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Submitted by: Norhan kampoa

Submitted to: Maroup U. Utto
Grade XII Euler
Table of Content
I. Autobiography
II. Introduction
IV. Documents/ written
V. Certificates
VI. Reflection
My autobiography
Norhan kampoa is my name. I am a boy
who was born in Lilit lambayong sultan
kudarat on Tuesday, september 17 2000, as
last son of five children. My father’s name is
Akmad kampoa and my mother’s name is
Zubaida Salindal.
Short story, I was done my elementary at
New cebu elementary school, year 2013-
2014. Now a days I was taking my senior high
school at lambayong national high school.
My hobby is playing online games , traveling.
When i’m playing I feel happy , when I’m
traveling I will see the different places and its
very exciting, so that I loge playing and
My ambition in life is I want to be an
engineer someday and become one of the
successful man in the world.
This portfolio is a compilation of
my written and printed works that has
been completed in partial fulfillment of
the requirements in Contemporary
Philippine art from the region. It
contains my autobiography,
acknowledgement, documents,
certificates and the last part of this
portfolio is my reflection.
Its a pleasure to thank to my family
who supported me morally and
financially, to all my friends who help
me making my portfolio, to my teacher
sir Maroup Utto who guide us making
portfolio and for teaching us the best
way He can, Most of all to our creator,
who provide us everything that we
need. Thank you very much!
The subject contemporary Philippine
art from the region is very interesting
because it talks about or discusses the
art during 70s and the art todays.
Discusses what happen to the art
during in the complicated situation of
the Philippines helm by Ferdinand
Marcos, because time of Marcos being
president of the Philippines. The
Philippines army was so aggressive and
violent, so that the art are no longer
given attention, but even that
happened the art is still exist now a
days. We give the importance of art,
because art is surrounding us and its
part of our life , everyday life.

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