7SR45 Argus Complete Manual 17SR45 Argus Complete Manual

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7SR45 Argus
Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay
7SR45 Argus Contents


Technical Manual Chapters

1. Description of Operation

2. Settings & Instruments

3. Performance Specifications

4. Data Communications Definitions

5. Installation

6. Commissioning and Maintenance

7. Applications Guide

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document, and in any model or article produced from it
(and including any registered or unregistered design rights) are the property of Siemens Protection Devices
Limited. No part of this document shall be reproduced or modified or stored in another form, in any data retrieval
system, without the permission of Siemens Protection Devices Limited, nor shall any model or article be
reproduced from this document unless Siemens Protection Devices Limited consent.

While the information and guidance given in this document is believed to be correct, no liability shall be accepted
for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission, whether such error or omission is the result of
negligence or any other cause. Any and all such liability is disclaimed.

© 2018 Siemens Protection Devices

Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Description of Operation

Document Release History

This document is issue 2019/05. The list of revisions up to and including this issue is:
2019/05 Eleventh Issue
2018/11 Tenth Issue
2018/10 Ninth Issue
2018/09 Eighth Issue
2018/06 Seventh Issue
2018/04 Sixth Issue
2017/08 Fifth Issue
2017/01 Fourth Issue
2016/10 Third Issue
2016/09 Second Issue
2015/08 First Issue

Software Revision History

2019/05 2438H80001R2c-1b Software maintenance to suit customer requirements
2018/11 2438H80001R2c-1a Supervision functions (81HBL2) added
2018/06 2438H80001R1f-1a Third Release
2018/06 2438H80001R2b-1b Third Release
2018/04 2438H80001R2a-1a Second Release
2017/08 2438H80001R1e-1a Software maintenance to suit customer requirements
2017/01 2438H80001R1d-1a • Protection function 50, 50N, 50G setting range change to 0.2xIn to 20xIn
in step of 0.1xIn.
• Protection function 50, 50N, 50G reset ratio changed to 90% for setting
below 1xIn and 94% for setting above 1xIn.
2016/10 2438H80001R1c-1a Software maintenance to suit customer requirements
2016/09 2438H80001R1b-1a • Faster response times on 1 phase (t+100ms max) in 0.2 to 0.3 ranges.
• IRF functionality.
2015/08 2438H80001R1a-1a First Release

Hardware Revision History

2018/06 7SR450/FF Third Release
(with reduced front cover and housing height)
2018/04 7SR450/EE Second Release
(with Aux. Power supply, remote flag and local flag, RS 485, additional
AC/DC BIs and BOs)
2017/02 7SR450/DD Hardware maintenance
2016/09 7SR450/CC Circuit changes to improve signal conditioning
2015/08 7SR450/BB First Release

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document, and in any model or article produced from it
(and including any registered or unregistered design rights) are the property of Siemens Protection Devices
Limited. No part of this document shall be reproduced or modified or stored in another form, in any data retrieval
system, without the permission of Siemens Protection Devices Limited, nor shall any model or article be
reproduced from this document unless Siemens Protection Devices Limited consent.

While the information and guidance given in this document is believed to be correct, no liability shall be accepted
for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission, whether such error or omission is the result of
negligence or any other cause. Any and all such liability is disclaimed.

