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Shen Yi Di Nu Chapter 718

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The Yao Family’s Attitude

The one that had called her young miss was definitely someone from the Yao
family. Feng Yu Heng’s group left the restaurant, and Xuan Tian Ming had wanted
to accompany her over to the Yao manor; however, she refused and said: “This sort
of trivial family matter can be handled by myself alone. You don’t need to join in.”

Xuan Tian Ming nodded, “If you say it like that, it really does seem like the case.
Forget it, Seventh Brother and I will send Xiang Rong back.” Looking back, Xiang
Rong was being supported by Xuan Tian Hua. She had drank herself into a daze,
and all kinds of nonsense was coming out of her mouth. From time to time, she
would call for His Highness the Seventh Prince or shout at Xuan Tian Yi for being
a scoundrel. It was truly something that was hard to look at.

Feng Yu Heng waved her hand, “Quickly, you must not allow anything to happen
to Xiang Rong.”

The group went their separate ways from the restaurant. Feng Yu Heng sat in the
carriage that the servant from the Yao family had come in and began to rush back.

At this time in front of the Yao manor, Left Prime Minister Lu Song had
personally visited with all of his servants carrying a very good casket. He was
currently speaking with the Yao family’s eldest son, Yao Jing Jun. He heard Lu
Song say: “My young daughter died a tragic death and heard that the Yao family
placed the mourning hall in a side hall, but a casket still has not been brought in.
This prime minister does not know why the Yao family has done this, but as the
father of Yao’er, there are always some things that I ought to do for her. This
padauk casket will be considered something that our Lu family gave the Yao
His words were polite, but who could miss that there was a hidden meaning to his
words! This was clearly saying that the Yao family was treating Lu Yao unfairly. It
was also saying that the Yao family could not even afford a casket and needed the
Lu family to provide one.

But Yao Jing Jun ignored it completely. He just told Lu Song with great attention
to detail: “It was set up in the side hall because the cause of Lu Yao’s death is still
being investigated by the government. Consideration needs to be given to how this
incident came to be. Once the government office has finished investigating and
said that Lu Yao was innocent, the Yao family will naturally bring the mourning
hall to the main hall. Also, as for the casket, we have made preparations. It’s
currently being prepared, but they have not moved as quickly as Lord Lu.” While
he spoke, he raised his hand and informed a servant: “Bring the casket that Lord
Lu brought to the mourning hall.” He then cupped his hands toward Prime Minister
Lu: “We’ve made Prime Minister Lu to spend money. A padauk casket, the Yao
family only had a casket made out of normal materials. It truly is not as wealthy as
the Lu family. But our Yao family has been in Huang Zhou for many years and
cannot compare to the Lu family, which has spent many years in the capital,
accumulating all kinds of wealth.”

Lu Song was left with his face alternating between red and white. He simply
flicked his wide sleeve and angrily said: “This prime minister will not speak with
you. Go, call your father, Yao Xian, out here!”

Yao Jing Jun was puzzled, “Based on the generation, Prime Minister Lu and this
lowly one are relatives by marriage, and we are of the same generation. Father is a
person of the older generation. For the funeral of a member of the younger
generation, why should father be called? His health is not very good and has
already gone to sleep.”

“Gone to sleep?” Lu Song became furious, “With such a big thing happening in the
family, he is actually able to sleep?”
Yao Jing Jun’s expression also sank, coldly saying: “Prime Minister Lu, although I
do not have a rank, it does not mean that I will feel afraid or intimidated. My Yao
family has always done things the right way. Today, the Lu family’s daughter died.
Why can my Yao family not sleep? If you have something to discuss, I am
standing here before you. But what is the matter that requires father? Could it be
that the mourning hall for your Lu family’s daughter needs to be watched by the
older generation?”

