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Theme: Heeding the Call for Heroism and Social Responsibility

Heroism is a matter of change!

Speaking of choice, given the chance to choose my national identity, I will, with
pride, remain a Filipino. “Philippines is in poverty” they say. But in what part of
the world is regression not in? “Filipinos are troublemakers and lawless” they say.
But in what part of the world do peace, unity, and harmony prevail? Just very
recently, rallies and protests in Hong Kong brought alarm to our countrymen who
find employment there and to their loved ones here.
In other words, the world has changed. I agree with you, if you have in mind
that technology rooted all these changes.
If you have access to the Internet, you have the power to see the world. To
know updates, to gather information, and make connections. Yes, this technology
is the fastest and most accurate partner in the fields of medicine, education,
industrialization, communication, transportation, commerce and you name it,
technology can offer it.
On the contrary, coupled to these aforementioned are harms that technology
made easier and faster to happen. Cyber bullying, sexual malpractice,
illegal/prohibited business deals, fabrication of documents, and even press releases,
and you name it, technology can ruin it.
All these mentioned support the fact that the world has two faces. Therefore, as
a young man and woman, we must be very cautious in all our words and actions.
We ought to possess the traits of a hero; brave, selfless, fair, determined, persistent,
and humble, to be able to cope with both the desirable and undesirable world.
It is a must for us, the young generation, to be responsible in all aspects, and
always consider the outcome of whatever we engage in.
No man is an island. We need to be in a group or be in a society for both
personal growth and satisfaction. But be mindful of your surroundings. For as a
saying goes, “Tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are.”
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the near future, we will be the leaders of this land, we
will be the models of the young, we will be the builders of this nation, which we
have envisioned to be safe and tranquil as the Paradise of Eden.
In your journey towards the realization of your dreams, carry with you all the
learnings that have been gained inside the classroom and this unequalled
opportunity given to us by CSANPRISA.
Without delay; without retreat; without surrender, answer the call of heroism.
For as the line from a song states:
“And the hero lies in you!”

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