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Weekend Homework Pack

Dear Parents,

Your child is learning English at school with Incredible English. They learn English through
stories, songs, games and puzzles. These activities put vocabulary and grammar into
meaningful contexts and make the learning experience fun and memorable.

Learning a language takes time and patience. Revision and reinforcement are key in learning
a language effectively. The Weekend Homework Pack provides your child with lots of
opportunities to review and consolidate what he or she has been learning in class. There
are two worksheets which focus on the vocabulary and grammar, one which develops the
children’s cognitive skills through English and one which practises the kind of activity they
will meet in internationally recognised exams.

Your role in your children’s learning is very important. Your support and interest shows that
learning English is a priority for you, and so it becomes important to your child as well. You
can help your child in the following ways:

• Provide a time and physical space where they can sit down and concentrate on their work.
Be on hand if you can.
• Encourage and praise your child’s work, and always focus on the positive.
• Support your child if necessary, give them clues, or point out where they are going wrong.
But don’t give them the answer as true learning requires the child to do the work for
• See mistakes as a step on the way to learning. A mistake just means that the child needs a
little more practice before getting it right.
• Make English a part of your everyday lives. See if your child can remember the new words
and phrases when you are at home or out together. Have fun with English!

As the authors of Incredible English, we hope learning English will be a happy experience for
both you and your child.

Incredible English Authors

Sarah Phillips
Kirstie Grainger

Incredible English 2nd Edition Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press

Weekend Homework Pack

Sarah Phillips

1 Vocabulary Name:

1 Write.

esadeyWnd Monday

2 Read and draw.

1 eight 2 twelve 3 nine

3 Count and write. three one four nine five eleven

six twelve seven two eight ten

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 1 1
1 Grammar Name:

1 Read and write.

He’s She’s That’s Flo. That’s Fred.

my friend. my brother.
1 2

That’s Titch.
my sister.

2 Count and write.

1 2 3

He’s three.

3 Look. Write the questions and answers.

How ?

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 1 2
IEK AB2 Unit 1 04/12/06 08:32 Page 9

Think and do Name:

1 Find the words and write.

11 Find the words and write.
Thursday  Sunday  Monday  Wednesday
Friday  Tuesday  Saturday


What day
What day is
is itittoday?

12 What did you like? Think and colour.

2 Look and write yes or no.
1 Is Sue seven?  No.
2 Is it Thursday today?
3 Is Tom eight?
4 Is it Monday today?
5 Is Amy nine?
6 Is Ben six?

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 1 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

There is one example.

4 f o u r
u f r o

7 v e e s n

2 o t w

11 v l e e n e

5 e f v i

12 w e e v t l

1 n o e

10 n t e

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 1 4
2 Vocabulary Name:

1 Match.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

cushion bed table cupboard shelf

sofa chair rug box

2 Write.

2 3


3 Colour. Look and write.

1 The shelf is grey. 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 2 1
2 Grammar Name:

1 Look and write Yes or No.

1 2 3 4

Is he on the Is he in the Is he under the Is he in the

chair? cupboard? table? box?

2 Look and write the questions. under  in  on

the bed  the table  the sofa  the cushion  the box  the shelf

1 Is Fred in the bed? 2

Yes. Yes.
3 4
Yes. Yes.
5 6
Yes. Yes.
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 2 2
2 Think and do Name:

1 What’s different in picture B? Look and write.

1 The hamster is under the cushion.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 2 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look and read. Write yes or no . There are two examples.

The boy is on the sofa. yes

The book is under the shelf. no

1 The car is on the chair.
2 The pencil is under the table.
3 The book is on the shelf.
4 The girl is on the rug.
5 The cat is in the box.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 2 4
3 Vocabulary Name:

1 Number the words.

frisbee   ball   skateboard   scooter   bike   

skipping rope    kite   boat   yo-yo   bat 

1 2

6 7 8
5 9


2 Write.
1 2 3 4 5 6

3 Write. Use I’ve got a … .


Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 3 1
3 Grammar Name:

1 Read and number. Say.

a He’s got a boat.
1 2
b He’s got a bat.

c She’s got a kite.

d She’s got a skipping rope.

5 6 e She’s got a scooter.

4 f He’s got a skateboard.

g She’s got a yo-yo.

2 Look and answer.
What’s he got?
1 He’s


What’s she got?


