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ANSWER KEY WORKBOOK RR. creer cnnns UNIT 1 Vocabulary, page 4 dib 2d ae 4c Sa 2 Possible answers: 1. both ke hiking and jane 2. her lasses 3. me 4. get to school on time 3 Possible answers: 1. is named ater his grandfather 2. provides lunch forthe students 3. involves preparing food 4, always stands out 5. apply for a job 41. stay away 4. fitin 2. provide 5. peers: alte pages 54. thing 4. embarassed 2. thoughtless 5, amused 3. painful 6. useful 6 Possible answers for sentence completions: 1. erative: make up a story 2, materialistic; expensive clothes ‘3 dopondable; very ate 4, adventurous; try new things 5. optimistic; failed 6. official, getting maried 7 1. furious 5. powerless 2 thoughtful 6. personal 3. nervous. 7. natural 4, surprising 8 1. likely 6. oficial 2. surprising 7. stands out from 3. suprised 8. imerested 4, provide 9, imeresting 5. involved Grammar, poge 6 11. was studying 5. contains 2. died 6. forget 3. was raising 7. is happening 4. succeeded 2 Possible answers: 1. Lecccise every day 2. tm going shopping tomorrow afternoon 3. Last right had chicken for dinner. 4. On the way to school this morning, was thinking about the exam, 3B Possible answers: 1. will got it will bea famous artist ‘am going to goto a concert ‘are going to order five pizzas ‘am going to goto bed will bite you 4 1, attended 5. had become 2, set 6. hod met 3. has broken 1. had grown 4 has held 8. has /have worked page 5 1. Mybrother has been in /at medical school for over two yeas. Dave hat met his biological father uni lst year. | was born two years after my parents got marie. "havent seen my uncle since | was 12 years od By the time the TV programme ended, my sister had fallen sloop. Were you watching TV when called lastnight? ‘When did your parents got marred? ‘The guests had already gone home, so we did't see them, (My family has lived in this town for three generations | think we will win the game tonight. ~ Los nifos de la clase de Sam a menudo se burlan de 2, No es probable que leva esa noche. 3, Cuando ola era adolescent, no encjaba con sus compares. 4. Mi mejor amigo siempre se ha puesto de mi lado. 5. Yo estaba resentando una slid para un trabajo ono canto comercial cuando me enconté con Ann, 8 Accept al ogical and grammatically correct answers. Possible answers: 1, lear to play the guitar 2, it hell be a good leader 3. [dirt back up my contacts before it happened 4, shouldn't have told her about your party 5, don't want to talk to her ever again Communication, page 8 1 Possible answers: 1. they fight about using the computer he's very smart and has got many friends 's more like his mather doing well in schoo! they develop different interests washing the dishes ive her everthing she wants broke up ast wook 1 ARanaeannae er HAHAHAHAHAHA ARA a 2 Possible answors: 1. "You must fsish your hamewark before you watch TV." 2. "My mother lts me do whatover| want.” 3, “Tgrew up ina smal vilage 4 5. Congratulations.” 5. "We just grew apart and no longer enjoyed each other's company.” 3 1. niece 3. fiancé 2, nephew 4, sibling A Possible answers: 1. Fike to got an award 2. I's gating darkin here. 3. Ho's not geting good marks, 4, You don't want to get ost. 5. Will you text mo when you get there? 6. She gets home at 730. 7. Maybe gt ajob. 8. He's geting od 8. Iligetitback tomorow. 10. J hope! get permission. 1. Unfortunately 2. I suppose | 3, They're really 4, Well fist of all, there's 5. Ive... got 8. Weused to 7. say that 8. We both have 9. | definitely Reading, page 9 te {8 1. using the tem “‘ealty television” 2, they were criticised 3, filmed the family for two shorter documentaries 4, since An American Family 4 1. itmade them unnatural 2, Because they thought they were represented inaccurately. 3. He sad it was a second-rate soap opera. 5 1. agiimpse (ine 4) 2. permitted (line 8) 3. gradually (line 19) 4, inaccurately {ine 32) 5. endless (line 38) Writing, page 10 1 1. Atfirst, | didn't realise | was lost. 2, As soon as | saw my mum's face, | knew she was angry. 3. Eventually, we hear from Tom. 4, While | was studying | heard strange-sounding noises. from outside. 5, Alter my baby sister had fallen asleep, I turned off the ight Workbook Answer Key finally / eventually Aor while First Next /Then Then / Next Finally / Inthe end / Eventually atlest Writing Task AAccop all ogical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 11 11. got divorced; sided with named after; take after; lke get along; peers ‘apply for; reject rece; spit 1. official 2. useful 3. personal 4, creative 5. adventurous 6. surprising 7. optimistic 8 Possible answers: 1, atBam 2, go.on the school tip 3. I work all day 4. doing chores around the house 5. [didn't have a map 4.1. dont stay; did't leave 2. were teasing; began 3. am doing; am meeting 4, was reading: was talking 5 Possible answers: Pos 1. is going to make chicken 2. wil ive inthe city 3. will hurt /are going to hurt yourself 4, am going to travel to Paris 5. is going to get dark / wil get dark 6 1. By the time | got home, they'd finished lunch. My sister has lived in London fr a year. 3, My brother and | haver't got along wel since he started dating his ging. 4, We hadnt mt Mike's fiancée before lastnight. 5, After my aunt had adopted a baby boy, she adopted a ‘three-year-old gi UNIT 2 Vocabulary, page 12 1 Possible answers: 1. snow 6. rain 2. cold 7, boats 3. move there 8. argue 4, busy 9. hurricane 5. control weather Sa 2 1. spread 4 reach 2 rin 5. remain 3. prevent 6. land 3 1. forecast 5. prevents 2. drought 6. remains 3. increase 7. major 4. develop 8. turn into 4, Accept al logical and grammaticaly correct answers. pege 13 5 1. snowake 4. rainbow 2. dust storm /sandstorm 5, histones 3. sunshine 6. rainfall 6 1. Snowstorms, sandstorms/ Sandstorm, snowstorms 2. htstone 3. rindop 4 Snowfakes 5. testi, sunstoke 7 Accop al lgial answers. 8 1. prevent 6. mejor 2, forecast 1. developed 3. snowstorm 8. increased 4 reach 9. rainfall 5. ramained Grammar, page 1 1 1. By the end ofthe summer, they will have grown hat a metre taller. 2, Atthis time next week, it willbe snowing 3, Itwon't be landing for another few hours. 4, Fortunately, the builders will have finished the repairs by the time the school year stats. 5, By 7 pm, we won't have had electricity for 72 hous. 2 Possible answers: 1, We willbe watching a dacumentary about Hurricane Katrina at 10 o'clock 2. In one hour, I'l still be shoveling ths. 3. By the time | return to London, John will have gone on holiday. 4, Atthis time next year, Il be studying meteorology at Reading University. 3 Possible answers: 1. willbe studying for my exam will have finished it by then willbe traveling will have ved here for four years will have bought enough food and water 2 3 4 5. page 15 4.1. will get / are going to get / willbe getting will ave become / will become willbe will give won't be issuing / wor't issue will be providing / will provide will ave become wil reduce wil... have 5 Accept al logical and grammaticaly correct answers. 6 1. think it wi ain tonight 2. Don't cal me tonight. | wl be working very ate 3, By the end ofthe storm, many accidents will have occurred, 4, It’s snowing. will look / am looking for my boots. 5. Where will you travel / are you travelling /are you going to travel next year? |. Marana a esta hora estaremas aterizando en Sidney! 2, Para el uno de diciembre, las provisiones de emergencia habrén llgado @ todos los que viven en las zonas de sequia 3. Enlos préximos afos, los cientficos desarroltarén formas para evitarinundaciones aqui 4, El precia del combustible para calefaccién va a subir/ subird pronto. 5. Dentro de tres afos, habrén convertdo ese viejo edficio en un nuevo colegio. By Friday, I have finished my homework. While was having my firs ice-skating lesson, fll | radit seen snow until was eight years old ‘She has been a meteorologist for two years. 5. In another four weeks, | will be travelling around Canada, Q Possible answers: 1, Have a great day. 2, Maybe he won't be late today. 3. [think I need to take a break. 