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ACADEMIC YEAR - 2019-20 SEMESTER – V (BATCH : 2017-21)
1. Lecture(L): 1 hour / week / semester, 2. Practical(P): 2 hour / week / semester3. Tutorial(T): 2
hour / week / semester

Teaching Hours Audi
Cours Remar
e Course Name Lectur Tuto Practic SSH Credits ks if
cour E E
Code e rial al any
Hydrology and
CV519 Irrigation 4 2 0 3 5 N Y N
CV516 3 0 2 3 4 N Y Y
Engineering -I
CV509 3 0 2 3 4 N Y Y
Engineering - I
CV510 3 0 2 3 4 N Y Y
Engineering –I
CV520 4 2 0 3 5 N Y N
Analysis – III
PC501 Rural Internship - - - - 3 N Y Y
Elective – III 3 0 0 3 3 N Y N
TOTAL 20 4 6 15 28
Total Teaching Hours 30
Elective – I
NEN003 Orientation program in entrepreneurship
CD503 - Campus to Corporate Training – I

N- No CIE – Continuous internal evaluation

Y – Yes PSEE – Practical semester end examination including ITD, Dissertation, Industrial project, Industrial training etc
SSH - Self-study hours

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Course Code CV509
Theory :03
Practical :01
Course Credit
Tutorial :00
Credits :04
Course Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
● Explain soil formation and types of soils found in various parts of India
● Determine the basic soil properties and Apply properties for classification of various soil.
● Classify of the different types of soil systems.
● Evaluate soil parameters like permeability, compaction, shear strength etc.
● Experimentally Apply the knowledge of different soil properties to Calculate consolidation

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter & details
No. Allotted


1. Introduction to Soil Mechanics:

Definition, Soil formation, soil as construction material, limitations of soil 02

2. Soil Properties:
Soil as three phase system, related properties, Index properties, Consistency limits,
classification of soils & field identification, soil structure and mineralogy, soil-
water properties, effective and neutral stresses.

3. Permeability and Seepage:

Permeability, Factors affecting permeability, measurement of permeability
coefficient of permeability of common soils Seepage and seepage pressure quick
condition, flow-net and its uses, filters.

Total 21

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4. Compaction:
Definition, Compaction methods, standard and modified compaction tests,
determination of dry density & optimum moisture content, factors affecting

5. Consolidation:
Compressibility of Soils. Definition and Mechanism of Soil Consolidation, Spring
Analogy, Compression Index, Coefficient of Compressibility, Coefficient of
volume change. Derivation of Terzaghi's One Dimensional consolidation Equation. 09
Time factor and consolidation ratio. Calculation of consolidation settlement for
uniform pressure increment in clay layer. one
Dimensional consolidation test, Laboratory and theoretical time curves

6. Shear Strength:
Definition, different shear tests, interpretation of results, shear strength parameters
& theory, shear strength of cohesive & non-cohesive soils, pore pressure
measurements and pore pressure parameters, Liquefaction.

Total 21

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

● Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
● Assignments based on course content will be given to the students at the end of each
unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.
● Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/Tutorials will be conducted.
● The course includes field work, where students have an opportunity to build an
appreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.

Reference Books:
1. Venkatramaiah, C. Geotechnical engineering.3rd Edition New Age International (P) Ltd,
Publishers, 2006.
2. Arora, K. R. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ,7th Edition, Standard Publishers
Distributors, 2009.
3. Ranjan, Gopal, and A. S. R. Rao., 2nd Edition, Basic and applied soil mechanics. New Age
International, 2007.
4. B.C. Punmia; Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering; Laxmi Pub. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
5. V. N. S. Murthy; Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering; CBS Publication &
Distributors Pvt Ltd Bengaluru
6. Das Braja M; Principles of Geotechnical Engineering; Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.
7. Kaniraj & Shenbaga R: Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tata

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Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

8. Lambe, William, T. Whitman & Robert: Soil Mechanics, SI Version Wiley India, New

Additional Resources:
NPTEL Lecture series
● Dr. Debasis Roy, IIT Kharagpur,
● Prof. Baleshwar Singh, IIT Guwahati,