3 Match and write.
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 3 2
3 Think and do Name:

1 Find the new toy. Write.

1 What has she got?
a b

She’s got a

What has he got?
a b

What has she got?
a b

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 3 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

There is one example.


b a l l lbla



Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 3 4

1 Count and write.

1 2 3 4

one shelf
5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

Revision 1: Units 1–3 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 1

1 Follow and write.

1 How old is he?
He’s 8.



2 Look and answer. Use in, on or under.
1 Where’s the kite?

2 Where’s the skipping rope?

3 Where’s the boat?

4 Where’s the ball?

3 Look and write. Use He’s got … and She’s got … .


Revision 2: Units 1–3 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 2
4 Vocabulary Name:

1 Match. 3
parrot  4 monkey 

bat  1
2 snake 
giraffe  zebra 

lion  10 crocodile 
penguin  dolphin 
7 9

2 Look and write.

1 2 3 4 5

nploidh rtrpoa   e c o l r c i d o  baerz knsea

6 7 8 9 10

firaegf noli ynomke ginpnue tba

3 Write. Use the animal name and two legs, four legs or wings.
1 This is a 2 This is a
. .
It’s got It’s got
and .

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 4 1
4 Grammar Name:

1 Read. Write the animal name or names.

1 It can fly.
2 It can swim.
3 It can’t run.
dolphin bat
4 It can climb a tree.
5 It can’t talk.

crocodile snake

2 W
 rite the answers for the lion. Then write the questions for the parrot
and answer.

1 Can it run? Yes. 5 run Can ? it

2 Can it fly?
6 it ? Can fly
3 Can it climb a tree?
4 Can it swim? 7 a tree ? Can climb it

3 Draw an animal. Write sentences. Use It can … , It can’t … , It’s got … .

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 4 2
4 Think and do Name:

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Why? Write.

can  can’t fly  climb  run  swim

A bat can fly. A bat can’t swim.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 4 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next
to numbers 1-5. There is one example.

I live in the Antarctic. I’ve got a white body and a (1)

head. I’ve got two (2) and two feet. I can (3) .

I can’t (4) . I like (5) . What am I? I am a penguin.


white sweets fish swim

flowers black play football wings

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 4 4
5 Vocabulary Name:

1 Write. Use the correct form of the word.

marble sticker sharpener felt tip key ring rubber
dinosaur figure badge balloon

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

2 Look and read. Answer.

1 He’s got three dinosaurs and a badge.
Who is it?
2 She’s got two key rings and five stickers.
Who is it?
3 She’s got three rubbers and a sharpener.
Who is it?
4 He’s got five marbles and a key ring.
Who is it?

3 Draw and colour. Write.

He’s got

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 5 1
5 Grammar Name:

1 Write.
1 2

Can I have four Can I have

marbles , please? , please?

3 4

5 6

2 Colour. Complete the dialogue.

What colour?
Here you are.
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 5 2
5 Think and do Name:

1 Read and match. Say.

1 Can I have
3 badges, please?
Yes. Here you are.

2 Can I have
4 felt tips, please?

3 Can I have
a sharpener, please?

4 Can I have No, sorry.

6 rubbers, please?

5 Can I have
10 balloons, please?

6 Can I have
2 dinosaurs, please?

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 5 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

There is one example.

b a d g e





Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 5 4
6 Vocabulary Name:

1 Circle the words. Write.

i c e  l ettucetuna s c h e eseeggs d chickens

r tom ato e sau ea a rd
sagesbr ines
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

2 Match.
1 2
a I’ve got a cheese and tomato sandwich.
b I’ve got a tuna sandwich.
3 4
c I’ve got a sausage sandwich.
d I’ve got a cheese sandwich.
5 6
e I’ve got an egg and lettuce sandwich.
f I’ve got a sardine sandwich.
7 8
g I’ve got a chicken sandwich.
h I’ve got an egg sandwich.

3 Draw a big sandwich. Write.

I’ve got a
and and

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 6 1
6 Grammar Name:

1 Who says? Write the names.

1 I don’t like sardines.
2 I don’t like chicken.
3 I like chicken.
4 I like cheese.
5 I like eggs.
6 I like sardines.
7 I don’t like eggs.
8 I don’t like cheese.
2 Write the questions. Then write the answers for you.
1 ?
Do you like cheese?
2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?

6 ?

3 Write about you. Use I like or I don’t like.

1 2

3 4

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 6 2
6 Think and do Name:

1 Read. Circle the extra meal or sandwich.

I like sausages and tomatoes.
I don’t like rice.

I like sausages and eggs.

a b
I like bread too.

I like tomatoes and chicken.

I don’t like eggs.
c d

I like cheese and I like lettuce.
I don’t like eggs or tomatoes.

a b I don’t like eggs. I like cheese

and I like tomato.

I like eggs and I like lettuce.

I don’t like tomato.
c d

I like sardines and I like
bread. I don’t like rice.

a b I like rice. I like sardines.