4. Can | get a new pair of boots? Communication, page 16 1 Possible answers: 1. going out 5. loud 2. puton a sweater 6. a hurricane 3. umbrellas 1. -20C 4, sunny 8, air conditioning 2.1. muggy 5, heatwave 2. Lightning 6. shade 3. blizzard 1. freezing cold 4. breeze 8. mild 31. overcast 4 thunder and lightning 2. pouring 5. cold spell 3, breeze 4.1. ttlooks tke 5. probably 2 it's obviously wecan see 6. Fdimagine 3. It'seems to be 7. Pethaps /! suppose 4. | suppose / Perhaps Reading, page 17 Yaz b4o1 43 2c 2d 8 1. no electricity and heating 2. of global warming 3. flooding / water from entering the subway 4 1. Other weathor phenomena increased its power while it ‘was moving towards the US. 2. Government officals won't have put the new protection, ideas into practice by then. 5 1. making landfall (ines 12-13) 3. lacked {ine 16) 2. was over lines 13-14) 4. season (ine 24) Writing, page 18 1 1. The bus came exactly on time even though it was snowing quite heavily 2. Iwas raining hard all morning, but it stopped suddenly just as we were leaving school 4, Sadly, the weather was absolutely terile during our holiday, but surprisingly, we had a good time anyway. 4, I can usually write reports quite fast, but this one took 2 really long time because climate change isa very complex topic. 1. really 2. abit 3. very 4. Unfortunately 5. quite / pretty feitty 6. incredibly / extremely / quite /faity 7. Hopefully 8. extremely / incredibly 9. luckily 10. totaly ing Task ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers, Check Your Progress, page 19 11. thriling 6. likely 2. aware of 7. rach 3, suprised 8. mejor 4, romain 8. stay away 5. increases 10. chores 2 Possible answers: 1. snowstorm 4, scares them 2. nephew 5. heatwave 3. rain 6. got divorced 3 1. chores 3. frostbite 2. grow apart Workbook Answer Key gets will have fallen wil. be suffering ‘were making / made had predicted / were predicting . was spreading 1 had moved 8, have never seen 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. UNIT 3. Vocabulary, page 20 1 Possible answers: 1. The shop isrt open dally. 2. There ae two people inthe audience, 3, There's a performance on 10th June. 4, The band is having a rehearsal 2 Possible answers: 1. my book with her 2, he didnt have time to practise 3. itwas raining 4, to.arrve on time 5. head lost the race 3 1. He struggled with this piece of music: 2. This book on music ofthe 1960s focuses onthe Beats. 3, They haven faced any problems during ths coner tou 4, Nobody pointed ou that was singing the wrong words! 5, Luckily the piano suvived the fir. 4 1. focus on 4. hold 2. gaveup 5. shore 3. manage page 21 5 1. dancing 4. Making 2. playing 5, to donate 3. toleam 6 1. rehearsing; to eat 2, tobring; giving 3. total; seeing T 1. taking piano lessons 2 totake a break 3. toleam this piece of music 4. Listening 5. to playin the band 6. coving whenever she hears this sad song 7. tobe away from home during lng tours with the orchestra 8 1. struggling 6. performances 2. deily 7. audience 3 point. ut 8. gaveup 4 faced 8. focusing on 5. held Grammar, page 22 41. can'tplay an instrument 2, mustrt play loud music after 11 pm 3. should practise more often 4, might be giving a concert here 5, must bea famous singer 6. don’thave to leave now, since / because the performance doesnt start until 8 o'clock 2 1. may not 5, carit/ aren't able to 2. can't 6. needn't 3. couldt 1. should 4, might 3-1. shouldn't have tied 3, wouldn't have practised 2, must have got 4, may have been page 2 4 Possible answers: 1. broken 2. performed well enough 3, jumed it off 4, invited you to the Eminem concert 5. heard it before 6 been there 1. have to / must go 5, would have gone 2, shouldnt have told 6. should / can take 3. dor'thave to /needn't wear 7. couldnt / wasrit able to sing 4, may/mighthaveleft 8. should /can ty 1, Can... imagine 5, were beginning 2, wouldn'thave developed 6. have played 3. appeared 7. will romain 4, had used 8, willbe producing 1. Thoy wil ave to hold the party outside. / ‘They must hold the party outside. 2. You should not have given up. twas important to keep going. 3. Could he have missed the train? 4. There may be another rehearsal tomorrow. Iillet you know. 5, {haven't been able to study since you arived. Could you be quiet, please? 1, No podré legar al ensayo a tiempo. 2. Deberian haber dejado de admitr a gente cuando el club se lloné tant. 3. Me rindo, Me resulta demasiado dfcl tocar esta pieza musical 4, Tenemos que quedamas? Estoy tan burda, 5, No habria ido a ver su especticulo, pero gané una entrada gratis, Possible answers: 1. ts very funny. 2. Hove singing 3, He's a grat singer. 4, You never came to my performances. 5. He's aways late, Communication, page 24 fic 2d 3a 4b 2 Possible answers: You can see Rihanna atthe arena ‘That joke hurt my feelings The entertainment was great ‘Their music is fun to dance to. twas so boring fll asleep. . became responsible for managing my time | dont think he's talented at all ‘All my friends are going tobe there, 3 Possible answers: 1, That dea isa waste of tim 2, | think Justin Bieber is overrated. 23. That documentary was an eye-opener! 4. Without more practice, he'll never bea fistrate guitars. 5, The lecture was dull, 4 Possible answers: 1, my grandmother wasn't alive 2. have been living in New York fora year 3, to see Beyoncé lve 4, they're still alive 15 1. If you ask me /In my opinion 2. How about 3, feel that / it seams to me that 4, it seems to me that / fel that 5, [feel that /It seems to me that Reading, page 25 1b 21d 24 3-1. display new musical or atistic ability 2, coming up with new compositions 3, to get rewired 4/1. F;*hassit stopped since” 2, F;“inhis head appearing as black and white squares” 1 “finds it dificult to “turn of” the music in his head” 51. People might think he was weird and it would harm his reputation. 2. They wouldn't give it up because it has enriched their ives, 3. downsides 4, enriched 6 1. displaying 2. uige Te eee eee eee se eee se eee eee ‘Writing, page 26 1.1. Theyre giving two concerts in London this month. / This month, they're giving two concerts in London. 2, The fans were tory disappointed when the band cancelled the show. 3. Mark never listens to rap music 4, He often studied in the library. 5, [am going ta have my first piano lesson tonight. / “Tonight, | am going to have my fist piano lesson. 2ib 2e 3a Writing Task 3-1. against 4, against 2. suppor 5, support 3, against 6. support ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 27 41. performance, snowstorm, held 2, daly, personal, embarrassed 8. get permission, waste of time 4, spoit, to struggle, gives up 2 Possible answers: 1. ding research on the topic 2, itmight rain 3, spend money on things you dont realy ike or need 4. without water 5, the storm 6. their interests change 8 1. powerul 5. points out 2. provide 6. offensive 3. audience 7. remain 4. fitin 8, increase 4.1. have... heard might / may rain am ... going to go / am... going 2. willbe doing; will improve 3. got; had caused 4, couldrt understand; was speaking: was / must have been 5 1. Hehas performed / has been performing since he was @ chil. 2. By the time everyone artved for the party, we had decorated the house. +3, While the clarinetist was performing, she played several wrong notes. 4, I should have called you eator, 5. By this time next week, the band will have been together for 80 years Workbook Answer Key 6 Possible answers: dort have to bring anything ‘need tobe home to watch my brather ‘sew it ast wook may have had a ight must be very excited will be very hungry UNIT 4 Vocabulary, paye 28 11. threats 2. employees 3, deadlines 4, efforts 5. pastimes. 2 Possible answers: 1. by phone and by e-mail 2. used drugs 3. asupise 4, understand the clue 5 nobody wanted their product 8 1. challenges most players 2. have disrupted our Itemet access 3. phone calls wil ead us to him 4, not suited to the job 5. requires previous experience 41. succeed 4, deadline 2. offort 5, lead to 3. ahoad of time age 23 5 1. from in 2. about 8. with 3. with 8. on 4.00 10. for 5. about M1. of 6. to 6 1. of 5. on 2. about 6 in 3. on 1in 4, with 7 Possible answers: 1. on schoolwork 4, ima marathon 2, about for my brother 5. tothe robber 3, ona tue story 6. tothe country club 8B 1. threat 5. crack the code 2. succeed in 6. lead... to 3. proven. rom 7. challenges 4. depending on 8. infamous Grammar, page 30 11. ask 5. can buy 2, would apply for 6, won't enjoy 3, got 7. could 4, would go 2 Possible answers: 1. will uy the tickets 2. wil figure it out 3, he makes a mistake 4. he doesnt want people to recognise him 5, woul tll you what it is 3-1. would have given the classified information to the enemy if we hadn't caught him 2. hadht hada fake passport, he wouldn't have been able to enter the country 3, wouldn't have failed ihe hadr't got to the meting late 4, might have recognised her if she hadnt dyed her blonde har black 5. they had looked in her handbag, they would have found the recording device They wouldn't make them if they weren't so popula. HI don't do wel, they wen hire me, ‘She would have come if we hadn't had a fight. 