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The Tissues

A group of cells heaving the same origin, similar shape and specific or common
generalized function is known as a tissue.

CLASSIFICATION OF TISSUES: Tissues are classified into four major groups .

They are :
1 Epithelial tissue

2 Connective tissue

3 Muscular tissue

4 Nervous tissue

Epithelial tissues form the covering or lining to the free surfaces of the
body. They perform vital functions like protection ,excretion ,glandular
secretion and absorption . The epithelial cells contain minimal extra cellular
material . But they are arranged on a basement membrane

Epithelium is further classified as:

1) Simple epithelium
2) Stratified epithelium

Simple epithelium : it consists of a single layer of cells. It is further divided

into : 1) squamous 2) cuboidal 3) columnar 4) ciliated 5) Glandular .

1. Squamous (or pavement) epithelium : it consists of flat cells

arrangement edge to edge as in a mosaic . This is type of epithelium
covers the alveoli of lungs ,pericardial ,pleural and peritoneal cavities .
2. Cuboidal epithelium : Here, the cell are cubical .They are arranged over a
basement membrane . It is found in the distal convoluted tubules of the
3. Columnar epithelium : It consists of tall , pillar like cells arranged on a
basement membrane . It is found in lungs and ducts of glands.
4. Ciliated epithelium: The cells may be cuboid or columnar. But they
contain hair like structures called cilia present in the free border ,e.g.
cells lining the trachea
5. Glandular epithelium : It consists of cylindrical or columnar cells .It is
present in secretory glands like salivary glands and breast . The glands
are of two types :
1. Unicellular.
2. Multicellular.

The multicellular glands are again classified as:

1. Endocrine glands which do not contain a duct. They secrete hormones.

2. Exocrine glands which contain a duct . They secrete enzymes
Goblet cells are specialized glandular epithelial cells They secrete mucus or
mucin. The goblet cells are more numerous in the stomach, colon and trachea.

Stratified epithelium : It is also called as compound epithelium. It consists of

several layers of cells. It is present in surfaces where there is considerable
wear and tear. Iium is further classified into:

1. Stratified squamous epithelium

2. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
3. Stratified columnar epithelium

Sometime, the superficial cells of stratified epithelium become dry hard.

They develop a protein called keratin Then the epithelium is called as
keratinised stratified epithelium. If the superficial cells do not contain keratin,
the epithelium is called as non keratinised stratified epithelium

Transitional epithelium : It is a form of stratified epithelium found in the

urinary bladder. It consists of to six layers of cells arranged as follows:

1. The lower basal row is made of cuboidal cells.

2. Intermediate layer is made of longer and polyhedral cells.
3. Superficial layer is made of larger and flattened cells.


Connective tissues serve to connect or bind together different organs or

different parts of an organ. They contain an intercellular substance called
matrix . It helps in binding and supporting the cells. Connective tissues are
classified as:

1. Areolar tissue (loose connective tissue):It is the most widely distributed

tissue in the body .It is a loose irregular connective tissue. It connects the
occupied spaces between organs .It is found between muscles , blood vessels
and nerves.

2.Dense fibrous tissue:This tissue has compactly arranged fibres with greatly
reduced interspace . the cells are less in number than areolar tissue .This type
of tissue is present in dermis in dermis of skin.
3.Elastic tissue:This tissue is yellow in colour and contains more number of
elastic fibures. It is present in tissue where strength is required with elasticity
e.g. trachea and bronchi.

4. Adipose tissue (Fatty tissue): It contains large, rounded cells and cytoplasm
is loated with fat . The nucleus of the cells is pushed towards the periphery
e.g. sudcutaneous tissue of skin.

5.Cartilage; It has a tough, gelatinous and elastic matrix formed of chondrin.

The cells are more or less round and lie in groups of four embedded in the
matrix . cartilage is of three types:

a)Hyaline cartilage:Here, the matrix is free from fibres and is transparent .Also,
the cells are arranged in small groups.e.g. trachea and tip of nose.

b)fibro cartilage:Hear,the ground subatance contains thick bundles of collagen

fibrea, it is found in the inter-vertebral discs.

c)Elastic cartilage:It is almost similar to hyaline cartilage . But it contains a net

work of branching and rejoining collagenous fibres (which give a yellow colour
to the matrix)e.g. epiglottis and laryngeal cartilage .