© 2019 Siemens Protection Devices

Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Open Source Software .................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Current Transformer Circuits ................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 External Resistors ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Description .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Ordering Options ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Functional Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Terminal Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 11
Section 2: Hardware Description............................................................................................................................ 14
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Front Fascia .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Front Fascia with Flag Output ................................................................................................. 14
2.2.2 Front Fascia without Flag Output ............................................................................................ 15
2.3 Power Supply Unit (PSU) ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Connectors ............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.1 Connectors for Self and Dual Powered Relay Variant ............................................................ 16
2.5 Operator Interface ................................................................................................................................. 17
2.6 Relay Information .................................................................................................................................. 18
2.6.1 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) ................................................................................................... 19
2.6.2 Keypad .................................................................................................................................... 20
2.6.3 Light Emitting Diode (LED)...................................................................................................... 21
2.6.4 Local Flag ............................................................................................................................... 21
2.7 Home Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 22
2.8 Password Protection ............................................................................................................................. 22
2.9 Software Version Menu ......................................................................................................................... 22
2.10 Alert Screen .......................................................................................................................................... 23
2.10.1 Fault Alert (Trip Alert) .............................................................................................................. 23
2.10.2 Alarm Alert .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.10.3 Info Alert.................................................................................................................................. 23
2.11 Parameter Edit Screen .......................................................................................................................... 24
Section 3: Protection Functions (50, 51, 50N, 51N, 50G, 51G, 50LC) ................................................................... 25
3.1 Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection (50) ........................................................................................... 25
3.2 Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)............................................................................................ 26
3.3 Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N) ............................................................................. 28
3.4 Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N) ............................................................................. 29
3.5 Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G) ......................................................................... 31
3.6 Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G) ......................................................................... 32
3.7 Switch-On-To-Fault (50LC/SOTF) ........................................................................................................ 34
3.8 Supervision Functions ........................................................................................................................... 36
3.8.1 2nd Harmonic Block/Inrush Restraint (81HBL2) Phase Elements Only ................................... 36
3.9 General Alarm ....................................................................................................................................... 37
3.10 Reset LED, Trip Flag Indication and Binary Outputs ............................................................................. 37
3.10.1 Reset through Binary Input ..................................................................................................... 37
3.10.2 Reset using Reydisp Software ................................................................................................ 38
3.10.3 TEST/RESET► Key ............................................................................................................... 39
3.10.4 Reset through rear communication protocol ........................................................................... 39
3.11 Current Inputs ....................................................................................................................................... 39
3.12 Binary Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 39
3.13 Binary Outputs ...................................................................................................................................... 42
3.13.1 Binary Output Matrix ............................................................................................................... 42
3.13.2 Binary Output Configuration .................................................................................................... 42
3.14 Binary Output Operations...................................................................................................................... 43
3.14.1 BO Trip/Reset on Battery/USB................................................................................................ 43
3.14.2 BO Trip/Reset on CT Input or Auxiliary Voltage ...................................................................... 44
3.15 Pulse Output ......................................................................................................................................... 44

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

3.16 Remote Flag Output .............................................................................................................................. 44

3.17 Modes of Operation............................................................................................................................... 44
3.17.1 Auxiliary Voltage ..................................................................................................................... 44
3.17.2 CT Input .................................................................................................................................. 44
3.17.3 USB ........................................................................................................................................ 46
3.17.4 Battery..................................................................................................................................... 47
3.17.5 Sleep Mode ............................................................................................................................. 47
3.17.6 Low Battery Status Indication.................................................................................................. 47
3.18 Maintenance Mode ............................................................................................................................... 48
3.18.1 Output Test ............................................................................................................................. 48
3.19 Self Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................... 48
3.19.1 Internal Relay Failure (IRF) ..................................................................................................... 48
3.20 Data Storage ......................................................................................................................................... 49
3.20.1 Fault Records (Trip Log) ......................................................................................................... 49
3.20.2 Event Records (Event Log) ..................................................................................................... 49
3.21 Real Time Clock .................................................................................................................................... 50
3.22 Operating Mode .................................................................................................................................... 50
3.23 Settings Groups .................................................................................................................................... 51
3.24 Password Feature ................................................................................................................................. 51
3.25 Battery................................................................................................................................................... 51
3.26 Firmware Update .................................................................................................................................. 51