60 online i you want more information. IF /When we succeed, well show everyone. could 5, would make should / can apply for 6. wouldt have learned have 7. wsit will ive page 31 G 1. Alltheir agents must learn self-defence techniques. 2. By duly, the training course wil have ended. 3. As soon as the hacker strikes again, we'llbe abe to locate hi. 4, Ifthe agent had taken hs laptop with him, the thieves would have stolen it, 5, Ifhe knew my password, he could read my personal e-mails 6. He became a private security advisor after he had worked {or GCHO for 20 years. 7. While she was warking here, she stole many company secrets. 7.1. I won't succeed unless | work hard. 2. We would have got in touch with them if we had known ther last name. 3, IFthey erack the code, they willbe able to open the door. 4, I would meet my deatline i didn’t have so much work 5, If wore you, | wouldnt trust him, 203 8 1. No conseguirés descifrar ol cbdigo a no ser que te ‘concentres en all. 2. Siel empleado se hubiera estorzado mas para proteger sistema informético, podria haber evitado el ataque cibernético, 3, Sime pongo en contacto contigo con antelacin, ‘puedes organizar una visita para mi clase? 4, Cuando nos enteramos de una amenaza, nos la tomamos. muy en serio, 5, No sabremos que trabajo es apropiado para ti hasta {después de) que tormines los exémenes. Q 1. Don't ook at me as if | were a criminal! 2, Ifyou don't mind, I lke to record this conversation 3. If were you, I wouldnt spy on the compary, 4 Ifyou ike, we can go out to dinner {s0 we don't have to ook). Communication, page 22 1 1. reveal the details 2. blamed me for the damage 3. warn the public, since it was a false threat 4, concealed the gun in his coat 5. trusted him to deliver the information 6. your computer more secure, use ant-virus software 7. anything suspicious tothe police 2 Possible answers: 1. careful 5, caught 2. truth 6. emails 3, safe 7. vote 4, law 8. le ‘8 Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers, 4 1. I disagree / That's not how | see it 2, That's true, but/I suppose you're right, but 3. You've got a point 4, Absolutely 5. Exactly Reading, page 33 1 1. Francis Cabot Lowell 2. $32 billion 3, 2012 2b B 1. AFrench priest learned the seorets of making porcelain 2. AGillotte employee sent them the plans. 3, They dar't have to spend money on development. 4.1. tire a private investigator 2. a company employee 3, they see signs ofit 5 1. sophisticated 4, intite 2. diverse 5, aware of 3. benefit from ROR HAARAAAARAAAAMAAAAMHRAMO2LS « € € € > mm ISeSeeowresesHeHBbBSSCbBEBbAbAbBbObbBCGCeZGGEGeEeGEGBESEESETESEETTF Writing, page 34 1 1. Evon though the hacker didn't steal information, he was arrested, 2. Some people think he's a spy 2s wol a a reporter. 3, My parents and I get along well However, I dont want to be Facebook friends with them, 4, He's got a Brtsh passport in addition to a Canadian one, 5, He's worked for the inteligence service for five year. Novertoless, he hasit been /he has never been on a mission abroad Moreover / Furthermore / In addition On the one hand Furthermore / In adition / Moreover (nthe other hand In addition / Moreover / Furthermore espite also Writing Task 31. for 5. against 2, against 6. against 3. for 7. against 4, for 8. against Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 35 41. infamous 6. tisky 2 fece 1. concentrate on 3. chalenge 8 hopeless 4, provent. frm 9. sunived 5. shared 2.1. concealed 4. spread 2. baled 5. participated in 3. sided with 6. prevented 3 Possible answers: 1. about money 3, at school 2. om the firm 4. into lovely day 4 1. has been 6, must know 2. can get 7. was cycling 3. could got 8. might... become 4. wouldnt have won 8. wil... replace 5. had spied 5 1. Ht had known about the plans ahead of timo, | would have gone. 2. By the end ofthe mont, my brother will have worked at CHO fora year 3. If his French were good enough, he could / would be able to transate these documents. 4. You mustrt talk to anyone. 5. By next month, they will have completed that new project. 6. When | get te job, il ask about the hours. Workbook Answer Key 6 Possible answers: 1. will go out 2. would get more sleep 3. wil be traveling to New York City 4. I made dinner 5. try yoga UNIT 5 Vocabulary, page 36 11 Possible answers: 1. The special offer wil last unl st February 2. Dave has improved in maths since December 3. The cats chasing the mouse. 4, Tm gating rd of things I dnt need 21. pressure 4. sign 2. mood 5. disease 3, stressful 6. sone 3-1. You might get rd of your headache if you take an aspirin. 2, How do you always wake up in such a good mood? 3. fm fed up with (hearing) your complains. 4, Their presentation on healthy eating lasted two hours. 4 Possible answers: 1. argue with my fiends 2, more vegetables 3, we have many exams 4. keepin touch with everyone 5, my school project page 37 5 1. warmup 4, take up 2, puton 5, run away 3. kickin 6. giveup 6 1. tocutdown on them 3. come down with one 2. haven't got over it 4, worked out today 7 Possible answers: 1. He needs to put on some weight 2, He gradually cut dawn on the numberof cigarettes he smoked each day. 3. Warm up with some exercises. 4, 'm thinking of taking up tennis. 5. You might be coming down with a cold 8 1. stressful 6. get rid of 2. deal with 7. taken up 3. pressure 8, improved 4, break up 8. kickin 5. moods Grammar, page 38 1 1. canbe caused 6. willbe developed 2. should not be combined 7. are drunk 4, have beon protected 8. were diagnosed 4, are... used 9. is being done 5, was discovered 21. Swimmers should be provided with towels by the club. / “Towels should be provided fr the swimmers by the cub. 2, Aroall new club members going to be given afree T-shirt? / Is a fee T-shirt going to be given to all new club members? 43, The employees were shown the new exercise machines. / The now exercise machines were shown tothe emplayees. 4, You'l be given that information by the secretary. / ‘That information will be given to you by the secretary. ‘The optician is repairing my glasses now. Dr Lee can be contacted after § o'clock at this number Have many copies of this book been sold? This medicine shouldnt be taken before you eat 5. Are Zumba classes offered at weekends? Last year, new patients werent being accepted at that clinic Possible answers: im having / geting it checked later today. page 39 1 2. We're having / geting it cleaned at the moment. 3. He hasn't had / got repaired yet. 4, They finaly had / got painted, 5, Sho should try to have / get it published. 6. We will have / get it delivered. 5 1. should be checked 5. got /have .. tested 2. was... called 6. has been found 3. has 7. is being done 4, can be transmitted 8, will... be known 1, Acure fr ths disease hasn't been found yet. 2, Smoking isn't allowed in this building 3, When wil the issues be dealt with? 4. think she shouldbe invited to your paty 5. | think you should have / get your eyes checked 1. Sela somete @ mucha presién para que se ocupe de todo con rapide. 2. Cuando a mi padre le hicieron una revisin del corazén, no le encontraron ningin sintoma de problemas cardiacos, 3, Suinvestigacin demostré que algunas enfermedades pueden ser percibidas por los perros. 4, 280 juoga / Se est jugando menos al fitbol este ao en et colegio? 