BONE:It is the hardest connective tissue .Bones contain a high concentration of

salts like calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. A bone generally consists.

1. Periosteum : It is membrane of fibrous tissue covering the surface of a

2. Compact bone : It is a hard ,dense substance found below the
3. Cancellour or spongy bone : It is a spongy porous tissue. It form the
interior of mature bone.
4. Bone marrow: It is a soft material which fills the hollow interior of a
mature bone. It is of two types :
a) Yellow bone marrow which is a fatty tissue.
b) Red bone marrow from which the cells of blood are developed.

Microscopic structure of bone : cross section of a bone under the

microscope show the following structures:
1. A central Haversian canal which contains nerves, blood vessels and
2. Lamellae which are layers of bone deposited in concentric circles around
the Haversian canal.
3. Lacunae which are the spaces between the lamellae.
4. Canaliculi which are the minute canals. They join the lamellae and also
communicate with the central Haversian canal.
All these structures together form a unit. This unit is called as the h
Haversian system.

Muscle is a tissue which has the power of contraction. Contraction of
muscles contain bundles produces movements.All muscles contains
bundles of fibres which run in the same direction.
Muscles are classified into three types. They are :
1) Voluntary muscle
2) Involuntary muscle
3) Cardiac muscle
1. Voluntary muscle : ( striated or skeletal muscle) : It is under the control
of will. It forms the flesh of limbo and trunks. It contains undranched
fibres called myofibrils . These fibres are cylindrical in shape containing
a) Distinct striations
b) a number of nuclei .Each fibre is surrounded by
a membrane called sarcolemma
2. Involuntary muscle ( non striated, piain or smooth muscle) : It is not
controlled by will . It is preent in internal organs like stomach, intesrine
and uterus. It contains long , spindle shaped fibres with a central
nucleus. The fibres are not striated and are not covered by any
membrane. But they are joined together by a loose connective nervous
3. Cardiac muscle: It is found only in the heart.It consists of short ,
cylindrical and branched fibres. The cardiac is not controlled by will But
it contracts automatically in a rhythmic manner.

Nervous tissue is composed of three kinds of matter .

1. Gray matter which forms the nerve cells .

2. White matter which forms the nerve fibres .
3. Neuroglia which is a supporting tissue. It holds together and supports
nerve cell and fibres .

Neurone: It is the unit with which the nervous system is composed of. It
consists of 1. Nerve cell. 2.axon. 3.dendrite.

1. Nerve cell: Each Nerve cell has a nucleus and a highly specialized
protoplasm . The body of the nerve cell gives rise to nerve fibres .
2. Axon:It is the main fibre which arises from the axon in one direction
3. Dendrites: These are short fibres arising from the body of the nerve cell.
They conduct impulses towords the cell body . Synapse is the junction
between axon of one nurone and dendrite of another .
Myelin sheath: It is the sheath which covers and protects the axon of
some nerves .Nerves which contain this sheath are called as medullated
nerves . Nerves which do not contain this sheath are called as non-
medullated nerves . The medullated nerve contain nuclei. The nucleus
lies in between the myeline sheath and outer covering called
neunilemma . Node of ranveir is the internuption found in the
myelin sheath at regular intervals .


The cavities and hollow or organs of body are lined with membranes.
These membranes contains epithelium. Also, they secrete lubricating fluids
which prevent friction. The three types of membranes found in the body are :

1. Synovial membrane
2. Mucous membrane
3. Serous membrane
1. Synovial membrane : It is a fibrous membrane which lines the cavities of
joints. It secretes a thick fluid which lubricates the joints.
2. Mucous membrane : It lines the alimentary canal and the respiratory
tract. They contain glands which secrete mucous.
3. Serous membrane : It lines internal cavities like thorax and abdomen.
Also, it covers the organs which these cavities contain. So it provides
smooth, moist surfaces which easily slide over one another when their
organs move. A thin watery fluid called serous fluid is secreted by seous
Glands are a group of epithelial cells which produce specialised
secretion. All glands have a rich blood supply. Glands select the
necessary materials from stream. These materials are utilized for
marking the secretions.

Glands are classified as:

1. Exocrine glands : which discharge their secretion directly on the
surface (e.g. sweat glands ) or through a duct (e.g. salivary glands)
2. Endocrine glands: (ductless glands) which discharge their secretion
into blood and lymph .They do not have a duct.
These secretions are called hormones e.g. thyroid hormone and

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