I don’t like lettuce.

I like tomatoes and eggs.

I don’t like lettuce.
c d

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 6 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next
to numbers 1-5. There is one example.

Hi, I’m Andy. I’m at the sandwich shop with my friend Amy. We
want a sandwich . I like (1) a lot, and I like
(2) too. I don’t like (3) . Amy’s favourite
food is (4) . She likes (5) too.


sandwich tomatoes cheese eggs

lettuce tin of tuna sausages rice

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 6 4

1 C
 ircle the animals in blue. Circle the toys in green.
Circle the food in red. Write.
1 z r s q s t i c k e r e e g g 6
e y h r i g s n a k e t z p x
b m a r b l e h a f y u g e v
2 r i r u t u n a k e y r i n g 7
a o p b a d g e y l k b r g h
w l e f p b u j k t t a a u l
d i n o s a u r l t o l f i e
3 8
v o e h s t a d g i m l f n t
c n r k f k h c b p a o e z t
h n j d f i g u r e t o v m u
4 i c r o c o d i l e o n b o c 9
c b k l h l n s s a r d i n e
k r l p a r r o t f i e g k h
5 e e c h e e s e q e c t c e m 10
n a q i r u b b e r e x f y h
w d f n m s a u s a g e w v t

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

Revision 2: Units 4–6 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 1

1 Write. Use It can or It can’t.


2 Colour. Write.
2 4 1 Can I have two grey dinosaurs please?
1 2

3 Look and write. Use I like or I don’t like.

4 3

Revision 2: Units 4–6 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 2

7 Vocabulary Name:
Write the mystery words

2 Listen and circle. $ 3.4

1 Look and number.
1 2

1 I’m hungry. 2 I’m sleepy. 3 I’m thirsty. 4 I’m scared. 5 I’m hot.

3 4
6 I’m bored. 7 I’m dizzy. 8 I’m sad. 9 I’m cross. 10 I’m cold.

a b 5 c d 6 e

f g h i j
Evaluation not bad good very good Unit 7 69

4442411 IE2NEAB Book.indb 69 24/11/2011 15:25

2 Write. Use I’m.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

3 Write. Use He’s or She’s.

3 4 6
1 5 2
7 7

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 7 1
7 Grammar Name:

1 Write the answer. Use Yes or No.

1 2
Are you sleepy? Are you bored?

3 4
Are you cross? Are you thirsty?

2 Write the question. Then answer.

1 he happy ? Is 2 sleepy Is she ? 3 ? Is bored she

4 hungry Is ? she 5 he sad ? Is 6 cross Is ? he

3 Write the questions. Answer Yes or No and add a sentence.

1 Is he cross?
No, he’s sad.
2 Lesson 2
7 At the fair
1 1 Listen and number. $ 2.46 c

2 a

3 ?

3 d

4 ?
g h

2 Read and colour.
The sleepy face is pink. The happy face is yellow.
The hungry face is brown. The dizzy face is green.
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press
The thirsty face is blue.
The scared face is white.
The sad face is red.
The cross face is purple.
Unit 7 2
7 Think and do Name:

1 Look. Use the questions and answers to write the dialogues.

Are you happy? Go to bed!

Are you hot? Look in the fridge.
Are you sleepy? Sit down.
Are you hungry? Say thank you.

1 2

Yes. Yes.

3 4


Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 7 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look and read. Write yes or no . There are two examples.

They are at the beach. yes
There are three boys. no

1 Grandma is sleepy.
2 Dad is cold.
3 The boy is thirsty.
4 The dog is hungry.
5 Mum is happy.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 7 4
8 Vocabulary Name:

1 Look and number.   make a model

2 5 6  cook
4   do my homework
7 9   play on the computer
  do a puzzle
  watch TV

2 Write.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

3 Write.
1 3
Go and paint a

2 4

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 8 1
8 Grammar Name:

1 Number the pictures.

1 I’m cooking. a b

2 I’m making a model.

3 I’m doing my homework. c d

4 I’m watching TV.

5 I’m painting a picture. e f

6 I’m reading a book.

2 Write the answers. Use I’m.

1 2 3
What are
you doing?

3 Write the question. Draw. Write the answers.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 8 2
8 Think and do Name:

1 Read and answer. Write the names.

Poppy Titch Fred Norton Flo Bing Mitch Mr Fixit

1 I’m sleeping on the sofa. Who am I? Flo

2 I’m watching TV. Who am I?
3 I’m doing a puzzle. Who am I?
4 I’m reading a book. Who am I?
5 I’m playing on the computer. Who am I?
6 I’m making a model. Who am I?
7 I’m doing my homework. Who am I?
8 I’m painting. Who am I?
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 8 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next
to numbers 1-5. There is one example.

