Lesson 4 Notes - 20190929

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Doctrine: Vision

Lesson 4: Development of a Cell

Biblical Foundational Reference

Acts 2:42

Acts 5:42

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

1 Peter 5:10

Psalm 133:1-3

Colossians 3:16 2

Timothy 2:16 and 3:17

James 15:16

1 Corinthians 13:2-3

John 15:2

Hebrews 12:14

Romans 15:20

Philippians 2:14

Key Verse

Acts 2:42

“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer"

A determining factor for the success of the cellular vision is the training every leader must have in the different
areas of his life, but besides this preparation, a specific structure to carry out the cell meeting is required, so that
nothing interferes with its success.

God is a God of order and he asks that we do everything in an orderly way. "But everything should be done in a
fitting and orderly way" (1 Corinthians 14:40). The scriptures also say, "And whatever you do, whether in word
or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus..." (Colossians 3:17).

This makes us aware that our commitment should be far from improvisation. It is necessary to take care of
certain guidelines that were observed in the early church.

This lesson deals precisely with the structure and development of the cell so that you become an expert with
developing your work as a leader in the meetings. It speaks about taking advantage of the available time, as well
as the commandments, which help you have a successful cell.

Development of the Subject

I. The cell

Remember that the cell group is made up of a group of people who meet once a week in order to edify each
other through the study of the word of God and worship. These meetings may be held at houses, at offices or at
a particular place where the group feels comfortable and can share without interruptions.

An important aspect in the cellular work is perseverance, for it enables the group to get strengthened and
succeed in multiplying itself, because the cell must contribute to the growth of the church. Perseverance must
be evident in studying the word, in fellowship, testimonies and prayer (Acts 2:42).

The cell is a bridge between people and the congregation; in which every member receives greater attention.
Every one is evangelized, consolidated and edified, in order to get perfected and strengthened in their
relationship with God and the knowledge of his word:

"And the God of all grace… will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast" (1 Peter

II. Structure for each cell meeting

First, consider that the attendance in each cell must be from 6 to 12 persons, and the meeting must last one
hour. The leader should arrive ten or twenty minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting in order to prepare
the atmosphere together with the host.
Time can be structured as follows:

A. Welcome (10 minutes)

During this time, the leader has to stir up interest for the meeting. People can briefly greet each other;
welcome the new ones, listen to a short testimony, and emphasize what a blessing it is to be gathered together
(Psalm 133:1-31.

B. Worship (10 minutes)

This time should contribute in preparing the hearts for the topic that will be presented that day (Colossians

C. Word: Exposition of the topic (30 minutes)

The leader must be self-confident, and demonstrate that he has genuinely prepared himself to handle the topic
and transmit it to the group. He must lay out the teaching with simplicity and use a clear language, which will
impact those in attendance (2 Timothy 2:16).

D. Work (5 minutes)

During this period of time, the leader could present illustrations to help give a practical sense to the teaching,
encouraging every person to apply immediately what has been learned, in their daily life (2 Timothy 3:17).

E. Final Activities (5 minutes)

Make good use of the closing time, worshiping God with the offerings praying for the needs of those who are
present, and focusing your interest on the new ones (James 5:16b).

With this structure, it is possible to achieve good results during the cell meeting.

Avoid making the following mistakes:

 Allowing someone who is not authorized to lead the cell.

 Ministering deliverance or laying on of hands.

 Allowing those in attendance to take over, causing the leader to lose control of the meeting.

 Allowing discussions

 Neglecting the new person or any member.

 Using more time than what was allotted (1 hour).

 Frequently changing the place, day or time of the meeting.

F. Commandments of the cell groups

1. Love the cellular vision

Loving what we have or do removes all doubts and prepares the way for success. If we do not love the
cellular work, we will never see the results this vision brings about (1 Corinthians 13:2-3).

2. Do not deviate from the cellular vision

Turning aside from the vision is very easy and it can go unnoticed. That is the reason why it is very important
to be faithful to the established principles and to persevere in them until the expected results are achieved.

