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Joshua S.

Novesteras July 26, 2019

Mathematics in the Modern World BSAMT 1A

- The lecture tackles about the physical aspects of mathematics in the reality. It
shows what the senses of an individual feeds the mind and how the mind decodes
the message given by the senses. This particular discussion also gives a brand
new topics about mathematics itself. It talks about what is there and what is around
the environment that surrounds us. Mathematics in the modern world brings new
interests in the studying field of Math especially for learners because it doesn’t only
rely on numbers, computations and formulas. Students can now know the simplest
form of applying the mixed basic and complex parts of Mathematics in our daily

- The lecture stated that the things around the world has more meaning and hidden
points inside them therefore, it could be a challenge mainly to our mental capacities
and capabilities because these definitions and points requires strong imagination
and standard knowledge in order for us to comprehend the simplest and complex
forms of Mathematics in this world.


- I strongly agree in the statement “Mathematics helps us unravel the puzzles of
nature, a useful way to think about nature” because back in the old times where
people has made tons of discoveries, Mathematics was a huge contributor for
uncovering the secrets behind the natural occurrences to inform the world with the
most accurate and precise conclusions in our nature. I also accept the statements
like “To be able to predict”, “To help us control weather, epidemics”, and “Provides
new questions to think about. It is true that Mathematics is widely used by people
to predict different outcomes in the future or what does the future holds.
Mathematics also aided the rise of technology particularly in satellites. This piece
of technology has been reliable for many times as it assists the people who are
responsible for preventing casualties from incoming disasters. Lastly, the pursuit
of knowledge is never ending. There will always be new things to explore and more
secrets to unfold. With the use of mathematics, we can provide new questions to
focus on and discover what lies beyond.

- The only aspect that I disagree with is in the statement “Mathematics is a language
we understand” because I think not everyone has the ability to understand
mathematics itself. It requires years and years of studying for us to fully understand
or if not, at least get a good grip of it in our lives. This subject has a lot to offer us
yet it is somehow difficult to be perceived correctly since its concepts are quite

- In my personal experiences and observations, most of the things stated by the

lecture are definitely correct. There are things that I have just known for the first
time like the patterns of nature, living organisms, and the things that surrounds us
has mathematical explanation and application behind it. I can say that it is truly
evident that math has aided us humans because we are using it in our daily lives
without knowing it. The things such as mirrors, images, water, measurements, and
even household activities have mathematical factors in it but we do not really need
a one hundred percent knowledge about math to use these objects that is why
math is truly amazing and helpful.


- The most amazing lesson that I have learned was the mathematics in nature. It is
mesmerizing that even in just the smallest detail in the environment, Mathematics
can still be applicable. Being able to apply these lessons in our daily lives can truly
aid us to live comfortable and feed our minds with helpful ideas. The only thing I
recommend for the progress of learning is by conducting a lot of research and
reading certain types of books.

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