5. Se sintié bastante abatido hasta que ol madicamento le ‘empezé a hacer efecto 8 1. wouldn't have got, hadi shared 2, has been having /has had, is getting / having 's going to got / have ... checked 3, want, must /have to sign up, won't be allowed will start /are starting / are gong to stat, willbe taught / ‘are going to be taught ‘were, would use, wasn't working, was riding . will have boen, dot miss was purchased, must be renewed was being examined, bought, checked / It cant be helped. We've gotit covered. ts easier said than done. Given the choice, I'd rather cut down on bread than chocolat, Communication, page 40 1 Possible answers: 1. strengthen them 2 got injured 3. its less strenuous 4, should get in shape 5, and you're exhausted ‘2 Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. ‘8 Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Alen 4. coat 2. lose weight 5. raise money 3. sitting 5 1. the pictures ar simitar because 2. wile in picture 2 we can see 3. they both show 4, think that Reading, page 41 de 21d 2b 3.1. F°.. has been studiod for years.” (ine 19) 2. T;“tond to eat more carbohydrates ...” {ines 32-33) 3, F; “sim to sleep at least one more hour each night” (ine #2) 4 1. the body's internal clock is 2, affected by lack of sleep 3, increase due to lack of sleep 5 1. crave ine 3) 2, sleep-deprived (ine 5) 3. risk ine 35) 4, poors (line 33) Writing, poge 42 4 Possible answers 1. The pools last crowded ater 8pm, 1 go then. 2, She's gota wheat alloy. Fr this reason, she cant eat bred. '3, You need to put on about fio kilos because youre j underweight 4, Sine this is stressful imo, it wl help you to take up yooa. 5. Because of / Due tothe student discount, joined the fitness chub. 6. He ide warm up before the 5 km run, As 2 result, / Consequently he injured his leg whe he was runing, 2 Possible answers 1. singe 4, For this reason 2, asaresult of 5, Because of 3, dueto 6. so Writing Task ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 43 4.1. nervous: 4, boiling 2, useless 5. hazardous 3, stressful 6, oxhausted 2.1. performance 6. out of shape 2, Based on 7. develop 3, required 8, ahead of time 4, strenuous 8. trainer 5, works out 3 1. medicine got id of her cough 2. young athletes looked upto him 3, got in touch with me 4, put on weight since last year 5, took up Pilates two years ago 4.1. are/were taught 6. had... done 2, should / must wash 7. revealed 3. is... ignored 8. would cause 4, were lying 8. can stop 5. had been installed 5 Possible answers: 1. have / get her cast taken off 2, might have left them atthe gym 3, was invented by Joseph Plates 4, X-rays are being looked at right now 6 1. 1m going to have / get my teeth cleaned (by the dental hygienist) IF had time before school, fd work out. ‘When was this great fitness website started? You should eat lss junkfood. 5. Whereis her next presentation being given / ‘going tobe given? e@eqoeoqoqooenwrnwwwvuwwwwwwwwrvrvrvrrr 7 Workbook Answer Key UNIT 6 Vocabulary, page 44 41. spoken languages may be wiped out 2, make up stories 3. spoken up when I said the wrong thing 4, stand up for better education 5, figure out how to do this puzzle 2 Possible answers: 1. it's wrong to kil animals to make clothes 2 journals 3, stand up for your beliefs 4, electricity 5. you're nat interested inthe topic 6, missing one lesson 3 Possible answers: 1. Lwasn't expecting a quiz, 2, | ide’ buy brand-new books. 3, Purple hairs ridiculous. 4, There's no trace of it. 5. Thy tricked me. 41. figure out 4, brand-new 2, fur 5. expect 3. wiped out page 45 5 1. used to live 5. used to walk / would walk 2. Did ... use to tell/ 6, used to take / would take Would... tll 7. used to help / would help 3. would ask used toask &. didnituse to have 4, didr'tuse to be 6 1. gotused to, would 4, didn't use to, get used to 2, isn't used to 5. will get used to 3, am ... getting used to T Possible answers: 1, maths, but he's improved 4. play with dols 2. go sing 5. the pressure to succaed 4. ourcustoms B 1. getusadto 6. brant-now 2. are used to 1. expected 2. used to 8. wied out 4. figured out 9. no trace of 5. riiculous Grammar, page 46 11. admitted (that) she'd copied material from Wikipedia for her project 2. announced that students would have to wear uniforms the following year /the year ater ‘3. wanted to know if/ whether she could hand in her essay late 4, suggested (that) I get/ geting some extra help from ‘a maths tutor 5. complained that those maths exercises had been too dificult 6. threatened that he / she would send Tom to the headteachers office 1. why I had received 2. (that) she was sure that} I'd copied it 3. was a serious issue 4, was unethical and illegal 5. know that 6, flt tribe 7. (that) I would never doit again 8. ifshe was going to tell my parents 9. she wouldnt 10. was punishing me 11, iftdiditagain 12, would be more serious consequences 3 1. The chemistry teacher asked us / me if / whether wo / ‘Thad already finished the experiment. 2, The teacher wamed Lucy not to interrupt him / her again 3. Gion wanted to know if/ whether our teachers let us eat in css. 4. Tho students complained thatthe teacher wasn't being fi 5. Jason told his mum (that) he might come home late the following night / the night after / the nex night. 6. The teacher promised (that he'd / she'd mark our tests ‘that week 7. Emily suggested (that) they study / studying outside that ay. 8. Steve admitted (that) he hadn't done the homework. 4 Possible answers: 1. motto cheatin the exam ‘oing tothe concert, to practise every day I. to study forthe exam if was going tothe party ‘to make us leave if we weren't quiet ‘0.go shopping with me id 5, would be wanted 6. thought had taken 7. wouldnt follow could halp 1 2 3 4 page 47 6 1. She told mo/ said that someone had ticked her 2. She wanted to know how much | had paid | suggostd that we have an end-of-year class party an reminded me to go tothe lecture the next day “The teacher warned us not to skp clas tat day. 7 1. Admitié que fue duro / dtc! para 6l acostumbrarse a su ‘huevo colegio, 2, Ella me dijo que su padre sola ayudara a entender cémo hacer los problemas de matematicas 3. E1biblogo advinié que miles de especies de animales y plantas sean exterminadas, 4, Bla se quoj6 de que nadie estabs dando su opnién sobre los problemas de nuestro colegio. 5. Ellas expicaron que su descubrimiento podialevar aun medicamento completamente nuevo 8 1. The teacher wamed us not to be late forthe school trip the following day /the day after the next day. 2, Students must wear school T-shirts for gym lessons. 3, By the end of next week, well have posted exam marks online / exam marks wil have been posted online, 4, Ife had handed in the project on time, we would have (got 100% fo it. 5, How many books were donated to the library last year? 6, David asked me whether | had ever watched a flm on my iPad. 7. She burned ner finger while she was doing the experiment. 9 1. You're teling me! 2. Don't ask mel 3, You don't say! 4, Hold you sot Communication, page 48 11 1. at least one foreign language is compulsory here 2. literature ist (included) inthis schoo curriculum, 3. is optional 4, isiliterate 5. are the schools (annuall fees 6 cheating in his exam 2 Possible answers: 1. Then he dropped out 2. She's very motivated. 3, You'l get into trouble. 4, It was hard to pay attention. 5. He enrolled in a photography course, 3 Possible answers: 1. wouldnt; you shouldnt tll on people 2, cheating in exams 3. don't think; we'll never use itin fe 4. they're very stressed 5. using the library computers 6. Im sleep-deprived FPSGFGPPSSSHGCbECSGbCbOb#bSbSCoCoCSeGeoeossnaII9gITFTF 41. fees 5. secondary school 2, schedule 6. bulletin board 3, caretaker 7. elementary schoo! 4, headteacher Bib 2b 3a 4a Sb Reading, poge 49 1b 26 3 1. The first school was opened for the children of workers at the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory. 2. They develop coordination, problem-solving skils and creative and critical thinking, 3 Computer use and watching TV 4 1. not given in Waldorf elementary schools 2, a creative method for teaching maths. 3. can teach kids beter than teachers 5 1. typical 3. emphasise «2. elements, 4, essential Writing, page 50 11. Do you think he't ke ie? 2, Yours sa full month. 3. I think it would be interesting. 4, They're mine. 5, We think shel give them back to everyone in class today. 21. He 6. That 2. tis 7. them 3. 8. me 4, She 8. They 5, her 10. im Writing Task ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 51 11. ridiculous 6. encourage 2, brand-new 7. enrolled 3. fed up with 8. ainfall 4, creative 8. improve 5. share 2 Possible answers ‘We only got back now. She hasnt go overt yt. | got rid of some old clothes. They realy gt song | shoud get in ouch with hem He gtinto lt of rouble 1. am used to the noise from the street 2. werent expecting / dd expect her decision 3, did you take up ceramics 4. will nable you to pass the exam Workbook Answer Key missed has changed was disupted couldn't come had / got... built wil be added / are going to be added is equipped 5 1. is being planned by our schoo! | /whether he could check my maths homework before | gave it tothe teacher that day 3. has to participate in Sports Day 4, dont pay attention, you won't understand 5. 