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Dear Respondent:
Ypour cooperation to fill this questionnaire with correct information is highly appreciated.

1. Gender:
Male Female

2. Age:
18 years or less 19 – 30 years
31 – 40 years 41 – 50 years
50 years and above

3. Average IKEA store visits per month:

less than 2 times 2-3 times
3-4 times More than 4 times
4. Are you normally satisfied with the products purchased at IKEA
Yes, always Yes, sometimes
Rarely Never

Part II- Rate your preference on following scale of 1-5.

Cannot Decide
Excellent (E) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P)

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

A. Quality of Products

1. Product quality affects my purchasing at IKEA.

2. Satisfaction is dependent on product quality.

3. The prices at IKEA are high due to good product quality.

4. Quality importance is more than that of price for

products at IKEA.
5. Product quality at IKEA is better than other stores
B. Marketing Strategies

6. IKEA communicates regularly through promotions

7. Store designs and products are best marketing tools for

the company.

8. . Prices are always competitive at UIKEA stores

9. I always notice the advertisements of the company in

print, tele, and digital media

C. Service Quality

10. Staff at the IKEA stores are trained and have all information
about products and offered packages

11. Customers’ complaints are resolved in minimal time.

12. Sales staff give complete attention to the customers

13. Consumers are treated equally and on priority by the


14. Staff regularly informed customers about promotional

offers and other information.

D. Customer Loyalty

15. I always prefer to buy from IKEA stores

16. I always wait for the unavailable items at IKEA and not
avail any other offer.

17. Brand image of the company is very strong

18. Arrangement and display of IKEA stores impact my
purchase decision.

19. Store private label brands are more durable

Thank You

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