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(Practical Research 2-Quantitative research)
Name: Score:
Section: Date:
Direction: On the space provided before each number put C if the statement
is TRUE and IC if the statement is FALSE.
___1. Quantitative research entails large numbers of respondents
___2. Quantitative research has a subjective approach to studying research
___3. A descriptive collects information collected without changing the
environment or nothing is manipulated.
___4. In correlational research the survey is conducted on a minimum of five
___5. To find out if the children watch violence programs on TV causes
aggressive behaviors is a causal-comparative research
___6. A hypothesis is a statement to be proven or disproved.
___7. The goal of education is to acquire knowledge and not use it for the
betterment of the society.
___8. Inquiry uses LOTS to Higher thinking strategies
___9. Inquiry elicit views, opinions and beliefs of other s in relation to
___10. Research is Systematic investigation which can be experimental and

Colum A Column B
___1. A research designs are what many lay-
people think of when they think of research; they A. Quantitative research
typically involve the manipulation of variables and
random assignment of participants to conditions. B. Quasi Experimental Research

___2. It is Scientific, experimental, or inductive C. Experimental Research

manner of thinking. Starting from particular to
more complex ideas D. Research

___3. A kind of experimental research that E. Time Series Quasi Experimental research
absolutely uses in determining who among the
participants should compose the experimental
group. F. Single Subject Quasi Experimental research

___4. Type of Quasi-Experimental research that G. Match Comparison Quasi Experimental research
chooses a treatment group and another group that
has similarities with the treatment group. H. Inquiry

___5. A term that is synonymous with the word I. True Experimental Research
“Investigation:, is the answer to this question
J. Qualitative research
___6. Type of Quasi-Experimental research that
controls treatment and condition applied to just K. Non-experimental Research
one individual

___7. A kind of research that gathers opinion

beliefs of the respondents.

___8. Type of Quasi-Experimental research that

has series of pre-tests and post-tests.

___9. A kind of research that explains phenomena

by collecting numerical data that are analyzed
using mathematically based methods, statistics, in

___10. A kind of experimental research that

adopts a comparative technique in choosing the
III. Enumeration

Direction: List down or enumerate what are asked for each of the following
1-6 steps of Scientific Inquiry
7-8 Types of Quasi Experimental Research
9-10 Types of Experimental research
11-12 Types of Quantitative research
13-14 strengths of Quantitative research
15-16 Weaknesses of Quantitative research
17-19 Similarities of Quantitative and Qualitative research
20 -23 Strength of Survey Research
24-27 Weaknesses of Survey Research
28-30 Ethical Principles and rules in survey research

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