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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the different community helpers.
b. Appreciate the importance of community helpers in our society
by respecting them.
c. Recite the names of different community helpers.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Community Helpers
B. Reference/s:
 The World of Language 1, pp. 142-146
C. Materials:
 pictures, chart and flashcards.

III. Procedure
A. Greetings

Good morning, children!

Good morning, teacher!
B. Prayer

May I ask Nash to please lead the

In the name of the father…… Amen.
Thank you Nash for the prayer. Before
you take your seats, please pick all
the pieces of papers under your chair.

C. Checking of Attendance

Noelle, do we have any absentees for

I am glad to report Ma’am that
everybody is present today!
Very good class!

D. Checking of Assignment

Someone who can tell me, what was

the assignment all about that I gave
you yesterday?
Our assignment was to draw a picture
of what we want to be in the future.
Class, did you do your assignment?
Yes, Ma’am!
Who does not do the assignment?
None, Ma’am!
Okay, very good class! Please pass
your assignment and I am going to
return it tomorrow.
Before we start the lesson, let us sing
first the song entitled “Community
Helpers”. First, you will just listen as I
play the song. Second, we will sing as
the song plays.

Ready, sing!
Oh! Do you know the fireman, the
fireman, the fireman?
Oh! Do you know the fireman, who
lives in second street?
Oh! Yes, I know the fireman, the
fireman, the fireman.
Oh! Yes, I know the fireman, who lives
in second street.
(The underline word will be change
into: teacher, doctor, policeman)
E. Review of the Past Lesson

What was our topic yesterday?

Our topic yesterday was about
community places.
Very good!

I have here some pictures of places

in our community. All you have to do
is to put the picture of the community
place in the blank provided before
each number.

Do you understand, children?

Yes, teacher!
Match the name of the community
place to its picture. Put the picture of
the community place on the blank
provided before each number.

_______1. Fire station

_______2. Market

_______3. Police station

_______4. Hospital

_______5. School
F. Motivation

I have here on the chart a short

poem. I will read the poem twice and
after that, I will ask you some
questions about our short poem.

Do you understand, children?

Yes, teacher!

“Community Helpers”
Teacher, teacher what do you do?
I teach reading and writing too.
Doctor, doctor what do you do?
I help when you’re sick with a cold or
Firefighter, firefighter what do you do?
I help fight fires that might hurt you.
They are called the community
our heroes and great workers.

Let’s answer some questions about

the poem:

1. What is the title of our short poem?

The title of a poem is Community
2. Who teaches reading and writing?
The teacher teaches reading and
3. Who helps us when we are sick?
The doctor helps us when we are sick.
4. Who fights fires that might hurt us?
fdb The firefighters fight fires that might
hurt us.
5. What do we call to the teacher,
doctor, and firefighter in our
They are called community helpers.
Very good, children!

G. Sharing of Lessons Objectives

Before we proceed to our topic, let us

first have our lesson objectives that
we’re going to accomplish at the end (The students who will be called will
of the class discussion. read the lesson objectives.)

 Identify the different community  Identify the different community

helpers. helpers.
 Appreciate the importance of  Appreciate the importance of
community helpers in our community helpers in our
society by respecting them. society by respecting them.
 Recite the names of different  Recite the names of different
community helpers. community helpers.

Thank you for reading the lesson


H. Presentation

Our lesson for today is about

community helpers. Community
helpers are those people who serve,
work and help in our community.

I have here pictures of some

community helpers. I will introduce
them to you one by one.

This is a chef.
The chef cooks delicious and
nutritious food in the community.
If there is no chef, there will be no
delicious and nutritious food that we
can eat in our community.

Again, what kind of community helper

is he?
He is a chef.
Who cooks delicious and nutritious
food in the community?
The chef cooks delicious and
nutritious in the community.
Do you think chefs are important in
our community?
Yes, they are important in our
Very good! Chefs are important in our

He is a doctor.
The doctor takes care of sick people
in our community.
If there is no doctor, there will be no
one who can cure us when we are
sick or hurt.