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Functional Diagram of 7SR45 Argus Relay................................................................................. 10
Figure 1-2 Terminal Diagram of Self Powered (7SR4501-xGA10-1AA0) and (7SR4503-
xGA10-1AA0) Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay without Flag ......................... 11
Figure 1-3 Terminal Diagram of Self Powered (7SR4501-xGB10-1AA0) and (7SR4503-
xGB10-1AA0) Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay with Flag .............................. 12
Figure 1-4 Terminal Diagram of Dual Powered (7SR4501/7SR4503-x[H/J] A20-1AA0) Non-
Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay without Flag ....................................................... 12
Figure 1-5 Terminal Diagram of Dual Powered (7SR4502/7SR4504) Non-Directional
Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay with Flag .............................................................................. 13
Figure 2-1 7SR45 Argus Relay Front Fascia with Flag Output ..................................................................... 14
Figure 2-2 7SR45 Argus Relay Front Fascia without Flag Output ................................................................ 15
Figure 2-3 7SR45 Argus Relay Connectors with 4 BI and 4 BO................................................................... 16
Figure 2-4 7SR45 Argus Relay Connectors with 2 BI and 2 BO................................................................... 17
Figure 2-5 7SR4501/7SR4503 Argus Self Powered Relay LED Indication Label ........................................ 17
Figure 2-6 7SR4502/7SR4504 Argus Dual Powered Relay LED Indication Label (With Flag) ..................... 18
Figure 2-7 Warning Symbols ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2-8 Relay LCD ................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-1 Logic Diagram: Instantaneous Overcurrent Element .................................................................. 25
Figure 3-2 Logic Diagram: Time Delayed Overcurrent Element ................................................................... 26
Figure 3-3 Logic Diagram: Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Element ....................................................... 28
Figure 3-4 Logic Diagram: Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection .................................................... 29
Figure 3-5 Logic Diagram: Instantaneous Measured Earth-fault Element .................................................... 31
Figure 3-6 Logic Diagram: Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Element ................................................... 32
Figure 3-7 Logic Diagram: 50LC Overcurrent Element ................................................................................ 34
Figure 3-8 Operating Time for Switch-On-To-Fault with Binary Outputs ...................................................... 35
Figure 3-9 Operating Time for Switch-On-To-Fault with Pulse Output ......................................................... 35
Figure 3-10 Logic Diagram: Harmonic Block Feature (81HBL2) .................................................................... 36
Figure 3-11 Reset LEDs Outputs: Reydisp Software Input Matrix .................................................................. 38
Figure 3-12 Reset Flags ................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 3-13 Binary Input Logic ....................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-14 Binary Output Logic..................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-15 Sensitivity for Single Phase Fault with Binary Outputs ................................................................ 45
Figure 3-16 Sensitivity for Single Phase Fault with Pulse Output ................................................................... 46

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

List of Tables
Table 1-1 Battery Spares Ordering Options .................................................................................................. 9
Table 2-1 LED Functions ............................................................................................................................ 21
Table 2-2 Info Alert...................................................................................................................................... 23
Table 3-1 Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection (50-n) .............................................................................. 25
Table 3-2 Constants for operating and reset curve characteristics ............................................................. 27
Table 3-3 Time Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51-n) .............................................................................. 27
Table 3-4 Instantaneous Derived Earth Fault Protection (50N-n)................................................................ 28
Table 3-5 Constants for operating and reset curve characteristics ............................................................. 30
Table 3-6 Time Delayed Derived Earth Fault Protection (51N-n) ................................................................ 30
Table 3-7 Instantaneous Measured Earth Fault Protection (50G-n) ............................................................ 31
Table 3-8 Constants for operating and reset curve characteristics ............................................................. 33
Table 3-9 Time Delayed Measured Earth Fault Protection (51G-n) ............................................................ 33
Table 3-10 50LC/SOTF ................................................................................................................................. 34
Table 3-11 General Alarm ............................................................................................................................. 37
Table 3-12 Binary Input ................................................................................................................................. 41
Table 3-13 Binary Input Configuration ........................................................................................................... 41
Table 3-14 Binary Output .............................................................................................................................. 43
Table 3-15 Battery Profile Parameter ............................................................................................................ 47
Table 3-16 IRF .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Table 3-17 Real Time Clock .......................................................................................................................... 50
Table 3-18 Operating Mode .......................................................................................................................... 50
Table 3-19 Firmware Update Compatibility ................................................................................................... 52

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Symbols and Nomenclature

The following notational and formatting conventions are used within the remainder of this document:
• Setting Menu Location MAIN MENU>SUB-MENU
• Setting: Elem name -Setting
• Setting value: value
• Alternatives: [1st] [2nd] [3rd]

© 2019 Siemens Protection Devices Chapter 1 Page 5 of 52

Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Danger of explosion of the battery.
! Noncompliance with the safety instructions means that death, severe injuries, or
considerable material damages can occur.
Do not throw the lithium batteries into a fire.

Warning about battery disposal.

