Psyche Signs and Symptoms

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• A vertical furrow in the forehead

SYMPTOMS • Down turning of the corners of the mouth.

General appearance 7. Mania

1. Self-neglect Manic patients may look euphoric and/or irritable.
• A lack of cleanliness in self-care
• Unkempt hair 8. Anxiety
• Wearing clothes that have not been
Anxiety in general may be associated with:
looked after.
Self-neglect may be consistent with: • Raised eyebrows
• Widening of the palpebral fi ssures
• Dementia
• Mydriasis
• Psychoactive substance use disorder (of
• The presence of horizontal furrows in the
both alcohol and illicit drugs)
• Schizophrenia
• Mood disorder.
9. Parkinsonism

2. Flamboyant clothing Relatively fixed unchanging facies may be caused by
A patient may be dressed in a colourful, flamboyant way parkinsonism, which in turn may result from:
if under the influence of certain psychoactive substances 10. Anorexia nervosa
or if suffering from mania.
Anorexia nervosa is associated with the presence of fi ne,
3. Russell’s sign downy ‘lanugo’ hair on the sides of the face (as well as
This is a very rare sign associated with the presence of other parts of the body, such as the arms and back, which
calluses on the dorsum of the hands. It may be consistent may not be visible until a physical examination is carried
with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, when the patient uses out).
the fingers to stimulate the gag reflex in self-induced 11. Bulimia nervosa
In bulimia nervosa the face can have a chubby
4. Hypothyroidism appearance owing to parotid gland enlargement;
This is associated with the following signs, which may be facial edema may also occur as a result of purgative
evident from the general appearance (including from the abuse. Both are rare.
hands on shaking hands with the patient):

• Dry, thin hair (often brittle and unmanageable) B. DIORDERS OF THE MOTOR FUNCTION
• Facial changes – see below
• Dry skin 12. Schizophrenia
• Deafness
• Mild obesity The following abnormal movements may occur
• Goitre particularlyin schizophrenia and sometimes also in
• Anaemia other disorders
• Cold hands.
• Ambitendency – the patient makes a series of
5. Hyperthyroidism tentative incomplete movements when expected to
carry out a voluntary action.
This is associated with the following signs, which may be
evident from the general appearance (including from the • Echopraxia – the automatic imitation by the patient
hands on shaking hands with the patient): of another person’s movements; it occurs even when
the patient is asked not to do it
• Exophthalmus and other facial changes (see below)
• Goitre • Mannerisms – repeated involuntary movements
• Tremor that appear to be goal-directed
• Weight loss
• Warm hands • Negativism – a motiveless resistance to commands
• Palmar erythema. and to attempts to be moved

• Posturing – the patient adopts an inappropriate or

bizarre bodily posture continuously for a long time

6. Depression • Stereotypies – repeated regular fixed patterns of

movement (or speech) that are not goal-directed
Depressed patients often have:
• Waxy flexibility (also known as cerea flexibilitas) – • Nymphomania: a compulsive need in the female to
as the examiner moves part of the patient’s body engage in sexual intercourse.
there is a feeling of plastic resistance (resembling the
bending of a soft wax rod) and that part then remains
‘moulded’ by the examiner in the new position. The patient may flirt with the interviewer and be
sexually or otherwise disinhibited.
In psychiatry (as opposed to neurology) the term
stupor is used to describe a patient who is mute and Mood
immobile (akinetic mutism) but fully conscious. (It is
known that the patient is fully conscious because Mood is a pervasive and sustained emotion that, in
sometimes the eyes, which are often open, may the extreme, markedly colours the person’s
follow objects. Moreover, following the episode of perception of the world (DSM-IV-TR).
stupor the patient may be able to remember events • Dysphoria
that took place during it.) The condition is sometimes
disturbed by periods of excitement and overactivity. This is an unpleasant mood.

Psychomotor agitation • Depression

There is excess overactivity, which is usually This is a low or depressed mood that may be
unproductive, and restlessness. accompanied by anhedonia, in which the ability to
enjoy regular and pleasurable activities is lost. In
Hyperkinesis normal grief or mourning the sadness is appropriate
There is overactivity, distractibility, impulsivity and to the loss.
excitability. • Elevated mood
Somnambulism This is a mood more cheerful than normal. It is not
In this condition (also known as sleep walking) a necessarily pathological.
person who rises from sleep and is not fully aware of • Expansive mood
the surroundings carries out a complex sequence of
behaviors. Feelings are expressed without restraint, and self-
importance may be overrated.
• Euphoric mood
This is a repetitive and stereotyped seemingly
purposeful behaviour. It is also referred to as a This is an exaggerated feeling of wellbeing. It is
compulsive ritual and is the motor component of an pathological.
obsessional thought. Examples of compulsions • Ecstasy
This is a feeling of intense rapture.
• Checking rituals, in which the patient may
repeatedly check that the front door is closed or that • Irritability
electrical switches are in the ‘off’ position, for
This is a liability to outbursts or a state of reduced
control over aggressive impulses towards others. It
• Cleaning rituals, in which the patient may may be a trait of personality or it may accompany
repeatedly wash his/her hands, sometimes even to anxiety.
the point that the skin is damaged
• Alexithymia
• Counting rituals
This is difficulty in being aware of or describing one’s
• Dressing rituals emotions.

