CSS Past Papers 2014 Physics Paper 1

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FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2014 Roll Number PHY! PAPER-T TIME ALLOWED: [(PART-IMCQs) 30 MINUTES: MAXIMUM MARK‘ ‘THREE HOURS (PART-II) 2HOURS & 30MINUTES MAXIMUM MARI Part Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks. Candidate must write Q, No, in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper. No Page/Space be left blank between the answers, All the blank pages of Answer Book must isto be attempted on the separate Answer Book. be crossed. (¥)_ Extra attempt of any question or any par of the attempted question will not be considered Q.No.2. (a) (b) te) Q.N0.3. (a) (b) Q. No.4. (a) (by Q.No.s. (a) (b) te) Q.N0.6. (a) b) ©) Q.No.7. (a) 0) (e) (b) PART-II Define a Scalar field. Obtain an expression for the Gradient of a Scalar field. Why the Gradient of a Scalar field is vector? Given 9(1,y.2)=4°y2", Find grand g at (2, 1), For what value of ‘a’ the vector A=2i+aj+k and 2j-2k ane perpendicular. Distinguish between Linear and Angular momentum. Explain the laws’ of conservation of Angular momentum, Prove that the angulir momentunayis Constant in the absence af external torque ‘The angular momentum of aiparticleis given as: fi-2P je 12° ‘ind thejtonque, tat t= Show that the work done by a constant force is equal to the difference of initial andifinal kinetic energies of the body. Prove that the total Work done by a conservative force around a closed path is ‘ZERO and is independent of the path. Describe Einstein's postulates of special theory of Relativity Establish the Mass-Energy relationship. ‘What is the speed of the air craft whose clock runs one second slow per hour, relative to a clock on the earth [C=3x10'm/sec] Distinguish between streamiine and turbulent motion of a liquid. What is “Coefficient of Viscosity”? Explain in detail the Stoke’s law applicable im determining the coefficient of viscosity of a viseous liquid experimentally Why do automanufacturers recommend using different viscosities of Engine oil in cold and hot climate? Define Entropy. State second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy. Show that the entropy remains constant in a reversible process but increases in an irreversible one, Distinguish between Isothermal and Adiabatic process. Explain the phenomenon of diffraction from a Single Slit and a diffraction galing. Discuss conditions for maxima and minima in bath cases, Differentiate berween Fresnel and Fraun hoffer’s diffraction. Akt tb (uy (5) (4) (13) oy (0 (10) (oy (6) @ @) (ay a) (13), 3) (16) a

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