.  define you. What you  today.  
  do with your future   
Life is tough, but so  does.   Focus on what really 
are you.     matters to you and 
  Have the courage to  the rest will fall into 
You make a  want more.   place.  
difference in the     
world.   It’s never too late to  Do more of the thing 
  choose happiness.   that makes you 
Going through things    happy.  
you never thought  Be unstoppable.    
you’d go through will    Focus on your 
only take you places  Consistently try to  dreams today.  
you never thought  be better than you   
you’d get to.   were yesterday.   It’s never too late to 
    start a new hobby.  
You are worth it.   Have the confidence   
  you need to succeed  Finish an old project 
Be you today.   today.   today.  
The happiest people  Do something that  Overcome the past to 
are those that make  you’ve always wanted.   face a better future.  
others happy.      
  Abundant blessing  Enjoy the little things 
Today is the  are coming.   today. 
beginning of anything     
you want.   You are capable of  Have the confidence 
  anything you desire.   to trust your dreams.  
Sometimes you have     
to fight through the  Celebrate the little  Live abundantly.  
bad days to get to  things.    
the best days.     You’re a rockstar.  
  Every day you grow   
Have the courage to  into the dreams  Believe in your 
believe in your  you’re creating.   biggest dreams.  
  Be rich with blessings.   Choose the path that 
Cultivate kindness.     makes you happiest.  
Don’t skip out on  Patience is never   
something amazing  easy, but it’s always  Do something that 
because it may also  worth the wait.   makes your feel 
be difficult.   Soar.   successful.  
Fuel your soul.   Don’t let anyone tell  Dare to make your 
  you your dreams  dreams happens 
Believe in yourself.   can’t come true.   today.  
The best is yet to  Always be yourself.  Do what you love and 
come.   Unless you can be a  everything else will 
  mermaid, then always  fall into place.  
Yesterday is gone.  be a mermaid.    
You have today to    Be a unicorn in a field 
make a difference.   Bloom.   of horses.  
Love your journey.   Be silly.   Say goodbye to the 
    things that don’t 
Be your own  Be honest with  bring you joy.  
inspiration.   yourself.    
    I can. I will.  
Your journey is what  Dare to be different.    
makes your stronger.     You’re doing a great 
  Happiness starts with  job.  
Shine as bright as  a smile.    
glitter in the sun.     Be-you-tiful.  
  Get creative in   
Wonderful things are  making your biggest  Don’t stop until you 
coming.   dreams happen  are proud of yourself.  
Continue doing what    Don’t do anything for 
makes you happy.   Start today with  the approval of 
  attaining your goals.   others, only yourself.  
Learn something new     
today.   Why fit in when you  Strive to make 
  were born to stand  progress today.  
Think. Believe. Dare.  out?   
Dream.    Just do.  
  Believing in yourself   
Think happy  is the first step.   Be happy. Be Bright. 
thoughts.     Be You.  
  You are magical.    
Love yourself.     Keep it simple.  
  Blossom into   
Don’t forget to smile.   greatness.   Believe in yourself a 
    little more.  
Be joyful in what’s to   
come.  Yes you can.  
Grow through, what  You are entirely up to  Stay true to what you 
you go through.   you.   love.  
Be authentically you.   Do it simple.   You’re irreplaceable.  
Every minute is a new  You have the strength  I can. I will. Watch.  
chance to start again.   to do it.    
    See the good in every 
The most certain way  Worry less. Do more.   part of the day.  
to success is to just     
try one more time.   Little by little, a little  Go where you feel 
  becomes a lot.   most alive.  
I’m possible.      
  One day or day one.  You are amazing. 
Choose kindness and  You decide.   Always remember 
laugh often.   You are the very best  that.  
  at being you.    
Dream.     When nothing seems 
  Every  to be going right, go 
Have happy thoughts.   accomplishment  left.  
  starts with the  Be who you are 
Sometimes you win.  decision to try.   always. Others can 
Sometimes you learn.     adjust.  
  A bigger door is   
The future belongs to  going to open.   Make today 
believing in the    ridiculously amazing.  
beauty of your  Only obsess over   
dreams.   things that make you  Surround yourself 
  happy  with positive people 
Make yourself a    and see what good 
priority.   Do it today  comes from it.  
Wander often.  Don’t be busy. Be  Always take the 
Wonder always.   Productive.   scenic route.  
Be the person that  As long as you’re  Only you can be you.  
you want to meet.   breathing, it’s never   
  too late to make your  Just be yourself.  