• Dipsomania: a compulsion to drink alcohol Others

• Polydipsia: a compulsion to drink water Agitation

• Kleptomania: a compulsion to steal This is excessive motor activity with a feeling of inner
• Trichotillomania : a compulsion to pull out one’s hair
• Satyriasis: a compulsive need in the male to engage
in sexual intercourse This is the simultaneous presence of opposing
impulses towards the same thing.
Anxiety The behavior of others, and objects and events such
as television and radio broadcasts and newspaper
This is a feeling of apprehension or tension caused by
reports, refer to oneself in particular; when similar
anticipating an external or internal danger, for
thoughts are held with less than delusional intensity
they are called ideas of reference
• Phobic anxiety – the focus of anxiety is
Of self-accusation
One’s guilt
• Free-floating anxiety – pervasive and
unfocused anxiety
Erotomania (de Clérambault’s syndrome)
• Panic attacks – acute, episodic, intense
Another person is deeply in love with one (usually occurs
anxiety attackswith or without physiological
in women with the object often being a man of much
Apathy higher social status)

This is detachment or indifference and a loss of Of infidelity

(pathological jealousy, delusional jealousy, Othello
emotional tone and the ability to feel pleasure.
D. DISORDERS OF EMOTION One’s spouse or lover is being unfaithful

Affect Of grandeur

Affect is a pattern of observable behaviors that Exaggerated belief of one’s own power and importance
expresses a subjectively experienced feeling state
Of doubles
(emotion) and is variable over time in response to
changing emotional states (DSM-IV-TR). It may be (l’illusion de sosies, seen in Capgras’s syndrome) A person
abnormal by being inappropriate,blunted, fl at or known to the patient has been replaced by a double
labile. For example, if a man appears cheerful
Fregoli’s syndrome
immediately following the death of a loved one his
affect is inappropriate. A reduction in emotional A familiar person has taken on different appearances and
expression occurs if the affect is blunted. If the affect is recognized in other people
is flat there is almost no emotional expression at all,
and the patient typically has an immobile face and Nihilistic Others
monotonous voice. A person’s affect is labile if it oneself or the world do not exist or are about to cease to
repeatedly and rapidly shifts, for example from exist
sadness to anger.
Somatic D
Inappropriate affect
Delusional belief pertaining to the functioning of one’s
This is an affect that is inappropriate to the thought or body
speech it accompanies.
Blunted affect
Belief is totally implausible and bizarre
Here the externalized feeling tone is severely reduced
Flat affect
A group of delusions united by a single theme or a
This consists of a total or almost total absence of signs delusion with multiple elaborations
of expression of affect.
Labile affect
These are concerned with the contents of the subject’s
There is a labile externalized feeling tone which is not thoughts as opposed to how the thoughts are put
relatedto environmental stimuli. together (form of thought).
Repetitive, senseless thoughts are recognized as being
Types of delusion irrational by the patient and, at least initially, are
Persecutory (querulant delusion) unsuccessfully resisted. Themes include:
One is being persecuted • Fear of causing harm
Of poverty • Dirt and contamination
• Aggression
One is in poverty • Sexual

Of reference
• Religious, e.g. a religious person may have • Visual – these are particularly indicative of
distressing recurrent blasphemous thoughts. organicdisorders

• Olfactory
• Gustatory
A phobia is a persistent irrational fear of an activity,
object or situation leading to avoidance. The fear is • Somatic – these include:
out of proportion to the real danger and cannot be • Tactile hallucinations (also known as haptic
reasoned away, being out of voluntary control. hallucinations), which are superficial and usually
Important groups of phobias include: involve sensations on or just under the skin in the
• Simple phobia, e.g. a fear of spiders absence of a real stimulus; these include the
sensation of insects crawling under the skin (called
• Social phobia – a fear of personal interactions in a formication)
public setting, such as public speaking, eating in
public, and meeting people • Visceral hallucinations of deep sensations.