Lu Song also knew that his own accusations of Yao Xian could not hold water.
Originally, he did not want to make this trip. But something had happened to Lu
Yao, yet the Yao family handled the matter in this way. When it came to his face,
he truly could not handle it! In addition to this, Lu Yao’s corpse was still in the
government office, yet the Yao family did not go to retrieve it. What sort of
situation was this?

He glared viciously at Yao Jing Jun and made a request of him: “Your Yao family
must get back Yao’er’s corpse! No matter what is said, that is the Yao family’s

Yao Jing Jun shook his head, “I am powerless.”


“I what?” Yao Jing Jun was puzzled and looked at Lu Song, “You are the standard
first rank left prime minister. Even you can’t do anything to get her corpse back. I
am a commoner without any rank or position. What can I do?”

“Yao Jing Jun!” Lu Song angrily shouted, “Don’t refuse to do it now until you’re
forced to do even more. Who doesn’t know that Xu Jing Yuan only listens to Feng
Yu Heng’s words? She is a part of your Yao family. Naturally, your Yao family’s
words should have some weight!”

“Who is it that’s throwing this imperial daughter’s name around?” Suddenly, a

clear voice came from behind. Feng Yu Heng got out of a carriage and stood
directly in front of Left Prime Minister Lu Song. The shock caused Lu Song to
subconsciously take a couple steps back.

“Yao Jing Jun, you actually went to look for help?” For some reason, these words
came out of Lu Song’s mouth. Feng Yu Heng’s sudden appearance left him feeling
quite troubled. He had clearly heard that Feng Yu Heng was currently viewing the
lanterns with the ninth prince and seventh prince. Why was it that she had returned
at this time?

“What are you calling looked for help?” Yao Jing Jun looked at Lu Song, his face
filled with contempt, “A-Heng is my niece. She is a daughter of the Yao family, to
begin with. How can this be called help.”

“That’s right.” Huang Quan interjected, “Our young miss concerning herself with
the Yao family’s matters is natural. How did she end up becoming help? Also,”
She glared at Lu Song, “Who was it just now that kept saying Feng Yu Heng over
and over? You were the one that brought her up first. What, now that our young
miss is standing in front of you, you’ve become afraid?”

Lu Song was so angry that a fire burned inside his chest. Extending his hand, he
pointed at Huang Quan. You’re just a servant. What can you be considered? You
dare to speak to this prime minister like this?”

Huang Quan did not speak. Based on status, she indeed did not have this right, but
Feng Yu Heng spoke up on her behalf, “She’s a maidservant given to me by the Yu
Palace. Even I don’t curse at her. On what basis does Lord Lu dare to lecture
someone on His Highness Prince Yu’s behalf? How about… how about this
imperial daughter send someone to call His Highness Prince Yu to come over. That
way, you can scold this servant in front of him?”

Lu Song choked on his breath and nearly passed out, but he really did not want to
tear at someone’s face in front of Feng Yu Heng. He could only say: “What sort of
thing is Imperial Daughter saying? This lowly official does not dare.”
“What is there that Prime Minister Lu does not dare to do?” She looked at Lu
Song, “This is the entrance to the Yao family’s home. You’ve even extended your
hands to the Yao family. What is there that you don’t dare do? Oh, if this imperial
daughter did not hear incorrectly, you even prepared to cause a stir at the
government office?”

“When did such a thing happen?” Lu Song anxiously stomped his foot. When had
he said that he would go and cause a stir at the government office? He just wanted
to retrieve Lu Yao’s corpse. He did not care too much about that daughter,
especially after Lu Yao ruined Lu Ping’s face. He hated her even more. But dislike
was just that. She was still his daughter. If he allowed the corpse to remain in the
government office and allowed Xu Jing Yuan to investigate all kinds of things,
what face would he have left? “Imperial daughter must be mistaken.” He did his
best to speak calmly with Feng Yu Heng, “This lowly official is just anxious about
my beloved daughter and did not intend to cause a stir at the government office. It
was the Yao family that did not go to retrieve the corpse and even installed the
mourning hall in a side hall. This lowly official just wanted to ask why exactly that

“Did Prime Minister Lu not know?” Feng Yu Heng explained to him: “A girl that
has gotten married is like water that has been spilled. If she does not have an
auspicious life with her husband’s family, that is just her own fortune being bad. If
Prime Minister Lu feels that the Yao family’s actions are no good, how about
setting up Lu Yao’s mourning hall in the Lu family. If you want to install the
mourning hall in the main hall, you can. If you want to install it in a side hall, you
can. It can be as extravagant as you wish. How about it?”