6. should have worn a helmet ‘may / might be inthe schoo! play 6 Possible answers: 1. will have finished my homework 2. would have gone swimming 3. couldn't speak it at all 4, to stay in the classroom 5 inabig room UNIT 7 Vocabulary, page 52 1 1. broadcast 5. host 2. carry on 6. cheer 3, takeover 7. worship 4 restrict, 2 1. infaatod 5. tough 2. round the clock 6. weird 3. source 7. demanding 4 evey once ina wile 8. No wonder 3 Possible answers: 1. isesticted 4, broadcast in 1980 2. infatuated wth him 5. takeover her fe 3, round the clock 6, met every one in a while page 53 4 1. violence 5. importance 2. connection 6. government 3. performance 7, attendance 4, edition 5 Possible answers for sentence completions: 1. patience; cant wait to get what she wants 2. invasion; lots of tourists there championship; have to win their next game techabiitation; kick their drug or alcohol habit. ‘examination / exam; study all week. ‘creativity; how to program, advertisements / adverts; laugh outloud 6 1. achievements is (winning) an award for Best Video Game 2. awareness of this problem 3, ina relationship 4, have the ability to design a computer game 5, caused by loneliness 6. stil hasnt made a decision about which college he'd like to attend 71. take over 6, every once ina while 2, addiction 7. tough 3, round the clock 8, restricts 4, relationships 8. weicd 5, awareness Grammar, page 54 41. which 4, that / which 2, where 5, who /that 3. when / that 6. whose 2.1. Amazon, which originally sold only books, now sells a huge range of merchandise. 2. | didn't understand the instructions that came with my new phone. 3, Steve Weariak, who was one of the founders of Apple, developed the first Apple computers. Steve Wozniak, who ‘developed the first Apple computers, was one of the founders of Apple. 4, Sheryl Sandoer, whose boss is Mark Zuckerberg, isthe chiel operating officer of Facebook. 5. Our website isthe place where you can find answers to all yur questions. 6, Ihope shell like the DVD which | gave to her for her birthday. 7. The year when / that Instagram was created was 2010. 8 1. The two students who won the game-design contest were in my computer-science class last year. / The two students ‘who were in my computer. science class last year won the ‘game-design contest 2, She studied engineering in the 1970s, wien it wes quite ‘unusual for women to become engineers 3, Jonathan ve, whose designs are widely admired, is ‘Apple's chef industrial designer, 4. The gamers, who are from allover the world, have to login before playing. The gamers, who have to lag in before playing, are from all over the world. 5. This video game, which is quite violent, is not suited to ‘young children, / This video game, which isnot suited to Yyoung children is quite violent. 4.1. which / that 5. which 2. who 6. which 3. where 7. whose 4, when / that page 55 5 1. Ihave @ new smartphone which is not user-friendly. 2. Our new neighbours, who live across the street, hosted a big party last night. +3, want to visit the city where | was bor. 4, Itwas 2004 when Facebook was founded. 5. Ihave a frend whose father develops smartphones. G 1. Ella esté tomando algunas decisiones dificiles que safectarén (a) su futuro. 2. John, cuya itima relacién terminé mal, ahora esté colado por alguien a quien por ahora solo canace por Intemet 3. Este trabajo, que es muy exigente, requiere a alguien que ‘sepa prograrar muy répido. 4. Mi amiga Lynne, que sola toner / tenia agiccién a alcoho, twabaja ahora en un centro de rehabiitacin, 5, Desde el afo en que ganamos el campeonato, ha ‘aumentado el conocimiento piblico de las hablidades de ruestros jugadores. 71. that / which 6, would make 2. who 7. wes attending 3. where 8, could earn 4, can be used 8, is encouraging 5. has ... been 10. will become 8 Possible answers: 1. people play every day just to relax 2, that you werent hur 3. a day of from studying Communication, page 56 1 Possible answers: 1. videos 4, stay in one place 2, smartphones, tablets 5. new 3. rectangle, square 6, doesi’t work property 2 Possible answers: 1. Iterashed and it won't tur on. 2, Ihave to charg it. 3, [need to come up with a topic. 4, I deleted it 5. | want to download it. 6, Ithas gone viral 1, isnt user-friendly 2. needs tobe reliable 4, [atest album was released in 2012 4, cutting-edge computers for / to do their research 5. is out of date 4 Possible answers: 4, [check my voicemail, 2, Muse it as my wallpaper 3. I want a new screensaver. 4, It's not a smartphone 5. Ithas a touchscreen, 6. He used his webcam to make them. 7. I need an ordinary keyboard, 8, It's not on the desktop. Can |help you? rm nat sure | want to spend that much. it’s our most popular model |. I's very userid Have you got anything cheaper? what price range are you looking at? Im atraid we dont have those in tock. 3. Your receipts inthe bag. Reading, page 57 11. insurance 3, irlevant| 2. object, 4, track 21d 2e 3-1. The number of auto accidents there has decreased by over 15%, 2. By instaling a black box and lowering their insurance costs. 3, He thinks they're an invasion of privacy. 41. present 4. long term 2s install 5. cautiously 3, decreased Writing, page 5 4 Possible answers: 1, You must have a password in order to /to/ so as to enter the website, 2. Tm turning off my laptop in order not to waste the battery. 3. | deleted David's text message so that Tom wouldrt soe it. 4. Look at my Facebook page to / in order to / so as to see the photos ther. 5. [downloaded WhatsApp so as to /to/in order tobe in touch with everyone while fm traveling, Eventhough / Although in order to Therefore / So In addition / Moreover / Furthermore so that However Because of, as/since Writing Task ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 59 11. weird 6. came up with 2. source 7. challenged 3, connection 8. pastime 4. charge 9. reliable 5. devices 2.1. get into trouble 4, deleted 2 cut down on 5. rely on 3, figure out Workbook Answer Key 3 Possible answers: 1. accurate 4, abig tee 2, succeed at schoo! 5. an education 3. huge 4 1. had existed 6, can do, 2, would have been 7. couldn't be downloaded 3. which 8, when / that 4. who 9. that / which 5, reflected / reflect 10. were used 5 1. Ino longer live in Loads, where | was bor. 2. If he had needed a new phone, he would have bought one 3, Why isnt “Simon” being sold any more? 4. She wamed us not to touch that. 5. rm having / getting my laptop checked for viruses tomorrow. / My laptop is being checked for virusas {by a technician} tomorrow. 6. Ellen admitted (that) she had played / playing video games all day the day before / the previous day. 6 Possible answers: 1. went o space 2. are embarrassing 3, uso your smartphone 4, they're at a resturant 5. are out of date, are very good UNIT 8 Vocabulary, page 60 411. watch waterproof inan ordinary lat nearly four hous to get here is nearby /is located nearby wasn't satisfying ‘working ina company that has offices worldwide 21. hike 2, outdoors 3. sights 4, quality 5. value 8 Possible answers: 1. takes 2. whatever is inthe fridge 3, is work 4, New York 5. we woar the same size 4 Possible answers: 1. She likes reading outdoors. 2, The people are enjoying ther hike. 3. Neatly 30 tourists were hurt in a bus accident. 4, Dan is going overseas. 5, The boots are waterproot page 61 51. irlovant 5. impossible 2. dislike 6. unnecessary 3. insecure 7. illegal 4, unlock & Possible answers for sentence completions: 1. overate; another piece of cake 2, interactive; ty different machines 3, reread; he understands correctly 4, co-workers; not nice to her 5, misbehaves; broke some of his toys 71. unusual 5, misunderstood 2. independent 6. overspent 3. intemational 7. robult 4, coexist 8 1. satisfying 6. overseas, 2, no matter 7. insecure 3. dislike 8. quality 4, value 9. ike 5. sights 10, nearby Grammar, page 62 4 Possible answers: have ... been / travelled are... coming back / wil vert seen / heard from had . oft taken off wore .. talking will have been / traveled willbe relaxing is running be back 2 1. | could have traveled last year, but did't 2, You mustn't talk on the phone inthe “quiet car” of the train, 3. Do we have to need to book the tour in advance? 