23 Process of Reproduction

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Reproduction occurs due to the activity of the essential sex organs of the male and female.They are the
testes in male and the ovaries in females.The testes and ovaries are also called as gonads ,testes being
the male gonad and ovary the female gonad . These gonads produce sex cells.Testes produce the sex
cells called the spermatozoa.Ovary produce the female sex cells called ova.The union of the ovum and
the spermatozoon is called as fertilization.

Fertilisation..After a sexual intercourse ,the union of spermatozoon and the ovum [fertilization]normally
takes places in th fallopian tube.On a sexual intercourse ,a number of spermatozoa are deposited in the
vagina. These spermatozoa are propelled by the activity of their tails toward the fallopiam tube. Only
one spermatozoon is required for the fertilization .The spermatozoon penetrates the ovum and unites
with it and thus fertilization occurs.

The fertilized ovum [conceptus]travels down the fallopian tubetowards the uterus. As it progress,it
divides into a number of small cells. After reaching the uterus ,the conceptus digests a small part of
endimetrium and gets embedded.This is called implantation.Implantation normally occurs in the upper
part of the body of uterus near the opening of the fallopian tube. But it may occur on any part of the

Determination of sex..It depends on sex chromosomes .The total number of chromosomes in man are
46 .Of these 44 chromosomes [22 pairs]are ordinary chromosomes and these are called autosomes .The
remaining 2 chromosomes [one pair] are the sex chromosomesare the same are called XX.One
chromosome from each pair determines the sex if the child. If the child has x chromosome from the
mother and X chromosome from the father it is the female child[XX]. If the child has x chromosome
from the mother and Y chromosome from the father it is a male[XY].

Development of the foetus.. After implantation the endometrium ,the conceptus derives nutrition from
the maternal blood. Organs get differentiated during the 1st ten weeks of this period .The embryo is now
inclosed within two membranes ..1]an inner membrane called amnion.2]an outer membrane called
chorion.The space between these two membranes is called amniotic sac.The space is filled with a fluid
called liquoramnii.This fluid protects the foetus from injury.

During the 1st 8 weeks of development ,the chorion is in direct contact with maternal blood. Its surface
area is increased by the development of villi. The chorionic villi continue to develop towards the
endometrium and form the placenta. The amniotic sac [bag of membranes] expands and obliterates the
cavity of uterus .Formation of all the organs is complete by about 12 weeks and the foetus grows during
later months .Movements of the foetus can be noticed by 17 weeks .Growth of the foetus is complete
by 28 weeks but the baby is ready to born in 40 weeks.

Placenta..It is formed by about 8th week of pregnancy .It is forned from the part of the conceptus which
is in direct contact with endometrium . The foetus remain firmly attached to placenta till the birth of the
baby . The functions of placenta are ..
1]..It provide nourishment from maternal blood to the foetus.

2].. It provides oxygenation of foetal blood and removes wastage products . Thus it carries the function
of lungs

3]..It acts as a barrier [blood placental barrier] which prevents the entry of certain drugs and
microorganisms reaching the foetus.

4]..It produces a hormone called chorionic gonadotrophin.This hormone has a growth promoting effect
and also helps in the development of glandular tissue of breast

Umbelical cord..It is a flexible structure which connects the foetus at the umbilicus to placenta. It
contains blood vessels,a pair of umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein . These blood vessels carres
blood between the foetus and placenta.When the baby is born ,the umbilical cord is ligatured and cut.
The remnants of the cord dries up and falls from the baby a few days later.This leaves a scar called
umbilicus or navel marking the site of attachment of the umbilical cord.


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