“You…” Lu Song was left speechless once more.

But Feng Yu Heng continued: “As long as the Lu family sets up the mourning hall
in their own home, this imperial daughter will go and ask the governor for a pardon
and bring Lu Yao’s corpse back. But once this is done, that would mean that Lu
Yao returned to the Lu family and will no longer have any relation with the Yao
family. The Yao family will fill out a divorce filing, and the two families will be

“That must not be done!” Lu Song was shocked, “Imperial daughter, a girl being
divorced is a great humiliation. Yao’er did not do anything wrong. Her death was
also mysterious. The Yao family does not have any reason to divorce her!”

Feng Yu Heng smiled, “Prime Minister Lu, don’t be so quick to say whether or not
anything wrong had occurred. At present, the corpse is still at the government
office. The governor, Xu Jing Yuan, is an upright official. Who knows what he
might find out. As for the Yao family divorcing her, that is your Lu family’s
intention! Wasn’t it you that felt that the Yao family’s funeral arrangements were
insufficient? That’s why the Lu family would be conducting it yourselves. A
married daughter having her funeral conducted by her childhood family would
mean that she did not have a husband’s family. But the husband’s family clearly is
still present, which means that divorce is the only choice left.” She shrugged,
“That’s why it’s all your own desire. We are just going along with it.”

Lu Song felt that there was no way to reason with Feng Yu Heng. This imperial
daughter was the same as the ninth prince. In their hearts, they were of the same
group. No matter what, they could speak using the other’s reasoning. He himself
had been foolish. How could he stand in place and try to reason with the wife of
the ninth prince? Was this not just seeking out a bitter experience?

Thus Lu Song decided that he would ignore Feng Yu Heng and only speak to Yao
Jing Jun: “Go and call Yao Shu out here. Yao Xian is of the older generation, but
Yao Shu is part of the younger generation, right? With things as they are, he should
still be calling me father-in-law. I wish to see him. If you continue to stop me, that
would be the Yao family being in the wrong.”

Yao Jing Jun nodded, “Of course, what Prime Minister Lu said is correct.” After
saying this, he informed the servant at his side, “Go and call the eldest young
master over.”
The servant quickly left. Very quickly, Yao Shu came out of the manor.

Today, his wife had died. Although Yao Shu’s heart had cooled toward Lu Yao,
she was still someone that he had spent a great deal of time with. For her to
suddenly pass away, even if he was not hurt, he would still be emotional.

Yao Shu’s etiquette was very proper. Seeing Lu Song, he saluted and greeted him.
He then heard Lu Song ask: “Son-in-law, an accident occurred to Yao’er today,
and this prime minister wishes to know. What is your attitude toward this matter?”

Yao Shu slightly furrowed his brow. He thought that the Lu family would come
knocking; however, he never thought that it would happen so soon. It was the 15th
of the eighth month, yet they did not allow for it to pass peacefully.

He had made his own plans. Upon hearing this question, he did not hesitate. He
cupped his hands and said: “Since lord father-in-law wishes to ask our attitude, the
younger generation will provide one. Today, Lu Yao and my mother both fell into
the water. We also knew that Lu Yao is very good in the water and definitely
would not be left unable to move because of a lotus pond. That’s why we suspect
that Lu Yao fell into the water deliberately. As for my mother, she was used by her
and was deliberately pulled into the water. In regards to this, the Yao family has
decided to report this case!”