4, | might / may have misunderstood what the weiter said 5, We should (try to) / ought to find a cheaper ight. 3-1. willbe cancelled 2. find / have found 3, hada forgotten 4, didnt have to 4.1, Waterproof backpacks are sold by camping supplies shops. 1Do you think our room has already been cleaned? You'l be given the tour ofthe castle by a local guide. ‘The travel agent had already ordered ur tickets. Free tours of famous London buildings were being given. 5 1. George wanted to know if we wanted to go ona boat tour. The guide warned the tourists tobe careful because there were pickpockets there. Nancy promised she'd bring me back a souverit. | suggested taking / that we take a London Liars’ tour the nextday /the following day / the day after. ‘The tour company representative announced that the 2 pm city tour had boen canceled. orl 6 1. This package holiday to the Caribbean, which found online, costs £398. 2. The day when that my wallet was stolon was terrible! 3, The man who gave us directions to the Empire State Building was very nice. /The man, who was very nice, gave us directions to the Empire State Building 4, Thisis a road which / that was named after King Chaves I 5. One ofthe people on our tour was a chef whose restaurant thas won many awards. page 63 7 1. should consider 6. couldnt... tll 2 are given 7. is going is going to go 3. guess 8, will have studied 4, was visiting 9, will bo able to tell 5. had ... enjoyed 10, can be found 8 1. Can you please give me directions tothe city centre? 2, Has he already stayed inthis hotel? 3, Dinnor willbe served in about an hour. 4. By next week, she wil have lft on her backpacking trip. 5, August the month when there are many tourists in this town. G 1. No importa con qué frecuencia hayas estado aqui, siempre puedes encontrar algo nuevo que ver o hacet. 2. La semana que viene @ esta hora, mi hermano habré vuelto dl extranjero. 3, Ella se queé de que la excursién no habia inluido todos los lugares de interés turstico principales dela ciudad, 4, Sino hubierallovide, podriamos haber ido de excursin y haber hecho un picnic. 5. Fue responsable por mi parte no volver a ler el contrato antes de fimario. 6. Ella va avisitar/visitard casi cen paises de todo el mundo para hablar dela cooperacién internacional sobre temas ‘medioambientales. 40 Possible answers: | where | grew up ‘always wanted to go there have called them he had been on several tours had already let who is going to Cambridge Communication, page 64 11. border 5. package holiday 2. luggage 6. campsite 3, accommodation 7. youth hostel 4, journey 8, resort aaeanaennanenenennononnnnnnncne2nne2sr ais ieatee tate Stan ES Saar 28 PPE eee 2 Possible answers ‘Are you going away for along weekend _ Are you staying there overnight Do you want a return ticket [sit easy to get around in London When must check out How do | chock in Were there alt of passengers Was your fight delayed 3-1. getaround 4, border 2, resort 5, long weekend 3, campsite 6. passengers 4 Possible answers: 1, petrol station; gat petrol 5, the front of; pubic transport 2. journey; South America 6. plane; panic: 3 bus; late for school 7. bus; there 4, London; New York 8, plane; forthe last passenger 5 Possible answers: 1.1, wonderful 3. locals "2, took the Tube 4, going out with them 2.1. went to Ibiza 4, horible 2, it was great 5, went tothe police 3. wallet Reading, page 65 41. tour guides 2a 1980 'b, more than 20,000 . more than 30 2.1. Blue Badge Guides; guides employed by the attractions 2. They study fr two years and their exams are dificult, so nly the best students pass. Bic 2d 4.1. employed 3. ken 2. drew 4. trainees, Writing, page 65 41. Excuse me that’s not your suitease. I's mine! 2, First, we got our luggage. Then we met our friends outside the airport. 23. The fight was slightly delayed, but we landed on time, 4, We checked the map in order to know where we had togo. 5, The hotel was excellent. Furthermore, it was in a great location 6, Even though the service was bad, we enjoyed our meal atthe restaurant 7. We missed the tour bocause we overslept. Workbook Answer Key 21k 5. quite 2, For these reasons, 6, However 3, aswell as 7. also 4, Because 8. incredibly Writing Task ‘Accept al logical and grammatically correct answers. Check Your Progress, page 57 1 1. unusual 5. decisions 2, intemational 6. achievements 3. iitating 7. impossible 4, ability 8, helpful 1, waterproof 4. cautious 2 oficial 5. exhausted 3, dishonest 1. used to avoid eating spicy food 2. you belong to aur frequent traveller club 23, this course can lead to a career in tourism 4. bad experiences, we carried on traveling around the country 5. insist on driving you tothe airport 1. are becoming /have become 2, are charged 3. could travel 4, had ... leaned 5, wanted 6. lasted 7. traveling 8, would... tke 1, when theirnoxt bus tour began that day 2. don't have to / needn't order tour tickets in advance 3, tour is being arranged for us 4, the museum hadn't been very crowded yesterday, | wouldnt have lft early 5, that we stay / staying in a youth hostel instead of a campsite that night 6. should have spent more time in Paris last summer / ‘wish | had spent more time in Pris last summer 7. who is studying history, is also tour guide in Oxford / whois @ tour guide in Oxford, is also studying history VOCABULARY BUILDER ANSWER KEY i ee ee ee tte Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self.Checkiny UNIT 1 Blood Is Thicker Than Water, paye 70 1 Nouns chore: faena, tarea (doméstica) fiancé: prometido nephew: sobrino niece: sobrina peer: compatiero/a, colega sibling: hermana/ Verbs apply for: pedir, solicitar,presentar una solctud para bring up: erar (a) fit in: encaja,adaptarse row apart: dstanciarse involve: tratar sobre; implicar, suponer live up to: estar ala altura de, cumplit look upto: respetar/admirar @ name after: lamarse come, llevar el nombre de provide: proporcionar, ofrecer ‘eject: rechazar sidewith: ponerse del lado de stand out: destacar stay away: alejarse take after: parecerse / sara tease: burlarse / reise (de) Adjectives alike: pareciaya; igual aware of: consciente de ‘easy-going: poco exigent, tolerante Tikal: probable spoit: mimado/a, consentido/a strict: estricto/a Expressions get a job: conseguir un trabajo get along: levarse bien get an award: recibir un premio get back: volver, regresar ‘get dark: anochecer, oscurecer get divorced: divorciarse get engaged: prometorse ‘get good marks: sacar buenas notas ‘get home: legar a casa get lost: perderse (get old: envejecer {get permission: obtener permiso {got pocket money: recibir a paga ‘got there: legar al get tred: cansarse get to school: llegar al colegio ving English 1 Phovocopiablo OB Burlingion Books 2.1. nephew, niece, sibling 2. spoit, stict 3. a. reject b. grow apart . take ator 4. look up to 4, got divorveed, get engaged 5. get dark page 71 11. nickname: apodo: maiden name: apelido de sotera a big name: un personaje importante /famoso call someone names: insuitar a alguien have a bad name: tener mala fama /reputacién 1. F:A maiden name is a woman's sumame before she gets matted 2. F: A nickname is used in informal situations. i T T ‘behave: potarse, comportarse 1 2. behaviour: comportamiento, conducta 3, well-behaved: que se porta bien, educado/a 4, misbehave: comportarse / portarse mal 5, behave yourself: comportarse, portarse bien Possible answers: 1. surprised 4, bad 2. in trouble 5. proud 3. pleased 1. a. wrapped 3. a, officers ». involved b. officials 2, a, pregnant . embarrassed Possible answers: Verb ‘Noun Adjective involve involvement | involved reject rejection rejected believe belief believable preventable prevent prevention preventive / preventative creation/ | ete ceatity creative embarrass embarrassment | embarrassing 1. embarrass 4. involvement. 