! Noncompliance with the safety instructions means that severe injuries or considerable
material damages can occur.
When discharged, or when properly secured against short-circuit, lithium batteries can be
disposed off through retailers or at depots run by competent organizations.

7SR45 Argus Relay with 1 contained lithium metal cylindrical cell (0.6 g lithium content) and 1
lithium metal button cell meets the preconditions of special provision (SP)188 of the UN
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, 17th revised edition and is classified
according to:
 ADR/RID/ADN/IMDG-Code: UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment,
class 9, preconditions of SP 188 met.
 ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR: UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment, class 9,
preconditions of section II of packing instruction (PI) 970 met.

Do not transport the 7SR45 Argus Relay when it is activated. Before transportation, ensure that
the 7SR45 Argus Relay is “not in the battery power mode” and paper strip is inserted
between the battery clip and battery.
The lithium metal cells for 7SR45 Argus Relay (as a spare part) are also subject to the special
provision (SP)188 mentioned above, but classified according to:
 ADR/RID/AND/IMDG-Code: UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries, class 9, preconditions of SP
188 met.
 ICAO-TI/IATA-DGR: UN 3090 Lithium metal batteries, class 9, preconditions of section IB
or II of packing Instruction (PI) 968 met.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Open Source Software

The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties. The Open Source
Software used in the product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the
Readme_OSS. These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your compliance with those license
conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license. In the event of
conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the Open Source
Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the software. The Open
Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the applicable Open Source Software License Conditions
provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your Siemens sales contact -
against payment of the shipping and handling charges - for a period of at least 3 years since purchase of the
Product. We are liable for the Product including the Open Source Software contained in it pursuant to the license
conditions applicable to the Product. Any liability for the Open Source Software beyond the program flow intended
for the Product is explicitly excluded. Furthermore any liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open
Source Software by you or third parties is excluded. We do not provide any technical support for the Product if it
has been modified.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Section 1: Introduction
This manual is applicable to the following relay:
• 7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay

General Safety Precautions

1.1 Current Transformer Circuits
The secondary circuit of a live CT must not be open circuited. Non-observance of this precaution can
result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment.

1.2 External Resistors

Where external resistors are connected to the relay circuitry, these may present a danger of electric
shock or burns, if touched.

1.3 Description
7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay is developed using
the latest generation of hardware technology and is available in multiple variants depending on the following:
• CT ratings (1 A/5 A)
• Auxiliary Power supply
• Communication configuration
• Binary Input
• Binary Output
• Local/remote Flag Indicator

7SR45 Argus is a member of Siemens Reyrolle® protection devices Argus product family.
7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay is housed in a
4U high, size 4 non draw-out case and provides protection, monitoring, and instrumentation functions with
integrated input and output logic and fault reports.
The relay functionality can be configured via a front USB port for local PC connection or rear electrical RS485
(optional) port for remote connection. By using the Reydisp Evolution software, the user can update the settings
and view the fault records (trip log) and the event records (event log).
7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay support the
IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus communication protocols based on the ordering option.
7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay can indicate the trip
with local and remote flag indicator based on the ordering option.
In this Technical Manual, the 7SR45 Argus Self Powered/Dual Powered Non-Directional Overcurrent and
Earth Fault Relay will be referred as 7SR45 Argus Relay.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

1.4 Ordering Options

Product description Variants Order No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 11 12 - 13 14 15 16
7SR45 Argus 7 S R 4 5 0 - 0 - 1 A A 0

and Earth
Fault Relay

Case, I/O and fascia

Size 4 Moulded Case, 4 CT1), 2 BI/2 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 1 G A/B
Size 4 Moulded Case, 4 CT1), 2 BI/2 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 1 H/J A
Size 4 Moulded Case, 4 CT , 4 BI/4 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 2 H/J B
Size 4 Moulded Case (Height Reduced), 4 CT ,2 BI/2 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 3 G A/B
Size 4 Moulded Case (Height Reduced), 4 CT ,2 BI/2 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 3 H/J A
Size 4 Moulded Case (Height Reduced), 4 CT1),4 BI/4 BO, pulse output, 9 LEDs 4 H/J B