• Agoraphobia – literally ‘a fear of the marketplace’, Other special types of hallucination include:
this is a syndrome with a generalized high anxiety • Hallucinosis – hallucinations (usually auditory)
level and multiple phobic symptoms; it may include occur in clear consciousness, usually as a result of
fears of crowds, open and closed spaces, shopping, chronic alcohol abuse
social situations and travelling by bus or train.
• Reflex – a stimulus in one sensory fi eld leads to an
Hypochondriasis hallucination in another sensory fi eld
Hypochondriasis refers to a preoccupation, not based • Functional – the stimulus causing the hallucination
on real organic pathology, with a fear of having a is experienced in addition to the hallucination itself
serious physical illness. Physical sensations are
unrealistically interpreted as being abnormal • Autoscopy (also called the phantom mirror image)
– the patient sees him/herself and knows that it is
Changes in spatial form • Extracampine – the hallucination occurs outside the
In macropsia objects appear larger or nearer, whereas patient’s sensory field
in micropsia they appear smaller or further away. • Trailing phenomenon – moving objects are seen as
Illusion a series of discrete discontinuous images, usually as a
result of taking hallucinogens
An illusion is a false perception of a real external
stimulus. • Hypnopompic – the hallucination (usually visual or
auditory) occurs while waking from sleep; it can occur
Hallucination in normal people
This is a false sensory perception occurring in the • Hypnagogic – the hallucination (usually visual or
absence of a real external stimulus. It is perceived as auditory) occurs while falling asleep; it can occur in
being located in objective space and as having the normal people.
same realistic qualities as normal perceptions. It is not
subject to conscious manipulation and indicates a Pseudohallucination
psychotic disturbance only when there is also This is a form of imagery arising in the subjective inner
impaired reality testing. Hallucinations can be mood space of the mind and lacking the substantiality of
congruent or mood-incongruent. They can be normal perceptions. It is not subject to conscious
classifyed as being elementary (e.g. bangs and manipulation.
whistles) or complex (e.g. hearing a voice, musical
hallucinations, seeing a face).

Modalities in which hallucinations may occur include:

• Auditory – these may occur in depression

(particularlysecond-person hallucinations of a H. COGNITIVE DISORDERS
derogative nature), inschizophrenia (particularly
third-person hallucinationsand running Disorders of attention
commentaries), and as a result of organic disorders
(e.g. complex partial seizures of the temporal lobe)
and psychoactive substance use (e.g. alcoholic
hallucinosis and following the use of amphetamines)
Here the patient’s attention is drawn too frequently These include, progressively, somnolence, stupor,
to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli. semi coma and coma, described in Chapter 1; the
term stupor is used here in its neurological rather
Selective inattention
than its psychiatric sense.
Here the patient blocks out anxiety-provoking stimuli.
Clouding of consciousness

The patient is drowsy and does not react completely

I. DISORDERS OF MEMORY to stimuli. There is disturbance of attention,
concentration, memory, orientation and thinking.
This is the inability to recall past experiences.
The patient is bewildered, disorientated and restless.
Hypermnesia There may be associated fear and hallucinations
In hypermnesia the degree of retention and recall is Fugue
This is a state of wandering from the usual
Paramnesias surroundings and loss of memory
This is a distorted recall leading to falsification of
Paramnesias include:
Disorders of rate and quantity
• Confabulation – gaps in memory are unconsciously
filled with false memories, as occurs in the amnesic Increased rate
(or Korsakov’s) syndrome
The rate of speech may be increased in mania.
• Déjà vu – the subject feels that the current situation
Decreased rate
has been seen or experienced before
The rate of speech may be decreased in:
• Déjà entendu – the illusion of auditory recognition
• Dementia
• Déjà pensé – the illusion of recognition of a new
thought • Depression.

• Jamais vu – failure to recognize a familiar situation Increased quantity

• Retrospective falsifi cation – false details are added The quantity of speech may be increased in:
to the recollection of an otherwise real memory.
• Mania
• Anxiety.
Learning disability (mental retardation)
Decreased quantity
DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 classify this according to the
The quantity of speech may be decreased in:
intelligence quotient (IQ):
• Dementia
• IQ 50–70: mild mental retardation
• Schizophrenia
• IQ 35–49: moderate mental retardation
• Depression
• IQ 20–34: severe mental retardation
Pressure of speech
• IQ < 20: profound mental retardation.
The speech is increased in both quantity and rate and
is difficult to interrupt.
This refers to a global organic impairment of
Logorrhoea (volubility)
intellectual functioning without impairment of
consciousness. The speech is fluent and rambling, with the use of
many words.
Poverty of speech
This is similar clinically to dementia but has a non-
organic cause, for example depression. The speech is markedly reduced in quantity, with
perhaps only occasional monosyllabic replies to
Mutism • Logoclonia – the last syllable of the last word is
Total loss of speech occurs.
Another’s speech is automatically imitated.
This is diffi culty in the articulation of speech.
Thought blocking
A sudden interruption in the train of thought occurs,
This is the loss of the normal melody of speech.
leaving a ‘blank’, after which what was being said
Stammering cannot be recalled.