Again, what kind of community helper

is he?
He is a doctor.
Who takes care of sick people in our
The doctor takes care of sick people
in our community.
Do you think doctors are important in
our community?
Yes, they are important in our
Very good! Doctors are important in
our community.

This is a firefighter.
The firefighter puts out fires and saves
people's lives.
If there is no firefighter, no one will
save us from fires and emergency

Again, what kind of community helper

is he?
He is a firefighter.
Who puts out fires and saves people's
The firefighter puts out fires and saves
people’s lives.
Do you think firefighters are important
in our community?
Yes, they are important in our
Very good! Firefighters are important
in our community.

She is a police officer.

Police officer enforces laws and keeps
order in the community.
If there is no police officer, there
would be a lot of crimes and danger
in our community.

Again, what kind of community helper

is she?
She is a police officer.
Who enforces laws and keeps order in
our community?
The police officer enforces laws and
keeps order in our community.
Do you think police officers are
important in our community?
Yes, they are important in our
Very good! Police officers are
important in our community.

She is a teacher.
A teacher is someone who teaches
and ensures that students learn in the
Without teacher, no one will be able
to read and write, and maybe there
would be also no other community

Again, what kind of community helper

is she?
She is a teacher.
Who teaches and ensures that
students learn in the community?
The teacher ensures that students
learn in the community.

Do you think teachers are important in

our community? Yes, they are important in our

Very good! Teachers are important in

our community.

I. Generalization

Who are the different community

The different community helpers are
chef, doctor, firefighter, police officer,
and teacher.
Aside from being a people who serve,
work and help in our community, as a
Filipino citizen what ways we should
do in terms of showing love and
respect to our country?
We can show love and respect to our
country by simply studying the history
of our country.
Very good! Let’s give Kae a good job
G-O-O-D J-O-B, good job! Good job!
G-O-O-D J-O-B, good job! Good job!
Can someone give me another way
in showing love and respect to our

Yes, Helen!
We can show love and respect to our
country by singing the national
anthem from our heart.
Excellent! Let’s give Helen an Aling
Dionisia clap!
1,2,3 (clap the hands)
1,2,3 (stump the feet)
Very good! Very good! Very good!
(raise the right hand)
Class, there are so many ways to
show love and respect to our country
even in a small or big ways. As a
citizen of our country, we have to do
it will all our hearts.

J. Application

Now, we will have a group activity.

But listen first to my instructions. I will
group the class into two. Those pupils
who seats in row 1 and 2 are the
group one, while those who seats in
row 3 and 4 are the group 2. All you
have to do is to choose one of our
community helpers and act the things
they do for our community.

Group 1, whose community helper will

you choose? For us to be sure that
you will not choose similar community
helpers with the group 2.
Ma’am, we chose a teacher.
Okay, how about group 2?
Ma’am, we chose a doctor.
Alright! After 5 minutes we will start the
activity. For now, you talk with each
other to know that are the things you
will do. Be creative as you can, you
can use props, etc.
Okay, teacher!
(After 5 minutes)
Children, let’s start the activity.
(The role playing starts with the group
1 and then followed by the group 2.)
K. Values Integration

Children, I have a question to all of

you. How will you show appreciation
to our community helpers?
We can show appreciation for them,
by means of respecting them.
Very good! Did you know that we
have to respect the janitors with the
same respect to the doctors, teachers
and other professionals? Respecting
someone is not about the position of
the person, it is about giving value to
those people who serve, work and
help in our community.

IV. Assessment
I. Listen as the teacher read each Answers:
sentence. Put the picture of the
community helpers inside the white I.
box. 1. Doctor
2. Farmer
3. Firefighter
4. Teacher
5. Police Officer

1. Doctor
2. Chef
3. Teacher

V. Assignment
Cut and paste five (5) pictures of
community helpers in your green
Prepared by:
Santiago, Veronica Joy C.

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