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of Field Moisture Content of Soil
2. Determination of Specific Gravity of Soil Solids
3. Determination of Field Density of Soil by Core Cutter Method
4. Determination of Field Density of Soil by Sand Replacement Method
5. Determination of Grain Size Distribution of Soils by Sieve Anby Sieved hydrometer
6. Determination of Consistency Limits of Soils by Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit
7. Determination of Consistency Limits of Soils by shrinkage Limit
8. Determination of Permeability of Soil by constant Head Method
9. Determination of compaction Characteristics of soil by standard proctor test
10. Determination of Shear Strength Parameters of Soil by Direct Shear Test, UCS
11. Study of Shear Strength Parameters of Soil by Undrained Triaxial Test by Demonstration
12. Study of Coefficients from One Dimensional Consolidation Test by Demonstration

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Course Code CV510
Theory :03
Practical :01
Course Credit
Tutorial :00
Credits :04
Course Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
● Understand the historical development of Highway Engineering and recognize the
importance and scope of Highway Engineering.
● Design of highway geometry as per field conditions and in-line with Indian Road Congress
● Understand about the appropriate materials to be used in different road layers.
● Examine the quality and performance of unbound and bound road materials
● Design of Flexible and Rigid pavement as per Indian Roads Congress (IRC).
● Understand of highway drainage system.
● Understand fundamentals of Traffic characteristics.

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter & details
No. Allotted


1. Introduction:
Importance of transportation, Different modes of transportation and comparison,
Characteristics of road transport Jayakar committee recommendations, and 03
implementation – Central Road Fund, Indian Roads Congress, Central Road
Research Institute

2. Highway Development and Planning:

Road types and classification, road patterns, planning surveys, master plan –
saturation system of road planning, phasing road development in India, Present
scenario of road development in India (NHDP & PMGSY) - Vision 2021.

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3. Highway Alignment and Surveys:

Ideal Alignment, Factors affecting the alignment, Engineering Surveys-Map study, 03
Reconnaissance, Preliminary and Final location & detailed survey.

4. Highway Geometric Design–I:

Importance, Design speed, Factors affecting geometric design.
Cross sectional elements - Camber- width of pavement- Shoulders-, Width of
formation- Right of way, Typical cross Sections.

5. Highway Geometric Design–II:

Sight Distance-
Restrictions to sight distance- Stopping sight distance- Overtaking sight distance-
overtaking zones- Examples on SSD and OSD- Sight distance at intersections, 07
Horizontal alignment- Radius of Curve- Super elevation – Extra widening-
Transition curve and its length, setback distance, Vertical alignment-Gradient-
summit and valley curves. Introduction to MX Roads software.

Total 21


6. Pavement Materials and Bituminous Mix Design

Sub-grade soil- Desirable properties-HRB soil classification, Aggregates- 06
Desirable properties, Bituminous materials-Explanation on Tar, bitumen, cutback
and emulsion. Marshal mix design.

7. Pavement Design:
Pavement types, component parts of flexible and rigid pavements and their
functions, design factors, ESWL, Flexible pavement- Design of flexible 05
pavements as per IRC;37-2012, Rigid pavement- Design of rigid pavements as per

8. Highway Drainage:
Significance and requirements, Surface drainage system and design-Examples, sub 03
surface drainage system, design of filter materials.

9. Traffic Engineering:
Introduction, Traffic Characteristics, Traffic Operations, Design of Intersections,
Accident Studies, Parking studies, Design of parking facilities, Highway
lighting, Traffic control devices like pavement marking, signs, signals.

Total 21

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

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● Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
● Assignments based on course content will be given to the students at the end of each
unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.
● Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/Tutorials will be conducted.
● The course includes field work, where students have an opportunity to build an
appreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.

Reference Books:

1. S K Khanna and C E G Justo, Highway Engineering, 9 edition –, Nem Chand Bros,


Roorkee, 2011
2. L R Kadiyali, Highway Engineering, 5 edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2011

3. K P Subramanium, Transportation Engineering, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2013

4. James H Banks, Transportation Engineering, 2 edition, Mc. Graw. Hill Pub. New

5. R. Sreenivasa Kumar, Highway Engineering, 1 edition, University Press. Pvt.Ltd.

Hyderabad, 2013
6. C. Jotin Khisty and B. Kent lal, Transportation Engineering, 2 edition, PHI Learning Pvt.