Shen Yi Di Nu Chapter 719

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No Longer Have the Face to See You

Lu Song never thought that the always calm and natural Yao Shu would present
this sort of attitude.

This was not all, as he heard Yao Shu say: “If this case is resolved within three
days, and Lu Yao is innocent, my Yao family will conduct the funeral normally. If
Lu Yao is guilty, a divorce filing will be presented to the government office. From
there, the Yao and Lu family will have no further relations.” These words had the
exact same attitude as Feng Yu Heng.

Lu Song knew that he would not be able to gain even the slightest bit of benefit
from the Yao family, thus he did not continue to stay and suffer this humiliation. In
addition to this, the Yao family had never allowed him to enter. They just remained
outside the entrance while discussing these matters. Although night had fallen, it
was inevitable that there would be people that had nothing better to do and wanted
to see something entertaining. He did not want to lose too much face and could
only gloomily bid farewell then leave.

Feng Yu Heng watched the Lu family’s carriage get further away and could not
help but snort coldly. At the same time, she said to Yao Jing Jun and Yao Shu:
“Eldest uncle, there’s no need to understand the Lu family. Our Yao manor should
do what it needs to do. I trust that the Yao family’s attitude is also one that my
grandfather came up with, right?”

Yao Jing Jun nodded, “A-Heng is correct, and it was father that wanted to us to
answer the Lu family in this way.”

Feng Yu Heng asked Yao Shu: “Then eldest cousin has already completely given
up on Lu Yao?”

Yao Shu nodded, “Younger Sister Heng, don’t worry. Your eldest cousin still is
not a foolish person. I said it before. If it was just me that was suffering a bit, I
could endure it all, but if she turned her wicked intentions on others, the Yao
family would not tolerate this sort of person.”

“Good.” Feng Yu Heng was very satisfied with the Yao family’s attitude. With
Yao Xian’s added support, she trusted that the Yao family would not suffer a loss
on this matter. But she still gave the Yao family a reassuring promise: “You can be
at ease. Regardless of what the Lu family does, and regardless of how big this
matter gets, the Yao family has a niece like me supporting it from the back. A-
Heng will naturally support the Yao family. The Lu family’s happy days should be
coming to an end. We just need to wait and see precisely what the Lu family’s next
plans are.”

That night, the Lu family had lost face; however, the people of the Yao family and
the imperial daughter’s manor enjoyed sweet dreams. The mourning hall that had
been set up temporarily had its lights put out. Not even the servants were left to
stand vigil. Either way, there was no corpse in the casket, and there was not much
to guard. Everyone slept peacefully.

Early the next morning, it was the usual morning court session. The left prime
minister Lu Song did not immediately leave the palace after the court session had
ended. Instead, he made a turn and passed off a message then quickly headed
toward the inner palace.

Inside Cun Shan Palace, Imperial Concubine Yuan was sitting in the outer hall and
eating some bird nest. Lu Song sat on a chair to the side with an eager expression.

Imperial Concubine Yuan, however, did not even pay much attention to him. She
just continued to eat the bird nest. From time to time, she would look up but would
not speak.

Lu Song also felt awkward, but he had taken the initiative to request an audience.
Imperial Concubine was also his master’s mother. Since the master would not
speak, he could only try and break the awkward silence.

Thus he laughed hollowly a couple times then said to Imperial Concubine Yuan:
“Speaking of my visit, this official has not seen His Highness the Eighth Prince in
many years. I wonder if everything is well in the South?”

Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu nodded, “It should be good! But who knows. Either
way, the letters will only report joyous matters and won’t report any concerns.
Precisely how he is, this One also does not know.”
“This official heard yesterday from the officials in the South that His Highness the
Eighth Prince is very popular in the South and has a large number of troops under
his control. He is also very favored among the citizens. Imperial Concubine can
definitely be at ease.” Lu Song smiled and occasionally glanced in the direction of
Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu. Gritting his teeth, he frankly said: “Imperial
Concubine, back when this official became the left prime minister, imperial
concubine once mentioned to this official something about wanting to have one of
the Lu family’s daughters be at His Highness’ side. I wonder if this matter…”

Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu sneered internally and thought that Lu Song still
ended up mentioning this matter. It was a pity that today could not be compared to
the past. In the past, the eighth prince’s influence was weak, especially when it
came to the government officials, where he had even less influence. It also
happened that the Lu family and her maternal family had a bit of a relationship.
She had also heard that the Emperor had intended to place Lu Song in the position
of the left prime minister, which caused her to come up with that idea, but now…

“The Lu family’s daughter?” She finally put down the supplement in her hand and
spoke properly with Lu Song, “After yesterday’s matters, the Lu family only has
one daughter left, right?”

Lu Song helplessly nodded, “Although there are two living, Ping’er’s face has
already been ruined. Even if she had an extremely beautiful appearance, she is now
a good-for-nothing. How could she be worthy of being at His Highness’ side. But
this official’s third daughter is still alive. She is the proper daughter of the first
wife. If Imperial Concubine remembers the words from that time, how about…”

“How about bringing it up to Mo’er?” Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu laughed and
said: “I fear that if this One brings up this matter, I would have no choice but to
help the Lu family out with the governor’s side. This One can’t just allow our
future relatives by marriage to be dragged through the dust so clearly, right?”

Lu Song was shocked and quickly stood up to kneel on the ground, repeatedly
saying: “This official does not dare. This official does not dare!”
Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu did not say much, only saying: “This One will write
a letter to His Highness the Eighth Prince. This matter will also be brought up. But
the governor’s side, you also know, is not someone within this One’s powers. That
Imperial Daughter Ji An is also not someone to be offended lightly. Lu Song, as a
person, you must not be too greedy. This One will agree to one matter. You should
not expect this One to agree to a second, otherwise…”

“This official understand!” Lu Song quickly spoke, “This official just wants to get
a good future for my daughter and also hope to help His Highness the Eighth
Prince plan for the future. I also hope that Imperial Concubine will support it.” In
the end, he made two requests, but he only had hope that Imperial Concubine Yuan
Shu would agree to this one. Thus he did not have any further hopes. He quickly
expressed his thanks to Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu. Having received an
agreement from Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu to quickly send another letter to the
eighth prince, he finally left Cun Shan Palace in satisfaction.

But just as he left, the smile of agreement that had lingered on Imperial Concubine
Yuan Shu’s face immediately disappeared.

The palace servant Yue Xiu quietly asked her: “Does imperial concubine really
plan on writing a letter to His Highness?”

Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu nodded: “Of course, this One has not written a letter
to Mo’er in a long time and should ask how he is.”

“Then what about Prime Minister’s Lu’s matters?”

“Hmph!” She shrugged, “The Lu family’s daughter? What sort of thing is that? In
the past, this One thought that there might be a chance of using Lu Song’s position
as left prime minister to open up a path with the officials in the capital, but it’s
different now. This One really did not think that the Lu family would actually be
so lacking. Not long after assuming the position of left prime minister, they
actually ended up as Imperial Daughter Ji An’s enemy? It’s not this One raising the
imperial daughter’s ambition while lowering my own prestige. Rather, although I
remain in the palace, the things that can be heard and seen are no less than the
people on the outside. I fear that the Lu family is running out of steam.”

Yue Xiu nodded. She had been in the palace for many years, and she had been at
Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu’s side for that long. How could she not understand
what sizing up the situation meant? Now that the Lu family was about to lose
power, the imperial concubine’s attention has also been turned elsewhere. It was
just unknown just where that attention was turned. What exactly was right or

“Imperial concubine.” Yue Xiu was a bit worried, “That girl, can she be propped

Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu curled up the corners of her lips, “Whether or not
she can be will only be known after trying. But as this One sees it, having that
person in hand is not a bad thing. Rong Zhen,” She called for the eunuch serving in
her palace, “Go and prepare a brush and ink. This One will personally write a letter
to His Highness the Eighth Prince.”