Measuring Input
1 A, 50 Hz/60Hz 1
5 A, 50 Hz/60Hz 2

Auxiliary Voltage
Self Powered (CT Powered : BI Threshold 19 V DC) G 1
Dual powered (CT Powered + Aux. Powered : 24 V to 60 V DC, BI threshold 19 V DC) H 2
Dual powered (CT Powered + Aux. Powered : 60 V to 240 V AC/DC, BI threshold 88 V
AC/DC) J 2

Front Fascia
Standard Version A
Standard Version - with Trip Flag Indicator B

Communication Options
Front port : USB 1
Front Port : USB and Rear Port : RS-485 supporting
IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU (user selectable setting) 2

Protection Function Packages - Standard version

50 Instantaneous phase fault overcurrent
50G/50N Instantaneous earth fault
51 Time delayed phase fault overcurrent A
51G/51N Time delayed earth fault
50LC/SOTF Switch-On-To-Fault
81 HBL2 2) 2nd Harmonic block/inrush restraint

Additional functionality
No additional functionality A
4CT is configured as 3PF + EF
Not available for 7SR4501-xGA10-1AA0 MLFB variants

Use the following ordering information to order 7SR45 Argus Relay battery spares.

Table 1-1 Battery Spares Ordering Options

Variants Description
7XG1900-1AA00-0AA0 Main Battery CR123A

7XG1900-2AA00-0AA0 RTC Battery CR1632

7XG1900-3AA00-0AA0 Main Battery CR123A + RTC Battery CR1632

If possible, it is recommended to procure the battery as per the Table 1-1 from the local supplier or local market.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

1.5 Functional Diagram


50LC/ 50 81
SOTF (x2) HBL2
(IA )

50LC/ 50 81
SOTF (x2) HBL2
(IB )

50LC/ 50 81
SOTF (x2) HBL2
(IC )

50N 81
51N HBL2

(IG ) 50G 81
(x2) HBL2

Figure 1-1 Functional Diagram of 7SR45 Argus Relay

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

1.6 Terminal Diagram

The 7SR45 Argus Relay is housed in a non draw-out 4U size 4 case. The rear connection comprises of
user-friendly pluggable type terminals:
• Binary Input (BI)
• Binary Output (BO)
• Pulse Output (PO)
• Fixed Terminal Current Transformer (CT) (non-pluggable)
• Remote Flag Indicator
• RS485 Communication Port
• Auxiliary Power Supply

7SR4501/7SR4503 Terminal Label

X1 X5 1A/5A
-ve BI 1
2 IL1
BI 2 2
4 -ve

NO 1 IL2
NC 3
1A/5A 5
BO 2

6 IL3

-ve 1A/5A
1 7

2 +ve PO


Items shown in BOLD are ordering options

Figure 1-2 Terminal Diagram of Self Powered (7SR4501-xGA10-1AA0) and (7SR4503-xGA10-1AA0)

Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay without Flag

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

7SR4501/7SR4503 Terminal Label

X2 X1 1A/5A
- ve BI 1
2 IL1
-ve BI 2
5 3

NO 6

NC 8

9 1A/5A
BO 2 5

11 IL3
13 1A/5A
-ve PO

GND -ve FO 8

Items shown in BOLD are ordering options

Figure 1-3 Terminal Diagram of Self Powered (7SR4501-xGB10-1AA0) and (7SR4503-xGB10-1AA0)

Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay with Flag

7SR4501/7SR4503 Terminal Label

X2 X1 1A/5A 1
1 +ve
2 - ve
3 +ve
4 - ve 2

5 1A/5A 3

NO 6
1 COM 7 BO1 IL2
NC 8

2 4
3 GND BO2 1A/5A 5
4 B/-
11 IL3

X3 PO 1A/5A
- ve 7
1 L

2 + ve
3 16 - ve 8

Items shown in BOLD are ordering options

Figure 1-4 Terminal Diagram of Dual Powered (7SR4501/7SR4503-x[H/J] A20-1AA0) Non-Directional