Ltd. New Delhi, 1998.

7. Paul H.Wright and Karen K.Dixon, Highway Engineering, 7 edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Inc. Singapore, 2010.

8. IRC Codes:
9. Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements- IRC: 37-2018.
10. Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways- IRC: 58-2015.
11. Specifications for Roads and Bridges-MoRT&H, IRC, New Delhi.

Additional Resources: By Dr. K.S. Reddy and Dr. Bhargab Maitra, IIT Kharagpur, Introduction
to Transportation Engineering.

List of Experiments:
1. To determine the wearing resistance/ hardness of the aggregates.
2. To determine the resistance to crushing or crushing value for the aggregate sample.
3. To determine penetration number or grade of bitumen sample.
4. To determine the ductility of a bituminous material.
5. To determine the softening point of bitumen sample by ring and ball apparatus.
6. To determine the viscosity of bitumen or tar.
7. To determine the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of the subgrade soil.
8. To determine marshal stability of bituminous mix.

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Course Code CV 516
Theory :03
Practical :01
Course Credit
Tutorial :00
Credits :04
Course Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, student will be able to:
● Classify the sources of water and various water demands.
● Realize water quality with BIS & WHO standards.
● Understand collection & conveyance of water in city.
● Design different components of water treatment for water supply.
● Recognize different water distribution methods of water supply.
● Prepare basic process designs of water supply system.
● Identify the various sources of wastes by recognizing the types of waste.

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter & details
No. Allotted


1. Water Quantity Estimation:

Introduction to water supply engineering: Necessity of protected water supply
systems, Objectives of protected water supply system, Elements of water supply
scheme, Flow chart of public water supply system.
Water demand and quantity studies: Estimating water requirements of a city, 08
Various water demands, Per capita demand, Factors affecting the per capita
demand, Fire demand & coincident demand, Variations in the water demand,
Design period, Factors affecting the design period, Design capacities for various
water supply components, Population forecasting, Different methods of population

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2. Quality & Collection of Water:

Quality of water & its sources: Impurities in water, Water borne diseases,
drinking water quality standards as recommended by the WHO and BIS,
Classification of sources of water supply, Choice of water source 06
Collection of water: Intake structure, Factors affecting the selection of the intake
structure, Various types of intake based on surface water sources, Design of intake
structure for water supply.

3. Conveyance of Water:
Conveyance of water: Conduit, Types of pipes, Pipe materials, Pipe joints, laying
of pipe lines.
Pump and pumping stations: Need of pumping, Classification of pumps,
Different type of pumps used in water supply, Factors affecting the selection of a 04
particular type of pump, Power of pumping, Total lift of pump, Horse power and
efficiency of pumps, Location of pumping station, Economical diameter of the
pumping mains.
Introduction to software’s (WaterGems, WaterCadd, EPANET, WaterNet etc) for
water distribution analysis and design.

4. Purification of Water:
Treatment of water: Objectives of water treatment, Basic considerations of
treatment of water, Methods of purification of water; typical flow sheet treating 03
hard groundwater turbid surface water
Operations involved in water treatment: Screening, Plain sedimentation,
Sedimentation aided with coagulation, Filtration, Disinfection, Water softening.

Total 21


5. Plain Sedimentation and Coagulation:

Theory of sedimentation, Stoke’s law, Sedimentation tanks, Design aspects of 05
sedimentation, Principle of coagulation, Chemicals used for coagulation, Optimum
dose of coagulant, Designing of Clariflocculators.

6. Filtration & Disinfection of Water:

Filtration of Water: Theory of filtration, Filter materials, Type of filters,
Difference between slow sand and rapid sand filters, Design of slow sand and
rapid sand filter; Troubles in rapid sand filter operation. 08
Disinfection of Water: Theory of disinfection, Requirements of an ideal
disinfectant, Different methods of disinfection, Various disinfectants, Chlorination
and practices of chlorination, Types of chlorination, Water softening; Methods of
removing temporary hardness, Methods of removing permanent hardness.