Hello! I’m Polly. I like Art . I’m very (1)

today. I’m in the (2) . It isn’t sunny, it’s
(3) . I’m (4) to the radio and I’m
(5) a picture. It’s fun!


Art painting happy reading

garden cloudy listening play football

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 8 4
9 Vocabulary Name:

1 Circle the correct words.

1 2 1 drink a milkshake / listen to the radio

2 have a shower / write a postcard
3 listen to the radio / swim
4 4 swim / watch
5 float / take a photo
5 6 read a comic / take a photo
7 eat an ice cream / read a book
8 drink a milkshake / float
2 Write.
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

3 Write. Use I’m.

reading a book  taking a photo  having a shower
floating  eating an ice cream

What are 1 2 1
you doing?
3 4 5
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 9 1
9 Grammar Name:

1 Read and number.

4 a He’s taking a photo.

2 b She’s reading a comic.
c She’s writing a postcard.
d He’s listening to the radio.
e He’s eating an ice cream.
5 7
6 8 f He’s drinking a milkshake.
g He’s swimming.
h She’s floating.
9 i She’s having a shower.
j He’s watching.
2 Write. eating an ice cream  swimming  taking a photo
running  drinking a milkshake

1 He’s
3 Look. Answer the questions.
Kelly 1 What’s Kelly doing?

Sally 2 What’s Sally doing?
3 What’s Ben doing?

4 What’s Eva doing?
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 9 2
9 Think and do Name:

1 L ook at the boys and girls in picture A. Read, find and number.
What are they doing in picture B? Write.



a He’s taking a photo. 1 He’s sleeping.

b He’s having a shower.
c She’s reading a book.
d She’s sleeping.
e He’s running.
f She’s drinking a milkshake.

Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 9 3
1 Vocabulary Name:

Look and read. Write yes or no. There are two examples.

Dad is swimming in the river. yes
The girl is having a shower. no
1 The boy is floating in the river.
2 The dog is swimming.
3 Mum is drinking a milkshake.
4 Grandma is listening to the radio.
5 Grandpa is taking a photo.
Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Unit 9 4

1 Find and number. Write.

Feelings Activities Actions

1 sa 9 w TV 17 sw
2 ha 10 r 18 f
3 sc 11 d m h 19 w a
4 cr 12 co p
5 b 13 m am 20 r ac
6 sl y 14 p 21 t ap
7 d 15 s 22 l t t
8 c d 16 d ap r

Revision 3: Units 7–9 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 1

1 Write the questions. Use Is he or Is she.

1 2
? ?
Yes. Yes.
3 4
? ?
Yes. Yes.
2 Write. Use I’m.

What are 1 2 3
you doing?

4 5 6 7

3 Write. Use He’s or She’s.





Revision 3: Units 7–9 Incredible English 2nd Edition 2 Weekend Homework Pack © Oxford University Press Revision 2
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isbn: 978 0 19 444439 2 Level 2

Photos: Shutterstock (parrot/Eric Isselee), (crocodile/Taiftin)
Illustrations by: Unit 1 Beccy Blake p 3; Judy Brown p 4 (exercise books); Gustavo
Mazali pp 1, 2, 4 (heads); Unit 2 Judy Brown pp 2, 3, 4; Gustavo Mazali p 1: Unit
3 Judy Brown pp1 (bottom), 2, 3, 4; Mark Ruffle p1 (top); Revision 1 Judy Brown,
p2; Gustavo Mazali p1; Unit 4 Judy Brown pp2, 4; John Haslam p1; Gustavo
Mazali p2 (centre); Alan Rowe p3; Unit 5 Judy Brown p 4; John Haslam p1;
Gustavo Mazali p2; Unit 6 Judy Brown pp1, 2 (top), 4; Alan Rowe p1 (top); Mark
Ruffle pp2, 3; Revision 2 Judy Brown pp1, 2; John Haslam p2; Unit 7 Beccy Blake
p2; Judy Brown p3; John Haslam p4; Gustavo Mazali p2 (top); Mark Ruffle
p1;Unit 8 John Haslam pp1 (centre), 2, 3, 4; Gustavo Mazali pp1 (bottom), 2
(top); Dusan Pavlic/Beehive Illustration p 1 (top); Unit 9 Beccy Blake pp1, 2
(top); Judy Brown p4; John Haslam p2 (bottom); Gustavo Mazali p2 (centre);
Revision 3 Judy brown pp1, 2; John Haslam p2 (centre)

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