3. Do not allow your cell group to be fruitless

The cells must play an evangelistic role, that is, every member has the responsibility of going out to look for
people and invite them to the meeting, so that those persons are won for Christ (John 15:2).

4. Meet once a week

During the days before the meeting, the host, the leader, and the rest of the members of the group must devote
themselves to visit neighbors, relatives, friends, and acquaintances in order to invite them to the meeting, so
that they can be in contact every week.

5. The cell group must assist in family restoration

Every family in the world has crisis, and the cell must be prepared to assist in these needs. In the cells we
struggle to restore the relationships between children and parents, wife and husband, etc.

6. Make of each member a leader

Every person who comes to the cell group, regardless of his or her position, must be seen as a potential
leader, someone who, after achieving spiritual development, will be an instrument in God's hands.

7. Keep watch over the holiness of the group

When sin is allowed, tolerated, or consented to, the cell begins to decline. We have to be radically opposed to
sin, and never trust a cell group to someone who has a double life because the leader's guarantee is his
testimony, and this starts at home. (Hebrews 12:14)

8. Do not work on somebody else's foundation

The members of every cell must be faithful to their own group. They are not allowed to attend different
meetings, since this may bring confusion and affect the required process of training. Leaders must fight to win
souls that will be part of their group, without seeking others who already have a leader (Romans 15:20).
9. Do not allow murmuring within the cell group

When a cell stagnates, gossip, complaints, criticism and backbiting may arise in the group. We cannot allow
anyone to speak bad about another member, the pastor, the leader, or the church. It is necessary to be radical
with the gossipers within the cell (Philippians 2:14).

10. Work on goals strategically

Both the leader and the members of the group must have specific goals of growth, which imply effort and
require God's supernatural power. These goals must be precise and have the purpose of multiplication.


The cellular vision is a guarantee for success of church multiplication, yet it is conditional to the structure and
development of the weekly meetings. If indeed we follow the guidelines to have the meetings within one hour,
and if we keep in mind the commandments of the cell groups, undoubtedly we will be successful.


1. If you have not yet joined a cell or decided to develop one yourself, in accordance wit the guidelines given
in this lesson, the time has come for you to do so and watch and see the positive changes that will occur

2. Examine the ten commandments of the cell groups and take note of the ones that you are failing in as it
relates to the cell group you belong to. Meet with your leader and come up with some practical suggestions
in order to overcome the weaknesses.
Student’s Assignment

Make it your personal goal to open a cell group. The same with your previous assignment no. 2, please submit
the complete names of your disciples.

General Instructions:

1. If you are a cell leader now, please submit the names of your disciples/cell members and their current status

2. If your are still doing Change 12, please submit the names of your change 12 delegates and the current change
12 lesson that they are in.

3. If you have no cell members yet, please indicate the reason so that we can help you.

4. Please follow the sample format below which applies to your current state as a disciple:

✅Format No. 1

Network/Primary Leader: Anna Mae Talingting

Cell Leader: Lady Ann Yting

Cell Members:

1. Jane Saberon -Post Encounter

2. Irene Beltran - For Pre-Encounter

3. Jarielyn Malda - For Lesson 1

✅ Format No. 2

Network/Primary Leader: Anna Mae Talingting

Consolidator: Lady Ann Yting

Change 12 Delegates:

1. Doreen Gonzaga - Completed

2. Joyce Pacaña - For Lesson 5

✅Format No. 3:

Network/Primary Leader: Anna Mae Talingting

Reason: I don't have disciples yet because...and so on.

Seminar: Intercession

Lesson 4: Knowing the Holy Spirit: The Key to Effective Intercession

Biblical Foundational Reference

Romans 8:26-27

Corresponding Biblical Foundation

Acts 15:18

John 16:7

Genesis 1:1-3

Hebrews 11:3

1 Corinthians 2:10-11

Hebrews 1:1-3

Luke 4:18-21

Matthew 12:28

Luke 4:36

Matthew 8:16

Acts 10:38

John 15:26

John 16:14-15

John 3:2

John 1:13

Deuteronomy 29:29

Romans 8:26-27

Ezekiel 36:25-27

John 7:37-39

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Jude 1:20

Key Verse

Zechariah 4:6

"So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel; Not by might nor by power, but by
my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty"

The early church was so effective in its ministry because its members would not make decisions
without the approval of the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:18). If today's church invites the Holy Spirit to take His
proper place, we could enter into a supernatural ministry and evangelize the world in a short time. In
order to develop an effective ministry of intercession, you must know yourself, know who God is and
know how He can help you.