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7. Water Distribution System:

Requirements of a good distribution system, Methods of Distribution system,
Components of Distribution system, Layouts of Distribution networks, Function of 05
distribution reservoirs, Types of distribution reservoirs, Storage capacity of
distribution reservoirs, Hardy Cross and equivalent pipe methods,

8. Waste Management:
Classification of solid wastes, Functional elements of solid waste management,
Waste generation and composition, Waste characteristics, Effects solid waste on 03
public health and environment, Waste collection, Segregation, storage, transport
and disposal, Introduction to e waste management, Biomedical waste management
and Hazardous waste Management.

Total 21

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

● Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
● Assignments based on course content will be given to the students at the end of each
unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.
● Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/Tutorials will be conducted.
● The course includes field work, where students have an opportunity to build an
appreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.

Reference Books:
1. Garg S. K., Environmental Engineering Vol I, Khanna Publishers.
2. Birdie G.S & Birdie J.S, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
3. Punmia B.C, Ashok Jain &Arun Jain, Water Supply Engineering, Laxmi Publications, Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
4. Qasim S.R., “Water Works Engineering”, PHI Learning (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
5. P.N. Modi (2006), Water supply Engineering – Environmental Engineering (Vol.I) –
Standard Book House.
6. Integrated Solid Waste Management, Tchobanoglous, Theissen & vigil. McGraw Hill
7. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi
8. Peavy, H.S, Rowe, D. R. Tchobanoglous, G. Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill
International Editions, New York 1985

Additional Resources:

● N.P.T.E.L. Lecture Series

List of Experiments:
1. Determine pH value of given sample of water

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2. Determine hardness of given sample of water by EDTA titrimetric method.

3. Determine turbidity of given sample of water.
4. Determine optimum coagulant dosage using jar test.
5. Determine solids (Total, dissolved and suspended) in given sample of water
6. Determine acidity of given sample of water.
7. Determine alkalinity of given sample of water.
8. Determine dissolved oxygen of given sample of water by Wrinkler's methods
9. Determine chloride of given sample of water
10. Prepare a model of water treatment plant or its individual components.


Course Code CV 519
Theory :04
Practical :00
Course Credit
Tutorial :01
Credits :05
Course Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
● Explain hydrologic cycle, precipitation & its forms
● Identify the importance of runoff and infiltration in the hydrologic cycle.
● Apply methods of hydrograph and hyetographs to separate infiltration from rainfall.
● Understand the needs and methods of irrigation.
● Recognize the irrigation channels and the basic principles of design.
● Understand the importance of Water Conservation and Harvesting.

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter & details
No. Allotted


1. Introduction & Precipitation:

Introduction, Hydrologic cycle, Precipitation, Forms of precipitation, Types of 08
precipitation, Measurement of precipitation, Selection of rain gauge station,

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Adequacy of rain gauges, Methods of computing average rainfall, Interpolation of

missing data, Adjustment of missing data by double mass curve method.
Hyetograph and mass curve of rainfall.

2. Losses from Precipitation:

Evaporation, Factors affecting evaporation, Measurement of evaporation (Class A
pan), Estimation of evaporation by using empirical methods (Meyer„s and
Rohwer„s equation), Evapo-transpiration, Factors affecting evapo-transpiration, 06
Measurement of evapo-transpiration, Estimation of evapo-transpiration
(BlaneyCriddle method), Infiltration, Factors affecting infiltration, Measurement of
infiltration, infiltration indices.

3. Hydrographs:
Definition, components of hydrographs, base flow separation, unit hydrograph and 07
its derivation from simple storm hydrograph, , Prepositions of unit hydrograph-

4. Estimation of Flood & Flood Routing:

Definition of flood, factors affecting flood, methods of estimation (envelope
curves, empirical formulae, rational method). 07
Flood routing: Introduction to hydrological routing, relationship of out flow and
storage, general storage equation, Muskingum routing method.

Total 28


5. Introduction:
Necessity of irrigation, benefits and ill effects of irrigation, Types of irrigation
systems, Soil water plant relationship, Classification of soil water, depth of soil 05
water available to plants, choice of method of irrigation, surface and subsurface
irrigation methods, Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation method

6. Water Requirement of Crops:

Introduction, Crop seasons of India, Depth of water applied during irrigation, Duty
of water, delta, base period, Improvement of duty, Command area, Intensity of 08
Irrigation, Consumptive use of water and evapo-transpiration, Irrigation
efficiencies, Assessment of irrigation water.