2. belief 5. create 3, rojected 6. preventable a aH a Ar OORARRRARAAAAHAAHANHHHAHHOHHD Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self-Checking UNIT 2 | It's Raining Cats and Dogs, page 72 | 4 Nouns 21. a flood bizar: tormenta de nieve b. drought breeze: brisa 2, blizzard, cold spell, flood, frostbite, hailstone, hailstorm, cold spell: temporada de frio. rainfall, rainstorm, snowfal, snowflake, snowstorm, . freezing cold { damage: dafios pees drought: sequia ree eee ' dust storm: tormenta de polvo ee flood: inundacion ; . spread ' forecast: pronéstco, pevisién boiling hot, heat frostbite: congelacion a ledieil } halstone: granizo,piadra de granizo Se ee ) hailstorm: grenizada page 73 eeeeueeecee 11. harm: dafiar, hacer dafio ioe meee 2. harmful: dana, nociva/a ‘aindow: aes 3, harmless noensivala ‘ano: gota de vie 4. do more harm than good: ser peor el remedio que la recipitacén enfermedad uacero,chaparrén 5. would harm a fly: sri incapae de matar una mosca sandstorm: tormenta de arena 2a 2a 3b 4a 5b 3. possibilty 6. predictable Expressions boling hot: calor espantoso ‘reezing cold: rio horible/ que pela ) ) ’ , shade: sombra ’ snowall: nevada 3-1. pay attention: prestaratencién, fjarse ) snovilake:copo de nieve 2. pay up: pagar (lo que se debe, abonar snowstorm: tormenta de nieve 2. pay someone beck: devlver el dinero a algien; ’ sunshine: sol hacer pagar a alguien (por una ofensa) sunstoke nsoacién 4. pay dort: pagar caro y thunder: trueno/s 5. pay your way: costearse (algo), pagar lo que corresponde d Verbs Aid 2e 3a/e 4b Se clear up: despejarse » develop: desarlar; formarse Sohn es b, eventusly b. older increase: aumentay, subir ae duct “ stu © msi opal » pour: llover a céntaros, diluviar J i prevent: impedir, eter, prevent 6 Possible answers: > teach Negara, aleanzar a ra ea remain: permanecor, quedarse a d ruin: estoe ‘arruinar; destrozar damage demage fame I extonderse, 52}; dun fe 2 rect mirneted romemiet iat preset | peicten | pediable fi ® ‘Adjectives justly iustcason | Meth ® chilly: friova manipulate ‘manipulation manipulative controversial: contovertido/, polémicova = ib ible ‘major: principal, mas influyente; grande ross ae 8 iil suave, templara e Ee cfaly a muggy: bachomosola Seda rabiadn'a 71. chill 4, damage a Bera tiuearn 2, justification 5, manipulative ag Bag T Fis OU Bargin Books my Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self-Checking UNIT 3 Face the Music, pose 74 1 Nouns 2 1. There's no point audience: piblico 2. point out ‘eye-opaner: revelacién 3. gat the point performance: actuacién;intepretacion 4, What's the point rehearsal: ensayo 5, make a point Verbs 3-1. on my mind: en (i) mente / a cabeza 1 face: afrontar, enfrentarse a 2. (I) don't mind: no (me) importa Focus on: cots en arse en 5. pt your mind to: concenarseen civ up: dese por vencdoa, reise; djr (rerun a 4. opin min tenor on cuenta presente, recordar fol: celebrar 5. an open mid ua mented abies comee ores eon 4 1. keep in mind 4. on my mind ee eeeemamael 2. an open mind 5. (I) don't mind aay 3. put your mind to: struggle: luchar; esforzarse ” ‘survive: sobrevivir (a) 5 1. a. conductor 2. a. managed ‘nt t aiver 1. operated alive: vivola G Possible answers: awesome: nr, formate 7 Verb Noun Adjective daft! tonto/a peste oflend fence offensive dread smo, hole investigate | investigation | investigative du sburidas fa fuiment fled /tuing Firsste: a primora cater inspire ‘inspiration ‘inspiring live: en iv / deta — offensive: ofensivo/a oa radiance sao cutstandng:excepcionalexreotnaraa a capa | ela vera: sobrevalral,sbestnade/a smashing estupendala, genial 7 1. inspiration 4. aan Expressions 2. offend 5. investigation bored io det: muta de sburiniento 3, manageable 6. fu {be} good fora laugh: estar bien para (echarse) unas risas / clivetirse/ pasar un buen rato have a good time: pasarl bien, diverts lve show: concierto / espectéculo en vivo / directo keep going: seguit, continuar waste of time: périda de tiempo (be) worth it: merecer Ia pena 2 1. live show, performance ‘awesome, first-rate, outstanding, smashing 3. daft, dreadful, dull offensive, overrated |. waste of time, (be) worth it point out page 75 1 1. point out sera, indicar 2. make a pont: decir algo importante, hacer una cbservacién (~ of: encargarse de) 3. there's no pont: no tiene sentido 4, get the point: entander, comprender 5. Whats the point? Para qué? RA AAAALRALSA AAA ASAA HAAN AALMAARANAADAASDAHDS a “Living English 1 Photocopiable ©18 Burlingion Books ee ee ae a a a a — Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self.Checking UNIT 4 My Lips Are Sealed, page 75 41 Nouns deadline fecha limite, plazo effort: esfuero employee: empleada/a pastime: pasatiompo right derecho threat: amenaza Verbs blame: culpar/echar la culpa @ challenge: desafia; suponer un reto/ desafio. ‘conceal: ocultar disrupt: altorar; interumpir lead to llevar / conducir a require: necesitar; requeit reveal: revelar succeed: tener éxito; consegui, lograr trust: confar en, arse de wa: advert a Adjectives: cautious: prudente, cauteloso/a dishonest: poco honrado/a, deshonesto/a ‘hazardous: peligroso/a ilegat ilegal,icito/a infamous: infame, de mala fama risky: ariesgada/a secure: segura/a sneaky: ruin; furtivo/a suited to: apropiada/a para be ~: adaptarse a) ‘suspicious: sospechoso/a Expressions ‘head of time: con antelacion ‘crack the code: descifrar el cédigo ‘get in touch with: ponerse en contacto con invasion of privacy: invasién de la privacidad, atentado ‘contra la intimidad 2.1. reveal, conceal 2. warn 3. blame 4, gatin touch with 5, dishonest, hazardous, legal, risky, sneaky, suspicious page 77 1 1. top secret: alto secreto 2, keep a secret: guardar un secreto 3. a seoret life: una vida secreta 4. in secret: en secreto, a escondidas 5, an open secret: un secreto a voces 2 Possible answers: 1, tell anyone about it 2, anyone to know 3, knows anything about him 4, knows he's a criminal 5, found out about the surprise 1. um aut of: quedarse sin 2. on the run: a fuga, fugada/a 3, run the show: leva la voz cantante 4, run into someone: tropezar/ encontrarse con alguien 5, run away: hur, escapartse) 41. trying not to get caught 4. incharge 2, need to get more 5. unhappy 3, unplanned 5 a. succecded . happened 6 Possible answers: Vert ‘Noun Adjective ‘threatening / threaten threat necaeaaal disrupt disruption disruptive succeed success successful ‘suspicion / suspect suspect suspicious compete competition competitive acceptable / accept acceptance ‘accepting / accepted T 1. compattive 4, suspect 2. success 5. acceptable 3. disruptive 6, threaten aE) fe Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self.Checking UNIT 5. An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, page 78 1 Nouns disease: enfermedad endurance: resistencia ‘mood: estado de énimo; humor pressure: presion self-discipline: autodisciplina sign: sintoma, indicio trainer: entrenador/a Verbs avoid evitar beak up: romper una chase: persequit came down with: coger una enfermedad) cut down on: reduc l consumo de al with: ar con; ocuparse de enable: permit get over: eponerse /ecuperrse de ve up: renuncior a improve: mejorar injure: lesionar ick: empezar hacer efecto last durar put on: ganar (peso) run away: hur escaparse) sense: sentir percbir strengthen: fortalecer take up: empezar a practcar una actividad) warm up: calentarse workout: hace ejercicia ) irala caza de Adjectives exhausted: exhausto/a, agotado/a (be) fed up with: (esta) harto/a de miserable: triste; abatida/a nutitious:nutitivo/a ‘overweight: gordo/a,obeso/a sane: cuerdo/a strenuous: intensa/a; agotador/a stressful estresante underweight: por debajo del peso normal Expressions catch a cold: coger un restiado, resfriarse gt fi: ponerse en forma (get in shape: ponerse en forma {get out of breath: quedarse sin aliento (get rd of: eliminar, deshacerse de (0 fora walk: dar un paseo (goon a diet: hacer una / ponerse a dieta lift weights: hacer /Ievantar pesas ‘ut of shape: en mala forma ‘overdo it: pasarse (con) ‘set a goal: far un objetivo a Tiving English 1 Phorocopiable ©8 Buriingion Books 2 1. endurance, self-discipline 2. a, work out ». cut down on . last 4. avoid 3. exhausted, fed up with, miserable 4. got fit, get in shape, go fora walk, go on a dit, lift woights 5. chase, run away; avoid, deal with page 79 41. breathe: esprar breathe in: aspir, nsprar under your breath: entre dientes, en vo bja catch your breath: recobrar el lento / la repiracion ‘a breath of fresh ait: un soplo de aire fresco 2 1. catch my breath 2. a breath of fresh ait 3. breathe 4. under your breath 5. Breathe in 1. ready-made meal: comida precocinada / preparada 2. packed lunch: almuerzo para comer fuera de casa 3. brunch: brunch, combinacién de desayuno y almuerzo 4 | potck dinner: almuerzoo cena en la que