Pauses and the repetition of parts of words break the Disorders (loosening) of association (formal thought
flow of speech. disorder)

M. Disorders of the form of speech This is a language disorder seen in schizophrenia. For
Flight of ideas
• Knight’s move thinking – odd, tangential
The speech consists of a stream of accelerated associations between ideas lead to disruptions in the
thoughts with abrupt changes between topics and no smooth continuity of speech.
central direction. The connections between thoughts
may be based on: • Word salad (schizophasia or speech confusion) –
the speech is an incoherent and incomprehensible
• Chance relationships mix of words and phrases
• Verbal associations, e.g. alliteration and assonance

• Clang associations (using words with a similar N. Agnosias and disorders of body image
sound) and punning (using the same word with more
than one meaning) Agnosia is to an inability to interpret and recognize
the significance of sensory information, which does
• Distracting stimuli. not result from:
Circumstantiality • Impairment of the sensory pathways
Speech indicates slowed thinking incorporating • Mental deterioration
unnecessary trivial details. The goal of thought is
finally, but slowly, reached. • Disorders of consciousness

Passing by the point (vorbeigehen) • Attention disorder

The answers to questions, although obviously wrong, • (In the case of an object) a lack of familiarity with
show that the questions have been understood. For the object.
example, if asked ‘What colour is grass?’, the patient
Visual (object) agnosia
may answer ‘Blue’.
Here a familiar object that can be seen but not
This disorder is seen in Ganser’s syndrome, first
recognized by sight can be recognized through
described in criminals awaiting trial.
another modality such as touch or hearing.
Talking past the point (vorbeireden)
The point of what is being said is never quite reached.
This is an inability to recognize faces. In extreme cases
Neologism the patient may be unable to recognize his/her own
reflection in the mirror. For example, in advanced
A word is newly made up, or an everyday word is used Alzheimer’s disease a patient may misidentify his/her
in a special way. own mirrored reflection, a phenomenon known as the
mirror sign.

Perseveration (of speech and movement) Agnosia for colours

Mental operations carry on beyond the point at which Here the patient is unable to name colours correctly,
they are appropriate. although colour sense is still present.

• Palilalia – a word is repeated with increasing Simultanagnosia

Here the patient is unable to recognize the overall Mental apparatus
meaning of a picture, although its individual details
The mental apparatus is a relatively stable
are understood.
psychological organization within the individual that
Agraphognosia or agraphaesthesia is involved in both behaviour and subjective
experience (such as dreams).
Here the patient is unable correctly to identify, with
closed eyes, numbers or letters traced on his/her Id
The id is an unconscious part of the mental apparatus
Anosognosia that is made up partly of inherited instincts and partly
of acquired, but repressed, components.
Here there is a lack of awareness of disease,
particularly of hemiplegia (most often following a Ego
right parietal lesion).
The ego is present at the interface of the perceptual
Coenaesthopathic state and internal demand systems. It controls voluntary
thoughts and actions and, at an unconscious level,
This term refers to a localized distortion of body
defense mechanisms.
The superego is a derivative of the ego that exercises
This is the inability to name, recognize or point on
self judgment and holds ethical and moralistic values.
command to parts of the body.
The unconscious
The unconscious can be studied using the following:
In this disorder, objects cannot be recognized by
palpation. • Free association – the articulation, without
censorship, of all thoughts that come to mind is
Finger agnosia
Here the patient is unable to recognize individual
• Freudian slips (parapraxes) – unconscious thoughts
fingers, be they his/her own or those of another
slip through when censorship is off-guard
• Dreams analysis – dreams may be based on the
Topographical disorientation
subject’s unconscious wishes.
Here the patient shows evidence of disorientation on
Transference and countertransference
attempting to carry out a task that entails
topographical orientation, such as one involving map- Transference
This is the unconscious process whereby emotions
Distorted awareness of size and shape and attitudes experienced in childhood are
transferred to the therapist.
Here, a limb may be felt to be growing larger.
Hemisomatognosis or hemidepersonalization
This describes the therapist’s emotions and attitudes
Here the patient feels that a limb (which in fact is
to the patient.
present) is missing.

Phantom limb

This refers to the continued awareness of the

presence of a limb after that limb has been removed.

Reduplication phenomenon

Here the patient feels that part or all of the body has
been duplicated.


Dynamic psychopathology is based on the work of

SigmundFreud and postulates a mental structure
made up of the id, the ego and the superego.

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