Life isn’t about  dreams happen.    
waiting for the storm    Manifest your 
to pass but learning  The little things in life  destiny.  
to dance in the rain.   will make you   
Small things become  Trust yourself. You  If not now, when? 
great one step at a  know more than you  Say yes to now.  
time.   think you do.    
    Work hard. Dream 
Dream on Dreamer.   Make your dreams  bigger.  
  come true.    
Enjoy the day.     I am. Everything.  
  Take the leap towards   
Why not?  your goals.   Don’t let the noise of 
    other people’s 
You are what you  Dream. Do.   opinions drown out 
believe yourself to be.     your inner voice.  
  Never stop believing   
Don’t let silly things  that anything is  Learn from 
steal your happiness.   possible.   yesterday, live for 
    today, hope for 
Find the beautiful  If you can dream it,  tomorrow.  
reasons to be happy  you can achieve it.    
today.     Difficult roads often 
  Take a chance on  lead to beautiful 
I can. I will. End of  yourself.   destinations.  
  Decide to just start  Create the grandest 
Live a life you are  living the life you  vision possible for 
excited to share  imagined.   your life. Because 
about.     you become what 
  It doesn’t have to  you believe.  
I’m in charge of how I  make sense. It just   
feel.   has to make you  Keep dreaming.  
Be crazy. Be silly. Be  happy.    
weird. Be whatever.    Exude joy.  
Because life is too  Wherever you go, go   
short to be anything  with all your heart.   Don’t let doubt 
but happy.   Shoot for the moon.  squash your dreams. 
  Even if you fall, you’ll  Go after them.  
Find friends that set  land among the stars.    
your soul on fire.     Let the adventure 
  My life is going to be  begin.  
Faith. Trust. And Pixie  positive.    
Dust.     Enjoy life now.  
  Shine bright like a   
Believe miracles can  diamond.   Every moment 
happen every day.     matters.  
When you can’t find  Today, I’m choosing  Normal is boring. Be 
the sunshine, be the  happiness.   bold. Be you.  
  Positive Thoughts  Make yourself a 
Sometimes you have  Only.   priority.  
to know the darkness     
before you can  Attitude is a little  Decide to be 
appreciate the light.   thing that makes a  yourself.  
  big difference.    
The greater the    Beauty is in front of 
storm, the brighter  Feel beautiful today.   you. 
your rainbow.     What consumes your 
  Cherish every single  mind, controls your 
Be so happy that  moment.   life.  
when others look at     
you, they become  If you can dream it  Nothing worth having 
happy too.   up, then you can  comes easy.  
  make it happen.    
Take the chance and    Be not afraid of life. 
don’t look back.   Believe in yourself.  Believe that life is 
  Act as if it is. Live  with living.  
Prove them wrong.   like it’s already here.    
    Be yourself. 
Fall seven times, but  You can’t start the  Everyone else is 
get up eight.   next chapter of your  already taken.  
  life if you keep   
Life is good.   re-reading the last  Don’t stop until 
  one.   you’re proud.  
Take every chance.     
Drop every fear.   Start where you are.  Stop being afraid of 
  Use what you already  what could go wrong 
Shine brighter than  have. Do what you  and think of what 
the stars.   can right now.   could go right.  
Use your smile to  Start making excuses  Every day is the 
change the world, but  and start making  opportunity for a 
don’t let the world  changes.   fresh start and bright 
change your smile.     beginnings.  
  You matter.   
Rise by uplifting    Don’t wait for the 
others.   Have only positive  perfect moment, take 
  expectations (HOPE)  the moment and 
  make it perfect.  
Do what others tell  Today is the first 
you can’t be done.   step towards the life 
  you’ve always wanted.  
Exhale doubt. Inhale   
inspiration.   Happiness is a state 
  of mind.  
Connect. Inspire.   
Support.   Go and live your 
  biggest dreams.  
Awaken your dreams.    
  Dreams come true if 
You are your own  only we wish hard 
motivation.   enough.  
Make the most of the  Love yourself. 
next 24 hours.    
Don’t compare your  You are your only 
beginning to  limit.  
someone else’s   
middle.   You are truly amazing 
  today and always.  
Make a wish. Take a  A little progress each 
Chance. Make a  day adds up to big 
change.   results.  
Keep your face  Not all who wander 
towards the sunshine  are lost.  
always -- then the   
shadows will fall  Keep going.  
behind you.    
  Never let yourself 
Don’t just fly. Soar.   feel defeated. 
Even miracles take a  Blessed are those 
little time.   who see beautiful 
  things in humble 
It’s kind of fun to do  places where other 
the impossible.   people see nothing.  
Have the courage to 
pursue your wildest 
dreams today.  

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