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A.H Banzon St., Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan

College Department
VE 1

Name: __________________________________________ Score: ________________

Instructor: ______________________________________ Program & Level: ______


I. Enumeration.
Three main levels of man’s nature:
1.__________ 2.____________ 3. _____________

Life/ _______(4) = ________(5)/inanimate body.

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct; if not change the
underlined words to make it correct.

___________6. Values are intimately related to the research for meaning of human life.

___________7. The two schools of thought are objectivism and constructivism

___________8. Value is something neutral.

___________9. To discover the real essence of values, we should never separate value from being.

___________10. The course title is myself and opportunity.

___________11. According to Plato’s Scale of Values, there exists a hierarchy of four kinds of values.

___________12. Hierarchy of values means not merely that there are good and bad purposes but that
among the negative values or bad ones, shades of worse and worst.

___________13. Conflict is a condition where two people or groups of people impose their views upon
each other.

___________14. A person can take a number of value stances on an almost unlimited number of issues
in his life.

___________15. Cultural values include artistic inclination to poetry, music, painting. . . .

___________16. Social values stand so close to our human existence because it is in the ethical sense
that intrinsic value comes decisively to the fore.

_________17. Religious Value is the encounter with the Holy One.

_________18. Cultural value includes limitless plurality of partial areas, among which ethical, aesthetic
and religious values play a constructive role.

_________19. Social Value perfection assigned to an object or attitude in virtue of a relationship

between means and ends in society.

_________20. Hierarchy of values means not merely that there are good and bad purposes but that
among the positive values or goods.

_________21. Nicolai Hartmann indicates that the situation is a constituent element in the conflict.

_________22. It is commonly admitted that values are generally universal.

_________23. A person can take a number of value stances on an almost unlimited number of issues in
his life.

_________24. Values as individually chosen elements in a person’s life are very important.

_________25. Conflict of values can be maximized among persons or groups of people if the process
mentioned above is employed.

III. Essay.

26-35 What is the definition of values?


36-45 What are the essence of values in your daily lives?


46-55 Differentiate intrinsic and Instrumental Values.


56-65 Can you separate or remove the values of an individual? Why? Or why not?

IV. Illustrate the following:

65-70 Hierarchy of Values.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. – Arthur Ashe

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