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Homework 2

Course: ECI 201 (Fall 2019)

Dated: October 10, 2019
Due Date: October 17, 2019 (6:00 p.m.)

Please drop-off the homework solution in the homework drop-box on the second floor of
Ghausi Hall by the due date. The homeworks can be handwritten on engineering/A4-
letter paper (use only one side) or can be typeset using MS-Word or LATEX.

Problem 1
Evaluate or expand the following (x = xi ei is the position vector; δij is the Kronecker-
delta; ijk is the permutation symbol; and i, j, k, ` = 1, 2, 3):

(i) ei · ei

(ii) δii δkk − δjk δkj

(iii) ui uj δik δjk if u = e1 − 2e2 + 4e3

(iv) δij ijk ek

Problem 2
Use index notation to verify the following vector identities:

(i) (u × v) · w + (v × u) · w = 0

(ii) ∇ · (f u) = u · ∇f + f ∇ · u

(iii) ∇ × (∇g) = 0,
where g ≡ g(x) is a smooth scalar-valued function. Hint: Use a × b = ijk ai bj ek .

(iv) ∇ · (∇ × u) = 0,
where u ≡ u(x) is a smooth vector-valued function.
Fall 2019 ECI 201 Instructor: N. Sukumar

Problem 3
If a, b and c are arbitrary vectors in three dimensions, then (Einstein summation con-
vention is implied) simplify the following vector:

ai b` cm [δim δ`k − δi` δkm ]ek .

Also write down your final result in terms of vector operations using a, b, and c.

Problem 4
(a) If u(x) = 5x21 e1 + x1 x2 e2 − 3x2 x3 e3 is a vector-valued function, and x = xi ei is the
position vector, then evaluate the following:
∂(ui ui )
∂ (xi xj )
∂xi ∂xj
(b) If αij = e0i · ej are the direction cosines, then show that

(i) αik αjk = δij

(ii) αki αkj = δij

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