7. Irrigation Channels:
Definition, Types of canals, Alignment of canals, Design of canals by Kennedy’s 08
and Lacey’s methods- Problems

Drought Management and Water Harvesting:

Drought assessment and classification, drought analysis techniques, drought 07
mitigation planning. Measures and Benefits of Water Conservation, Rain water

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Conservation, Rainwater Harvesting.

Total 28

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of analytical solutions of at least 30 numerical based on the course.

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

● Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
● Assignments based on course content will be given to the students at the end of each
unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.
● Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/Tutorials will be conducted.
● The course includes field work, where students have an opportunity to build an
appreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.

Reference Books:
1. S.K Garg, Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic structures, 29th edition, Khanna publishers,
2. Dr. B.C Punmia, Irrigation and water power engineering, 16th edition, Laxmi Publications,
3. Dr P.N Modi Irrigation water resource and water power engineering, 8th edition, Standard
Book House, New Delhi, 2012
4. Dr. K. R. Arora, irrigation, water power and water resource engineering, reprint 2009

Additional Resources
N.P.T.E.L. Lecture Series

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Course Code CV520
Theory :04
Practical :00
Course Credit
Tutorial :01
Credits :05
Course Learning Outcomes:
After Successful completion of the above course, students will be able to:
● Understand the concept of plastic method of analysis, Calculate the collapse load for
different beams and frames.
● Understand the concept of Pre-stressing system; recognize the materials used for pre-
● Analyze the structural members under axial load, flexure load for pre-stressed beam.
● Analyze the beam, trusses and plane frames using different Matrix methods of structural

Detailed Syllabus
Sr. Hours
Name of chapter & details
No. Allotted


1. Plastic Method:
Concept, Assumptions, Shape factor for different cross section, Collapse load,
Load factor, Plastic modulus of section, Plastic moment of resistance, Computation 15
of collapse load for fixed beam, Continuous beam and plane frame subjected to
various load cases.

2. Pre-stressed Concrete: 13

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Introduction, Properties of high strength materials, methods of pre-stressing: pre-

tensioning and post tensioning, losses in pre-stressed concrete, analysis of section
for flexure.

Total 28


3. Flexibility Matrix Method:

Types of skeletal structures, Internal forces and deformations. Introduction and
applications of flexibility method to analyze Beam, frame and truss using system

4. Stiffness Matrix Method:

Introduction to flexibility and Stiffness Method. Application of Stiffness Method to 14
analyze Beams and Plane Frames using system approach.

Total 28

Instructional method and Pedagogy:

● Lectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, blackboard, OHP etc.
● Assignments based on course content will be given to the students at the end of each
unit/topic and will be evaluated at regular interval.
● Surprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/Tutorials will be conducted.
● The course includes field work, where students have an opportunity to build an
appreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.

Reference Books:
1. S.S. Bhavikatti, Structural Analysis II, 4th Edition, New Delhi: Vikas publishing house pvt
ltd, Second reprint 2013.
2. Ramamrutham, Theory of structures, 9th Edition, New Delhi: Dhanpat rai publishing
company Pvt ltd.
3. R.C. Hibbeler, Structural Analysis, 8th Edition, New Delhi: Pearson Education, March
4. T.S. Thandavamoorthy, Structural Analysis, 3rd Edition, New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
5. Dr. R. Vaidyanathan, Dr. P. Perumal, Structural Analysis Vol. II, 2nd edition, New Delhi,
Laxmi Publication, 2006.
6. Robert D cook, David S Malkus, Michael E. Phelsa, Robert J. Witt, 4th Edition, New
Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

Additional Resources
N.P.T.E.L. Lecture Series
● Prof. P Benrgi, Structural Analysis II, IIT Bombay,
● Prof. L.S. Ramachandra, Prof. Sudhir Kumar Barai, (Energy Method of Analysis & Matrix

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Method), IIT Kharagpur,


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