On the 16th of the eighth month, the Yao family spoke up. For the matter with Lu
Yao, the Yao family would not accept any visitors wanting to pay respects.
Everything was waiting for the result of the governor’s trial. At the same time, the
Yao family also reported the case of Xu shi being deliberately pulled into the water
by Lu Yao as a catalyst for a confrontation between the Lu family’s sisters.

The governor officially received the case and announced that he would definitely
uncover the truth, which infuriated the whole of the Lu family. But the Yao manor
carried on with what it needed to do. They did not close their gates to all guests.
Yao Shu continued to attend court as necessary, while Yao Xian continued to visit
Hundred Herb Hall. Even the servants chatted and laughed. There was not the
slightest hint of a funeral being conducted.

In the Feng residence, Feng Xiang Rong slept until noon. Her maidservant Shan
Cha told her: “Concubine mother An has already gone to the shop. It seems that
the shop’s business has been quite good. She has also received a few more
payments. Young miss,” Shan Cha handed a cup of tea to Xiang Rong, who was
still seated in bed and told her: “Young miss, quickly drink some to relieve the
alcohol. Right before leaving, concubine mother specifically instructed this servant
to prepare some for young miss. It’s already been heated three times, but young
miss actually only just woke up.”

Xiang Rong rubbed her head with a bitter expression. Sobering tea, huh, it seemed
that she really did get drunk? It turned out that it was not a dream? No wonder her
head hurt so much. But… how did she get back the previous night? Why could she
not remember in the slightest?

Xiang Rong repeatedly tapped her head; however, Shan Cha dispelled any doubts,
“Why did third young miss need to drink that much wine last night? Not to
mention the smell of alcohol surrounding you, but you were also spouting
nonsense. Also, does young miss know? Last night, it was His Highness the
Seventh Prince that personally helped you into the residence. Even Master was
emotional. He came out and kneeled in the yard for a long time. He only dared
stand up once His Highness left.”

“What?” Xiang Rong was shocked and nearly leaped up from bed. She grabbed
Shan Cha and continued to ask: “What did you say? Who brought me back?”

Shan Cha was shaken helplessly and could only repeat herself: “His Highness the
Seventh Prince, it was His Highness the Seventh Prince that personally brought
third young miss back.” After saying this, she did not forget to add: “But Third
Young Miss, what did you say last night? The person supporting you was clearly
His Highness the Seventh Prince, but you kept saying Xuan Tian Yi this and Xuan
Tian Yi that. Third young miss, how can that be fine. That’s His Highness the
Fourth Prince’s name! Didn’t you like His Highness the Seventh Prince?” The
servant’s final words were very quiet. By the end, she was a bit muddled. Precisely
which prince did her young miss like?

Xiang Rong fell back down in bed and covered her face with both hands.
She had nothing left to live for. She truly had nothing left to live for! She had
drank too much and was helped back by His Highness the Seventh Prince. This
was already shameful enough, but even more troublesome was that she actually
called that scoundrel Xuan Tian Yi’s name in front of him. What exactly had she
done? From this moment onward, what face did she have left to see His Highness
the Seventh Prince?

Sitting up in bed, she did not pay attention to what Shan Cha said to her. She just
received the sobering tea from the servant and downed it in one gulp.

Shan Cha was given a fright by her young miss’ sudden action; however, she then
saw her young miss sit on the bed and begin to cry. While crying, she said:
“There’s nothing left. The path ahead has been blocked by myself. It clearly should
have been a clear path, but I ended up going toward the dead end. Your Highness
the Seventh Prince, in this life, Xiang Rong no longer has the face to see you…”

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