Overcurrent and Earth Fault Relay without Flag

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

7SR4502/7SR4504 Terminal Label

X5 X2 X1 1A/5A
+ve 1
+ ve

- ve BI 3 2
-ve BI1
2 IL1
+ ve
+ve - ve BI2 2
-ve BI 4

X6 NO 6

NO 1 COM 7 IL2
X4 BO1
BO3 NC 8
NC 3

BO2 1A/5A 5
3 GND BO 4
4 B/- IL3

X3 + ve
1 L - ve PO 1A/5A 7

3 E 15 + ve
16 - ve FO

Items shown in BOLD are ordering options

Figure 1-5 Terminal Diagram of Dual Powered (7SR4502/7SR4504) Non-Directional Overcurrent and Earth
Fault Relay with Flag

The CT terminals are suitable for ring type lug connection and to provide a secure and reliable termination.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Section 2: Hardware Description

2.1 General
The structure of the 7SR45 Argus relay is based on the compact hardware platform. The 7SR45 Argus relay is
supplied in a non draw-out 4U high size 4 case. The hardware design provides a commonality between the
products and components across the range of relays.

The 7SR45 Argus Relay is assembled from the following modules:

1. Front Fascia with 9 non-programmable LEDs

2. Processor Module
3. Current Analogue
4. Input Module
5. Output Module
6. Power Supply Module
7. Rear Port Communications Module (Available with dual powered model)

2.2 Front Fascia

The front fascia is an integral part of the relay and allows the user to access all the push buttons and performs the
setting changes and control actions. The fascia provides an option to reset the fault data display, latched binary
outputs, and LEDs by using the TEST/RESET ► button. The front fascia contains predefined LED list which
provides the information about the LED indicators.

2.2.1 Front Fascia with Flag Output

Figure 2-1 7SR45 Argus Relay Front Fascia with Flag Output

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

2.2.2 Front Fascia without Flag Output

Figure 2-2 7SR45 Argus Relay Front Fascia without Flag Output

2.3 Power Supply Unit (PSU)

The relay is supplied with the following nominal power supply ranges:
• 60 V to 240 V AC/DC power supply (BI threshold - 88 V AC/DC)
• 24 V to 60 V DC power supply (BI threshold -19 V DC)
The power supply module is equipped with 2 or 4 binary inputs and binary outputs based on the ordering options.
The PSU also consists of one RS485 communication interface (half duplex) for communicating with RTUs and
parameterization of relays via remote locations.
For AC connections, the auxiliary supply is made with the live connection to positive terminal and neutral
connection to negative for consistency and safety.
If the power supply voltage levels are falling below the relay minimum operate level, the 7SR45 Argus relay power
will automatically switch over to CT power through phase CT currents.

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

2.4 Connectors
In 7SR45 Argus Relay, all the connectors are pluggable type except the CT connectors. The relay consists of the
following connectors and the connector terminals are designated suitably:
• Auxiliary power supply
• Remote flag output
• Pulse output
• Binary inputs
• Binary outputs
• RS485 connector

2.4.1 Connectors for Self and Dual Powered Relay Variant

The power supply module is equipped with additional two numbers of binary input and binary outputs. It also
consists of RS485 communication port at the rear side.

Current Inputs

Binary Inputs

Binary Outputs


Binary Inputs,
Binary Outputs,
Flag Output,
Pulse Output

Auxiliary Power

Figure 2-3 7SR45 Argus Relay Connectors with 4 BI and 4 BO

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Current Inputs

Binary Inputs,
Binary Outputs,
Flag Output,
Pulse Output

Figure 2-4 7SR45 Argus Relay Connectors with 2 BI and 2 BO

2.5 Operator Interface

The operator interface is designed to provide a user-friendly method of entering the settings and retrieving data
from the relay.

The rating label is located on the housing and provides more technical information about the 7SR45 Argus Relay.

Figure 2-5 7SR4501/7SR4503 Argus Self Powered Relay LED Indication Label

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Chapter 1 - 7SR45 Description of Operation

Figure 2-6 7SR4502/7SR4504 Argus Dual Powered Relay LED Indication Label (With Flag)

2.6 Relay Information

The rating label contains the following product Information:
• Product name
• Auxiliary voltage range
• Rated burden
• Nominal current rating
• Rated frequency
• Binary input supply rating
• MLFB ordering code, with hardware version suffix
• Serial number

GF – Goa factory
YY – Year of manufacturing
MM – Month of manufacturing
XXXXXX – Serial number of the relay

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