Development of the Subject

I. Knowing Ourselves

We are all spiritual people who live in temporal bodies. Through our senses we can express ourselves
and have contact with the exterior world. Once we leave the body, we will continue to exist. The body
will be destroyed but the spirit remains, for the spirit comes from the breath of God and is therefore
imperishable. Death of the spirit means complete separation from God which leads to eternal
suffering and torment.

II. Knowing God

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ..." (Genesis 1:1-3). In this passage the
word God is Elohim, and in the Hebrew language this is a plural word. It shows us that the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit make up the unity of God. They always work in mutual accord and live in
perfect harmony. They made all of creation as a team. The Father designs, the Spirit conceives and
the Word [Jesus) creates. Only through faith could we fathom the power of creation [Hebrews 11:3)
and apply it to intercession.

A. The Holy Spirit in Jesus.

 The Spirit of God is the only who knows the thoughts of God (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).

 In ancient times the Spirit expressed Himself through the prophets but now He does so
through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3).

 Jesus testified that the anointing of the Spirit was upon Him (Luke 4: 18-21).

 Through the Spirit of God He cast out demons (Matthew 12:28).

 With authority and power He cast out unclean spirits and they came out (Luke 4:36).

 With the Word He delivered and healed all the sick (Matthew 8:16).

B. The Holy Spirit is a person [acts 10:38].

Jesus said He would not leave us nor forsake us but would give us another Comforter that would be
with us forever (John 15:26). Because of having believed in Jesus, God gives us the great privilege
of participating of His very nature allowing the Holy Spirit to come and be with us in our lives. This is
called "The anointing" it is experiencing the divine presence in a permanent way.
C. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus.

John 16:14-15 "He will glorify me because He will take from mine and disclose it to you." The Holy
Spirit has legal rights over all divine resources. He is willing to share them with those who have
decided to glorify Jesus.

D. The Holy Spirit causes us to be born again [John 3:2].

Only through the Holy Spirit are we considered children of God. His work in our life allows us to be
born again. When we accept Jesus, the spirit of life is conceived in us.

E. The Holy Spirit is our guide.

The greatest protection to avoid falling into man made doctrines is to maintain a strong relationship
with the Holy Spirit. He reveals to us the divine secrets and allows us to know future things.

F. The Holy Spirit reveals divine secrets.

"The Secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things revealed are for us and for our
children forever... ". The closest thing to the heart of Gad is the Spirit of God, who is the one who has
come to live in our hearts and inspires us to continue on (Deuteronomy 29:29).

G. The Holy Spirit in you.

 The Holy Spirit increases the desire to pray [Romans 8:26).

 The Holy Spirit brings scripture to memory while you pray.

 The Holy Spirit makes us aware of the spiritual goals we ought to reach.

 The Holy Spirit makes us aware of needs that need to be met.

 The Holy Spirit will give us a burden to pray.

 The Holy Spirit will call you to prayer in moments of crisis.

 The Holy Spirit will give a special depth, power and faith to your prayer.

 He gives anointing to preach (Isaiah 61:1).

 Renews your spirit (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

 Gives strength to overcome (Zechariahs 4:6).

 Feel His presence like rivers of living water (John 7:37-39).

 Intercedes throughout your life (Romans 8:6-271.

 He is the guarantee that we are His (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

 We should always pray with Him (Judas 20).


The Holy Spirit longs for your prayer life to be powerful and effective.

Students’ Assignment

The student should evaluate his relationship with the Holy Spirit through writing. He should desire to
have a deeper relationship with Him.

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