los invitados llevan comida para compartir con las demas 5. snack: tentompié 4 1. brunch 4, packed lunch 2. potluck dinner 5. ready-made meal 3, snack 5 1. a. mean 3. a. healthy b. miserable b. sane 2. a. actually b. currently 6 Possible answers: Verb ‘Noun Adjective relax relaxation relaxing / relaxed injure injury injured exhaust exhaustion exhausted | improved /| ‘improve improvement | nroving. strengthen strength strong respond. response responsive 71. tolax 4. injury 2. exhausted 5. responsive 3, strength 6. improvement a a LLL ee Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self-Checking UNIT 6 Hit the Books!, page 80 1 Nouns bulletin board: tablén de anuncios ‘caretaker: conserje cheating: (el) copiar courage: valor, valentia ‘curriculum: plan de estudios discovery: descubrimiento elementary school: escuela / centro de ensefianza primaria fee: tase, matricula ‘ut: pelo, pelaie headteacher: drector/a high school: instituto / centro de enseftanza secundaria janitor: conserje lecture: leccién, clase; conferencia, charla noticeboard: tablén de anuncios. primary school: escuela / centro de enseftanza primaria principal: drector/a Secondary schoo: institute / centro de ensefianza secundaria ‘schedule: calendario, agenda; horario ‘timetable: horario tuition: tasa, matricula Verbs achieve: conseguit, lograr attend: asistir/acucir (a) cheat: copiar drop out: abandonar/ dejar (os estudios) ‘encourage: animar (a; fomentar enrol: matrcularse, inscribirse expect: esperar (que) figure out: darse cuenta; encontrar; entender make up: inventar{se) ‘motivate: motivar record: anotar revise: repasar skip saltarse speak up: dar la opinion stand up for: defender ‘tick: engartar (a) wipe out: exterminar,eiminar Adjectives brand new: (completamente) nueva/a ‘compulsory: obligatori/a iterate: analtabeto/a ‘optional: optative/a; opcional ridiculous: ridiculo/a, absurdo/a Expressions {get into trouble: meterse en problemas / ios let (someone) off the hook: dejar en paz (a alguien) no trace of ni rast de ‘pay attention: prestaratencién fjarse 2.1. caretaker, headteacher, janitor, principal 2. compulsory, optional 3, iterate, ridiculous 4, cheat, drop out, skip, trick, wipe out 5. no trace of ‘page 81 1 1. grade(s): nota, caificacién 2. (a) degree: (un} titulo universitario 3. undergraduate: estudiante universitari/a 4, higher education: educacion / enseftanza superior '5, make the grade: alcanzar el nivel, estar a la altura 2 Possible answers: 1, an-exam /a test 2. is studying towards a degree 3. succeed in something 4. you finish university 5. university 3-1. make sense: tener sentido 2, sense of humour: sentido del humor 13. sixth sense: sexto sentido 4, nonsense: tonterials} 5, talk sense into: hacer sentar le cabeza 4 1. sense of humour 2, nonsense 3. sixth sense 4. make sense 5. talk sense into 5 1. a realised b, carried out 2. a, remembered b. recorded 3. a. leoture ». reading 6 Possible answers: Vorb, ‘Noun Adjective stick trick tricky encourage ‘encouragement | encouraging describe description descriptive inform information informative experience experience exparienced | shock shock shocked 7 1. describe 4. tricky 2. experience 5. shock 3, inform 6, encouraging Tiving English 1 Photocopiable ©8 Burlington Books Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key UNIT 7 You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks, page 82 41 Nouns desktop: escritorio device: dispositive, aparato ‘keyboard: teclado soreen: pantalla screensaver: salvapantallas: ‘smartphone: smartphone, teléfono inteligente source: fuente, origen ‘touchsereen: pantalla téctil voicemail: buzén / correo de vor wellpaper: fondo de pantalla ‘webcam: cémara web Verbs broadcast: emitir ‘carry on: segui,continuar charge: cargartse) chee ‘come up with: ocurirse, proponer crash: bloquearse,colgarse delete: borar,eliminar download: descargartse),baar(se) host: celebrar(se,albergar; ser anfitriér/ona de restrict: restringit imitar take over: poderarse de, controlar upload: subir, colgar (en Internet) ‘worship: adorar idolatrar (a) lamar, vitoreer Adjectives demanding: exigente, que exige mucho; dificil faulty: defectuoso/a infatuated: encaprichado(a; colada lates: ditima/a; més reciente telible: fable ‘ough dic, dura/a user friendly: fil de utiizar / usar weird: aro, extraio/a wireless: nalémbrico/a Expressions cutting edge: de citima generacion, vanguardista every once ina while: de vez en cuando go vice: dfundrse ripidamente, hacerse viral ro wonder: no me extrafa /no es de extrafar (que) cut of date: anticuado/a, desfasado/a round the clock: las veintcuatro horas del da state ofthe ar: de titima goneracién, de lo més moderna [BRE [Living Enclish 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books QE for Self-Checking 2 1. charge, crash, delete, download, upload 2, latest, out of date 3, faulty, latest, reliable, userfiendly 4. desktop, device, keyboard, screen, screensaver, wallpaper webcam 5, state ofthe at, cutting edge page 83 4.1. way before: mucho antes 2. no way: de ninguna manera, ri pensarlo/ hablar 3. change your ways: cambiar tu comportamiento lose your way: perderse, extravirse cone way or another: de una forma u otra 2.1. lose your way way belore no way hhave a good time: pasarto bien, divertrse 1 4, one way or another 2 3 1 2. hard times: mala racha, tiempos difciles 3 4 5. 5, change your ways. 3 con time: a tiempo, puntualmente it's about time: ya es / era hora one ata time: de uno/a en uno/a 4 Possible answers: 1. fate 4. push 2, money 5. happy 3. eater 5 a. attention b. attendance 6 Possible answers: Verb, ‘Noun Adjective decide decision decisive violence violent cheer cheer cheerful / cheery restricted / restrict restriction restictive = infatuation infatvated ‘addictive / L » __| eddicted__J 7 1. infatuation 4. restricted 2. cheerful 5. decision 3, addiction 6, violence peescseseeoenvoencoueusonaenenevenvuevwveveuwvwewwwuwvwrwvwrvwvvw Photocopiable Vocabulary Builder Answer Key for Self.Checking UNIT 8 Don't Rock the Boat, page 84 41 Nouns accommodation: ljamiento border: fontera campsite: camping, ea de acampada journey: visje luggage: equipajo passenger: paseera/a cuaity calidad resort: complejo turistco sights: lugares de interés turstioo value: valor Verbs checkin: rgistrarse; facturar c’heck out: pagar y marcharse dolay:retasarse ‘get around: moverse /desplazarse (por) ‘et off bajarse/ apearse de .get on: subirse a (vehicul) hike: hacer senderismo; ir de excursin a pie pick up: recoger, ira buscar pal into: entrar en pull out: salir set out: sli, partir sign firmar stop over: hacer escala, pasar la noche take oft: despega (avién) ‘rade: intercambiar Adjectives ordinary: corriente, normal; cualquiera ‘overnight: haciendo noche fuera; nocturno/a; una noche satisfying: satisfactoro/a; que lena / satisface ‘waterproof: impermeable; sumeorgible Adverbs nearby: cerca nearly: casi outdoors: fuera, al ire libre ‘overseas: al extranjero ‘worldwide: de/ en todo el mundo Expressions help oneself (to something): coger (algo; servirse (algo) Jong weekend: puente, fn de semana largo ro matter no importar, sin importar package holiday: viaje organizado retum ticket: bilete de ida y wuota Youth hast: albergue juvenl 2 1. passenger 4. help youre 2. waterproof 5. check in, check out 3 campsite, youth hostel page 85 41. off you go on marcha 2. have ago: proba intentar (algo) 3. (be) going places: Negr leis 4 (be) onthe go no parar, estar muy fadava 5. make a goof something: tener éxito con /en algo 2 1. Off you go 4. Have a go 2. going paces 5. make a goof 3. onthe go 3-1. give something a miss: pasar de algo, dear de hacer algo 2. miss someone: echar de menos @ alguien 3. miss the boat: perder el tren / la oportunidad 4, tor mis: al azar 5, miss out on: dejar pasar, perder 4 Possible answers: 1. to see you soon 4. wat their quality willbe 2 you donitbuy itnow 5. was abroad 3. we had otor pans 5 1. a. vulgar 2a. try ». ordinary ». imond 6 Possible answers: Verty Noun Adjective accommodate | accommodation | accommodating satisfy satsection | satisfying attract atvacton | atrecive cooperate | cooperation | cooperative fascinating / fescnate fascination | fesenatig excite excitement | excting 7 1. accommodate 4. satisfaction 2. cooperation 5, attract 3. excited 6, fscinated Ting Eagan nas SO Brn ois] ESN

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